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The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thacher.
When the masses desire the dainties of rulers they will soon be under tyrants for what should be for your welfare is a snare.
Jesus was not a socialist. He was a capitalist.


It is said that Socialism is defined as a political and economic system of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. But it is really saying that the means of production, distribution, and exchange is controlled by political government of the collective.

In other words there is no private property in the socialist society. Because socialism is a "political system" the majority may elect to or elect leaders who can take from the individual. Property rights become mere privileges.

Ultimately it is the spirits of jealousy and envy, sloth, and avarice found and cultivated in the advocates of socialism that makes the socialist a pariah opposed to liberty and freedom in all its forms.

The only virtue of capitalism is that the right to choose to share what you produced remains with the producer. In socialism the right to choose to be charitable or sharing belongs first to the collective or its rulers.

The socialist has no patience for social virtues nor the slow and steady growth of the social bonds so necessary for a free society. He does, by nature, not love his neighbor as himself, nor his neighbors right to choose and has waived his right to the social mechanism by which those social virtues might grow in him.

Without the means offered within a free society to exercise the inherent character and virtue so fundamental to the nobility of mankind the socialist will continue his degeneration the "masses" into the "perfect savages" who riot and then slaughter millions but are also slaughtered in the chaos they have crowned.

A human being[1] who is a socialist believes that the most harmonious state of affairs would be for all to get security and the fruits of society even at the expense of others who have already achieved some success.

This is accomplished through the power of the political government which exercises authority over one class of citizen which is deprived of what they produced in order to provide for another class without the use of the natural factors of choice and charity working within the relationships of society.

Part 4: The Kingdom of God, Socialism, Democracy and tyranny ~5 min

This belief is motivated by the individuals own selfishness, sloth, envy and jealousy.

Socialism by its very nature requires that you covet the goods of your neighbor to the point of forcing him to give up the property rights upon the demands of the collective. It is the antagonist of a Republic and the antitheses Pure Religion.

In the 1930's farmers in the mid west were plowing their corn under because it was unprofitable, and at the same time millions across America were starving.

This was due to the socialist desire to create money and wealth without working for it first. When they desired more money they simply created it but when that did not work they started taking wealth from others.

There has not been true capitalism in America since 1933,[2] if not 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking[3] which has produced a nation of debt-ism not capitalism. “Of course debtism[4] leads to despotism[5] which is not the result of capitalism but rather Capitolism[6]...”[7] We have became socialists a long time ago and that is why we are failing.

Greedy Capitalists offered the slothful socialist hearts a way to create money out of nothing and this led to wild and greedy investment frenzy that brought a collapse of the economy despite the warnings of true Capitalists.

Creation of fractional reserve money is not Capitalism because the money produced is not capital. It is debt.

Capitalists see this as not logical, while socialists find it abhorrent to have to work before you get the benefit of wealth. In short, socialism is about production for use as long as someone else produces it for them. They desire profit without working for it.

While Capitalist may also be selfish it is not required. As a capitalist could produce simply to be fruitful and may choose to give and benefit the products of wise and benevolent charity.

Cain was the first socialist in a city state or civil government like Nimrod who offered benefits to the people but subjugated them within the snare of the civil state. Socialists are not Sabbath keepers because they do not want to work first and then rest but want to be able to rest and depend on the work of others if need be and will enforce that desire with the club of Cain in a city state or civil government.

Socialism | Communism | Primitive Communism |
Anarcho communism | Communist Altruism | Collectivism |
Communitarian | Community Law | Crowd psychology |
Statues | Heroes | Legal charity | Riots | Welfare |
Welfare types | Public religion | Corban | Why Socialism |
Was Jesus a socialist | Not so Secure Socialism |
covetous practices | Weightier matters | Dialectic |
Bread and circuses | gods | Deist | James Scott |
Liberalism | Classical liberalism | Transcendentalist |
Polybius | Plutarch | Perfect law of liberty | Perfect savages |
Lady Godiva | Nimrod | Cain | Bondage of Egypt |
Corvee | Nicolaitan | Benefactors | Fathers | Social bonds |
Citizen‎ | Social contract | Section 666 | Mark of the Beast |
Christian conflict | Diocletianic Persecution | Mystery Babylon |
Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark | Community |
I paid in | Goats and Sheep | Shepherds | Free Keys |
Roots of the Welfare State | Cloward-Piven Strategy |
Rules For Radicals | Communist Manifesto |
Live as if the state does not exist | Departed |
Nazi | Authority | Guru theories | Larken Rose |
Capitalism | Covet | Dominionism | FEMA | Network

Rights | Property rights | Human Rights | Human Events |
Law | Natural Law | Civil law |
Legal | Common Law | Fiction of law |
Parents have a prior right |
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights |
Human resources | Merchandise | Employ |
Universal Service | Tribute | Corvee |
The Way | Foolishly | Foolish virgins |
The Right of Self-determination | Fraud |
Free Assemblies | CORE | Righteousness |
Workers of Iniquity | Doers of the Word | Fruit |

Other articles

The Ugly Capitalist
Evil ism or what God wants?

Christian Anarchism
Oxymoron or What Christ taught?

Occupying the Chessboard of the Dialectic
Does the Devil fear your Resistance?
Does the adversary grow powerful with conflict?

Are Christians Idiots?
Were the apostles unlearned, uneducated and unlettered?

Christianity Derailed
Has the Church lost it way and taken the people with it?
Appeared first on NewsWithViews 3-2-11

Socialist vs Kingdom

Don't upset the trolls.
The original post'
you see above upset the socialists, atheists, and pagans so I did a show covering their comments after doing Mark 1 in the mourning show.
I posted the podcast recording here:
End of Mark 1' and the confusion of Socialists
Download Recording End of Mark 1 and see socialists notes
or press play

Religion was how you take care of the needy of society. The Christians had their own Daily ministration of Pure Religion that was "not spotted by the world" where those ministers rightly divided the bread and other provisions from house to house.
There were two ways to provide social welfare. One system relies on men who exercise authority one over the other which Christ forbid because like the Corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect.
Those systems provided a welfare that was a snare.
The contribution of the masses were forced bý the welfare State where the people's appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by force. Such systems degenerate the social bonds society which weakens the poor and strengthen tyrants and despots.
Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, Sumer, Sodom, Herod, FDR, LBJ, Karl Marx, have all advocated systems that operate by force, fear, and fealty rather the faith, hope, and charity of The Way of Christ. This difference was at the core of the Christian conflict.
Christ evidently did much more than we see contained in the Gospel and certainly laid out much work for the apostles and ministers of His Church.
"Socialism is the religion you get when you have no religion."
Jesus condemns the slothful servant in Matthew 25:26 "His lord answered and said unto him, [Thou] wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:"
And Paul clearly says that ministers and congregants of Christ will not be slothful either in Romans 12 specifically verse 11 "Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;" The word business is normally translated diligence.

My comment

It is not irreligious. It is the typical pagan religion based on force and socialism. Just not pure religion.

It brought out the trolls.

Call in the Trolls

Rebecca Curran Minei
Gregory Williams Sounds like you don't know what communism/socialism is but ok

Brother Gregory's reply.
Rebecca Curran Minei Socialism is an economic and political system which redistributes the production of wealth of others by force. It is popular with slothful people who have no moral restriction when it comes to coveting what others produce and are fine with instituting force to get it. Communism is the same but on steroids.

Jacob Cross
Rebecca Curran Minei I'm just reading this like "what does any of this have to do with workers owning the means of production?"

Michael J Case
Gregory Williams I doubt if you could spot a socialist if one was up your a#s knitting a sweater

Brother Gregory's reply.
Michael J Case Socialist are generally to lazy to knit a sweater. They would rather take someone else's. 🤠

Kyle Frydae
Gregory Williams Imagine the sheer luck it took to make it this long being this dumb

Brother Gregory's reply.
Kyle Frydae Do you or does your group of 8 members have anything articulate or intelligent or even just interesting to add to the topic or any topic of value.🤠

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams absolutely ratio’d on your own comment in a safe space.

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson The truth is the only real safe space. I was curious why there are so many socialist on Bro Billy's group. Most of the reactions explain nothing about their position so I cannot help them.

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams the truth is often not a safe space. The actual truth that is. We’re here because this push has been shared to another group and it’s being laughed over thoroughly

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson I guess "safe" is a relative term. Better to be attacked for the truth than secure in a lie. So, what is your complaint about my post other than your concern about my safety and the ignorant laughter of fools?

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams exactly.

I don’t know what you have you impression I care about your safety. And I don’t have an issue with the laughter. I’m actually doing a bit of it myself. We have pages where this kind of backward think makes funny content

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson I will admit I was being a bit sarcastic. I noticed you avoided answering my question about "what is your complaint about my post."

I am saving these post to use on our radio broadcast. I was hoping some of the laughing mockers could come up with a coherent comment or just a substantive statement.

Craig Thompson
Gregory Williams ah yes, you failed history didn’t you. Forget how Christian’s threatened a bunch of pagans with death or torture if they didn’t convert did you? Forget how y’all stole a bunch of pagan holidays and supplanted Jesus over them did you? Forget that y’all aren’t the only people or religion in this country did you? Forget what Jesus tried to teach yall….did you. Yeah. But you know…

Brother Gregory's reply
Craig Thompson those were not real Christians. Those were Constantine Christian. Most modern Christians do what early Christians were murdered for not doing. Learn the whole truth about history.

Kokichi Oma
Gregory Williams and current modern day Christianity in America isn’t somehow based on force & Fascism?

I’ll take the Pagan Socialist one than you

Brother Gregory's reply.
Kokichi Oma. Like I just explained to Craig Thompson I do not advocate what you call "modern Christians". Because I do not think many of the modern ones are real Christians. Those are Constantinian Christian. Most modern Christians do what the early Christians were murdered for not doing and almost none of them do what early Christians actually did. They did not use "force & Fascism" If you learned the whole truth about history you might be surprised.

Kokichi Oma
Gregory Williams not really but whatever

Brother Gregory's reply.
Kokichi Oma "Not really" what? Try to stay on one topic if you want real answer. Use nouns and adjectives and the rules of logic.

Kokichi Oma
Gregory Williams they literally did that. Your shit leaves out the crusades.

Brother Gregory's reply.
Kokichi Oma. The crusades were after the formation of the Church of Constantine. Try to follow the topic as stated. Straw-maning the Church established by Jesus Christ as if it is the same as the one established by Constantine is unproductive.

Kokichi Oma
Gregory Williams you have no intelligent argument to give

Brother Gregory's reply.
Kokichi Oma An intelligent argument to give about what?

About force? You didn't read the argument in the essay.

About the Crusades? You probably won't read it either. The first rule of logic is identify. There is a vast difference between what the modern Church gas become and what the early Church was meant to be.

Kokichi Oma
Gregory Williams doesn’t matter

Tori D Betz - VanKirk
Gregory Williams Jesus was not a capitalist. He said to sell everything you own and give it to the needy. He said rich people can not get into heaven.

Brother Gregory replies .
Tori D Betz - VanKirk Jesus was clearly a capitalist and Jesus was not a socialist. The Bible teaches capitalism from beginning to end and condemns socialism, the "one purse" systems of social welfare through force and the dainties of rulers. That is what the year of jubilee was about. I know you think you know what you are talking about but you are wrong. Read the article and this one too so you may understand the context of the quote "sell everything you own".

Tori D Betz - VanKirk also wrote
Gregory Williams "Not true Christians" is a not true scottsman fallacy. Bullshit, they were Christians.

Tori D Betz - VanKirk also wrote
Gregory Williams I'm not reading a website of opinions. Prove with biblical texts that Jesus was pro capitalism.

I replied
Tori D Betz - VanKirk that is not what the website does but you would know if you read it. 🤠

Tori D Betz - VanKirk also wrote
Gregory Williams I did and it has no proof, just claims. So if you are a real Christian, you should be able to pull up scriptures to back your claim.

But you're not a real Christian, just a faker like the rest who ignore Jesus.

James Webb
Gregory Williams I guess you don't know the parable of jesus with the loaves and fishes? He got his disciples to go into the crowd he was preaching to, collected 5 loaves and 2 fish from them, then distributed it all to them and all 5000 were fed, with 12 baskets filled up with leftovers.

2 points from this. The first is that the act of generosity caused everyone to start sharing the food they had held back when the disciples were collecting it from them.

The second is that this is a great example of socialism. Jesus was a socialist.....

Brother Gregory's reply.
James Webb First they looked among the disciples for food to share with the people not the whole crowd. You are right the people started sharing because the disciples shared all they had and Jesus went hungry.

We explained that in detail in our study of Matthew 14-15.

But none of that makes Jesus a socialist.

In fact Moses and Jesus were capitalists.

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams lol well tell me which ‘Gods’ the modern school system is raising kids to follow exactly.

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson well the "gods many" of history who were the "ruling judge" of governments of the world.

When Paul said "there be gods many, and lords many" the term "gods" is from "theos" which means "ruling judges" and used to address judges in courts of law.

Even the Hebrew word "elohym" often translated "gods" was used to reference men who had the power to judge the people.

Those terms could refer and Judges in court like the Supreme Court.

Most people, including modern Christians pray to the public gods they have chosen for themselves for their daily bread. But there is a price to pay. The Greek and Hebrew words commonly translated "gods" all mean "ruling judge". Who tells you what is good and evil?

What gives men the power of these "gods many" to be "ruling judges" over the people?  

We teach this and much more with details an facts to back up everything. All for free.

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams that’s exactly the kind of warped answer I was expecting. How much time do you spend in school exactly? Have you seen this ‘socialist force’ with your eyes or is this just a narrative you’re happy to accept, as vehicle to try and impose Christianity back into schools?

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson. What do you think was warped? I never went to public school but only private schools. But of course that is irrelevant. Public education is socialist and funded by property tax which is collected by men who exercise authority.

What socialist country does not use force?

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams oh wow. So you honestly believe there should be no public education system? You really can’t foresee any sort of issue that would cause? My friend I don’t know if it’s the private education or your general environment but you are incredibly out of touch to have that sort of opinion. I can tell you haven’t been near public schools and you haven’t done any sincere analysis of what goes on in them.

Brother Gregory's reply. There were schools open to the poor member of the public for centuries that were funded by private donations. You could get a Harvard education without a student loan if you could not afford tuition. It was not supported by tax dollars but donation of alumni and others.

There should no funding of public services through forced contributions for numerous reasons. You need to study true history. Read people like Alexis de Tocqueville who wrote Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the Revolution or Memoir on Pauperism. Or go back to historians like Polybius who wrote "The masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force and violence. The people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others... institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch."

Actually, I am very familiar with what goes on and has gone on in government funded education.

I have a huge collection of school books from the 1800 until now. I saw a pattern of change and then I came across the Reece Commission investigation and report.

Tom Wilson Gregory Williams and if you think coercion is an exclusively socialist phenomenon I would advise you research literally any era of history or any current politics in nearly any country.

Brother Gregory's reply.

I do not believe that "coercion is an exclusively socialist phenomenon" but at least your now admitting that coercion which is force is a socialist practice.

Tom Wilson Gregory Williams that didn’t answer the question. You’re not trying to tell me that sort of education was widely available to the poor. I know the kind you’re talking about they have an intake of maybe one student per year.

The only people who view moderate government taxation and public services as a hinderance are people that have never had to struggle and go without so don’t need these services.

If you knew what goes on in schools you would not be sincerely trying to say socialism is taught in them. Especially not in America, one of the most rabidly anti communist countries in the world.

(This was almost an instant response)

Brother Gregory's reply.

Actually I did answer your question. I may not have answered it the way you wanted. I also do not think you read the article I shared on Schools as Tools. I wrote it for another publication but included more sources in links on the page. There were 2 questions. "So you honestly believe there should be no public education system?" There should be no tax funded public education.

Jefferson in a rare instance with his Bill 79 the “General Diffusion of Knowledge”. Even though he only wanted to use a tiny amount of existing funds to jump start the project of building school within walking distance in every district. It was rejected twice for several reasons.

Madison pointed to the cost although the money was already there.

Jefferson was adamant about non borrowing funds from the future.

Another was the suggestion to use property taxes were seen as an amoral practice as an infringement on property rights, even though all land was not taxable at that time.

The third reason for the failure of the bill was that the people were already building those school through volunteerism often by what was called the militia which also built roads, hospitals, even prisons without taxation.

The other question was, "You really can’t foresee any sort of issue that would cause?"

Of course there would be issues. But there are also issues with the political habit of forcing your neighbor to pay for what you want for free.

Read Alexis de Tocqueville or at least our article about him, or Thomas Jefferson, or Polybius, or Legal Charity and it's ability to slowly degenerate the masses through the apathy and repose of such covetous practices. Most of the problems of today come from that degeneration.

America, is not "one of the most rabidly anti communist countries". All ten planks of the communist manifesto are law law in the United States. It is a long way back and we need to be willing to see the whole truth.

Like Patrick Henry said, "We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?"

"Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."

Most children in America were home taught until the 1900's yet there was a high degree of literacy which has declined.

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams so what you’re arguing for is a fully privatised education system I suppose. Complete with the financial burden that brings to the poor and with the inequality in education that would bring to reinforce a class tier society.

I’d love to know how you think the community’s manifesto is law in the United States because I think just about any American politician across the political spectrum would find that laughable.

Brother Gregory's reply.
America was supposed to be "the government of the people, for the people, and by the people", then the people need to take their responsibilities back like before the Gettysburg address.

If you want a free country you need to establish the "social bonds" of a free society.

"Social welfare" through the power of the State always erodes liberty and weakens the people.

For hundred years we built schools and educated our children, cared for the aged and infirm. Now we have given that job to public institutions, including the oversight.

We can look at education, food, health of the people, banking and the economy and disaster lurks around every corner.

My intention is not to create a void but seek the people willing to implement the alternative.

But again that requires the people to be "willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams what did Jesus say about rich man getting to Heaven again?

Brother Gregory's reply.
Tom Wilson I will include your question about "what did Jesus say about rich man getting to Heaven again?" In the Saturday broadcast. I have a lot of work to do today. I have more than enough material to address. This will all be on a webpage with links for those who want to learn what big and little tyrants do not want to see nor want you to see.

Tom Wilson
Gregory Williams I actually agree with you on all that. And actually many socialists would agree with you on all of that. What you’re talking about is actually the end goal of communism so technically to some degree nearly all socialists would agree.

I asked the group Why did so many trolls respond to my comment on public schools, pagans, socialism, and pure religion? I get that most people do not know the original definition of religion much less pure religion. And many will not read the articles I write to explain them. But don't people know. Socialism is the religion you get when you have no Religion.

Bro Billy Gregory Williams the mockers you noticed are from a comment I made on another person's post. These folks like to dog pile like this with their impish little faceless friends. Next they'll be reporting every one of my posts as offensive or racist or some other reason.

Bro Billy I did get a weird notice "Your Content has been Detected to contain Spam" claiming 𝙄𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙! And threatening "permɑnent deletiᴏn ᴏf yᴏυr pɑge. Thɑnk yᴏυ fᴏr chᴏᴏsing Metɑ." I figured it was spam and reported it to Facebook.

We regret tᴏ infᴏrm yᴏυ thɑt yᴏυr pɑge is cυrrently υnder tempᴏrɑry restrictiᴏn dυe tᴏ pᴏtentlɑl ѵiᴏlɑtiᴏns, which mɑy inclυde: • Cᴏpyright cᴏncerns • lssυes relɑted tᴏ ɑυthenticity • Priѵɑcy ѵiᴏlɑtiᴏns • Breɑch ᴏf Terms ᴏf Serѵce • lnɑpprᴏpriɑte cᴏntent Tᴏ ɑddress these lssυes prᴏmptly, we kindly ɑsk yᴏυ tᴏ thᴏrᴏυghly reѵiew ɑnd rectify ɑny cᴏncerns by fᴏllᴏwing the link belᴏw: Pleɑse nᴏte thɑt ᴏnly reqυests frᴏm lndiѵidυɑls with fυll ɑdministrɑtiѵe cᴏntrᴏl ᴏѵer the pɑge will be cᴏnsidered. Reqυests frᴏm pɑge ɑdmins cɑnnᴏt be ɑccepted. Fɑilυre tᴏ sυbmit ɑ reѵiew reqυest within the next 24 hᴏυrs mɑy resυlt in permɑnent deletiᴏn ᴏf yᴏυr pɑge. Thɑnk yᴏυ fᴏr chᴏᴏsing Metɑ.

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  1. From Ballentine's Law Dictionary, 1948 Edition. 'Human Being' is defined as follows: 'See monster' .

    The monster

    From the same dictionary, 'monster' is defined: 'A human-being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal.'

  2. Understanding “American labor, which is the capital of our workingmen.” Grover Cleveland Annual Message Dec., 1885. we should take a look at our own part in the covetous events of 1933.

    Other links

    See Employ vs Enslave,
    SS Video Series 7-10 7:28

  3. Chapter 11. of the book The Covenants of the gods, Money vs Mammon
    Mammon, NN Video Series:3-10 4:22
  4. “Debtism is the formal name given to debt-driven capitalism, also known as false capitalism--a system in operation since 1933 until 2010.”
  5. Proverbs 22:26 Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.
  6. "Capitolism is an ironic reference to an economy in which market forces are subsumed to political interests in Washington. The term is derived from Karl Marx's term for a private enterprise-based economy, Capitalism, and the name of the building in which the U.S. Congress meets, the Capitol."
  7. Occupying the Chessboard of the Dialectic