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Today you can abandon and betray family and neighbor because the systems of [[Welfare_types|welfare]] commonly chosen for [[Daily_ministration]] will still provide for the individual. These amoral systems are operated by [[Benefactors]] who [[Exercise authority]]through a system that used to be called [[Public religion]]. In ancient Israel they used [[Freewill offerings]] to fund their systems of [[Welfare]] like the early [[Church]] used [[Charity|charity]]. It is in this difference that we find the cause of the [[Christian conflict]].
Today you can abandon and betray family and neighbor because the systems of [[Welfare_types|welfare]] commonly chosen for [[Daily_ministration]] will still provide for the individual. These amoral systems are operated by [[Benefactors]] who [[Exercise authority]] through a system that used to be called [[Public religion]]. In ancient Israel they used [[Freewill offerings]] to fund their systems of [[Welfare]] like the early [[Church]] used [[Charity|charity]]. It is in this difference that we find the cause of the [[Christian conflict]].

It is right when a ''brother or sister shall trespass against'' us that we raise the witnesses of righteousness so that they answer openly the charge. When we as ministers or stones of God altars see trespass against God and His ways we also should raise the level of our rebuke<Ref>Proverbs 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
It is right when a ''brother or sister shall trespass against'' us that we raise the witnesses of righteousness so that they answer openly the charge. When we as ministers or stones of God altars see trespass against God and His ways we also should raise the level of our rebuke<Ref>Proverbs 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Revision as of 23:00, 11 November 2014

Peine forte et dure

Peine forte et dure (Law French for "hard and forceful punishment") was a method of torture formerly used in the common law legal system, in which a defendant who refused to plead ("stood mute") would be subjected to having heavier and heavier stones placed upon his or her chest until a plea was entered, or they died.[1]

The common law courts considered themselves to lack jurisdiction over a defendant until he had voluntarily submitted to it by entering a plea seeking judgment from the court.

Such systems only work amongst people who are tending daily to the Weightier matters not only for themselves but equally for their neighbor.

Because people rejected that natural and righteous responsibility they turned to the kings courts more and more where they would be tried in equity or under the law of the sea as observed by the English jurist Henry de Bracton.

The process was an inhumane practice of placing planks on an individual and then merely placing stones on them until they could not breath. Men and women often died unjustly and without trial under this practice by being pressed to death with anywhere from 400 to 700 pounds of stones. see

Society had already abandoned moral judgment. What was the origin of such a barbaric practice and what stimulated the idea?

The truth is that it evolved over time as the character of the people turned their back on the truth, first regarding themselves and then about their relationship with others and society. When the ideals of justice are unmoored from principles of righteousness, new societal rituals are invented that devour the righteous heart and decay virtue.

In ancient Israel there was something called stoning. Today we are led to believe this had to do with throwing rocks at people because that is what became the practice amongst some people as the principle was unmoored from its original righteous meaning.

In the Bible we see Matthew 18:15 "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."

This is actually the beginning of the principle of stoning. In ancient Israel, as well as the early church, ministers attended to the daily ministration of the people by free will offerings or charity. These ministers were living stones of a living altar.

If more and more of the living stones of your social altars of Welfare, protection and justice turned their back on the needs of those who refuse to answer to justice, the more the individual would be isolated from society and no one would come to their aid or assistance. This threat of being ostracized by moral society and losing the benefits of society's protection weighed heavily upon those who would not deal justly with each other.

Today's societies and courts establish jurisdiction by pre-application when people apply for benefits of protection, care and social insurance. Without the discretion of moral right in the distribution of charity we may weaken members of society and centralize the purse stings and power of society.

Today you can abandon and betray family and neighbor because the systems of welfare commonly chosen for Daily_ministration will still provide for the individual. These amoral systems are operated by Benefactors who Exercise authority through a system that used to be called Public religion. In ancient Israel they used Freewill offerings to fund their systems of Welfare like the early Church used charity. It is in this difference that we find the cause of the Christian conflict.

It is right when a brother or sister shall trespass against us that we raise the witnesses of righteousness so that they answer openly the charge. When we as ministers or stones of God altars see trespass against God and His ways we also should raise the level of our rebuke[1] and witness until the individual seeks repentance.

Stones | Clay and Stone | Stones upon |
White stones‎ | Lively Stones of a Living Altar |
Sophistry | Leaven | Breeches | Stoning | Altars |
Church legally defined | Sacrifice of fools
Graven images | Red Heifer | Reserve fund
Corban | Tithing In Conscience | Self-Sacrifice |
Pure Religion | Legal charity | Public religion |
Worship | Welfare | Welfare types | Daily ministration
Christian conflict | Benefactors | Feasts |
Good Samaritan | Thy first love | Born again | New creature
Celebrate | Temples |
Modern Christians | The Blessed Strategy
Power To Change | Peine forte et dure |
Tithing | Offering | Korban
Korab | Minchah
Necek | Nedabah
Shelem | Tenuwphah
Charity | Freewill offerings | Corban
Religion | Pure Religion | Golden rule |
Altars | Tens | Network | Pentecost
Perspective | One purse | Temptations |
Tithe | Tithing | Tithing In Conscience | Tithingman |
Tribute | Taxation | Treasury | Corban |
Charitable Practices | Covetous Practices |
Fervent Charity | Gleaners | FEMA | Lady Godiva |

Community | Intentional Community | Sense of Community |
Community Types | Community Ethics | Community Law |
Voluntary society | Voluntaryist Constitution | Volunteer |
Society | Individualism | Liberalism |
Classical liberalism | Transcendentalist | Communities Ancient |
Communitarian | Collectivism | Identity politics |
Socialism | Communism | Primitive Communism |
Communion | Eucharist | Social Virtues | Daily ministration |
Tens | FEMA | Burning Bush Festival | Burning Bush Festival |
Feasts | Feasts and festivals | Pentecost | Celebrate |
Law | Rights | Economy | Education | Welfare types |
Stimulus | Building back | The Greatest Reset |
Agorism | Permaculture | Guru theories | Perfect law of liberty |
Benefactors | Covetous practices | Christian conflict |
Pure Religion | Public religion | Imperial Cult of Rome |
gods | Covet | First to do List | Fundamental orders | Network |

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== Footnotes ==

  1. Proverbs 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
    • Proverbs 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.
    • Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

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