Why Minister
Why Minister

Ministers are first servants of God but also servants of the people. The Ministers of Christ are forbidden to exercise authority one over the other and therefore they are titular leaders like those of the early Church were to aid the people in the practice of Pure Religion according to The Way of Christ. While they functioned as the pure Republics of more ancient history and were "one form of government" the leaders of the people were titular, they did not rule or the bodies and minds of the people.
- Ministers of the people are recognized and accepted by the witness of the people.
- Ministers of the Church should then:
- Come together to obey what Christ commanded according to the will of the Father,
- Come together to serve others through love and just not yourself,
- Come together to propagate Christ's doctrines and ordinances,
- Come together in hope that the people "might be saved".
They should be assisting in the Corban of Christ and aiding the people in their duty of Pure Religion like the early Church who were attending to the Weightier matters as Christ warned.
They should be making it possible for the people of faith who love one another not to have to depend upon any minister of the world who exercises authority one over the other.
Even Polybius warned the people of their "appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force". John the Baptist said the same things encouraging charity among those who received his Baptism.
You cannot covet the property of others to provide your livelihood or you and your society will "degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch."
Authoritarian States use force and violence to become the Benefactors of the people. They force one class of citizen to provide for another. Proverbs 23 warned and Christ forbid that type of government.
Their solution was to not pray to the Fathers of the earth for their free bread and benefits which was a snare, but to set the table of the Lord through the Eucharist of Christ which was a daily ministration established by His Church through faith, hope, charity and the perfect law of liberty.
The same is true of ministers who are not rulers over the faith of true believers.
- "Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand." 2 Corinthians 1:24
Many modern doctrines of Churches try to dictate tenets of faith based on private interpretation rather than the actual direct doctrines of Jesus. The true minister of Christ only facilitates the people's practice of Pure Religion by connecting them in a kingdom of God and His righteousness.
The ministers of God are not rulers nor spiritual gurus nor their comforters. Every man should be led by the Holy Spirit.
In Mark 6:39 Christ commanded His called out disciples to make the people organize themselves in small "companies"[1] which are the elders of ten families. Those elders choose a minister, usually another elder. Those elder ministers gather in a congregation of elders or Deacons in "ranks".[2]
A rank of fifty would be 5 "companies" of 10 families which would add up to fifty families.
Two "ranks" of fifties would be a hundred families or 10 "companies" of elders of families which would be 10 groups of 10 families.
This practical network of free assemblies is The Way to practice pure religion in faith, hope and charity according to the perfect law of liberty as free souls under God.
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Religious Orders |
Rules of St Benedict |
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Sabbath |
- ↑ The word companies is repeated twice in original text.
- 4849 ~συμπόσιον~ sumposion \@soom-pos’-ee-on\@ from a derivative of the alternate of 4844; ; n n AV-company 1, not tr. 1; Repeated twice in Mark 6:39
- 1) a drinking party, entertainment
- 1a) of the party itself, the guests
- 1b) rows of guests
- "The symposium (or symposion) was an important part of ancient Greek culture from the 7th century BCE and was a party held in a private home where Greek males gathered to drink, eat and sing together. Various topics were also discussed such as philosophy, politics, poetry and the issues of the day."
- " The equivalent of a Greek symposium in Roman society is the Latin convivium."
- A Roman convivium according to Marcus Tullius Cicero for the republican period and Seneca suggest that ten to twelve was the maximum number.
- Plato in his "Laws" endorses the benefits of the symposium as a means to test and promote virtue in citizens.
- This word sumposion is derived in part from the word pino which means "figuratively, to receive into the soul what serves to refresh strengthen, nourish it unto life eternal"
- ↑ ranks is also repeated twice in original text and is from the Greek word prasia which as a Hebrew idiom i.e. they reclined in ranks or divisions, so that several ranks formed, as it were separate plots or divisions.