Minister of the world
Can the state compel you to accept someone as your "religious" minister?
Is it a violation of religious freedom to do so?
Trey Gowdy and the supreme court say the government cannot force you to accept a religious minister.
What that means depends upon your definition of "religious minister" and even religion? What is a minister and what is he suppose to do?
Does the State already force you to accept the ministers of their choice?
We use words like clerks and clergy but do we understand the difference between public religion and the private religion practiced by the early Church. The early Church was to practice Pure Religion which was unspotted by the "world".
Clergy of the world
Who is the Clergy of the world?
If we use the term world that Jesus said his kingdom was not a part of and that his minsters could be in but not of then the world includes the constitutional orders of men and their governments. That would be the same world that James says spots religion so that it is no longer pure Religion.
If we use clergy as the ministers of what was called public religion then the clergy of the world would include the employees of governments since that Greek word for world meant "a constitutional form of government". It is the the administers of the those systems of State Welfare who may be classified as the clerks or #clergy of the world[1] that provide care for the need of society as well as those who collect the contributions of the people who are the resources of that public welfare system.
Are those who provide the services in modern government which was once the exclusive province of the Christian community in fact the "clergy of the State" providing the administration of welfare to the needy? That would be what is sometimes called "public religion" which is often doing what the early Church used to do. They are the administrators of your social welfare by the governments of the world.
What is the difference between a minister of the world and a minister of the Church?
Is religion what you think about God or how you perform your duty to your fellowman and also to God or the gods of the world?
Who are the ministers of your real religion that take care of the needy of your society?

Pure Religion is taking care of the "widows and orphans" of your society unspotted by the ways of the world. The world has ministers who force your neighbor to contribute to your welfare but a minister of the Church established by Christ cannot use force. They are another form of government.
"Social Security In America" was originally a private affair but today "widows and orphans" are cared for by public offices. "Social Security Programs Throughout the World" provide for the needy by forced contribution which is contrary to the ways of John the Baptist and Jesus to say nothing of Paul the Apostle and the early Church.
According to the book "Social Security: An Introduction to the Basic Principles", By Danny Pieters,
- "The administrative hierarchy will usually be headed by a minister who is politically responsible. This may be the minister of social security, welfare or social affairs. However, the highest responsibility in terms of administration is quite often spread over more than one government member: in addition to the minister of social affairs, there can be a public health minister who is in charge of the health care system and/or a minister of employment who is in charge of the social protection in case of unemployment."
Modern "widows and orphans" are cared for "Under the direction of the Minister of Social Welfare", according to the "Social Security Administration", who are the men who call themselves Benefactors but exercise authority one over the other.
These duties used to be performed by the Church by ministers who were forbidden to exercise authority one over the other.
Is your minister from His Church or is he from the welfare or social security office of the "WORLD" that claims they are Benefactors but exercise authority one over the other?
Social Security is not only a failed system, but it also undermines the fabric of society.
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- ↑ "Minister of the world" are often the antitheses of the true Ministers of Christ who are the Clergy_of_Christ. Many posing as the ministers of Christ are actually the prophets or promoters of the Beast for they send the people to the social welfare systems of the world which makes the word of God to none effect, turns the people into human resources and curse children, returning people to the bondage of Egypt. These fake ministers of Christ do not provide the daily ministration or free bread of Christ but send the people to the Fathers of the earth and the benefactors who exercise authority one over the other.