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The predominant form of government throughout history has been based on voluntary networks of individual responsibility and choice. The people governed themselves through faith, hope, and charity in self-disciplined networks of tens, hundreds, and thousands rather than the centralized governments of the world that operated by force, fear and fealty like the world. This was the difference between the ways of Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Caesar and The Way of Jesus, Moses, and prophets. This was the Christian conflict with Rome.

Prayers in congregation

Elders often ask the ministers of their congregations if there are any needs. Often all the elders in the congregations are fiercely independent, so their is no apparent need within the congregation. Hence some elders have been prone not to give regularly.

But a minister will be aware of the pulse of the larger network. There are endless needs and, if a congregation is constantly giving, a minister can channel funds where they are most needed in the body of the whole body of Christ at any time.

Tithes or freewill offerings of the people are the taxes of the Kingdom of God. To a large degree, those taxes will determine the level of service your government is able to provide and the brightness of the witness it can offer to the world of nations.

The kingdom of God is a Republican form of government where the people are free from things public, libera res publica. That one form of government is supported by a peculiar people who choose individually to tax themselves out of love for other people according to the God given conscience of the people.[1] The people must learn to govern themselves through th freewill choice of a daily sacrifice of casting their bread through charity and love in hope that it will come back to them when they are in need.

These are needs and projects that your minister can channel gifts to by exercising his own good judgment and diligence to determine where the gifts will have the most impact. Note: A gift doesn't have to be monetary. Your minister can also channel gifts of time, talents, and merchandise.

Ongoing Ministries

  • Mobile Ministries, gas and maintenance costs for
  • Helping all Congregations prepare the FEMA of Christ.
  • Funds for radio outreach an equipment.
  • Website[2] expenses

Miscellaneous Prayers

Fulfilled Prayers

  • Reports from any Congregation on the progress of the FEMA of Christ.
  • This will become it's own page at some point
  • Many of the items list may be link so that viewers can navigate to detail pages, websites[2], or Facebook post with pictures and descriptions.
  • Supplies to victims of the fire in Weed, California

Stones | Clay and Stone | Stones upon |
White stones‎ | Lively Stones of a Living Altar |
Sophistry | Leaven | Breeches | Stoning | Altars |
Church legally defined | Sacrifice of fools
Graven images | Red Heifer | Reserve fund
Corban | Tithing In Conscience | Self-Sacrifice |
Pure Religion | Legal charity | Public religion |
Worship | Welfare | Welfare types | Daily ministration
Christian conflict | Benefactors | Feasts |
Good Samaritan | Thy first love | Born again | New creature
Celebrate | Temples |
Modern Christians | The Blessed Strategy
Power To Change | Peine forte et dure |
Tithing | Offering | Korban
Korab | Minchah
Necek | Nedabah
Shelem | Tenuwphah
Charity | Freewill offerings | Corban
Religion | Pure Religion | Golden rule |
Altars | Tens | Network | Pentecost
Perspective | One purse | Temptations |
Tithe | Tithing | Tithing In Conscience | Tithingman |
Tribute | Taxation | Treasury | Corban |
Charitable Practices | Covetous Practices |
Fervent Charity | Gleaners | FEMA | Lady Godiva |

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Or want to help others:

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  1. Is the Bible about religion which it seldom mentions only once in a good way as Pure Religion or is it about governments and law including Natural Law? "This Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People." is attributed to the General Prologue to the John Wycliffe Bible translation of 1384, as Lincoln quoted at Gettysburg.
  2. 2.0 2.1 == Main HHC websites == His Holy Church Main |

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    • Many other Websites and service and discipleship opportunities are available: ask on the Network...

About the author


HELP US at His Holy Church spread the word by SUBSCRIBING to many of our CHANNELS and the Network.
The more subscribers will give us more opportunity to reach out to others and build the network as Christ commanded.

Join the network.
Most important is to become a part of the Living Network which is not dependent upon the internet but seeks to form The bands of a free society.
You can do this by joining the local email group on the network and helping one another in a network of Tens.

His Holy Church - YouTube

Bitchute channel will often include material that would be censored.

Rumble Channel gregory144

To read more go to "His Holy Church" (HHC)

Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

PreparingU - YouTube


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