Real money

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Stuff Posing As Money -
Not Real Money
but used as if it was money. Real money must have "real" value not merely an imagined value or hoped value alone.
: “All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” - John Adams, 1820. Understanding the Federal Reserve and Woodrow Wilson may have value in understanding the effect of using notes for money including a three party note system based on debt.
"Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognised as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile."[1]
Is this "filthy lucre of graft and corruption and the "dirty money" that appeared in Egypt when Israel went into bondage in Genesis 47.

Real money

“All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” - John Adams, 1820.

Federal Reserve Notes are notes.

That seems obvious and would go without saying accept that for centuries "notes" were not considered to be cash. If that meaning of the word was true we would virtually live in a cashless society and have for almost a half a century. Yes there was some coin in circulation but they presented a minor present in what circulated as "money" and coins of substance was disappearing from use since the 1960's.

The changing of the meaning of words may change ideas and ideologies, and in turn change the way we think. But there are fundamental laws of Nature in existence in this cause and effect universe where we live that do not change and are not subject to our opinion. By changing the meaning of words the mind of mankind can be altered and his lack of knowledge of the truth may make him vulnerable and subject. This is why the willingness to repent is so important. Repenting is the "changing of the mind" which often requires an almost spiritual humility which we have lacked since first eating of the "Tree of knowledge".

Lacking value

Notes may be tendered as a legal or binding offer to discharge a debt but they lack the power of present value required in the natural law to produce a true and actual transactions where the value of things is exchanged.

The most insidious[2] is the presence of the third party which includes the issuer of the note.

Three party notes create a surety and cannot pay a debt but only discharge debt.[3]

While they were originally "Redeemable in lawful money" they were only at best "Legal tender for all debts both public and private".

This means at best they can only be used to discharge debt while something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist.[3]

Again 2hile those notes were redeemable in "lawful money" for US citizens until 1933 and for international sovereigns until more recently, todayy they have become virtually fiat except as evidence of debt.

“There is a distinction between a debt discharged and one paid. When discharged the debt still exists,[4] though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist…” [3]

It goes on to say, “…which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.”[3]

Real purpose

The changes wrought in the dominion of humanity by the introduction of Federal Reserve systems all over the world are not really about making money but are about the centralization of power.

There is a technical strategy in operation on many levels that are designed ultimately to subject mankind and deprive him of his natural right as heirs to the endowed dominion.

Understanding the limitations of Common Law in practice and the alterations or shifting of responsibility by civil law and equity within Natural Law suggest the utility of a division of a legal title and equitable title in the implementation of those schemes to shift both power and control over property.

There are meanings and three maxims of law that should be fundamentally examined and comprehensively understood:

Civil Law, Roman Law, and Roman Civil Law are convertible phrases, meaning the same system of jurisprudence.” Black’s 3rd p 332.
“The civil law reduces the unwilling freedman to his original slavery; but the laws of the Angloes judge once manumitted as ever after free.”[5]
"He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage."[6] "He who has the risk has the dominion or advantage."[7] "He who may consent tacitly, may consent expressly."[8]
And finally, Mammon as seen in Luke 16 is derived from Ma’amon, "something entrusted to safe keeping. In any case, there was apparently a threefold play on this meaning in Lk. xvi.[9] ... representing forms of the Semitic root word ‘men.”[10]

The final meaning is important because:

“This Act (meaning the Federal Reserve Act) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Act the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation[1], will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” [11]

The long rang effect and consequences of these legal facts and conditions in conjunction with social practices within society can alter the status and course of humanity itself.

Real elements

Wealth is like unto the blood of society. Debt is the antithesis of wealth and debt notes are nit value or wealth nor life. Coveting your neighbors goods is coveting the blood of your neighbor. Having a Common purse rather than personal wealth severs a critical element of a free society. The welfare state supported by legal charity degenerates the character and morals that strength of society.

As Social virtues are undermined in society, society rots from within, and becomes vulnerable to the contamination of the minds and souls if the whole body of society.

Society is a group of "persons" and those persons are members of families. The families can unite together "for some common purpose" "by mutual consent" through contracts, oaths allegiance or social bonds of love and charity through faith. That "common purpose may be due to self love or love for others as for self.

The real treasure of society is the heart and soul of its righteous participants. The bands which connect the flesh and blood are righteous through the perfect law of liberty or unrighteous through a desire to control. The family is core of a stable and strong society.

Families are bound together in society by fellowship and faith or force and fear. If the family falters society fails.

Real revolting revolution

There has been a series of elements that have woven the fabric of society which have been altered in society over the centuries either by sloth or design. Anything that

With the end of the civil war and mass migration during the industrial revolution. The Victorian morality lost its universal appeal opening a way to displacing of some moral standards setting the possibility of a rise of a "permissive society".

“The Second Sexual Revolution” marked a social upheavals in the wake of the First World War. With each subsequent war, the New Deal,he War on Poverty, and the Cloward-Piven Strategy there was a continuous dissipation of social bonds as the masses developed an amoral appetite for benefits through coveting their neighbor's property.

Real and Present value

A legal title is a title of appearance which does not include “ownership of an estate” since it carries “no beneficial interest". That loss of a right upon the land itself is not so much the result of an evil conspiracy as much as it is a foolish neglect of what Christ commanded.
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” • John Kenneth Galbraith (1908- ), former professor of economics at Harvard, writing in ‘Money: Whence it came, where it went’ (1975).

A Dollar was a just weight[12] of a coin (412.5 grains in weight) often of 90% pure silver but could include other precious metals of substance with present value.

The term DOLLAR was “The monetary unit or standard of value of the United States and Canada. By the term Dollar in the United States is intended the coined dollar of the United States, a certain quantity in weight and fineness of gold or silver…” The Century Dictionary, Published 1914.

The antitheses of a just weight, a perfect and just measure[12] had to do with honesty and integrity[13] and to do otherwise was trading with the enemy.

A United States Silver Certificates stated: “This certifies that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States of America (denomination) Dollar(s) in silver payable to the bearer on demand.”

When United States Notes were still being issued they use to say “The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand (denomination) Dollar(s).”

412.5 grains silver

Of course a NOTE was not a DOLLAR. A note is at best a promise to pay, at worst an instrument of debt and bondage..

Someone said "Money can be anything, even paper." He actually thinks that "Stocks represent the real wealth, production based on consumption by people. They are the new gold."

Nothing can be farther from the truth. Stocks are seldom valued based on assets or actual productivity. They are all valued in dollars which further clouds the issue.

The term dollar was originally used as a measure of weight.[14]

We were warned to have "just weights" and measures lest we return to the "Bondage of Egypt"[15] where we had given up the lawful ownership to our property. That bondage allowed the government of Pharaoh to impose a use tax on the property we only held a "legal title" to and eventually even upon our own labor.

"They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity." Ezekiel 7:19[16]

Cashless Society

Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP...It has been a shift in our thinking that has allowed things like "fractional reserve banking", "quantitative easing", central banks and "deposit guarantees". _Time 2:18

The term cash a century ago did not include notes created by a bank.

Store keepers who posted a note saying "cash only" would not accept banknotes of any kind but only coin as payment.[3] Cash originally meant an actual coin with a weight of some precious or semi precious metal.

In the late 16th century the term cash actually denoted a box for coins. It was derived from the Old French casse and Middle French caisse "money box" or Italian cassa meaning ‘box’, or even from the Latin term capsa which was often used to refer to boxes smaller than a shoe-box. By the 1590s the term came to mean a "money box" where coins were kept but also "money in hand, coin".

Although the term cash likely had another source which also promoted its use and added to its evolution in society it too was from a word meaning coins.

The term cash was also derived from Tamil (காசு) which was the official language of both Singapore and Sri Lanka and brought to Great Britain and the world by the East India Company. The word kāsu meant a coin.

While promises to pay in the form of notes of paper or clay tablets have been around since Babylon the payment was always made with something of present value.

Venetian merchants started using paper bills, instructing their banker to make payments in amounts of silver or gold. For centuries the term cash as a verb meant to convert a paper bill, note, cheque or check into coin or bullion by weight.

To make a coin could also include a stamped value implied or imposed by a government rather than a mere weight or measure. This is what coining money eventually came to mean. The stamped value was not always just based on actual content of a coin.

Blaming what is commonly used for money for the problems produced by people choosing to not use Real Money which is simply "just weights and measures" as advised by God is foolish. [17].

The Roman silver denarii eventually became an iron coin stamped with an imposed value which led to runaway inflation because when the silver was gone the real value was gone. A "just weights and measures" economy only uses what could be called a commodity money.

The Temple of Juno Moneta is considered to be another "pagan temple" but it was simply a place where coins used as money were minted by the government.

The Temple of Juno Moneta (Latin: Templum Iunonis Monetæ) was an ancient Roman temple that stood on the Arx or the citadel on the Capitoline Hill overlooking the Roman government Forum. The word Money is from a Middle English word from Old French moneie, from Latin moneta ‘mint, money’. It was an original title of the goddess Juno, in whose temple the money of Rome was minted. These coins had some value at first and the minting was merely stamping what would become their "legal tender" value.

Today, money is defined as "a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively."

Notes and iron or base metal coins may have no real value and certainly not the value stamped or printed on them and therefore are not real money but stuff posing as money.

Gold and silver being used as a monetary unit is from at least the Ancient Sumerians, who used the silver shekel as a unit of weight for the transactions of merchants. The stator was one of the earliest forms of coined money was created around 600 BC by the Lydian Empire from a gold-silver alloy called electrum.

Reduction of value

The removal of gold from the US citizen in 1933[18] had made it a criminal offense at least for a citizen by virtue of the 14th Amendment, to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, with exceptions for some jewelry and collector's coins. It also empowered the president to dictate the value of coins and notes in the world by edict (Compelling a legal price change from $20.67 per troy ounce to $35.) giving rise to monetary inflation.

It was well known and understood that this Executive Order and others[19] would lead to an inflation of both the supply of credit and currency, creating an artificial economic boom setting in motion in economic process that would produce a series of inevitably busts and depressions where some will get richer but the average citizen would get poorer.

Some of these days could be the "date which will live in infamy" if the people would also admit their own departure from Right Reason and the biblical call for just weights and measures.

Not only gold but silver would be removed from U.S. coinage primarily by the Coinage Act of 1965. This act eliminated silver from circulating coins and reduced the silver content in some from 90 percent to 40 percent. Eventually, silver was entirely removed from the half dollar by a 1970 law. But there was a plan devised to reduce the power of the individual and their rights and increase the power and scope of governments of the world.[20]

Federal Reserve notes are not real money.... Those are debt notes. There is interest being charged on each one in circulation. They also have "no value" according to the Federal Reserve website. They are the ultimate SPAM. Stuff Posing As Money.

They are not really money but are legal tender, not redeemable in lawful money, and therefore the people cannot obtain a lawful title with them. This system of money only allows for the ownership of a legal title to all property reducing the individual to little more than a serf upon his own land. This is part of an ancient plan to reduce men to little more than human resources.

The term legal tender is a euphemism of modern thinking that allows something to become used as if it was value but is in fact nothing more than a substitute for value. It has been a shift in our thinking that has allowed things like "fractional reserve banking", "quantitative easing", central banks and "deposit guarantees".

The problems in the world today run so deep that the truth can hardly be considered much less understood. The solution is the same as it was 2000 years ago but to see it we would have to see out own problems. Rome faced this same problem and eventually collapsed but the early Christians had begun to do something fundamentally different and not only survived but thrived. They had formed a network of people who were learning to care about each other, the truth and righteousness as much as they cared about themselves. That network of freely assembled people functioned by Faith, Hope and Charity through the Perfect law of liberty and no longer depended upon Benefactors who exercised authority to provide benefits for members of their society. They learned to provide for each other in a Daily ministration of Pure Religion.

They lived in the world but not of the world. Rome had gone from a Republic to a Socialist State with the Emperator as the Father of the nation and Benefactor of society. Because of its unrighteous Mammon it had literally become a cashless society.

Mammon, NN Video Series:3-10 4:22

People fear a future cashless society but in truth they are already there. The problem goes much deeper. We have become a soulless society where we are Biting one another in a thousand ways and have been devoured by our Covetous Practices.

Many warned of these practices from Polybius to John the Baptist and the Prophets of Christ himself. While some today may try to avoid the benefits in order to claim their freedom they do little to become benefactors of society who exercise Charity like some nations and people of the past. They remain Slothful and therefore should be under Tribute.

The early Christians were not like Modern Christians but actually were striving to follow what Christ said to do. They were Doers of the word. They did not depend on the Pagan Temples which provided many of the services of that pagan government of Rome. They provided for one another in a living network and attended to the Weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith which include caring for the needs of our neighbors and the widows and orphans of our society through Pure Religion in matters of health, education, and welfare. We are NOT to provide for the needy of society through the Covetous Practices and the men who call themselves benefactors but who exercise authority one over the other like the socialists do.

The Way of Christ was like neither the way of the world of Rome nor the governments of the gentiles who depend on those fathers of the earth through force, fear and fealty who deliver the people back in bondage again like they were in Egypt. Christ's ministers and true Christians do not depend upon systems of social welfare that force the contributions of the people like the corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect. Many people have been deceived to go the way of Balaam and the Nicolaitan and out of The Way of Christ and have become workers of iniquity.

The Christian conflict with Rome in the first century Church appointed by Christ was because they would not apply to the fathers of the earth for their free bread but instead relied upon a voluntary network providing a daily ministration to the needy of society through Faith, Hope, and Charity by way of freewill offerings of the people, for the people, and by the people through the perfect law of liberty in Free Assemblies according to the ancient pattern of Tuns or Tens as He commanded.

The modern Christians are in need of repentance.

"Follow me!" —Jesus the Christ.


Legal Tender

The phrase “legal tender” is found on the paper currencies of the world, including those used by the United States. Blue-sealed certificates, red-sealed United States notes, or green-sealed Federal Reserve notes all state that they are “legal tender for all debts public and private.” For decades, these notes also stated that they were “redeemable in lawful money.” If they were redeemable in lawful money then it should be clear that they are not lawful money. Gold and silver are lawful money, which is used as “payment of debt.” Black’s Law Dictionary 3rd p 1079.

Legal tender is a legal offer in place of payment of debt and does not lawfully pay a debt. Although it may legally discharge debt, the tender or offer does not pay the debt at law. According to Stanek v. White. 172 Minn. 390, 215 N. W. 784. “There is a distinction between a debt discharged and one paid. When discharged the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist…”

First, you cannot acquire a "lawful title" with mere "legal tender". You will have to settle for a a "legal title" which by definition does not include a beneficial interest in the "property".[22]

Where does this debt continue?

In the case of US Federal Reserve notes the debt is placed on the shoulders of the US citizens who are bound by that debt and required to work without pay. We call that income tax. That does not go to provide services but to pay off the debt note interest...

Stanek v. White goes on to say, “…which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.”

Those notes are partly why you do not own your land, your labor or your children which are now bound in a perpetual cycle of debt.

Inflation Causes

Is Resistance futile? Freedom does not come from the presence or absence of money but of course there are many kinds of money. What most people "see posing as money" today is not money but debt used as if it was money. Since it has no "present value" but only an imagined value it is not really money. Money, even "stuff posing as money" is not evil. Greed, selfishness and wantonness are evil and they dwell in the hearts of men not in dead things. These things do not dwell in money nor "stuff posing as money". To focus on the money as the problem is a distraction from the real problem. The kind of money used in the world today is a symptom, a product of greed, selfishness and wantonness. Get rid of money and you will have just as much greed, selfishness and wantonness. Seek instead the cure.

People see inflation increasing and it will likely get worse, much worse.

It cannot be stopped without disastrous results and it is bringing disaster with it.

Many will suffer and chaos will reign.

Some are trying to implement alternative money plans now and have asked me to join with them to implement those alternatives.

Some may encourage the use of commodities, things with present value, in exchange of goods and services when ever practical so that people could start learning the honorable skills required for liberty and art of networking in a way that would allow an alternative to become manifest during a time of economic crises or collapse.

People have lots of different ideas.

Inflation of Hope

The problem goes much deeper than the money itself or what you use as money.

The money used today is more a symptom than the problem yet people do die every day from symptoms.

In the days when men were free money, like gold and silver, were produced by miners and silver and gold smiths. Other commodities were produced by the people. The people produced a real and valuable money supply. These mediums of exchange consisting of things with "present value" or "intrinsic value" are called Commodity money.

We should only use commodity money but that may not be practical in the modern society. We should seek another society and another way to live while we live in this world. We should start learning another way, The Way of Christ.

As this world society continues to break down opportunity to replace it with an alternative system will occur.

Most will seek worse solutions and suffer for it as they have done for centuries. The real problem is the greed, selfishness and wantonness. To point to money as the problem takes our mind off the real problem. It is always easier to point to other people, other things as the problem rather than examine ourselves.

Hope is found in those few who will come together to sustain local communities without any greed, selfishness and wantonness. That is not easy to find. It might be good to have a system of commodity money which is in essence barter, but that is not where we start. These alternatives will rise from the people to replace inflationary fiat currency[23] now in circulation which will become as worthless in the minds of merchants as they are already decaying in value today. The illusion of value is all that sustains the present market and the fear to admit that modern currency has no present value.

Without present value in currency of exchange within a society there will be no liberty but the loss of liberty began with that greed, selfishness and wantonness dwelling in out hearts.

Most people will not act or prepare or have the moral character to do what is required as a society to overcome such events peaceably. The lack of value in our money comes from the lack of value in our own souls and hearts and minds. We need to repent, change the thinking of our minds. We need to seek the kingdom of God with all our hearts. We need to seek the righteousness of God with our very souls.

Join us in the Living Network.

Utter Money

Of course US Persons cannot intend to establish something that could be used for or as current money they could be sent to jail for five years and or fined.

You can see because of 18 USC § 486 - Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal

"Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes, or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money, whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under this title [1] or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

Some people are looking for alternative currencies because the ones in circulation seem to be about to fail.

Some have tried to create liberty dollars with disastrous effects that I warned them about but they would not listen to those warnings because they wanted to believe in their solution.

Turning a blind eye to the weakness and error of their position will get you in trouble almost every time.

It was obvious they were trying to create an alternative currency which will be rejected if successful.

That is illegal if you are using similar or same terms used in or by the present currency makers of the realm of the "world".

Bitcoin and digital currency

While the currency of the world drives men into the bondage of debt many alternative currencies are not much better for other reasons or at least not the ultimate goal of a free society.

What is money? Why is it broken? Potential Solution? 32:29

Bitcoin is trying to create a "cryptocurrency". It will be scrutinized and possibly even sanitized by the powers that be...

So what should we consider before using this electronic currency?

Questions will arise is it legal, biblical, moral?

First, Bitcoin is not a "just weight or measure" and has no intrinsic value or even substance. It is highly speculative and dependent on a "digital world".

Also many are suggesting its use as "current money". And some may use it to avoid taxes.

Just weights and measures are a "golden opportunity."

There are other digital forms of digital currencies that desire to become and certainly claim they are a dependable system of digital monetary exchange and in a free society they may be used as all the other digital accounts we have in the World today.

This is especially true if there is a real melt down of the economy. Digital currencies can disappear in the twinkling of the eye.

Is that a reason not to use them?

All currencies are subject to failure. It is not a weight that can be measured but a market value based on digital entries that have limited available amount.

This limitation, like gold and silver in the ground, adds to its value because as more people seek to use them the demand drives the value up.

Unlike gold and silver and other metals no matter how hard you work you can only produce so many.

Federal reserve notes and the digital transactions of account entries have no real value either and can lose all their "apparent" value in the twinkling of an eye.

The Fed is preparing the release of a "central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Just as the creation of other forms of digital currencies may also be outlawed. You may not be able to create or utter those alternatives.

The key value in the economy of the Kingdom of God is the righteousness of God which we should be seeking.

IN FACT THE APPARENT VALUE DROPS WITH THE INCREASE OF SUPPLY such as we see with catch phrases like quantitative easing.

The Reece Committee

Introduction by Edward Griffin interviews of 83 year old Norman Dodd (complete interview) in 1982 - explains the infiltration of banking and public education system by Tax Exempt Foundations 52:+ min

“And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, ....” Revelation 20:8

The Reece Committee uncovered a well-financed effort to change the way Americans viewed History that began in the early part of the 1900s.

4th Audiofrom Schools as Tools
This is not a new problem but the scale is definitely of historical significance. A number of years ago a congressional investigation uncovered some facts about the manipulation of the United States government and the educational system by major philanthropic organizations. These “charitable institutions” formed a powerful and influential network that change the way Americans viewed history.

Some may not wish to call it a conspiracy but the truth is often stranger than fiction. It is often more comfortable to believe in the lie than to admit that we are living our lives based on a lie, that we have been deceived and that we are letting others deceive our children.

Norman Dodd was the chief investigator for the Reece Committee in 1953 which uncovered evidence that there had been a conspiracy to alter the way Americans view history by changing the content in text books available in schools.

Dodd had worked in the elite banking institutions in his early professional life but he had made a moral decision to not play the game.

He was hired to investigate the un-American activities of large endowment foundations who most people could only imagine as institutions of charitable benevolence.

Dodd quoted Rowan Gunthor, the President of the Ford Foundation, who stated that they operated under directives to “use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States so it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

Dr. Joseph Johnson at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace permitted Dodd to examine the fifty years of handwritten minutes to their meetings. Dodd sent a well-educated Lawyer by the name of Catherine Casey to examine the records.

Dodd realized that Johnson did not know what was in the records and he sent Catherine because she was skeptical of any wrongdoing on the part of these multi-million dollar tax-exempt philanthropic organizations.

Her mind and her life were changed as she read the minutes of 1908 which discussed war as the best way to alter the lives and thinking of the American people. In 1909, it was discussed how to involve the U.S. in a war, deciding that control of the State Department was essential.

Later, after America entered WWI a message was dispatched to President Wilson to discourage an early end to the war. This could explain Wilson’s interest in the UN (then the League of Nations), Federal Reserve and the income tax and his final statement:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above a whisper in condemnation of it.”[24]

After the War, it was determined that the key was the alteration in the teaching of American History. Noted and respected Historians like Charles and Mary Beard were approached but they rejected the overtures of this controlling benevolent enterprise.

The Guggenheim Foundation, on the other hand, agreed to supply fellowships to handpicked historians who began to write history with a new slant and delusive perception. The books, underwritten by these altruistic organizations were quickly picked up by schools whose economic bottom line often determined the quality of the curriculum.

“God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board.” —Mark Twain

See Norman Dodd complete interview.

Audio series

Article Schools as Tools

1st Audio

2nd Audio

3rd Audio

4th Audio

5th Audio

The Resets

What you need to prepare for the Great Reset is The Greatest Reset.

"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Schwab

"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matthew 15:14

Shift or reset is coming, and is already here, and it will continue economically, biologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

“Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest re-organization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. … the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1[25], Public Law 89-719;[26] declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments…"[27]

All this had a great effect on the legal title of property held by citizens and making those citizens collateral or surety for debt. That debt has continued to increase making the people human resources or merchandise and has cursed children. Much of this is covered in the study series Covenants of the gods or the book Covenants of the gods.

Banker Wars

All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars by Michael Rivero explores a common central banking connection behind America’s wars which most . Direct quotes from the founders, presidents, and other world leaders are cited regarding each bankers and wars. Bf the major wars America was involved in, beginning with the American Revolution, King George III and Benjamin Franklin, and culminating with a warning and solution to avoiding World War III Time 43:33

All Wars Are Banker Wars is a video by Michael Rivero who presents a great deal of information and quotes Americans did not learn in school. While we know that bankers in Europe became wealthy by financing wars, some times on both sides of conflicts, but few know how much of those unethical practices came to America nor the effect those institutions have had on what was once the American dream?

Students of real history know wars over man's long history can be extremely profitable for some. But banking in all of its form has also been profitable beyond the wildest imagination of the bankers themselves.

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." -- Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in Britain.

The original idea of banking was to rent the value of something you have so that others may use it and generate more value. You might borrow materials to make a boat so that you could go catch more fish. But in modern central banking they are loaning what they do not have, what has neither length and width nor has weight and measure. This charging the borrower interest for the use of nothing is done with the intent of owning everything from the boat to the fish and eventually include even the borrower himself.

Both war and banking are profitable but mix them together and the profits can be staggering but always at the expense of the dead and many of the living. That has been the march of history from Nimrod to Athens from Pharaoh to the Temple at Ephesus loans and interest in the form of usury have made masters and subjects of mankind.

Rivero does a good job in a short period of time to lay out taste of the story of bankers and wars. But his conclusions and solutions are not entirely correct.

Yes it is extremely profitable for banks when people go to war.

This makes central banks a major factor in promoting regular wars.

They are not the only factor.

The First Continental Congress issued a Declaration of Rights in 1774, they included the Currency Act of 1764 as one of the seven British Acts labeled as “subversive of American rights.” While others proclaimed the issue of interest bearing notes to be the primary causes of the revolution. It was this issue of banks and money because they understood the far reaching c9nsequences to liberty.[28] But today that system has become pervasive through out the world.

Ultimately it is the sloth and ignorance, greed and selfishness of the people who desire gain, even at the expense of their neighbor.

Collateralization of land

The video fails to mention the collateralization of the "equitable title" of "legal title" held lands.

That gain desired by bankers and the people may be in the form of power and profit, but the gain desired by the people is often social welfare benefits, e.g. "legal charity". It is that combination that is deadly to a free society. Righteousness can interrupt the elements of the world that bring destruction and the loss of liberty.

Americans knew back in 1694 that "The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing." because William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England, said so. They knew that Interest Bearing bank note from the Bank of England forced American colonies by King George III's Currency Act of 1764, which forced their business the notes of the Bank of England at interest.

It was not just the interest but the impediments and disabilities imposed by a monopoly on what was posing as value for the purchase of value in the form of land.

“There is a distinction between a debt discharged and one paid. When discharged the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist…” [3]

Settlers came to own land in their own name and not just in the Kings name. They knew you could not be free without the ownership of land.[29]

Many, like the Strangers and pilgrims because of their conflict with kings and banking companies, were beginning to understand if you want to own the land like the kings you needed to be aware that “…which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.”[3]

The colonies preferred a system of “hard currency” (“Specie”, gold or silver coin) or at the very least forms of commodity money. They had some paper money in the form of bills of exchange or banknote backed by the value of land owned by individuals.

The idea of notes being backed by deposits of gold and silver has been common since before the golden calf. But the backing of the currency of the state by land and livestock where the people cared for them both but owned neither goes back at least to the bondage of Egypt.

The king of Sodom offered Abraham all the possessions and spoils after the battle of Chedorlaomer,[30] if he would give the people back to him.

The idea of people owning nothing is again bandied about but the theory they will be happy is merely a sells pitch. The goal of these world elites is to kill capitalism which is the private ownership of your labor and seize all men as slaves and hold the dominion of earth itself but as they betray their fellowman they themselves will be betrayed.

There was also a suggestion that the 16th Amendment is the cause of income tax on individual labor. It is not. Ratified or not the answer is elsewhere and again it is the degeneration of morality and participatory consent of the people which are at the core of that dilemma.

Collateralization of Labor

And then there is the collateralization of the labor of US CITIZENS with the Social Security Act and the application for benefits it offers.

We must be willing to understand that it is not banks that make us "merchandise" but it is our "covetous practices" which do so. It is that which dims our vision and brings us into bondage.

The banks are the "merchants of the earth" who will answer for their greed but we are not exonerated from our sin by theirs.

The banking systems do allow misinformation but they also tell the truth. We often fail to see the whole truth because we choose to sit in darkness.

While they allow misconceptions they publish books like Mein Kampf and The Great Reset. They appeal to our weakness to succeed at any price.

We see the same in most con-artists. They use the greed of the "mark" to capture him in a net of his own making. See the "One purse" of Proverbs 1.

It is the appetite of the people to eat at the Table of the Welfare state that has become the snare of our own making. People are sitting in darkness again and failed to practice Pure Religion.

The reason there is no other table to eat in times of need than those tables established by politicians like FDR and LBJ in America or the world is the failure of the modern Church and the sloth and strong delusion of modern Christians. Many of the

The claim of "fraud" is wishful thinking. All the people who are now surety for the debt have received real things in exchange for the notes they gave. They have received real benefits, had their parents cared for, and welfare provided for them that should have been provided by true charity and not force. They have ignored the warning of the Sabbath about debt, covetousness, and being greedy for gain, gifts and gratuities.

Claiming fraud at this point only compounds our own sin as the fraudsters who made it all happen.

It is absolutely essential to see our part, our failure and sloth, our greed for the "reward of unrighteousness", our "covetous practices".

The narrator, Michael Rivero, imagines that a non interest note issued by the State is the solution. They are not.

He thinks the bankers are the problem and are the cause of these wars. They are not. They are instrumental and certainly motivators but the problem is us, the people. That is not a popular message, nor an easy sell to people who always want to blame others for their errors.

We have not changed since Adam.


But there are many alternatives to money commonly used today just like during depressions, bank failures, war, even in prisons things like cigarettes can become a monetized means of exchange. The first form of money was commodities, things of present value where you are. The first market was barter and trade.

There are numerous options for alternative money forms and some are better than others. Grain, whiskey, toilet paper have all substituted for coin and cash.

But how does one trade services?

And aren't there a lot of limitations?

The limitations decrease as trust grows.

Gold and silver have an intrinsic substance and weight. They are a commodity. But where does real Value come from?

They have a limited supply and are the product of labor.

Men can speculate which affects value but there are limits and they are real and can be weighed and measured.

So the real question is how does one increase trust?

But there are laws for trying to supplant or compete with existing currency and or do so to get around tax liability with alternate trading currency.

Don't forget USC 18 486... or laws concern conspiracy to defraud.

So what should we use?

For the short term our options are open if we are open to seek to learn real trust within a viable society based on mutual love and honor.

The short term may be all we have in some cases but we must walk in the long term approach. The question is what direction do we want to go.

The Solution

What we are living is the decline and fall of new world order and like the decline of Rome the answer was to think differently, Repent!

Yes, we need an entirely new approach that history has shown us before.

Early Christians established a viable network that was called a "Republic" by Edward Gibbons who chronicled the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

We need to let go of the sophistry of words which has been used to bring a strong delusion.

Christians formed a social network through Pure Religion through charity and the perfect law of liberty. The subsequent network and its daily ministration sustained them through that Roman collapse.

Although emperors feared them because of their "union and discipline" their success was dependent upon the honor and trust found in the virtuous social bonds of their society and their natural ability because of their governing structure to fade underground and become mobile in a living network overnight.

Repentance is about thinking differently and seeking in a different direction and we have all gone a long way down the wrong road.

See the whole truth

Nations have been enslaved and brought into that bondage of debt common among every nation today.

Christ had a way and while he mentioned money, justice and mercy and the bible talks about unjust weights and measures the real commodity that sets you free is not regulated by commerce.

Remember Christ's command Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, but also to render "unto God the things which be God’s."

Caesars come and go and We must learn the ways of God and his natural ways of honor and trust, righteousness and law.

Did not Jesus tell us to tend to the weightier matters of law?[31]

Are we told to "Owe no man any thing"? [32]

How is it that love to drive one another into debt by coveting our neighbors goods in hope of personal benefits. ls it because there is no other currency or because we are bankrupt of the currency of love?

There are others who are seeking to use existing coins such as pre-1964 silver which would be existing coin. Still any attempt to defraud the government of the world of revenue by the use of even legitimate coin has brought prosecution and ruin for many.

And provide for it

It is the social bonds of the Network of righteousness that bring real wealth and viability.

That must be established with the network that provides for true needs of society through voluntary means and methods which are more numerous than can be listed here.

Problems can be met

But purchasing things from afar from strangers with substance creates a problem of logistics. How do you deliver funds to someone on the other side of the country with nothing but hope they will reciprocate with sending your the commodity your seek to purchase.

The truth is knowledge and skill to produce or utilize alternate currencies and coins could be critical in every declining economy but something is more important than the item to be used that must never be forgotten.

So, the real problem is trust.

It is not the supply of money that is the problem. IT IS TRUST.

Who do we trust?

We have a shortage of trust in the world which is a shortage of honor.

So, my recommendation is to find those who seek a moral money supply of just weights and measures and start gathering together in local groups. Start building the natural relationships of a society that build personal trust, integrity and honor.

Everyone needs to take the time to turn around step by step and do something different which we are sharing.

Not just seek to save themselves but to save others today and tomorrow.

They need to start the process back ....

To find out more

Join The Living Network in your area and Connect with others.

We will share more details with local ministers of record in good standing.

Peace on your house
Gregory at
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  1. William Lyon Mackenzie King
  2. treacherous; crafty. "tangible proof of an insidious alliance factor"
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 “There is a distinction between a 'debt discharged' and a debt 'paid'. When discharged the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.” Stanek v. White. 172. Minn. 390, 215 N. W.784. See
  4. "Everything that is purchased with a note has not actually been paid for with present value. A person merely offers (tenders) the note (bill) for legal payment in order to discharge a portion of the debt. The one who has promised, under seal, to pay the debt holds in trust the equitable title, while the person tendering his note obtains a mere legal title. This process is called “equitable conversion” and arises out of a construction of law. In order to obtain a true and actual title and equitably reconvert the property, one must pay present value to the one holding the equitable title." "Covenants of the gods"
  5. Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinalm servitutem redigulnt; sed leges angiae semel manumissum semper liberum judicant. Co. Litt. 137.
  6. Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum.
  7. Ejus est periculum cujus est dominium aut commodum.
  8. Ejus est non nolle, qui potest velle. Dig. 50, 17, 8.
  9. Luke 16:9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.
    Luke 16:11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true [riches]?
    Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
    • * Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
  10. Encyclopedia Britannica.
  11. Charles A. Lindberg, Sr., at the time of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Charles August Lindbergh (born Carl Månsson; January 20, 1859 – May 24, 1924) was a United States Congressman from Minnesota's 6th congressional district from 1907 to 1917. He opposed American entry into World War I as well as the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. Lindbergh is best known as the father of famed aviator Charles Lindbergh.
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. ([Deuteronomy 25]:15)
    A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. ([Proverbs 11]:1)
    A just weight and balance are the LORD'S: all the weights of the bag are his work. ([Proverbs 16]:11)
  13. Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. 4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death. 5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. 6 The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.
  14. from early Flemish or Low German daler, from German T(h)aler, short for Joachimsthaler, a coin from the silver mine of Joachimsthal (‘Joachim's valley’). Czech tolar, Hungarian tallér, Danish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian daler, Icelandic dalur, Ethiopian talari, Italian tallero, Polish talar. The term was later applied to a coin used in the Spanish American colonies, which was also widely used in the British North American colonies at the time of the American Revolution. The Continental Congress in 1786 adopted dollar as a unit when it set up the modern U.S. currency system, which was based on the suggestion of Gouverneur Morris (1782) as modified by Thomas Jefferson. None were circulated until 1794.
  15. Leviticus 19:36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I [am] the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.
    Proverbs 16:11 A just weight and balance [are] the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag [are] his work.
  16. Ezekiel 44:12 Because they ministered unto them before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity; therefore have I lifted up mine hand against them, saith the Lord GOD, and they shall bear their iniquity. Romans 11:9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
  17. Leviticus 19:35 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.
    Proverbs 16:11 A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work.
  18. Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt and the April 5, 1933, Executive Order 6102. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress session June 5, 1933 produced the Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause for U.S. Citizens. The Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934 compelled all gold and gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered to the United States Department of the Treasury and prohibited the redeeming dollar bills for gold establishing the Exchange Stabilization Fund and empowering the president to establish the gold value by proclamation.
  19. "Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933, as amended by Executive Order No. 6359 of October 25, 1933, Executive Order No. 6556 of January 12, 1934, Executive Order No. 6560 of January 15, 1934, ...and the fifth and sixth paragraphs of Executive Order No. 6073, March 10, 1933; sections 3 and 4 of Executive Order No. 6359 of October 25, 1933;" revoked by Executive Order 11825.
  20. On December 31, 1974 the Executive Order 11825, President Gerald Ford supposedly revoked Executive Orders of Roosevelt ("Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933, as amended by Executive Order No. 6359 of October 25, 1933, Executive Order No. 6556 of January 12, 1934, Executive Order No. 6560 of January 15, 1934, ...and the fifth and sixth paragraphs of Executive Order No. 6073, March 10, 1933; sections 3 and 4 of Executive Order No. 6359 of October 25, 1933;" ) but Executive Order 6102 used to call in gold in 1933 is not mentioned. But Section 2 goes on to state, "all such liabilities, penalties, and forfeitures under the Executive orders shall continue and may be enforced in the same manner as if the revocation had not been made." President Ford signed a bill allowing legal title to the ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Public Law 93-373 effective December 31, 1974 but did not repeal the Gold Repeal Joint Resolution. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) of October 28, 1977, signed by President Carter Public Law No. 95-147, § 4(c), 91 Stat. 1227, 1229 (originally codified at 31 U.S.C. § 463 note, recodified as amended at 31 U.S.C. § 5118(d)(2)) amended the 1933 Joint Resolution allowed the inclusion of the so-called gold clauses in contracts formed after 1977. By December 17, 1985 – President Reagan signed the Gold Bullion Coin Act which allowed the US Mint to produce gold coins (American Eagles) from “newly mined domestic sources”.
  21. Matthew 20:25-26 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
    Mark 10:42-43 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
    Luke 22:25-26 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
  22. Leviticus 19:34 "But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. 35 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt. 37 Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: I am the LORD."
  23. Fiat money is a government-issued currency that is not backed by a commodity such as gold.
  24. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson, in his book “The New Freedom.”
  25. March 9, 1933, the Emergency Banking Relief Act, also known as Public Law 73-1, was enacted. This act, which is cited as 48 Stat. 1,
  26. PUBLIC LAW 89-719-NOV. 2, 1966 Public Law 89-719, also known as the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, is an act that amended the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The law primarily addresses the priority and effect of federal tax liens and levies. It was enacted on November 2, 1966, and is codified as 80 Stat. 1125.
  27. Congressman Traficant in the House Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Volume 33, H1303.
  28. "The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the revolution." -- Benjamin Franklin.
  29. “The first farme was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land.” Emerson.
  30. Genesis 14:21 ¶ And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,23 That I will not [take] from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that [is] thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:24 Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion.
  31. Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ... have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
  32. Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Ron Paul: The Full Interview on Ukraine, Runaway Inflation, Running for President, and End the Fed

I don’t like talking to politicians. But Ron Paul is different. He’s the founder of much of our movement. ———— To make sure you see the new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— Paul talked about free markets and limited government long before I had a clue how important they were.

When I interviewed Paul in 2007 for ABC News, ABC wouldn't put the interview on Broadcast TV; they only played it online.

Now everything we do is online— I like it better this way.

Here’s my longer than usual interview with Dr. Ron Paul.