John 20

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Ruben's painting of the beloved disciple. The Gospel of John is a uniquely written scripture from the "Johannine" society.
John 20
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Moses teaches the philosophy of God in the Torah, which was the Doctrine of Jesus if we understood the truth about his teachings. The Pharisees were in Apostasy from what the church in the wilderness. Cutting Canals through rocks of the wilderness. Weights and measure of righteousness and those of the Temple of Ephesus. The history of apostasy of Altars of clay and stone and the tables of righteousness, rather than tables of Nimrod, Sumer, Sodom which was a snare. Sophistry, the Baptism of Herod vs that of John the Baptists
Corruption of the courts because the people sit darkness about thr Son of God, Gods, Apotheos. See Temples, Paganism, Federal Reserve, numerous scientist.
The name and character of righteousness. Jahova nisiJehovahnissi the Turtledove goddess and Nicodemus... and much more.

Comments on John
V1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene. Matthew 27:61 Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary were at sepulcher when the stone was put over the tomb entrance, In Matthew 28:1 It states that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb when the Sabbath ended but at dawn. Three days and three nights
If Zebedee was the father of James the less & John. (Matthew 4:21, 22; Matthew 10:2; Matthew 26:37; Mark 3:17; Mark 10:35; Luke 5:10; John 21:2) Salome is generally believed to have been Zebedee’s wife & the sister of Jesus’ mother Mary. Zebedee would be Jesus’ uncle by marriage, with James the less and John, Jesus’ cousins similar to John the Baptist. See Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40; John 19:25. [1]
V1 through V8 confusion grows as to what happened to the body of Jesus.
V9 Still the disciples do not understand that Jesus was to rise from the dead and walk and breath.
V10 They went home still confused and pondering what had happened to the body of Jesus.
V11 Mary stood at the sepulcher weeping then looked inside.
V12 She saw two angels dressed in white sitting where Jesus had been laid.
V13 They asked why weepest thou? and she still thought the body was stolen.
V14 When she turned she saw Jesus standing but still did not recognize him.
V15 Jesus said Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? and her response shows she still did not know Jesus had risen.
V16 Jesus, Mary. Mary "Rabboni"... Master.
V17 Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
V18 Mary Magdalene told the disciples she had seen and spoke to the Lord...
V19 Jesus appears in the locked room and says, Peace be unto you.
V20 He showed his hands and his side and they were glad.
V21 Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
V22 He breathed on them and said Receive ye the Holy Ghost:[2]
V23 Whose soever sins ye remit(aphēte)[3], they are (aphētai)remitted[3] unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain(kratēte)[4], they are retained.(kekratēntai)[4]
V24-V25 Thomas did not see nor believe without seeing. In John 6:36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.
V26-V27 Jesus, said, Peace be unto you. and calls Thomas to do as he said, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless[5], but believing.
Thomas had said something and Christ held him to his words.[6]
The apostles did not believe until they saw either.
What is it to be a believer?
Believing that Jesus was the Son of God rather than Caesar meant the head of your religion, your daily ministration was God the Father who communicates with us through the Holy Spirit abiding in the heart and mind of every individual.
This would lead to the Christian conflict with Rome.
Are the people waiting for a sign in order to begin to repent, seek the kingdom of God, gather in tens as Christ commanded, care for one another in Pure Religion through faith, Hope, and charity?

The Resurrection

1 ¶ The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene[1] early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

The Lord taken

2 Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.

3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.

4 So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.

The linen clothes

5 And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in.

6 Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,

7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.

8 Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed.

Did not know

9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

10 Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

11 ¶ But Mary[1] stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,

Two angels

12 And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.

13 And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.

Saw but knew not

14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.


16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary.[1] She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene[1] came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken[7] these things unto her.

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

19 ¶ Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:[2]

23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

But Thomas

24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.

25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

Jesus and Thomas

26 ¶ And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless[5], but believing.

28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

The Purpose of This Book

30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:

31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

John 1 | John 2 | John 3 | John 4 | John 5 |
John 6 | John 7 | John 8 | John 9 | John 10 |
John 11 | John 12 | John 13 | John 14 |
John 15 | John 16 | John 17 | John 18 |
John 19 | John 20 | John 21 | Bible

Bible | Bible Index | Bible References | Biblical bunch‎ | Sophistry‎ |
Modern Christians | Whosoever believeth | Religion | Bible_terms |

Early non Bible authors
Athenagoras of Athens | Methodius of Olympus | Theophilus or Ignatius of Antioch
Hippolytus of Rome | Justin the Martyr | Jerome | Augustine of Hippo |
Epistle of Mathetes | Gospel of James | The Gospel of Thomas |
Philo Judaeus‎ or Philo of Alexandria and The Allegories of the Sacred Laws
Polybius‎ | Plutarch | Seneca | Tacitus | Suetonius |
Marcus Tullius Cicero | Celsus | Diotrephes |
People in the Bible
Paul the Apostle | Melchizedek | Moses | Cain | Caesar | Herod |
Jesus | John the Baptist |
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John |
Nimrod | Abraham | Essenes | Pharisees | Sadducees | Zealots |
Julius Caesar | Augustus Caesar | Tiberius | Nero |
Historical People
Buddha | Constantine | Eusebius |
Ambrose | Augustine of Canterbury | Lady Godiva |
Vespian | Diocletian | Manichaeism | John Wycliffe‎ |

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Mary Magdalene
    Matthew 27:56 "Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s children."(father of the apostles James the Great and John, and the husband of Salome)
    Matthew 27:61 "And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre."
    Matthew 28:1 "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first [day] of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre."
    Mark 15:40 "There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;"
    Mark 15:47 "And Mary Magdalene and Mary [the mother] of Joses beheld where he was laid."
    Mark 16:1 "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the [mother] of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him."
    Luke 24:10 "It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary [the mother] of James, and other [women that were] with them, which told these things unto the apostles."
    • Mary in John alone at the tomb
    John 19:25 "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the [wife] of Cleophas(father of James the less, the husband of Mary the sister of the mother of Jesus)', and Mary Magdalene."
    John 20:1 "The first [day] of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre."
    John 20:11 ¶ But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, [and looked] into the sepulchre,
    John 20:16 "Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and [to] my God, and your God. 18 "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and [that] he had spoken these things unto her."
    • Seven spirits
    Mark 16:9 "Now when [Jesus] was risen early the first [day] of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils."
    Luke 8:2 "And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,"
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Spirit of life
    Genesis 3:22 "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
    Genesis 3:24 "So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."
    Proverbs 3:13 "Happy [is] the man [that] findeth wisdom, and the man [that] getteth understanding... 17 Her ways [are] ways of pleasantness, and all her paths [are] peace. 18 She [is] a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy [is every one] that retaineth her."
    Proverbs 10:16 "The labour of the righteous [tendeth] to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin."
    Proverbs 11:30 "The fruit of the righteous [is] a tree of life; and he that winneth souls [is] wise.
    Proverbs 12:12 "The wicked desireth the net of evil [men]: but the root of the righteous yieldeth [[[fruit]]]."
    Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life."
    Proverbs 15:4 "A wholesome tongue [is] a tree of life: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the spirit."
    Ephesians 5:9 "(For the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)"
    Philippians 1:11 "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."
    Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
    John 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
    John 20:22 "And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:"
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 863 ἀφίημι aphiemi [af-ee’-ay-mee] from 575 and hiemi (to send, an intens. form of eimi, to go); v; TDNT- 1:509,88; [{See TDNT 115 }] AV-leave 52, forgive 47, suffer 14, let 8, forsake 6, let alone 6, misc 13; 146
    1) to send away
    1a) to bid going away or depart
    1a1) of a husband divorcing his wife
    1b) to send forth, yield up, to expire
    1c) to let go, let alone, let be
    1c1) to disregard
    1c2) to leave, not to discuss now, (a topic) 1c21) of teachers, writers and speakers
    1c3) to omit, neglect
    1d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit
    1e) to give up, keep no longer
    2) to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person
    3) to leave, go way from one
    3a) in order to go to another place
    3b) to depart from any one
    3c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned
    3d) to desert wrongfully
    3e) to go away leaving something behind
    3f) to leave one by not taking him as a companion
    3g) to leave on dying, leave behind one
    3h) to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining
    3i) abandon, leave destitute
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 2902. κρατεω krateo krat-eh’-o; from kratos 2904 power, dominion; to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): —  hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, retain, take (by).
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 571 ἄπιστος apistos [ap’-is-tos] from 1 (as a negative particle) and 4103 pistos; adj; TDNT-6:174,849; [{See TDNT 634 }] AV-that believe not 6, unbelieving 5, faithless 4, unbeliever 4, infidel 2, thing incredible 1, which believe not 1; 23
    1) unfaithful, faithless, (not to be trusted, perfidious)
    2) incredible
    2a) of things
    3) unbelieving, incredulous
    3a) without trust (in God)
  6. The mouth defiles
    1 Samuel 2:3 "Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let [not] arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD [is] a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed."
    Proverbs 2:6 "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth [cometh] knowledge and understanding."
    Proverbs 6:12 "A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward <distortion> mouth."
    Proverbs 10:32 "The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked [speaketh] frowardness<perversity>."
    Proverbs 15:2 "The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness."
    Proverbs 15:28 "The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things."
    Matthew 15:11 "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man... 18 "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."
    Luke 19:22 "And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, [thou] wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:"
    James 3:6 "And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell."
    Revelation 16:13 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
  7. Things spoken
    • Psalms 87:3 "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God."
    • John 14:25-26 “‭25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. ‭26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
    • John 15:11-13 “‭11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. ‭12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. ‭13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
    • John 16:1-4 “‭1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. {offended: scandalized or, made to stumble} ‭2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. ‭3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. ‭4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.”
    • John 16:25 “‭25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.”
    • John 16:33 “‭33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
    • John 20:17-18 “‭17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my [[Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. ‭18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.”
    • John 16:12 "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."