
The family as an institution is composed of individuals where the seeds of social bonds of the whole society began to germinate. Those bands are under attack by way of degeneration.
First, by taking the responsibilities of the family members away and then by turning the roll of it's members against each other. To deny gender roles is to deny nature and nature's God who endowed us with certain rights. Those genders are not in opposition but are essential in order to create the foundation of a free society, the natural family.
A free Community is the product of choice in the daily ministration of a communion of fervent charity and Pure Religion. "legal charity" is the antithesis and will bring with it an End of the family. [1].
The Family
A "Family" is the fundamental social group in society typically consisting of two parents and their children.
FAMILY, domestic relations. In a limited sense it signifies the father, mother, and children. In a more extensive sense it comprehends all the individuals who live under the authority of another, and includes the servants of the family. It is also employed to signify all the relations who descend from a common ancestor, or who spring from a common root. Louis. Code, art. 3522, No. 16; 9 Ves. 323.
2. In the construction of wills, the word family, when applied to personal property is synonymous with kindred, or relations. It may, nevertheless, be confined to particular relations by the context of the will, or may be enlarged by it, so that the expression may in some cases mean children, or next of kin, and in others, may even include relations by marriage. 1 Rop. on Leg. 115 1 Hov. Supp. 365, notes, 6 and 7; Brown v. Higgs; 4 Ves. 708; 2 Ves. jr. 110; 3 East, Rep. 172 5 Ves. 156 1,7 Ves. 255 S. 126. Vide article Legatee. See Dig. lib. 50, t. 16, 1. 195, s. 2.
- Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition
Society is born first in the family and when its foundations crumble, so goes society.
Roman view of the Teutons

Not only does the scriptures and many sacred texts profess and declare the sanctity of marriage but Rome knew and recorded that it was the family that was the foundation of society.
Romans knew full well that “…[T]he healthy moral traditions of early Rome were maintained by the discipline of the family, resting on the supreme authority of the father - the patria potestas - and the powerful influence of the mother, to whom the early training of the child was entrusted.”[2]
When Rome moved their social practice from hospitality and the charity of the hearth to the free bread provided through the legal charity of the State the course of their own society was altered.
Polybius had warned Rome of the degeneration of the masses if they became accustomed to living on a government dole at their neighbor's expense having seen the process time and time again in history.
Tacitus' observations while visiting the Teutons in the land of Germanica stood in stark contrast from what Rome had become under the benefaction of the Fathers of the Senate and the emperors as the Patronus of the masses:
"This is in the sense that the matrimonial bond was strictly observed by the Germanic peoples, this being compared favorably against licentiousness in Rome. Tacitus appears to hold the fairly strict monogamy (with some exceptions among nobles who marry again) between Germanic husbands and wives, and the chastity among the unmarried to be worthy of the highest praise. " Publius Tacitus, The Agricola and The Germania (Ch. 18).
Tacitus would recall what Rome had lost with envy and almost contempt when observing the Teutons approach to marriage. He admired their woman:
Their "wedding gifts... are no toys collected to suit feminine frivolities or adorn a bride; instead of that, they consist of oxen, and a bridled horse, and shield and spear and sword. These are the presents that await her as a wife, and her own wedding present to her husband in return is a gift of arms. This is the strongest bond of union this the mystery of marriage; these are their gods of wedded life. Lest the woman should think that masculine courage and the perils of war lie beyond her sphere, these tokens remind her upon the threshold of marriage that she comes as the man's partner in toils and dangers ; and that in peace and in war she must expect ... to dare the same." Publius Tacitus
There was no question about what a Germanic woman was nor neede to be:
"... they guard the chastity of their lives, with no shows to entice them nor orgies to excite their evil passions... To men and women alike such a thing as secret correspondence is unknown... Amongst all this immense [race's] population adultery is extremely rare, a woman becomes a wife with a wife's hopes and wishes once and once the end that she may not look beyond him nor let her desires stray further ...To limit the number of the family or to put to death any of the later-born infants is held to be an abomination, and with the Germans good customs have more authority than good laws elsewhere!" Publius Tacitus
By the same measure the women were cherished by the men who "Unlike the great majority of barbarians, they are content with one wife ..." Publius Tacitus
The opposite pattern is seen in Rome at that time where, “Even amongst women there were symptoms of revolt against the older order, which showed itself in a growing freedom of manners and impatience of control, the marriage tie was relaxed…"[3]
“Italy was living through the fever of moral disintegration and incoherence which assails all civilized societies that are rich in the manifold resources of culture and enjoyment, but tolerate few or no restraints on the feverish struggle of contending appetites.”[4]
What ruined Rome[5] was the creation of systems of legal charity which turned the Republic into a city of blood[6] and the people into amoral and [[perfect savagès)].
When the morals of society decay with its sexual revolutions there is an erosion, even rot, of the fabric of society itself. The revoluion of the masses greedy for gain at te expence of others the people riot with selfishness in a rebellion against The Way of God and His righteousness. This may begin with biting one another until their conscience is seared and all are devoured like mere merchandise.
Where ever the permanency of marriage is attacked or decays from neglect there will be a decline and fall of nations.
From Sumer to Sodom, from Rome to Judea the die was cast by the covetous practices of their public religion through the rise of the welfare State:
The “sanctity of marriage had ceased… Abortion, and the exposure and murder of newly-born children, were common and tolerated; unnatural vices, which even the greatest philosophers practiced, if not advocated, attained proportions which defy description.”[7]
John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ told us the solution if we have ears to hear.
Sumerian Family Laws
The ana ittishu was the ancient equivalent of the modern words and phrases, expressing the Law and part of an ancient code preserving the Sumerian Family Laws. Not only is the first government based on the family and ordained by God but all government is based on the precepts of what a family is or should be according to these Laws.
“The family is also the first government in the life of the child, with the father as the God-ordained head of the household and his government under God as the child’s basic government.”[8]
In the great domestic relationship of Husband and Wife, the Natural Law and its Creator provide a Father and Mother to have and to hold dominion and custody of their children and heirs. The family was God’s sanctioned government from generation to generation.
In the law of the Latins, the word potestas signifies generally a power or authority by which we do anything. Patria Potestas signifies the authority which a father had over the persons of his children, grandchildren, and other descendants. There was an almost absolute power over the children by the Father or Patri as there also is at Common Law. This was not based on ownership as a slave but as a member of the Familia in which the status of the Father would effect the status of the son.
An act by which the patria potestas was terminated is called emancipatio or emancipation.
At the point of emancipation where did the power go?
Pater Familias
The family was and is a political unit. Within the manu[9] of the family neither the Wife nor the Husband could sue each other for they are counted as one person, one body.[10]
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)
The child is bound within the manu of the family. The manus is a Latin word for the power of the pater familias over his wife and his sons’ wives. Even in its prior history manu as a Sanskrit word meant the primordial Father of the human race and sovereign of the earth. These concepts fundamentally reach into the antiquity of man’s history and are only supplanted by the twisted thoughts of an usurping substitute for God’s plan.
Some might think it oppressive that a patriarch would have such power and authority within his given family, but is it any more desirable to be oppressed by tribal or national groups? Governments that eat out the substance of men in peace and march millions of minions to murderous deaths in war cannot be a superior or benevolent master to that of our natural parents.
God dispersed dominion among the fathers of mankind. Even with Jesus he established no office of father to rule man in mass. A child is within that power until the Father releases him or is released from life itself. There is no right of usurpation by any.
"The child is incapable, in his private rights, of any power or dominion; in every other respect he is capable of legal rights."[11]
The child has a capacity for acquiring legal rights. He could acquire by contract, for instance; but everything that he acquires, is acquired for his father. Without emancipation the child was not free of his father’s power and was also not sui juris.
In Latin the words are from sui meaning of one's own and juris, the genitive of jus, meaning right or law. Sui Juris is one who is capable of managing one's own affairs. Only the patriarch of a family is sui juris. The first civil governments based their civil powers on the law of the family. The individual citizen would be able to acquire legal rights by contract but would not be sui juris.
While a natural Father may abuse his children if he lacks love for them there is a natural governor within a natural society if the parents are dependent upon the good will of their family, their children, and charitable practices of their neighbor for their protection and care in their infirmities and old age.[12] When the State or its equivalent becomes the Father of the person their is little or no governor to moderate its power of the individual person. Like the ancient soulless Golem the corporate State may become a soulless beast and master making choice and regulations that has its interest more than the interest of the children.
The body of the Family
The family unit was a form of autonomous social corporate structure designed by the Law of Nature and natures God. In more ancient times consisted of the elder father, their married sons and their families but also including unmarried daughters and related family sibling groups that may have lost part of the two parent structure.
Families as autonomous units of society were often considered to be sacred but the authority within a family could also be compromised by the creation of central powers of more corporate forms of government.
The imperium[13] of some government forms originally consisted of the right to protect the family (merum) which was only outside its naturally established jurisdiction and could only be conferred by a lex curiata and became a from of the police power of the sword to turn the life of wicked men.
The shifting of authority from the natural Father and Mother of the family as a natural social unit not connected to the administration of government to a strictly civil relationship under the conscripted fathers of the State changes the nature of the union of marriage.
The power of governments originated in the power of he family which we see in the principles associated with the Patronus of Rome.
FAMILY BIBLE. A Bible containing an account of the births, marriages, and deaths of the members of a family.
- 2 An entry, by the father, made in a Bible, stating that Peter, his eldest son, was born in. lawful wedlock of Maria, his wife, at a time specified, is evidence to prove the legitimacy of Peter. 4 Campb. 401. But the entry, in order to be evidence, must be an original entry, and, when it is not so, the loss of the original must be proved before the copy can be received. 6 Serg. Rawle, 135. See 10 Watts, R. 82.
- Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition

In a true government of the people, for and by the people - natural rights remain with the people.
Where the people remain in a “natural state”, under Natural Law, as God intended, before the creation of a “social contract”(whether implied or actual, defacto or dejure), the power of government remained with the individual. In this natural “state of society” the power of choice (liberty or right to choose), called the potestas,[14]remained with every man as the genius within the family.[15]
The Romans called this form of government libera res publica, which means free from things public. It is this phrase which is the origin of the Latin word republica. But over time the word developed two senses and uses. A Republic in one sense is “that form of government in which the administration of affairs is open to all the citizens. In another sense, it signifies the state, independently of its government.”[16]
In the latter sense we can envision a republic as a system where the people retain their rights, hold the power of the state and the ministers are titular servants of the people. In such systems taxes remain voluntary and it is every man’s responsibility to protect his neighbor as he would desire to be protected by his neighbor. What would hold such a society together as a nation? Are there examples of such a government anywhere in man's history?
There is a rich history of such governments and nations operating as diversified networks of voluntary systems of faith, hope, and charity. In fact, “our modern reliance on government to make law and establish order is not the historical norm.”[17]

: Religion was always what you did and do about the natural moral duty to God and your fellow man and Pure Religion was doing that without looking to the rulers of the world who are the conscripted fathers of the earth. You either take care of the needs of society through faith, hope, and charity or you do it through men who exercise authority one over the other through force, fear and violence. While the Father who art in heaven provides daily bread through charity and are the kingdom of God, the "fathers of the earth" uses force, taxation and intimidation etc and are the synagogue of Satan.[18]
Parens Patriae
Pater Patriae (plural Patres Patriae), also seen as Parens Patriae, is a Latin honorific meaning "Father of the Country", or more literally, "Father of the Fatherland".
- Parens patriae is Latin for "parent of the nation" (lit., "parent of the fatherland"). In law, it refers to the public policy power of the state to intervene against an abusive or negligent parent, legal guardian or informal caretaker, and to act as the parent of any child or individual who is in need of protection.
The Doctrine of Parens patriae is not just ancient doctrine but is found as a power of the modern state to control the activities of the people in Title 15, Commerce and Trade[19], Title 12, Banks And Banking[20], Title 18. Crimes And Criminal Procedure[21], Title 49. Transportation[22] and Title 42. Public Health and Welfare[23] of the United States Codes[24] and the laws of the several states.
- "In U.S. litigation, parens patriae can be invoked by the state to create its standing to sue; the state declares itself to be suing on behalf of its people." [25]
State of Nature
People in the state of nature before a social compact did not belong to the State. Their rights were protected by them or others who chose to do so in voluntary societies. The power of the state remained with the people individually from "generation to generation".[26]
King's bench
- "Parens patriae relates to a notion initially invoked by the King's Bench in the sixteenth century in cases of non compos mentis adults.[27] The notion dates from at least 1608, as recorded in Coke's Report of Calvin's Case, wherein it is said 'that moral law, honora patrem...doubtless doth extend to him that is pater patriœ.'" [28]
America supposedly threw off the king but so did Rome throw off the Tarquinian kings when it became a Republic. Rome did not remain a Republic nor did it citizens remain free.
We see the same idea of the State becoming the father of the people first awarded to Roman general Marcus Furius Camillus in 386 BC, who for his role in the aftermath of the Gallic siege of Rome was considered a second founder of the city, in succession to Romulus.
It was awarded to Julius Caesar, who as dictator became the de facto ruler of the Roman republic and its imperium, for having ended the civil wars.
Octavius was granted the titles of Augustus Caesar after another civil war started by the assassination of Julius Caesar. He began an increase in the welfare state of Rome until he was granted the title of Pater Patriae by a vote of the Senate in 2 BC.
The office did not add legitimacy to his legal powers like Imperator, Caesar, Augustus or Savior, princeps senatus, or even pontifex maximus and tribunicia potestas. But as the Patronus of the people it added popularity as a benefactor.
Augustus received this most prestigious title, the Pater Patriae, on February 5, 2 B.C.E. which was the Day of Concord on the Roman religious calendar.
In the Res Gestae, composed by Augustus himself, he wrote:
- “While I was administering my thirteenth consulship the senate and the equestrian order and the entire Roman people gave me the title Father of my Country.” Res Gestae, VI.35.
Romans and non-citizens swore oaths "at the altars of Augustus in the temples of Augustus in the various districts.”
He was called the Son of God and Savior of the people which explains the Christian conflict.
State Religion
These altars of their temples collected a tax to provide for the welfare of the people through tables at which Believers of The Way would tot eat.
Because religion was the way we care for the needy of society under the Caesars had become the [[Father of the people through his free bread.
The duties to their fellowman became public matter of the government welfare, public religion through forced offerings like the Corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect..
With Christians their practice of Pure Religion remained a private matter. It was in this distinction the Christian conflict with Rome brought persecution.
There were oaths of allegiance at the payment of taxes in the temples where benefits were also distributed. We can see these dainties recorded under Nero, Trajanus and others:
- “And I swear by the Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus that I have kept nothing back.” [29]
- “We swear by the fortune of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrian Augustus. ... under oath.” Lewis and Reinhold, Roman Civilization, II.387.
In Paphlagonia of north central Asia Minor there was an inscription dated in 3 B.C. which recorded an oath of obedient allegiance “taken by the inhabitants of Paphlagonia and the Roman businessmen dwelling among them.” [30]
In “ordered that a census be taken of each province everywhere and that all men be enrolled... all the peoples of the great nations took oath, and at the same time, through the participation in the census, were made apart of one society” [31]
Caesar today

The early Christians were bard from taking oaths by Christ's command to Swear not as a matter of doctrine and policy. But also they could not pray to the fathers of the earth for their daily bread, nor covet their neighbor's goods through men who called themselves benefactors but exercised authority.
In U.S. litigation, parens patriae can be invoked "as parens patriae on behalf of natural persons residing in such State"[32] by the state to create its standing to sue; the state declares itself to be suing on behalf of its people. For example, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act of 1976 (15 USC 15(c)), through Section 4C of the Clayton Act, permits state attorneys general to bring parens patriae suits on behalf of those injured by violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
The Applicability of parens patriae actions is affirmed in [15 U.S. Code § 15h -] [33]
When the state becomes your Father offering you benefits at its table you become a child of the state and so do your children. The state becomes the ruling judge of your life when you eat at its table you will be required to sacrifice at its altars. Understanding this and who the Conscripted fathers of Rome were may shed new light on Jesus' statement "call no man upon the earth father."
This system in modern times and in ancient times of making the state your Father also included Birth_registration. This was just one part of the Social contract that binds people through an offer and acceptance of benefits. When these benefits are at the expense of your neighbor and through debt your neighbor's children and entangling bond is created.
In Rome at the time of Christ we know that "Although birth certificates have survived only in Egypt, literary references to such registrations prove the system operated throughout the empire." [34]
But like the Mark_of_the_Beast the real binding of ourselves is our faith or lack of it. Peter said we would make ourselves Merchandise through our covetousness. The antitheses of coveting is charity and sacrifice.
If people desire to be saved they need to believe but if they believe they will repent and began to live by faith and charity, caring about others as much as themselves.
That means gathering together in a living Network bound by love.
The living network is not just an email group but a convention of home Churches we call CORE bound by mutual sacrifice in the name of Christ. The COREs of the Church are connected through a network of Ministers of Record who see to bind the families of in free assemblies by love alone with one Father to pray to for our daily bread.
Those who have eyes to see will see.
Besides using the poor translation of 1 Corinthians 4:14-15 found in some Bibles [35] Clearly Paul never calls himself father of the people as Jesus used the word Pater or father as we see in Matthew 23:9 [36]
If people are willing to read Christ's statement in His own context they will see Him making the same references you see in the Luke 22 when Christ is again giving direct instructions about the "greatest among you shall be your servant" and "for one is your Master" or one is your Father who art in heaven.
Other wise you will make covenants with the gods many of the world
But the Modern Christian would make Caesar his master to obtain benefits at the expense of his neighbor through the exercising authority of his office and elect Caesars as their Benefactors.
Christ taught us to live by charity and the Perfect law of liberty not by forcing our neighbor to provide for us through any office of authority.
The Church use to do that but now they appear to be there just to make people comfortable in their iniquity and sins of wanton covetousness. The modern Christian is again entangled in the elements of the "world" as Peter warned us in 2 Peter 2:20 "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning."
Such people should expect a collapse of their nations worse than the fall of Rome and the sooner they repent the better off they will be.
This is undeniable even though Christ said to be in the "world" and not of it using the same word primarily defined as constitutional order and government.
Where John the Baptist preached charity the Modern Christians lives a socialist life of token charity depending on their masters, the fathers of the earth, for their daily bread, binding themselves with oaths in order to eat at the table of kings (see Proverbs 23). They must now bow down and serve them but it does not mean they should eat at those tables.
We know those tables are a snare and a trap.
But many who say they believe are actually workers of iniquity taking a socialist bite out of their neighbors and devouring one another in their lust for benefits ... driving their nation and the whole "world" into debt while cursing their children with that debt because they do not really want to gather in the "name of Christ".
They love the "world" and its false securities and disregard the words of Christ's prophets in 1 John 2:15 -18 according to their own "sloppy" doctrines and private interpretations.
The Modern Christian does not really love Christ but an image of Christ he creates in his own mind. Oh he says he believe and that he loves the Lord but does not do what he said. In truth he loves the "world" and the "things [that are] in the world" and we know that "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
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- ↑ Degeneration of the family
- “Even amongst women there were symptoms of revolt against the older order, which showed itself in a growing freedom of manners and impatience of control, the marriage tie was relaxed…" Encyclopedia Britannica ‘57 Vol. 19 p 490.2
- The “sanctity of marriage had ceased… Abortion, and the exposure and murder of newly-born children, were common and tolerated; unnatural vices, which even the greatest philosophers practiced, if not advocated, attained proportions which defy description.” Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, By Alfred Edersheim, Chapter XI.
- "Men nowadays no longer secretly, but openly outrage the wives of others, and allow others access to their own wives. A match is thought countrified, uncivilized, in bad style, and to be protested against by all matrons, if the husband should forbid his wife to appear in public in a litter, and to be carried about exposed to the gaze of all observers. If a man has not made himself notorious by a liaison with some mistress, if he does not pay an annuity to some one else's wife, married women speak of him as a poor-spirited creature, a man given to low vice, a lover of servant girls. Soon adultery becomes the most respectable form of marriage, and widowhood and celibacy are commonly practiced. No one takes a wife unless he takes her away from some one else. Now men vie with one another in wasting what they have stolen, and in collecting together what they have wasted with the keenest avarice; they become utterly reckless, scorn poverty in others, fear personal injury more than anything else, break the peace by their riots, and by violence and terror domineer over those who are weaker than themselves. No wonder that they plunder provinces and offer the seat of judgment for sale, knocking it down after an auction to the highest bidder, since it is the law of nations that you may sell what you have bought... Our ancestors before us have lamented, and our children after us will lament, as we do, the ruin of morality, the prevalence of vice, and the gradual deterioration of mankind;" On Benefits (De Beneficiis) by Seneca. See Riots
- "That the man who first ruined the Roman people twas he who first gave them treats and gratuities. But this mischief crept secretly and gradually in, and did not openly make it's appearance in Rome for a considerable time." Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus (c. 100 AD.)
- “The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” Plutarch
- "The people who had once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else now longs eagerly for just two things, bread and circus games." Juvenal a Roman poet. See legal charity.
- ↑ Cf. Tacitus's account of Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, and Aurelia, the mother of Julius Caesar, in the dialogue De oratoribus, c. 28.(1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 23/668)
- ↑ Encyclopedia Britannica ‘57 Vol. 19 p 490.
- ↑ Idiom. Encyclopedia Britannica ‘57 Vol. 19 p 490.
- ↑ "That the man who first ruined the Roman people twas he who first gave them treats and gratuities. But this mischief crept secretly and gradually in, and did not openly make it's appearance in Rome for a considerable time." Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus (c. 100 AD.) Alternate translation. "For it has been well said that he first breaks down the power of the people who first feasts and bribes them. But at Rome the mischief seems to have crept in stealthily and gradually, and not to have been noticed at once." Life of Coriolanus, Sec. 14
- ↑ Cities of blood
- Exodus 16:3 "And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, [and] when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger."
- Genesis 11:4 "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
- Jeremiah 26:15 "But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears."
- Isaiah 45:13 "I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts."
- Ezekiel 11:3 "Which say, [It is] not near; let us build houses: this [city is] the caldron, and we [be] the flesh."
- Ezekiel 7:23 "Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence."
- Ezekiel 9:9 "Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah [is] exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not."
- Ezekiel 22:2 "Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations. 3 Then say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD, The city sheddeth blood in the midst of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against herself to defile herself."
- Ezekiel 24:6 "Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum [is] therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it... 9 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city! I will even make the pile for fire great."
- Hosea 6:8 "Gilead [is] a city of them that work iniquity, [and is] polluted with blood."
- Habakkuk 2:8 “Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein... 12 Woe to him that buildeth a 'town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!”
- The frequent reference to cities of blood, flesh pots, and a civil cauldron (i.e. One purse) often is associated with a "harlot in the city" as we saw in Amos 7:17. but in Nahum 3:4 it says she "selleth nations through her whoredoms". These are the systems of legal charity that provide a social welfare through governments that exercise authority one over the other entangling the masses in covetous practices which is a trap and a snare and makes the word of God to none effect.
- ↑ Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, By Alfred Edersheim, Chapter XI.
- ↑ Law & Liberty by Rushdoony Pg. 78-80
- ↑ "In mea manu" means "in my hand." The Family and all it owned was a free unite or entity under God.
- ↑ Matthew 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
- ↑ Savigny, System, &c. ii.52.
- ↑ Exodus 20:12 "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."
- ↑ IMPERIUM. (Gaius, IV.103), when making a division of judicia into those Quae Legitimo jure consistunt, and those Quae Imperio continentur, observes that the latter are so called because they continue in force during the Imperium of him who has granted them. "gladii potestatem ad anim advertendum in facinorosos homines men," Ulpian, în D, 2, 1, 3; Gaius definește imperium merum ca fiind. William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875. Imperium
- ↑ Potestas, in the law of the Latins, "signifies generally a power or faculty" of authority by which we do anything." Patria Potestas originally signified the authority which a father had over of his children, grandchildren, and other descendants. When this right or power was eventually vested in the State the agency of government became the father of the people and this not only weakened the people but reduced their liberty. See Parens Patriae or "Call no man Father".
- ↑ Leviticus 25:10 “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout [all] the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.”
- ↑ Republic. Black’s Dictionary 3rd Ed. p1536.
- ↑ Part I of The Enterprise of Law : Justice without the State by Dr. Bruce L. Benson.
- ↑ Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
: Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.[Today this would include those who say they are Christians but doeth contrary to the word. - ↑ 15 U.S. Code § 15 Applicability of parens patriae actions § 15h. Applicability of parens patriae actions Sections 15c, 15d, 15e, 15f, and 15g of this title shall apply in any State...
- ↑ Title 12. Banks And Banking, Chapter 53. "the State, as parens patriae, may bring a civil action on behalf of its residents in an appropriate district court...
- ↑ Title 18. Crimes And Criminal Procedure, Part I. Crimes, Chapter 77. Peonage, Slavery, And Trafficking, In Persons, Section 1595. Civil Remedy adversely affected by any person who violates section 1591, the attorney general of the State, as parens patriae, may bring a civil action against such person on behalf of the residents of the State...
- ↑ Title 49. TRANSPORTATION, ...the attorney general of the state may, as parens patriae,” for “a State authority may”...
- ↑ Title 42. THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE, Chapter 7. SOCIAL SECURITY... residents of that State has been or is threatened or adversely affected by any person who violates a provision of this part, the attorney general of the State, as parens patriae, may bring...
- ↑ Search parens patriae at
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Daniel 4:3 How great [are] his signs! and how mighty [are] his wonders! his kingdom [is] an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion [is] from generation to generation.
Joel 3:20 But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation - ↑ Lat: not having control over the mind or intellect. Not of sound mind; insane. See 108 A. 2d 820, 822. In certain circumstances its effect is lessened to mean only "not legally competent." See 1 S.E. 2d 768, 770. Compare diminished capacity; incompetent; non sui juris .
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ Lewis and Reinhold, Roman Civilization, 388.
- ↑ Lewis and Reinhold, Roman Civilization, II.34–35.
- ↑ Paulus Orosius, historian and theologian in the 5th century, VI.22 and VII.2.
- ↑
- ↑ 15 U.S. Code § 15h "Sections 15c, 15d, 15e, 15f, and 15g of this title shall apply in any State, unless such State provides by law for its nonapplicability in such State. "
- ↑ Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire By Clifford Ando, page 355.
- ↑ "For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel." The King James renders a more accurate translation:
- 14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you.
- 15 For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. [1 Corinthians 4].
- ↑ Matthew 23:9 "And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."