
Theme of Genesis
Genesis is the origin or coming into being of something. The book of Genesis is establishing that a common source to the patterns of the universe and the things within it, including man, which all originates with what we call God.
God is also setting the duties and responsibilities of mankind before and after the fall along with the activities of individuals before and after the flood.
The Outline
A. Creation Chapters 1, 2
- 1. of Heaven and Earth, Gen 1:1 but Earth became waste and void, Gen 1:2 and Re-creation, Gen 1:3-2:25
- a. First Day — light, Gen 1:3-5
- b. Second Day — air spaces (firmament), Gen 1:6-8
- c. Third Day — dry land appears and plant life, Gen 1:9-13
- d. Fourth Day — sun, moon, stars appear, Gen 1:14-19
- e. Fifth Day — animal life (biology), Gen 1:20-23
- f. fertility of creation and creation of man, Gen 1:24-31
- g. Seventh Day — sabbath, Gen 2:1-3
- h. Recapitulation of the creation of man, Gen 2:4-25
- 2. FALL, Root of sin — doubting and disobeying God. Chapters 3, 4
- a. FLOOD, Chapters 5-9
- 3. The generations of Adam — beginning of man’s history, Gen 5
- a. Antediluvian Civilization — cause of flood and construction of ark, Gen 6
- b. Judgment of flood, Gen 7
- c. Postdiluvian civilization — after the flood, Gen 8
- d. Postdiluvian life — new beginning, Gen 9
- 4. TOWER of BABEL and confusion of tongues, Chapters 10, 11
- 5. Preparation for the coming of the Redeemer of all mankind, Chapters 12-50
B. ABRAHAM (faith), Chapters 12-23
1. God’s call and promise to Abram — his response by lapse of faith, Gen 12
2. Abram returns to land from Egypt — separates from Lot — God then appears the third time to Abram, Gen 13
3. First war — Abram delivers Lot; first priest — Abram blessed by Melchizedek, Gen 14
4. God reveals Himself more completely to Abram — reaffirms His promises, Gen 15
5. Unbelief of Sarai and Abram — birth of Ishmael, Gen 16
6. God makes covenant with Abraham (Abram becomes Abraham) — confirms promise to Abraham about a son, Gen 17
7. God reveals coming destruction of Sodom to Abraham — Abraham intercedes on behalf of inhabitants, Gen 18
8. Angels warn Lot — Lot leaves Sodom — God destroys cities of the plain, Gen 19
9. Abraham repeats sin at Gerar about relationship of Sarah, Gen 20
10. Birth of Isaac — Hagar and Ishmael cast out — Abraham at Beer-sheba, Gen 21
11. God commands Abraham to offer Isaac — restrains him — reconfirms covenant with Abraham, Gen 22
12. Death of Sarah — Abraham purchases Machpelah cave for burial place, Gen 23
B. ISAAC (the beloved son), Chapters 24-26
(Choosing of a bride compares with Christ and the church)
1. Abraham sends servant for bride for Isaac — Rebekah returns with him — becomes Isaac’s bride, Gen 24
2. Death of Abraham — birth of Esau and Jacob (twins) to Isaac and Rebekah — Esau sells birthright to Jacob, Gen 25
3. God confirms covenant to Isaac — Isaac misrepresents relationship with Rebekah — Isaac digs well in Gerar, Gen 26
C. JACOB (“Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth”), Chapters 27-36
1. Jacob and Rebekah connive to get blessing intended for Esau, Gen 27
2. Jacob leaves home — at Bethel God appears to him — confirms Abrahamic covenant, Gen 28
3. Jacob arrives in Haran — meets Rachel and Uncle Laban — serves for Rachel — deceived into marrying Leah, Gen 29
4. Birth of sons of Jacob — Jacob prepares to leave Laban — Jacob’s bargain pays off, Gen 30
5. Jacob flees from Haran — Laban overtakes him — Jacob and Laban make Mizpah covenant, Gen 31
6. Crisis in life of Jacob: at Peniel a Man wrestles with him — Jacob’s name changed to Israel, Gen 32
7. Jacob meets Esau — Jacob journeys to Shalem, Gen 33
8. Scandal in Jacob’s family: Dinah defiled — brothers avenge by slaying men of Hamor, Gen 34
9. Jacob returns to Bethel — Rachel dies at Bethlehem — Isaac dies at Hebron, Gen 35
10. Family of Esau which becomes nation of Edom, Gen 36
D. JOSEPH (suffering and glory), Chapters 37-50
1. Jacob dwells in Canaan — Joseph sold into slavery, Gen 37
2. Sin and shame of Judah, Gen 38
3. Humiliation in Egypt, Gen 39, 40
a. Overseer in house of Potiphar — tempted then framed by wife of Potiphar — imprisoned, Gen 39
b. Joseph in prison interprets dreams of baker and butler, Gen 40
4. Exaltation in Egypt, Gen 41-48
a. Joseph interprets dreams of Pharaoh — made overseer of Egypt — marries Asenath — birth of Manasseh and Ephraim, Gen 41
b. Jacob sends 10 sons to Egypt for corn — audience with Joseph — leave Simeon as hostage — return home with corn and refunded money, Gen 42
c. Jacob sends sons (Benjamin included) again to Egypt — entertained in Joseph’s home (does not reveal his identity), Gen 43
d. Joseph sends brothers home — arrested by steward — cup found in Benjamin’s sack, — Judah pleads for Benjamin, Gen 44
e. Joseph reveals identity — tender reunion with brothers — invites Jacob and all family to Egypt, Gen 45
f. Jacob with family (70) move to Egypt — Jacob and Joseph reunited, Gen 46
g. Jacob and brothers dwell in Goshen — presented to Pharaoh — famine forces Egyptians to sell land to Joseph for Pharaoh — Joseph swears he will bury Jacob in Canaan, Gen 47
h. Jacob on deathbed blesses Joseph’s sons, Gen 48
5. Death and burial of Jacob and Joseph, Gen 49, 50
a. Jacob gives deathbed blessing and prophecy for 12 sons, Gen 49
b. Death and burial of Jacob in Canaan — death and burial of Joseph in Egypt, Gen 50
Man in Nature
Man was created to be free.
But men are often entangled in the rudiments of bondage because they are willing to settle delusions and believe a lie for their personal benefit. [1]
But we should know that it is the truth that sets you free.[2] To be free is to be freed not only from the lies of the world but to tap into the very life and source of truth itself. In the universe we find the patterns of the Creator but the creation of the Creator is merely a reflection of His existence. It is not the Creator Himself.
Genesis speaks of an the unmoved mover setting the universe in motion with his breath. That breath of God moved the waters and gave life to the soul of man. Man was then in a position to rule in righteousness and eat of the tree of life while walking with God. When man chose to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blame that choice on the woman and God he separated himself from the breath of God and hid from God.
Genesis is a allegory about Mankind by the examination of individuals and the rise of the collective in an attempt to overcome the consequences of choices made by man which attempt to thwart the Law of Nature and Natures God.
The relationship between God and man is an individual relationship but the relationship of man with God is revealed through man's relationship with the rest of creation.
Science is the study of the universe through the senses.
We all have opinions about the nature of creation but the Creator's opinion is the Truth.
Because the universe is a manifestation of that Truth we may approach the Truth but we are not the Truth itself.
To study of God should be a quest to know the Truth.
Only an individual may embrace the truth. If a person wishes to seek and embrace Truth they must first be willing to embrace the truth about ourselves.
The study of Genesis may help us to understand the truth about our relationship to God and to others.
The Greek Aristotle said nothing is in the soul that does not come through the senses.
- Is that true?
- Does revelation come through the senses?
- If it comes from God, the unmoved mover, then the answer is no because revelation is written directly on our hearts and minds.[3]
To believe that we can know the God of Truth through study alone or through our senses is form of idolatry where we worship the creation and not the Creator.[4]
The Roman idea of the individual eventually included personhood as they moved away from the principle of the original Republic. Personhood is at least the quality or condition of being a person. A person as opposed to an individual is a member. The natural man was not a member of any social construct or civil society but only a man in nature under the divine plan of the God of nature and therefore Natural law.
Civil law is the law that men make for themselves. Civil law begins with the establishment of the first city State by Cain
- "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." [5]
Original sin was a departure of man from some of those truths. Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Caesar all were the leaders of instituted governments.
- "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"[5]
The civil state does take many forms which do not establish all "persons" as equal.
Abraham, Moses and Jesus also established or appointed forms of self government involving consent and freewill offerings. While, Man was created to be free, that freedom was limited from the beginning by the God of nature whose laws are inclusive within nature itself and the nature of Mankind.
So, this is why it is also true that "no man was ever created free and no two men [were] ever created equal"... "The comity[6] of peoples in groups large or small rests not upon this chimerical notion[7] of equality but upon fraternity, a concept which long antedates it in history because it goes immeasurably deeper in human sentiment. The ancient feeling of brotherhood carries obligations of which equality knows nothing. It calls for respect and protection, for brotherhood is status in family, and family is by nature hierarchical."[8] and why Rousseau explains, "This means nothing less than that he will be forced to be free; for this is the condition which, by giving each citizen to his country, secures him against all personal dependence."[9] God warned man in his Exodus from the bondage of the State of Egypt that he is to make no contract or covenant with other gods or men posing a gods.[10]
We were not to return to Egypt and were to swear not, call men of the earth Father, covet our neighbors goods, nor desire the wages of unrighteousness.
All this had to do with the Social contracts that are a snare and entangle us again in the yoke of bondage.
Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist. and Jesus ll established systems of charity while others established systems of force through the social compacts which not only take a bite but devour whole societies and nations.
- "In order then that the social compact may not be an empty formula, it tacitly includes the undertaking, which alone can give force to the rest, that whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body." Jean Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau is suggesting that a Social Contract, binds all individuals as persons with certain duties and obligations. Within those bonds there is freedom. The majority, through the power vested in the State by persons, will force the individual person to abide by the common compact in the form of civil laws established in a legal system. In other words the individual person will "be forced to be free" within the bonds of the State to which he is a member.
Rousseau was of he opinion that "In this lies the key to the working of the political machine... without it, would be absurd, tyrannical, and liable to the most frightful abuses."
But it has also been stated by William Pitt that, "As long as we look to government to solve our problems we will always suffer tyranny."
Genesis | Genesis 1 | Genesis 2 | Genesis 3 | Genesis 4 | Genesis 5 | Genesis 6 | Genesis 7 | Genesis 8 | Genesis 9 | Genesis 10 | Genesis 11 | Genesis 12 | Genesis 13 | Genesis 14 | Genesis 15 | Genesis 16 | Genesis 17 | Genesis 18 | Genesis 19 | Genesis 20 | Genesis 21 | Genesis 22 | Genesis 23 | Genesis 24 | Genesis 25 | Genesis 26 | Genesis 27 | Genesis 28 | Genesis 29 | Genesis 30 | Genesis 31 | Genesis 32 | Genesis 33 | Genesis 34 | Genesis 35 | Genesis 36 | Genesis 37 | Genesis 38 | Genesis 39 | Genesis 40 | Genesis 41 | Genesis 42 | Genesis 43 | Genesis 44 | Genesis 45 | Genesis 46 | Genesis 47 | Genesis 48 | Genesis 49 | Genesis 50 |
Preceded by: None - Followed by: Exodus
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- ↑ 2 Thessalonians 2:11 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
- Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
- ↑ "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32
- ↑ Although, revelation comes from the unmoved mover, the creator outside of creation, it may be assumed that the revelation I receive can only come to you through the senses.
- ↑ Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Declaration of Independence.
- ↑ comity. An atmosphere of social harmony
- ↑ Highly improbable or illusory. Pertaining to or of the nature of a chimera; wholly imaginary; unreal; fantastic. Incapable of realization; fantastically imaginative; preposterous: as, chimerical ideas, notions, projects, or fancies.
- ↑ Richard M. Weaver Ideas Have Consequences (1948),41-42. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. ISBN 0-226-87678-0
- ↑ Jean Jacques Rousseau, Book 1, Section 7 of the Social Contract.
- ↑ Galatians 4:8 "Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods."