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Who is the real Jesus? This article shows just some of the distinction between the early Church and modern Christians. The modern Christian think they know Jesus like the Pharisees thought they knew Moses
Εν αρχή ην ο λόγος, "In the beginning was the Word"[1] that word was made flesh and according to many Jews at that time He was considered to be the Messiah, (Maschiach in Hebrew) = the Anointed One, the Chosen One = the Christ, χρίσμα in Greek or ΙησουΣ ΧριστοΣ, which is Greek for Jesus the Christ or Yeshua the Anointed One. Philo of Alexandria seems to be the first to associate the phrase "ο λόγος"(The logos) which could be translated the reason being Right Reason or in Hebrew might appear as Wisdom (ChetKafMemHey חָכְמָה)[2]. We see this in Jeremiah 10:12 and Jeremiah 51:15 as בְּחָכְמָת֑וֹ bə-ḥā-ḵə-mā-ṯōw BeitHeyKafMemTavVav or “by His Wisdom” "and at His discretion" or "by His understanding" וּבִתְבוּנָת֖וֹ ū-ḇiṯ-ḇū-nā-ṯōw VavBeitTavBeitVavNunTavVav "has stretched out" or "has extended the heavens" from what we call the spiritual realms. Using this "wisdom" God brings forth creation in Psalms 104:24 and 30.
There is another word for wisdom from a Hebrew word said to mean "substantiate" tuwshiyah[3]

Personal relationship with Jesus

Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

This is a question often asked by modern Christians who think they have just such a relationship and they religiously clink to that belief that their relationship is genuine.

Of course, many of the Pharisees and Zealots thought they had a similar relationship with God and the teachings of Moses.

This sweet sounding phrase, like Born again, has a number of elements and ideas that we may need to be properly define in order to answer the question truthfully:

Personal. Of or relating to a particular person; while the word Person is applied to men, women and children.
Relationship. Synonyms include a connection or interconnection, association or interdependence, an affair or amorous entanglement or even a flirtation.
As a term it has been defined as "the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave toward each other."
Jesus is the most important element of this commonly recited phrase or claim. But their are many images of Jesus created in peoples mind that may be far from the real Jesus.

Many people say they love Jesus but Jesus said there will people who say that but are actually workers of iniquity.[4]

What is the psychology behind a personal relationship with Jesus?

And how do you know that personal relationship is with the real Jesus and not one that has been imagined or conjured out of the the doctrines of men?

How do you know that you are not under a strong delusion?

What can help us know if we are a part of the groups that deceived as spoken of by Christ.

This relationship that is often claimed by many to be a personal relationship with Jesus can give us a feeling of a meaning and purpose to life. This can improve emotions, hormone levels and eliminate or reduce debilitating or detrimental stress.

It is true that the phrase "personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible, but every "personal" relationship with anyone must be mutual. The words "individual" and "private" may apply but since Jesus as LORD is integral and essential the claim should be accompanied by an unbiased conformity to His doctrine reinforced  by words and deeds that would give evidence of that  relationship in practice. 

We should remember that the relationship, if genuinely with Christ and His Holy Spirit it should produce evidence of spiritual fruit and a conformity with the doctrine of Jesus according to the will of God the Father.

Any such genuine relationship with the Real Jesus may clearly lead to a mutual rejection of the Fathers of the earth and their reward of unrighteousness. There also be an opening of the eyes, an embracing of the light which will reveal the iniquity of the world at its covetous practices.

Elements of a personal relationship

The profession of a personal relationship often involves numerous ideas and concepts that upon examination can clarify the truth of such a claim.

1. Trusting Jesus as the LORD over your life on a daily basis and living in a way that is defined by him. 

2. Communicating with Jesus can be real or part of a delusion with Jesus as an imaginary friend.   3. Prayer as a practice may be a continuous recognition of a superior source beyond ourselves because it may suggest a subordinate position. But it also can become a part of a delussion that "our God" is superior and therefore we are superior. This may appear as a holler than thou attitude.

4. Service is serving God and others. This brings religious service or worship service into the conversation. Religion has previously been defined as [....]

5. Repentance is  commonly listed as an element of that personal relationship but has also been mistakenly been identified as being sorry for bad action as we see in the phrase, "Repenting of sins and asking Jesus to forgive."

While we may be sorry "repentance" is thinking differently and would in this case would include thinking like Jesus. By examining Jesus and his doctrine we may perceive if we do or do not think like Jesus.  [....]

6. Union with Christ should include Believing that Christ or His Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of believers, and that believers abide in the heart of Christ. 

Again the truth of that should be detectable by comparing what people say with what they do.

  7. Interpersonal relationship: Having an interpersonal relationship with the Body of Christ, which includes other believers.   

Jesus the savior

Has Jesus saved you?

Is the real Jesus your savior?

Who is the real Jesus?

The real Jesus warned that many would be deceived about knowing Him and He knowing them.[5]

Augustus Caesar was also called the "savior" and the "Son of God".

Christian were persecuted because they said there was another King one Jesus and did not trust nor have faith in the genius of Caesar.[6]

Who is the real Jesus?

Did He die for your sins?

We are told in the Gospel of John[7] that God sent His son that we might be saved.

Jesus told us many things that we might be saved.[8]

The word "MIGHT"[9] suggests that Jesus did what he came to do but some might not be saved simply because they say they love Jesus as their Lord.[10]

Can you be saved if you do not follow the Doctrines of Jesus?

Is He really your savior if you have not repented?[11]

Is He really your Lord if you do not do what he said?[4]

Could you be deceived[12] about what you believe about what the Doctrines of Jesus real are?

Do you really have faith if you are not seeking the dominion and righteousness of God?[13]

Not doers

People who are not doers of the word may not be believers in the real Jesus.

Jesus makes it clear that "many" will think they love Him but have been deceived into believing in a false image of Jesus. These self deceived people will be told that they should get away from Him because he never knew them except as workers of iniquity.

How do we know that we are not one of those "many"?[14]

People might be deceived because of unrighteous practices and lack of love for the truth.[15]

He also told us that if we did not forgive then His Father would not forgive us.[16]

So it is not automatic that we are forgiven nor saved.

Jesus also told us to seek the Righteousness of God and that many would think they came in His name but would be told to get away from Him because they were in fact Workers of Iniquity and not Doers of the Word. Like the Pharisees before them they will be under the delusion that they have their eyes on Jesus but in truth they do not even know him. We know this because they are not bearing Fruit worthy of those who truly repent.

The modern Christian is often not doing what Christ told us to be doing. They are doing the very things that Christ condemned the Pharisees for doing.

Painting the real Jesus?

The Real Jesus

Does everyone believe in the same Jesus, the same Christ?

There are many versions of Christ created by ministers, churches, and denominations. Just saying you believe in Jesus or claiming he is your Lord does not make it clear what you believe nor DOES not make you a believer in the Real Jesus.

To believe in a false image of Christ created by your own ideology or the doctrines of men is a form of idolatry.

One of the most abused scriptures in the Bible is in John 3. Verses should never be held up as creating doctrine out of the context of the rest of the things that He says. Because we know there will be False Christs.[17]

In verse 15 we see the claim, "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."
And verses 16 & 17 tells us that Christ was sent that we "might be saved". It is not automatic by what we say nor just by what we may think in our minds.
By V18 we can see that those "that believeth on him" are not condemned and those who "believeth not" are "condemned already",
The question we may need to ask is "Do we Believe in the Real Jesus?"
In verse 19 we are informed if we love him we will love the light of the truth He shared. Those that do not want to know the whole truth and provide for it by seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness evidently prefer the darkness. We will know that because their deeds will be evil.
Like the deeds of the Nicolaitans God "hates" them.
The word for "evil" is poneros meaning "evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful."
The previous verse must always be read in the context of verses 20 and 21 which goes on to tell us that "every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved."

Those dark deeds would include, but are not limited to, coveting your neighbor's goods through desiring benefits like the wages of unrighteousness from "men ruling in government who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other."

Those evil deeds would include sloth in caring for the needy through a daily ministration by charity alone which is the practice of pure Religion.

Or even worse they might neglect the care of their parents so that they have to depend on systems like the Corban of the Pharisees which makes the word of God to none effect.

The list goes on... There are many warnings in the testaments, by Paul and the apostles and by Jesus himself that many will say and do things in His name but will be workers of iniquity.

They have no inheritance in the kingdom, we should turn away because they know him not.

Yes, it is clear we are saved by grace but if we are not keeping His commandments our imagination will not save us.

Reading verse 21 should make it clear that many modern Churches are not doing the truth nor coming to the light, nor does their deeds make manifest the wisdom nor the will of God.

Jesus explained

To think like Christ you may need to change the way you think. We are warned about a strong delusion that will deceive many. Jesus came to take the kingdom from those who were teaching something different from Moses and appointed it to the Apostles so that they would bear fruit and the world might be saved through repentance.
  • He said their Corban made the word of God to none effect.
  • He told them to call no man father upon the earth.
  • He told them to attend to the Weightier matters.

Yet, most Modern Christians cannot even tell you what Corban is nor how it causes the word of God to be of no effect.

They cannot tell you who the Fathers of the earth were or are.

Neither do they know nor can tell you of Christ's checklist as to what the Weightier matters were and are.

Many of our Modern Christians not only do not have their eyes on the real Jesus, they actually do not want to even hear what He said nor keep His commandments even though He said that is the way to Eternal life.

These Modern Christians often pray to the Fathers of the earth and seek the benefits of the Benefactors who exercise authority one over the other. This is directly contrary to the Doctrines of Jesus.

What they are doing is keeping their eyes on a constructed Jesus built in their minds by false teachers. This of course is Idolatry.[18]

To see if people really have fruits worthy of Repentance we may ask:

People followed Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist and Jesus. The altars of clay and stone was a way to create the social bonds of free people. The levites led the Israelites. And the early Church followed Christ and His Way, which was The Way, and advocated a Daily ministration that was dependent on Pure Religion through Fervent charity only. This was the Corban of Christ which was not like the system of Corban of the Pharisees nor of Rome or the systems of FDR and LBJ.
The church lost "the way" when it abandoned the practice of "pure Religion" while claiming to be the Church established by Christ. The people developed an appetite for the "wages of unrighteousness" from "public religion" in the days of Constantine. Those new Christians that often failed to fully repent degenerated the moral character of society with the masses of "instant christians".
That new religion of the emperor introduced a new faith with his apostate church replacing the doctrine of Jesus with the "doctrines of men", the Holy Spirit with emotion, the truth with the speaking of "great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage."[19]
They had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof.

Where is your religion

  • Do you only gather for the comfort it gives you, or do you gather to benefit others?
  • Christ came to serve, not be served. Do you desire to be served, or are you coming in His name and according to His character to serve others?

If we desire His Grace but we only love those who love us, then there is no Grace because it is clear we do not really believe in Him.

If we do not Repent of our Covetous Practices and are not diligently gathering together in Free Assemblies of Love for all to provide for one another in Charity according to the Perfect law of liberty then we have nothing according to Paul. According to Luke 6:32 if we only love those who love us there is no "Grace". Christ also said if you do not Forgive neither will the Father forgive you.[20]

It is not enough to hate the deeds of the workers of iniquity, but we must return to Thy first love and thy first work. To break the yoke, we need to return to the ways of righteousness spoken of in Isaiah 58 which are the ways of Christ and the early Church. And His yoke is light for it is carried by our love of one another.

Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist and Christ all created Networks of charity to care for the true needy of society without force which is how they were able to help set people free. Do you gather with His Church to attend to the Weightier matters as Christ said?

  • Are you gathering in a Network of righteousness?
  • Do you come to love others or just be loved?

Early Christians found themselves in conflict with these systems of social welfare because they made the word of God to none effect. Christians had repented of their covetous nature when they received the Baptism of Christ. They heard and became Doers of the word not hearers only.

Remember Proverbs 12:24, "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the Slothful shall be under Tribute."

We know that liberty under God is not for the covetous who are Biting one another but it is also not for the slothful. If we are not congregating together in free assemblies bound together in a broad network by faith, hope, and charity alone according to the perfect law of liberty then we are not truly seeking the Kingdom of God nor His righteousness.

Are the Modern Christians being like the Pharisees before them and failing to attend to those same Weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith which include caring for the needs of our neighbors and the widows and orphans of our society through Pure Religion in matters of health, education, and welfare. We are NOT to provide for the needy of society through the Covetous Practices and the men who call themselves benefactors but who exercise authority one over the other like the socialists do.

The Way of Christ was like neither the way of the world of Rome nor the governments of the gentiles who depend on those fathers of the earth through force, fear and fealty who deliver the people back in bondage again like they were in Egypt. Christ's ministers and true Christians do not depend upon systems of social welfare that force the contributions of the people like the corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect. Many people have been deceived to go the way of Balaam and the Nicolaitan and out of The Way of Christ and have become workers of iniquity.

The Christian conflict with Rome in the first century Church appointed by Christ was because they would not apply to the fathers of the earth for their free bread but instead relied upon a voluntary network providing a daily ministration to the needy of society through Faith, Hope, and Charity by way of freewill offerings of the people, for the people, and by the people through the perfect law of liberty in Free Assemblies according to the ancient pattern of Tuns or Tens as He commanded.

The modern Christians are in need of repentance.

"Follow me!" —Jesus the Christ.

Family Challenge

There are a few quotes in Mark 3:30-35 that some interpret as a rift between Jesus and his family.

Joseph of Arimathea

Who was Joseph of Arimathea?[22]

Joseph of Arimathæa[23] was identified as having taken charge of the body of Jesus in order to give Him decent burial.

Besides being a disciple of Jesus[24] and providing a tomb for the body of Jesus[25] Joseph is mentioned in all four gospels not only as a righteous man but also as a member of the Council (Sanhedrin) and a secret supporter of Jesus.

According to the Talmud, Joseph of Arimathea "[26] was the younger brother of Joachim the father of Mary and therefore Jesus' Great uncle.[27]

Joseph of Arimathea, son of Matthat (Mathat) ben Levi of Arimathea, was also the "Nobilis Decurio" (Minister of Mines) of the Roman Empire, among other titles, as stated by Jerome and earlier sources. This would have meant he was charged with overseeing the mining operations of the Roman Empire which were extensive and profitable.

Romans recognized talent and Joseph was talented, learning by 16 what many men might take a lifetime to master. His parentage, positions, and holdings would have been one of the richest men in the known world. The Patriarch of Constantinople wrote that Joseph was one of the Seventy Apostles appointed in Luke 10. So he was a member of the original Sanhedrin appointed by Jesus as the king and high priest for all who followed His way.

Joseph of Arimathea was also the "Nobilis Decurio" (Minister of Mines) of the Roman Empire, among other titles, as stated by Jerome and earlier sources. This would have meant he was charged with overseeing the mining operations of the Roman Empire and would have been one of the richest men in the known world.

Joseph as one of the richest men in the Roman Empire, he supported Jesus as the Christ. He was bold in his support of Jesus. [28] And he believed the kingdom at hand message.[29]

That kingdom of God was expected by the Essenes who were familiar with the prophet Menahem the Essene.


While Joseph of Arimathea appears in all the Gospels Nicodemus only appears in John.[30]

Some say Simon the Leper and Simon the Pharisee was identical to the Talmudical Nicodemus ben Gorion who was reported to have miraculous powers and two daughters Mary[31] and Martha[32]. This is also said to be the same Nicodemus in John and had access to very expensive oil which would have almost been a kings ransom in value at a hundred Roman pounds.

Simon the Leper does not appear in John or Luke although their is a Simon who is also a pharisee in Luke.

We know there is an event of a woman at the feet of Jesus anointing him at the house of Mary[31] and Martha,[32] and Lazarus[33].

There is no mention of the head of the house as Simon in John. So the gospel of John seems to make no mention of either Simon the Leper and Simon the Pharisee but is the only Gospel that mentions this Nicodemus.

Are all these people the same?

Early Nicodemus

"Nicodemus" was not a normal Jewish name and its popularity varied over time. There had been a man years before who called himself Nicodemus but was one of the ambassadors sent by Aristobulus to request help from Pompey to oppose Hyrcanus and brought Rome to Judea.[34] With the coming of Rome there was the coming of the ideas of Rome at that time. Rome at that time was already degenerating from a free Republic into an indirect democracy and eventually the Imperial Cult of Rome.


"The Talmud mentions a Nakedimon, so called from a miracle performed by him, who was the son of Gorion, and whose real name was Bonai.[35] It also gives the name Bonai as one of the disciples of Jesus. He was one of the three richest Jews when Titus besieged Jerusalem, but his family was reduced to the most abject poverty. So far the Talmud. The inference is that this change of fortune is connected with his becoming a Christian and with the persecution which followed, and he is himself identified with the Nicodemus of the Gospel. We can only say this may be so. The reader who cares for more on the subject will find full references in Lampe, and the extracts from the Talmud translated in Lightfoot. Others may be content to accept this latter writer’s conclusion. “It is not worth while to take great pains in a question which is very involved, if we may not also call it useless.”" Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

Traditions and the Talmud suggests that Nicodemus and his family, including a Mary and a Martha were arrested because of their involvement with a false Messiah. They were exiled to Gaul a few years after the crucifixion but Nicodemus had to remain because of his wealth. While the Pharisees wanted to murder him and confiscated his wealth the Romans seemed to show him favor.

Nick name

Why would the Gospel of John not mention Simon the Leper nor Simon the Pharisee but be the only one of the Gospels that mentions Nicodemus?

Is there a clue in the name?

There could be several reasons someone would be given such a name such as Nicodemus or Nicodemos.[36] It is said according to the Holman Bible Dictionary that Nicodemus means "innocent of blood"[37] while others translate it from the Greek components as “victory of the people.”

The author of the Gospel may have called this member of the Sanhedrin "innocent of blood" because he was innocent of the blood of Christ.

With a Greek origin the name Nikodemos, may be translated into “victory of the people.” But the name Nicolaitan can mean "conquered people" or "victory over the people" like the term "Balaam".

If we consider the Doctrine of Jesus which sets the captive free and is in opposition to the doctrines of men and their tables of welfare which are a snare and a trap entangling the people as merchandise in the cities of blood and the bondage of Egypt then the meaning of "innocent of blood" makes more sense. Those engaged in covetous practices are not innocent of blood which is why they become merchandise becoming entangled again in the yoke of bondage.

He is also mentioned by Josephus in The Jewish War. 2.17.10. and others[38]

Joseph the Father

Some people suggest that Joseph was 80 or even 90 years old when he got married.[39] This is unlikely for numerous reasons other than its dubious source. Joseph would have to be making almost hundred-mile hikes in a few days at more than 90 or 100 years old if we are to believe the Bible account of his journey to the Temple in Jerusalem. Most historians agree that both Joseph of Arimathea and Joseph were a part of the Essene sect. Essenes men often did not get married until after they completed their studies and prepared to provide a home for their family.

Joseph was probably humble but not a carpenter but a stonemason. He had to know math, architecture, the use of and types of stone. This would take years of study, and of course, he had to study the scriptures, all while learning the tools and techniques of building with stone. He could have been 35 or even in his 40s before he was stable enough to get married. Also according to some sources like the Gospel of James Joseph already had sons.

If Joseph was astute and proficient at his trade and built a crew that could work large stone there was literally tons of work for him and his people. There was no town of Nazareth at that time but there was a large community of Nazarene Essenes. There was big-money for skilled architectural stonemason after the arrival of Romans who loved to build in stone in places nearby like Cearsaria but also in Egypt. There are stories from antiquity of Jesus helping Joseph fitting stones in Egypt.

Joseph was actually Mary’s first cousin, once removed, as they shared the same grandfather, Matthan, who was descended from both Judean and Parthian royalty making both of them part of those same extended royal families as well. Bloodline mattered. It gave you rights and also celebrity status. So, Joseph was likely born around 49 B.C. to Jacob, the Patriarch of Jerusalem. That would have made him around 42 when he was married.

Jesus' cousin was John the Baptist. There is no sign of rejection of Jesus by John in the Bible although he did not know he was the Messiah until he was already in prison. [40]

James was his brother and never gave any sign of rejecting Jesus. He served in Jerusalem, suffering death at the hands of the murderous Pharisees. He was doing his job as minister of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Joses, Simon, and Jude who were also his brothers "according to the flesh"[41] accepted Jesus and worked diligently for the early Church who were the called out by Christ and appointed a kingdom. Again like the Levites before them they taught the way of providing guidance through a daily ministration rightly dividing bread from house to house.[42] Others who did not follow The Way continued to eat of the Corban of the Pharisees and the free bread of Rome which not only made the word of God to none effect it also made them surety for the debt.

Jesus' mother never "rejected" him, but she feared his going to Jerusalem.

The problem with these interpretations of Mark is because people do not understand what the Church was doing and how it was organized. The Church was an appointed Kingdom of God or government of God on earth. It was not like other governments of the world who exercised authority one over the other.

It was a voluntary government that functioned by way of the perfect law of liberty through the exercise of real faith, together with the hope of salvation through the charity living in the hearts and minds of other Christians in a broad community network of fellowship.

There were many requirements laid on those who would become his student ministers or disciples. These same restrictions had been laid upon the Levites centuries before, although many did not understand those requirements because of the teachings and sophistry of the Pharisees. His disciples could not own property in their own name, and they would have to give up what they already owned. Like the Levites who could not be a part of the walled camp and were called out as the Church in the Wilderness, if Jesus' disciples — who were called out of the world — were not willing to leave their family, they could not be one of His disciples.[43]

Of course, Jesus was not talking about abandoning our responsibilities to our young children or aging parents, but he encouraged prioritizing the commitment to be ministers of His Church. The commitment to be the ministers of His appointed kingdom included the responsibility of a daily ministration for believers who shared his Eucharist and communion in the network of the early Church all over the Roman Empire.

Christians did not eat at the table of kings or the Imperial Cult of Rome. They did not apply for the Corban of the Pharisees nor of Rome nor of any government that exercises authority one over the other like Modern Christians do. Early Christians knew that what those governments offered as welfare was actually a snare. To covet their benefits would entangle them again in the yoke of bondage and the elements of the world.

King of the Jews

Was Jesus an "eccentric Rabbi" and leader of a small religious group or was he the rightful king of Judea and therefore the faithful of Israel?

The whole story of Jesus is the story of a King being born, being hailed as the Highest son of David, taking the kingdom from an apostate group who sat in the seat of Moses[44] and appointing that kingdom to His Little flock.

Did the Jews accept Jesus as king?

Thousands did accept Him and some Jews reject He who was proclaimed the Highest son of David and some said they had no King but Caesar. To call him Christ is to call him the anointed King, the Messiah. Yes, the Kingdom of God is different from the kingdoms of the world of Pontius Pilate.

Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?

There are at least four common reasons that Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah besides the obvious reason which the Pharisees displayed.

1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).

The temple was never to be built of dead stone. It was meant to be in you, in your heart and in your mind, in the midst of you.[45]The temple was to be built of "living stones".

2. Gather all Jews back to Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).

It was to usher in a gathering of the faithful Jews to Israel which is simply the "place where God prevails". The apostles were faithful Jews and most of the people who were willing to get the Baptism Of Jesus at Pentecost were also Jews. Many of the people who were a part of the lost tribes of Israel were also followers of Jesus as the Christ/Messiah. The "seed" would be all the descendants of faith of Abraham who had eyes to see and ears to hear. They will have the character of Christ written in their hearts by God and willing to do those things taught by Jesus and Moses.[46] There was an in gathering in a network of Tens which was commanded by Christ that reached beyond the Roman Empire.

3. An era of peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering, and disease. This Nation appointed by the Messiah would be one of peace. (Isaiah 2:4)[47]

Early Christians were a nation of people dedicated to peace. They not only did not covet their neighbor's goods like the Corban of the Pharisees and Rome but they did not raise up arms against those who opposed them. And those who actively persecuted them continued to decline and fall while Christian communities thrived. Eventually, a false Christianity would rise up, persecute Jews and Christians, make war, return to covetous practices and become entangled in the elements of the world and a yoke of bondage.

The knowledge of God and The Way reached all over the world by that network but many reject that knowledge because they do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear.

4. "God will be King over all the world... His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9). While the Jews that opposed Jesus as the Messiah claimed they had no King but Caesar, the Jews who accepted Christ said there is another King, one Jesus.[48] Tyrants fell and Christians prospered. If people would repent the power of the world would again diminish and liberty under God would prevail in the world again.

Some will add to this that there needed to be a resurrection of the dead. Of course, there was a resurrection of the dead both spiritually and physically.[49]

Those who became followers of Christ and did what he commanded were literally the new Jews or citizens of Judea. The ministers of His Kingdom worked daily in the temple rightly dividing the bread from house to house. Those who rejected Jesus as the King called themselves Jews but they were not.[50]

"Bishops, presbyters(Elder) and deacons occupy in the church the same positions as those which were occupied by Aaron, his sons, and the Levites in the temple." Jerome, Ep. 146. Both the Levites and the early Church appointed by Christ were "called out" to be a peculiar people who were to serve those who would repent and seek the ways of God.

When Jesus told his disciples "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." the word hath meant their property.[51] Luke 14:33

Both the early Church ministers appointed by the Christ and the Levites owned property but they held it in common[52] as join heirs[53] because the ordained ministers of the Church or "called out" and the "called out" of Moses were to belong to God and serve the people who depended on charity rather than force to provide the welfare or Pure Religion of God.
The Legal definition of the Church was also a group of people called out to serve with "corporate elements". They were the corpus of Christ, appointed by Him, for His purposes, and in one accord. That body of ministers holding all things in common were called out and gathered to serve the society in Free Assemblies.

Rome steadily declined in a well-populated Europe and Asia. There were many attempts to raise up new Nimrods and Babylon... But many people lived in Peace with no real threat of world domination. After a thousand years, the adversary was unchained. Now the whole world is back in bondage, numbered and serve governments that abort children by the millions to the chagrin of modern Moleck.

Most Modern Christians and Jews violate the Ten Commandments regularly as a matter of policy both their covetous practices and systems of Corban. This and their lack of Pure Religion is why they have returned to the bondage of Egypt. They have coveted the wages of unrighteousness provided by the gods of the world who they covenant with to get benefits at the expense of their neighbor.

Jesus | Was Jesus a socialist | Why did Jesus Say | Genealogy of Jesus |
Doctrines of Jesus | Believe about Jesus | Was Jesus rich | Jesus existed |
Jesus said | Christ | Person of Christ | Body of Christ | Long Hair | Name
Zealot | Christians check list | Are Christians Idiots | Back to Basics: Christianity |

Covetous Practices | Biting one another | Charitable Practices | Daily ministration | Corban |
Fathers | Conscripted fathers | Perfect law of liberty | The Way | Doers of the Word |
Religion | Pure Religion | Public religion | Christian conflict | Pentecost | Perspective |
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People of the present
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  1. John 1:1-2 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." This was clearly a reference to Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  2. 02451 חָכְמָה‎ chokmah ChetKafMemHey[khok-maw’] from 02449 chakam wise; n f; [BDB-315a] [{See TWOT on 647 @@ "647a" }] AV-wisdom 145, wisely 2, skilful man 1, wits 1; 149
    1) wisdom
    1a) skill (in war)
    1b) wisdom (in administration)
    1c) shrewdness, wisdom
    1d) wisdom, prudence (in religious affairs)
    1e) wisdom (ethical and religious)
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
    • כ ך Kaf K Crown: To Actualize Potential power from spiritual to physical realm [to cover, strength] (Numeric value: 20)
    • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
    • ה Hey Expression, Thought, Speech, Action. Manifest seeds of thought and life. [Emphasize, jubilation, window, fence] (Numeric value: 5)
  3. 08454 תּוּשִׁיָּה‎ tuwshiyah TavVavShinYodHey [too-shee-yaw’] or תשׁיה‎ tushiyah TavShinYodHey [too-shee-yaw’]from an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; n f; [BDB-444b] [{See TWOT on 923 @@ "923a" }] AV-wisdom 7, enterprise 1, thing as it is 1, that which is 1, substance 1, working 1; 12
    1) wisdom, sound knowledge, success, sound or efficient wisdom, abiding success
    1a) sound or efficient wisdom
    1b) abiding success (of the effect of sound wisdom)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Workers of Iniquity
    Proverbs 30:20 "Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done <06466> no wickedness <0205>.
    Isaiah 31:2 "Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil<07451רַע‎>, and will not call back his words: but will arise against the house of the evildoers <07489רָעַע‎>, and against the help of them that work <06466> iniquity <0205>.
    Hosea 6:8 "Gilead is a city of them that work <06466> iniquity <0205>, and is polluted with blood."
    Micah 2:1 "Woe to them that devise <02803ChetShinBeit> iniquity <0205>, and work <06466> evil <07451רַע‎> upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.
    • Luke 13:25-27 “‭25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: ‭26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. ‭27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [yourselves] thrust out.”
    Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
    Matthew 25:12 "But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not... 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed<2672>, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:... 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me."
    John 13:13 "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for [so] I am. 14 If I then, [your] Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. 16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. 17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
    Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
  5. Lord, Lord
    • Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:"
    • Matthew 25:11 "Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."
    Matthew 25:26 "His lord answered and said unto him, [Thou] wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest ... Take therefore the talent from him..."
    Matthew 25:44 "Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one of the least of these, ye did [it] not to me."
    • Luke 6:46 "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: 48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. 49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great."
    • Luke 13:25 "When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: 26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. 27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all [ye] workers of iniquity. 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [yourselves] thrust out."
    • John 13:13 "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for [so] I am. 14 If I then, [your] Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. 16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. 17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
    • Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
    1 John 4:20 "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?"
  6. See the trial of Christians
  7. John 3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
  8. John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.
  9. Romans 10:1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
    1 Thessalonians 2:16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
  10. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Matthew 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
    Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
    Luke 13:25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
  11. : Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
    Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
    Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
    Mark 6:12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
    Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    Luke 13:5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. 4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.
  12. Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
    Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
    Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
    Matthew 27:63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
    Mark 13:5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any [man] deceive you:
    Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and shall deceive many.
    Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
    John 7:12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people.
    John 7:47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?
  13. : Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
    Luke 12:31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
  14. Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity... 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
  15. 2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
  16. Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
    Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
    Matthew 18:35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.
    Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
    Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
  17. False Christs
    Matthew 24:5 "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."
    Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."
    Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
    Mark 13:22 "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect."
    1 Corinthians 15: 15. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
    2 Corinthians 11: 13. For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    Galatians 2:4 "And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: 5. To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you."
    2 Peter 2:1 "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
    2 Peter 2:2 "And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."
    2 Peter 3: 16. "Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness."
  18. Covetousness is idolatry
    Colossians 3:5 "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6 For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:"
    Ephesians 5:5 "For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
    1 Corinthians 5:10 "Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat."
  19. 5622 ὠφέλεια opheleia [o-fel’-i-ah] from a derivative of the base of 5624 profitable; n f; AV-profit 1, advantage 1; 2
    1) usefulness, advantage, profit
  20. Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
    Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
  21. Matthew 20:25-26 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
    Mark 10:42-43 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
    Luke 22:25-26 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
  22. 707 Ἀριμαθαία Arimathaia [ar-ee-math-ah’-ee-ah] of Hebrew origin 07414 הרמתים‎; n pr loc; AV-Arimathaea 4; 4
    • Arimathaea  = "heights"
    1) the name of several cities in Palestine The one mentioned in Matthew 27:57; Mark 15:43; Luke 23:51; John 19:38 appears to have been the same as the birthplace of Samuel in Mount Ephraim.
  23. Matthew 27:57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple:
    Mark 15:43 Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.
    Luke 23:51 (The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them;) [he was] of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.
    John 19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave [him] leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.
  24. Matthew 27:57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple:
  25. Matthew 27:57 "When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple:"
  26. Joseph of Arimathea, "The Tin Man" (5?BC-80+AD) "de Marmore (Marmorica in Egypt)
    Son of Matthat, Son of Levi ben Melchi and Esthra / Estha
    Husband of Anna bar Simon, of Arimathea and Alyuba bar Eléazar
    Uncle of Mary as the younger brother of Joachim the father of Mary
    Brother of Saint Joachim; Heli ben Matat and Bianca.
    Half brother of JoAnna of Arimathea, Heli ben Matat and Gjora
    Great Uncle to Jesus and to His Brothers and Sisters
    • Brother Joachim/Jacob and Anna/Hannah (Bianca/Anna (Enygeus) The parents of Mary.
    AKA: "Joachin", "Joachim", "Joakhim", "Yoachim", "Yoyakim", "Heli (Prince Alexander III “Helios”) ben Matthan"
  27. George F. Jowett, "The Drama of the Lost Disciples", (p.18). The "Harlein Manuscripts" (38-59f, 1936) appears to support these claims.
  28. Mark 15:43 Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.
    John 19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.
  29. Luke 23:51 (The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them;) he was of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also himself waited for the Kingdom of God.
  30. John 3:1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
    John 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?
    John 3:9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
    John 7:50 Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them,)
    John 19:39 And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound [weight].
  31. 31.0 31.1 3137 Μαρία Maria [mar-ee’-ah] or Μαριάμ Mariam [mar-ee-am’] of Hebrew origin 04813 מִרְיָם‎; n pr f; AV-Mary the mother of Jesus 19, Mary Magdalene 13, Mary the sister of Martha 11, Mary the mother of James 9, Mary the mother of John Mark 1, Mary of Rome 1; 54
    • Mary or Miriam  = "their rebellion"
    1) Mary the mother of Jesus
    2) Mary Magdalene, a women from Magdala
    3) Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha
    4) Mary of Cleophas the mother of James the less
    5) Mary the mother of John Mark, a sister of Barnabas
    6) Mary, a Roman Christian who is greeted by Paul in #Ro 16:6
  32. 32.0 32.1 3136 Μάρθα Martha [mar’-thah] probably of Chaldean origin (meaning mistress) מָרְתָא‎; n pr f; AV-Martha 13; 13
    • Martha  = "she was rebellious"
    1) was the sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany
  33. 2976 Λάζαρος Lazaros [lad’-zar-os] probably of Hebrew origin 0499 אֶלעָזָר‎; n pr m; AV-Lazarus 11, Lazarus (the poor man) 4; 15
    • Lazarus  = "whom God helps" (a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar)
    1) an inhabitant of Bethany, beloved by Christ and raised from the dead by him
    2) a very poor and wretched person to whom Jesus referred to in #Luke 16:20-25
  34. Josephus (Ant. of the Jews, XIV, iii, 2)
  35. "The Nicodemus of the Talmud was also called Bunai, must have survived the destruction of Jerusalem, and was known under this latter name as a disciple of Jesus." Meyer's NT Commentary
    • "Nicodemus" He is mentioned only by S. John. It is impossible to say whether he is identical with the Nicodemus of the Talmud, also called Bunai, who survived the destruction of Jerusalem." Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
  36. 3530 Νικόδημος Nikodemos [nik-od’-ay-mos] from 3534 nikos victory or to utterly vanquish and 1218 demos people; n pr m; AV-Nicodemus 5; 5
    1) a member of the Sanhedrin who took the part of Jesus
    as a personal name it may mean "innocent of blood".
  37. Holman Bible Dictionary, published by Broadman & Holman, 1991. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Broadman & Holman.
  38. Lamentations Rabbah, i. 5; Ecclesiastes Rabbah, vii. 11;
    Babylonian Talmud,
    Talmud - Mas. Ta'anith 19b pdf; Ktubot 65a-b, 66b, 67a; Gittin 56a (cf. Josephus, Jewish War, v. 1, § 4)
    "NAKDIMON BEN GURYON". Encyclopedia Judaica.
    Avot of Rabbi Natan, vi. 3.
  39. The History of Joseph the Carpenter, composed in Egypt between the 6th and 7th centuries produces that idea of 90 years old.
  40. Luke 7:20 When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?
  41.  Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia Ecclesiae, 1:7:11-14
  42. Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
  43. Luke 14:26 If any [man] come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
  44. Matthew 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
  45. Ezekiel 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. 27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.28 And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.
  46. Isaiah 43:5 Fear not: for I [am] with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; 6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.
    8 ¶ Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. 9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.
  47. Isaiah 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.
  48. Acts 17:7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, [one] Jesus.
  49. Matthew 27:53 "And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many."
  50. Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
  51. 5224 ~ὑπάρχοντα~ huparchonta \@hoop-ar’-khon-tah\@ neuter plural of present participle active of 5225 as noun; ; v participle AV-goods 7, that (one) has 4, things which (one) possesses 2, substance 1; 14 1) possessions, goods, wealth, property
  52. Acts 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
  53. Romans 8:17 "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together."

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