Rituals and ceremonies

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Rabbinical Baptism was one of the Rituals and ceremonies of the Pharisees that seemed to be at odds with the Baptism of John the Baptist and would eventually get the followers of Jesus as the Christ kicked out of the social welfare system set up through the Corban of Herod and the pharisees.

Rituals and ceremonies

"A ritual is a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order."[1]

If we do not understand that a religious service is "the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men” and not just chants and chattering of choirs and priests we may be led away from the righteous rituals and ceremonies of God.


We already have seen that the word ritual can mean a service or ceremony which involves actions performed and Websters Dictionary of 1812 says the word ceremony means an "Outward rite" and a rite is "The manner of performing divine or solemn service as established by law, precept or custom; formal act of religion, or other solemn duty."

Bouvier's Law Dictionary of 1856 states that religion is the “Real piety in practice[2], consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men”.[3]

The American Heritage® Dictionary 5th Edition states that a ceremony is, "A formal act or set of acts performed as prescribed by ritual or custom."

We should accept that a ceremony is simply the action or performance of a duty prescribed by a customary ritual, which is actual service, and as a rite of religion is in fact the performance of "all known duties to God and your fellow man" would include the means and method.

Tickling your ears, telling you what you want to hear, is not the ritual prescribed by Jesus. If men and their rituals and ceremonies are your comforter then where does the Holy Spirit come into the picture of your life.

To understand the rituals and ceremonies of Jesus the Christ people may have to reexamine the rituals and ceremonies of services and actions of the Modern Church with those of the early Church. They would have to willing to see the action of the Apostles who were appointed a kingdom[4] and compare them to the deeds of the Pharisees He took the kingdom from [5], and understand the differences between His worship services and those of the world and the nicolaitans.

Rituals and Rites

The word ritual does not appear in the King James version of the Bible. But we do see the word 'ceremonies' in Numbers and we find the word 'rites' in the same verse:

Numbers 9:3 "In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites[6] of it, and according to all the ceremonies[7] thereof, shall ye keep it."

The Hebrew word translated into "rite" appears in the text in a unique form and commonly translated "his statutes". Instead of cḥuqqah (חֻקֹּה) ChetKufHey it appears in the text as cḥuqqōtāw (חֻקֹּתָ֥יו) ChetKufTavYodVav.

The addition of letters is not only a matter of syntax but also meaning.

The appearance of cḥuqqōtā (חֻקֹּתַי֙) ChetKufTavYod commonly translated "my statutes" includes the Tav of faith and a God which represents the "divine spark" of revelation.

What is the author trying to tell us and how will we know we got the right meaning?

God is spirit and we will only know His meaning and intent when we walk in His Holy Spirit.

Whatever His rituals or rites are the need to be in one accord with His character, His Name is the product of His Holy Spirit.

Social rituals

Social rituals may include sharing meals together, bringing gifts to people in the midst of major life events, like baby showers and housewarmings, or caring for the ill and indigent. Yes—doing what all our ancestors have done since the language of community and friendship was conceived.

The Social rituals of the Creator may include much more fundamental and practical duties which not only includes the duty and the deed but the means and the method by which they are provided.

Types of welfare

There is more than one type of social welfare. The term welfare may refer to government programs that provides financial or substantive aid to individuals who claim a need or warrant assistance and care through legal charity.

Or the same care may be provided through voluntary cooperation within societies through the fervent charity of the people.

Welfare today

Social welfare today is often funded by taxation collected by men who exercise authority one over the other. Such systems have been common among the first city-states.

The use of force by the "providers" alters the means and the method, producing a different outcome.

Coveting the rewards and wages provided at the expense of others through such systems removes the need for the true purpose of religious rituals and is the antitheses of "pure Religion".

Welfare of Judea

The corban of the pharisees was established through the civil authority of Herod was the leaven of Herod and the Pharisees we were warned about by Jesus.[8]

Those civil tables of social welfare provided through the government temples of Herod made the word of God to none effect because their treasuries were funded by the compelled sacrifices of the people.

This version of a welfare State promoted by Herod and his missionaries spread out through the Roman Empire here they sought those who would consent as members by Oaths and affirmation. Once registered with the scribes they would be eligible for benefits but civilly obligated to contribute.

Legal rite

When the state provides welfare through "statutes and ordinances"[6] which impose taxation they establish legal charity by force.

The rituals of society becomes a political tool used for the purpose of empowering one group or party over another by use of force which causes faith among the masses to degenerate.

Moral and Social values

Today, Values are often categorized into types, such as moral values, social values, and cultural values. 

"Rather than providing effective service, social welfare programs are rituals of social values, expressing, proselytizing, reaffirming, and strengthening factional preferences."[9]

The difference between morals and values is that:

  • morals are "Principles or beliefs concerning right and wrong behavior", while
  • values are "Principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life."[10]


The Polity, Explained


There are two aspects of rituals: service and sacrifice in charity and love. The Church established by Jesus Christ sacrifices all its resources in the service of mankind according to the Word, Way and Will of the Most High God the Father and His obedient Son. Services as acts of worship include but are not limited to any activity that is a true service to the people: Healing and caring for the sick; teaching the truth; distributing knowledge; cleansing the soul, body and minds of the congregation of envy, hate, ignorance, apathy, avarice...; Baptism and the washing of feet. Distribution of Charity; breaking of bread. The unification of the brotherhood of man into one accord through arbitration and a holy kiss of love and patience with the nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Assisting in the daily administration of the fatherless and homeless.

These two aspects of rituals:[11] include both service and sacrifice in charity and love.

The Church established by Jesus Christ sacrifices all its resources in the service of mankind according to the Word, Way and Will of the Most High God the Father and His obedient Son. Services as acts of worship include but are not limited to any activity that is a true service to the people: Healing and caring for the sick; teaching the truth; distributing knowledge; cleansing the soul, body and minds of the congregation of envy, hate, ignorance, apathy, avarice...; Baptism and the washing of feet. Distribution of Charity; breaking of bread. The unification of the brotherhood of man into one accord through arbitration and a holy kiss of love and patience with the nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Assisting in the daily administration of the fatherless and homeless.

Our ceremonies are also a part of the services and are often symbolical as prescribed by law, custom, or authority established by the lineal consanguinity of the ancient forefathers from Adam to Noah and Shem to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph... the Children of Israel unto David and the highest son of David, the Messiah, Lord and King. Those ceremonies guide the members of the body in their outward conduct concerning important matters, as in the performance of duties, transaction of affairs of state, including but not limited to Letters or documents of recognition and identification, and the celebration, recording and recognition of notable events, including but not limited to birth, rebirths, adoptions, marriages and deaths, as well as the anointing of ministers, bishops and archbishops.[12]

Our ceremonies[13] are also a part of the services are actually in the form of service and are merely symbolic but include a daily ministration and pure Religion which form the bonds of a free society, building trust through hope and the perfect law of liberty.

The people through the bonds of love are then able to attend to the weightier matters as prescribed by law, custom, or authority established by the lineal consanguinity of the ancient forefathers from Adam to Noah and Shem to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph...

The Children of Israel and even the Gentiles who would follow the Way of the highest son of David, the Messiah, Lord and King would receive the blessings of His Kingdom of God.

Those ceremonies or practices would guide the members of the body in their outward conduct concerning important matters or weightier matters , as in the performance of duties, transaction of affairs of state, including but not limited to the recording of witnesses through Letters or documents of recognition.

Through the practice of the Polity of the kingdom appointed by Christ a record of identity can be authenticated and celebrated by record and recognition in truth and in Spirit.

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Complete ARTICLES I-X Explained and Terms defined at the Complete Polity by References and Terms defined http://www.hisholychurch.org/study/polity/articles.php

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  1. Collins English Dictionary
  2. At the same time piety was defined as the duty to your Father and Mother and through them to others with in your community.
  3. Religion John Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary
  4. Appoint a kingdom
    Matthew 21:43 "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
    Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
    Luke 22:29 "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;"
    John 19:15 "But they cried out, Away with [him], away with [him], crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar."
  5. Kingdom Taken
    Matthew 2:6 "And thou Bethlehem, [in] the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor(2233), that shall rule my people Israel."
    Matthew 9:16  "No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.  17  Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." Jesus did not just reform the kingdom.
    Matthew 21:43 "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." Jesus would take it as priest and king.
    Luke 13:9 "And if it bear fruit, [well]: and if not, [then] after that thou shalt cut it down." The Corbans of the world were covetous practices
    John 19:15...19 "But they cried out, Away with [him], away with [him], crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar." The kingdom taken by the words of their own mouth.
    John 15:4 "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." The people must seek The Way.
    John 15:8 "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."
    Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
    Luke 22:29 "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;"
    Mark 15:26 And the superscription of his accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS."
    Acts 17:7 "Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus."
    1 Peter 2:9 "But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:"
    See Taking and Giving the Kingdom
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 02708 ^הקח^ chuqqah ChetKufHey \@khook-kaw’\@. Same as 02707 חָקָה‎ to cut, carve or portray; from 02706ChetKuf (חֹק)‎ choq; n f; AV-statute 77, ordinance 22, custom 2, appointed 1, manners 1, rites 1; 104
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
    • ק Kuf or Kof Omnipresence - Redemption of Fallen Sparks The paradoxical union Reish and a Zayin holiness or separateness omnipresence of God [Cord and needle 𐤒 ... back of head neck... the last or least] (Numeric value: 100)
    • ה Hey Expression, Thought, Speech, Action. Manifest seeds of thought and life. [Emphasize, jubilation, window, fence] (Numeric value: 5)
    • See 02710 חָקַק‎ chaqaq Chet + double Kuf to cut out, decree, inscribe, translated lawgiver.
    • 02707 חָקָה‎ chaqah "to cut, carve, cut in"
    • 02710 חָקַק‎ chaqaq "to cut out, decree," translated AV-lawgiver, governor, decree, even appoint.
  7. 04941 ^טפשׁמ^ MemShinPeiTet mishpat \@mish-pawt’\@ מִשְׁפָּט has 50 different variations and appears some 420 times and is from the three letter Hebrew word 08199 טפשׁ; n m; {See TWOT on 2443 @@ "2443c"} AV-judgment 296, manner 38, right 18, cause 12, ordinance 11, lawful 7, order 5, worthy 3, fashion 3, custom 2, discretion 2, law 2, measure 2, sentence 2, misc 18; 421
    1) judgment, justice, ordinance
    1a) judgment
    1a1) act of deciding a case
    1a2) place, court, seat of judgment
    1a3) process, procedure, litigation (before judges)
    1a4) case, cause (presented for judgment)
    1a5) sentence, decision (of judgment)
    1a6) execution (of judgment)
    1a7) time (of judgment)
    1b) justice, right, rectitude (attributes of God or man)
    1c) ordinance
    1d) decision (in law)
    1e) right, privilege, due (legal)
    1f) proper, fitting, measure, fitness, custom, manner, plan
    See Deuteronomy 25
    • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
    • ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
    • פ ף Pei Communication: The Oral Torah The mouth, blow, edge. [Mouth speak open word] (Numeric value: 80)
    • ט Tet Introversion - The Concealed power of good or paradoxically evil [to twist a snake... wheel To surround (gestation)] (Numeric value: 9)
  8. Bread of oppression
    Matthew 16:6 "Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees... 11 How is it that ye do not understand that I spake [it] not to you concerning daily bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? 12 Then understood they how that he bade [them] not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
    Mark 8:15 "And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and [of] the leaven of Herod."
    Matthew 16:11 "How is it that ye do not understand that I spake [it] not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?"
    Mark 8:15 "And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod."
    Luke 12:1 "In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."
    Jesus and John the Baptist opposed the leaven of Herod, the Pharisees and of the Sadducees because they misinterpreted the way of Moses and the LORD. They collected the resources for their tables of welfare, their social safety net of free bread and care for the needy of society through forced offerings. Peter, Paul, David, and the prophets have been warned us that such covetous practices were setting a snare and a trap. Herod and the Pharisees had set up a system of legal charity rather than fervent charity which always makes the word of God to none effect so that Christ would say the kingdom of God shall be taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits. We should know that their system "degenerates" the "masses" until they become "perfect savages". Legal charity and its benefits and dainties provided through men who exercise authority are the wages of unrighteousness and the covetous practices that makes men merchandise and will curse children.
  9. Abstract citation, Epstein, W. M. (2002). American policy making: Welfare as ritual. Rowman & Littlefield.
  10. https://thisvsthat.io/morals-vs-values
  11. Rituals and Ceremonies are the simplest aspect of the outward manifestation of the Church but often the least understood. This is because attention is often focused upon the form or appearance letting the Spirit die. As with the law it is not the letter that is important but the Spirit. These outward signs should be uniform to the point where the Church may be visible but never at the expense of the Spirit.
    "And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him." Matthew 3:15
  12. Rituals and Ceremonies are the simplest aspect of the outward manifestation of the Church but often the least understood. This is because attention is often focused upon the form or appearance letting the Spirit die. As with the law it is not the letter that is important but the Spirit. These outward signs should be uniform to the point where the Church may be visible but never at the expense of the Spirit.
    And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. Matthew 3:15
  13. Numbers 9:3 In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies<04941> thereof, shall ye keep it.

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