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==  Give tribute to Caesar ==
==  Give tribute to Caesar ==

Some people thing that Jesus' comments about tribute paid to Caesar<Ref>[[Matthew 22]]:17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
Some people think that Jesus' comments about tribute paid to Caesar<Ref>[[Matthew 22]]:17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
: [[Mark 12]]:14  And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
: [[Mark 12]]:14  And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
: [[Luke 20]]:22  Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?
: [[Luke 20]]:22  Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?

Revision as of 21:59, 24 December 2022

Caesar and Jesus were both called Savior and Son of God. Caesar was also called the Father, the Patronus, Our Father of the people but Jesus said call no man on earth Father. All the members of the Roman Senate were also called Patri or Father. The difference in their methods and the outcomes are at the core of the Christian conflict with Rome and the conflict today with the Doctrines of Jesus and the Modern Christians.

Caesar a title

Caesar is a title of imperial character given to the Emperors of Rome who first held a ten year term of office as Commander in Chief of the military, army and navy.

It derives from the cognomen of Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator. The change from being a familial name to a title adopted by the Roman Emperors can be dated to about AD 68/69, the so-called "Year of the Four Emperors".

For political and personal reasons Octavian chose to emphasize his relationship with Caesar by styling himself simply "Imperator Caesar" (whereto the Roman Senate added the honorific Augustus, "Majestic" or "Venerable," in 27 BC), without any of the other elements of his full name. His successor as emperor, his stepson Tiberius, also bore the name as a matter of course; born Tiberius Claudius Nero, he was adopted by Caesar Augustus on June 26, 4 AD, as "Tiberius Julius Caesar." The precedent was set: the Emperor designated his successor by adopting him and giving him the name "Caesar."

The fourth Emperor, Claudius, was the first to assume the name "Caesar" upon accession, without having been adopted by the previous emperor; however, he was at least a member by blood of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, being the maternal great-nephew of Augustus on his mother's side, the nephew of Tiberius, and the uncle of Caligula. Claudius in turn adopted his stepson and grand-nephew Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, giving him the name "Caesar" in the traditional way; his stepson would rule as the Emperor Nero.

Although the etymology of the name of Julius Caesar is not known with certainty, many scholars believe that it was simply a use of the Latin expression caesar meaning hairy.

Give tribute to Caesar

Some people think that Jesus' comments about tribute paid to Caesar[1] means Jesus is justifying all taxes while others think he was cleverly saying we should not pay taxes. Neither are true. Jesus was saying if you owe Caesar pay him what you owe him but also give to God what He is owed as well.

So the first question might be what do you owe Caesar and why do you owe it.

Some are fond of declaring that taxation is theft or is taxation justice?

The answer to both these question may be different from one individual to the next.

The Bible says that some people should be under tribute because they are slothful.

And the truth is the biggest complainers are often the very people the Bible says should be under tribute.

First, the reason the silver denarii had Caesar's image on it was because those coins actually belonged to Caesar who only loaned them into circulation through the creation of government projects and would be recollected through taxes or what we call tribute. They would be collected with interest or fees for the "use" of his roads and harbors or coliseums etc..

Secondly, the use of Caesar's image was a violation of the Pharisees private interpretation of idolatry. The coin could have been considered a graven image which could not have allowed them to even touch the coins. Jesus made a point of having them bring him the coin. They intended to set him up but he turned it back on them which allowed him to call them "hypocrites".[2]

But there was another form of tribute tax which was used to fund the Corban of the Pharisees bur did not have Caesar's image on it. Rome gave free bread and other welfare to its people and the pharisees did the same in Judea. This welfare or Daily bread was run through the government temples like the temple in Jerusalem and the temple of Roma which were both built by Herod. His scheme was to provide social welfare benefits to members who were required to contribute.

If you were registered in the Corban scheme of Herod and the Pharisees you owed another tax. This was the Corban that Jesus said that made the word of God o none effect and caused the people to do no more ought for their parents[3].

There has always been two types of welfare in society. One was by force and the other was by charity, one was dependent upon biting one another and the other was by loving one another. Moses said love one another by freewill offerings, John the Baptist and Jesus and the early Church said and did the same. The Modern Church tells the people it is okay to go to benefactors who exercise authority as long as you come to us to be comforted.

This Corban of the Pharisees was a social security welfare type system run through government buildings called temples. These are the covetous practices talked about by Peter who said you would become merchandise and your curse your children with the ensuing debt.

Rome provided free bread and circuses and the protection through its Pax Romana and, in return required faithful allegiance and compelled taxes. This reciprocating tax was due the Soter of Rome. The same is true of modern Caesars.

Ancient Israel provided similar benefits through the Church in the wilderness by way of freewill offerings of tithing. The early Church appointed by Christ provided a similar daily ministration through the charity of the people who repented and were going The Way of Christ according to His Holy Spirit who was their comforter.

All this should be understood as the basics of the Gospel of the kingdom because it is righteous to live by charity and wicked to live at the expense of your neighbor through force. Applying to men who call themselves Benefactors who exercise authority or those who are the fathers of the earth who provide benefits at the expense of your neighbor is against the teachings of Christ but many Modern Christians are in need of repentance because they are under a Strong delusion and following the ways of the a Nicolaitan which God hates.

All Jews of Judea did not hate Rome. Many loved and desired their protection, generosity, and social security ; besides, they were good for business. There were rebels, as always. There was corruption, as always. The Caesars were the protector of their peace, the benefactors of their welfare. He was one of the fathers of the earth that people look to to provide for them.

The Emperor (Emperator, emperatoris m. commander in chief. Collins L.E. Dict. ‘62.), the commander-in-chief of the multinational military force that kept the peace throughout the world. Caesar was a god of His world and the table he set before the people which they did freely eat despite God's warnings.

  • “When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat....

Eat thou not the bread of [him that hath] an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart [is] not with thee. The morsel [which] thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.” (Proverbs 23:1,2,3... 6, 8)

  • “The annual Temple-tribute was allowed to be transported to Jerusalem, and the alienation of these funds by the civil magistrates treated as sacrilege. As the Jews objected to bear arms, or march, on the Sabbath, they were freed from military service. On similar grounds, they were not obliged to appear in courts of law on their holy days. Augustus even ordered that, when the public distribution of corn or of money among the citizens fell on a Sabbath, the Jews were to receive their share on the following day. In a similar spirit the Roman authorities confirmed a decree by which the founder of Antioch, Seleucus I. (Nicator, [d Ob.280 B.C.]) had granted the Jews the right of citizenship in all the cities of Asia Minor and Syria which he had built, and the privilege of receiving, instead of the oil that was distributed, which their religion forbade them to use, [e Ab. Sar ii. 6] an equivalent in money. [Jos.Ant. Xii. 3. 1]. These rights were maintained by Vespasian and Titus even after the last Jewish war, not with standing the earnest remonstrances of these cities. No wonder, that at the death of Caesar the Jews of Rome gathered for many nights, waking strange feelings of awe in the city, as they chanted in mournful melodies their Psalms around the pyre on which the body of their benefactor had been burnt, and raised their pathetic dirges." Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Chapt. V

Those warnings of Old and new testaments about seeking the benefits of kings and men who exercise authority are not limited to Proverbs and Moses nor John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter but even Polybius and Plutarch told us the same. The process of our reoccurring bondage and entanglement in the elements of the world is the result of our parents and our own covetous practices. No legal wranglings, no belligerent claimant, no trusts nor filed papers will set you free until you stop being workers of iniquity and reverse the process of your bondage charitable practices of love and faith.

If you have the government number that allows you to eat at their table and have taken any benefits with that number from employment to the care of your parents or public education then you are probably under tribute obligation and owe the tax. Desiring any benefits at the expense of your neighbor are covetous practices that curse children with debt and entangle them in the elements of the world. Most people owe tribute to Caesar because their parents have cursed them with those covetous practices of applying for benefits at the expense of their neighbor.

  • “And their ownership was based upon the truth that if you have not your own rations you must feed out of your Tribe’s hands: with all that that implies. ” Rudyard Kipling A Book of Words, XXIV “Independence”.

Once one generation goes the way of the Nimrod and create the Yoke of bondage it will pass from generation to generation like it did in Egypt.

The only way back is to go the way of John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ and set the table of the Lord, which is the Corban of righteousness.

Are you building a Living Network with a daily ministration through Pure Religion and the Perfect law of liberty?

  • “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force, like fire,
it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

When government collects taxes by force simply because your neighbors want more benefits, more free bread, more medical assistance, more gratuities, does not everyone take part in the violence?

  • “And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.” (Exodus. 23: 8)

Until people stop being slothful in the ways of God they will remain in bondage to the Fathers of the world.

Proverbs 12:24 "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

The warnings are explicit throughout the Bible:

  • "Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods." Exodus 23:32

But People and their parents have.

No one would owe Tribute if people had been caring for the welfare Link title of one another through daily tithe in a network of love and charity.

They have become a surety for debt because of their covetous actions and sloth and that of their parents. The debt all governments have created is a snare and a trap and you cannot make that go away with wishful thinking.

You cannot just set yourself free.

You must Repent and seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Use this Network to find and Join a congregation of record (CORE) and set the table of the Lord with your freewill offerings in hope by faith and charity.

Teach your Minister to be good servants in the Kingdom.

Seek to do the will of Christ and the Father in heaven.

  • “…Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, .... Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” (Mt 6:9,13)

Don't pretend or play church, Be the Church, Be the Kingdom.

In the meantime be friends with the unrighteous Mammon.

Pay you Tale of bricks but glean in the field for your benefits.


Fathers | Conscripted fathers | Pater Patriae‎ | Patronus | Emperator |
Potestas‎ | Imperium | Genius | Protection | Authority | Benefactors |
Rome vs US | Polybius | Plutarch | Nimrod | Senate | Was Jesus a socialist |
Christian conflict | Public religion | Covetous Practices | Imperial Cult of Rome |
Divide | Biting one another | Legal charity | Cry out | Social bonds |
Pure Religion | Charitable Practices | Corban | Hear |
Merchandise | Curse children | Birth registration | Undocumented | Bondage |
Gods | Apotheos | Supreme being | Mark of the Beast | Nature of the Beast
Elements | Perfect law of liberty | The Way | Lady Godiva | Network |

People of the present
Jordan Peterson | Thomas Sowell | Candace Owens |
George Soros | Robert Burk | Howard Zinn | David French |
Guru theories
David Zuniga | LB Bork | Anna Maria Riezinger |
Marc Stevens | Marcus | Steven Americo |
David Merrill | Larken Rose | |
Numerous Scientists
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche | Dr. Malone | Dr. Jessica Rose |
Sucharit Bhakdi | Dr. Suzuki | Dr. Ryan Cole |
Dr Stephanie Seneff | Dr Shankara Chetty |
Dr. Luc Montagnier | Dr. Aseem Malhotra |
Dr Dan Stock | Dr. Michael Yeadon | Dr. Steven Quay |
Anthony Fauci | Dr. Salk | Dr. Charles Hoffe |
Professor John Ioannidis | Dr. Peter McCullough | Judy Mikovits |
Doctor Richard Ruhling |
James Scott |
People of the past
Cain | Nimrod | Melchizedek | Abraham | Pharaoh | Moses |
Buddha | Philo Judaeus‎ | Epicurus | Polybius | Plutarch |
Emperators | Caesar | Julius Caesar |
Augustus Caesar | Tiberius |
Caligula | Claudius | Nero |
Galba | Otho | Vitellius | Vespasian |
Titus | Domitian | Trajan |
Hadrian | Antoninus Pius |
Marcus Aurelius | Vespian |
Diocletianic Persecution |
Seneca | Stoic | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Celsus | Tacitus | Suetonius | Ignatius of Antioch |
Philo Judaeus‎ - Philo of Alexandria | Herod | John the Baptist |
Jesus the Christ | Diotrephes | Paul the Apostle |
Justin the Martyr | Hippolytus of Rome (200 AD) |
Theophilus | Origen | Jerome | Augustine of Hippo |
Constantine | Ambrose | Eusebius | Eustathius |
Allocutio ad imperatorem Constantinum |
Athanasius | Athenagoras of Athens |
Augustine of Canterbury | Lady Godiva | Thomas Aquinas | Thomas Moore | John Wycliffe‎ |
James Madison | Thomas Jefferson | Patrick Henry | Isaac Backus |
Henry David Thoreau | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Frederic Bastiat |
Alexis de Tocqueville | David Crockett |
Booker T Washington | George Washington Carver |
Becamp | Charles Guignebert | Friedrich Nietzsche | Emma Goldman | Edward Mandell House | Woodrow Wilson | FDR | LBJ | Friedrich Niemöller | Norman Dodd | Archibald MacLeish | Harry Browne | Admiral Ben Moreell |

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  1. Matthew 22:17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
    Mark 12:14 And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
    Luke 20:22 Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?
    Luke 23:2 And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King.
  2. 18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?19 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
  3. Mark 7:12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;

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