CORE Solution

The problems with the systems of the world today is not the willful injustice of tyrannical spirit and actions of rulers but is the slothful spirit and covetousness of the masses.
So, has the sloth, avarice, and covetous practices of the people turned the original Republics in the world into the Kleptocracy or Kakistocracy[1] of the "world" ?
All the problems of society can be traced back to the degenerating effects of a 100 years of the covetous practices of legal charity and the present denial by each individual that they are in need of repentance.
Solution is Salvation
The solution is salvation and salvation is the solution but salvation is not for the dead but the living because the Kingdom of God was for the living not the dead.[2]
The Kingdom of God was a voluntary government of, for and by the people, and was from "generation to generation".
Christ, Abraham and Moses all had a plan which included loving one another, not rulers who exercise authority which is force.
Family was the institution of God but how those families came together to secure the blessings of God determined the liberty of the people. Creating social bonds and social capital within communities was essential for the success, survival and salvation of communities. For the family to be fruitful they must love their neighbor as themselves. This the essential CORE to freedom under God. That plan called The Way got his followers, eventually called Christians, kicked out of one system of Corban that made the word of God to none effect so that they had to form another kind of system of Corban that would help them tend to the daily ministration of their own needy with Ministers who did not exercise authority like the Benefactors of the world.
This individual change of direction and the form of gathering together was called repentance.
This repentance altered the way people related to their fellow man and made them unique in the eyes of the world.
The early followers of Christ did this by forming small intimate congregations of personal testimony who networked together practicing Pure Religion manifesting the fruits worthy of repentance.
How this plan of Christ worked then and can work today is very simple and every Church, home church, group can use these precepts to help form networks of hope dependent upon love and charity instead the force, fear, and fealty of the world.
To find out more you can Join the Network and gather with others in Free Assemblies and seek that which sets men free.
The core of the network is families freely coming together. But what is a CORE?
Free Assemblies |
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Fractal Network
Why Congregate |
Why we gather |
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Church |
Why Church |
Congregations of Rebuke |
Tips on forming a CORE |
CORE Solution |
CORE Off Track |
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Why did Jesus Say |
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- ↑ Kleptocracy is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to expropriate the wealth of the people and land they govern, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population. Synonymous with a Thievocracy and leads to a Kakistocracy which is a government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state. These form of government are the effect of the cause of covetous practices of legal charity which always degenerates the masses. Before there is an economic and political bankruptcy and the dearths that produced and plagued the fall of Rome there was and is a moral bankruptcy of the individuals and masses who have the appetite for benefits at the expense of their neighbor.
- ↑ Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.