The Faculty of the Mind
The mind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory. These are characteristics of humans, but also may apply to other life forms.
We map the elements of the brain using our brains and what we see in our minds eye. We judge what we see with the thing that we see with. Where is the true double blind test of the mind and if the quantum conclusions concerning the universe are true is any mind independently thinking about its place in it?
Cogito ergo sum
I think therefore I am is about all we can really prove. The rest is just guess work.
As a part of the physical body it is agreed that mind is that which enables a being to have subjective awareness of their environment, to perceive and respond to stimuli with some kind of agency, and to have consciousness, including thinking and feeling. But the mind itself lives in the environment of the physical body and the body in the world. What comes in and is around the body affects the function of the mind.
The idea that awareness is "subjective" makes all thought someone unreliable and ends the hope for any absolutes except that you exist.
But there may be an absolute but if we rely solely upon the mind we simply may not be aware of it except as a hopeful guess dependent upon a subjective mind. But could there be more to the mind than merely the product of a three pound mass of Dendritic connections?
Are there other senses that could expand the accuracy of the mind and sources of input that could confirm more than existence.
The Brain and the Mind
The brain and the mind may not be considered identical but have a relationship based in the idea of religion or philosophy and science. There are three major schools of thought concerning the possible relationship:
- Dualism holds that the mind exists independently of the brain;
- Materialism holds that mental phenomena are identical to dendrite and neuronal phenomena;
- Idealism holds that mental phenomena exist with acute independence and assigns crucial importance to a distinctively human ideal or spiritual realm.
The truth may be found in a combination of all three.
The mind is a dependent agent of perception, Chemicals, light, ideas, as well as emotions including pride or humility, love or hate may effect the biased functioning of the mind. But it appears we live in an electronic universe that is subject the subtle but all present veils of the quantum.
While that quantum suggest the possibility of a universal oneness it also opens the possibility of a divided universe with itself, partitions and realms within the whole quantum universe of creation.
Broadly speaking, mental faculties are the various functions of the mind, or things the mind can "do".
Thought is a mental act that allows humans to make sense of things in the world, and to represent and interpret them in ways that are significant, or which accord with their needs, attachments, goals, commitments, plans, ends, desires, etc. Thinking involves the symbolic or semiotic mediation of ideas or data, as when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reasoning and making decisions. Words that refer to similar concepts and processes include deliberation, cognition, discourse and imagination.
All this involves choices including setting values on the perceptions based upon previous values and perceptions. It appears that the mind sets the values upon which the mind depends to set values.
Insight in the Mind
Choice is said to be a gift from God and if the mind is but a byproduct of the physical faculty of the Dendritic tree there would be no choice for subjectivity to our environment and brain properties would be alone the master of the fate of our thoughts.
Choice is an idea born of something beyond the elements of we call the physical universe. Choice is outside of the subjective rudiments of the world we sense through our flesh and is dependent upon the existence of a soul which contains an individual spirit and identity.
It has been said that if God created man then the right to choose is a product of God's self retraction.
In other words choice is a gift from God, the creator. Since as a species our immediate creators were our parents, it is they that may grant us choice,[1] but the original power of choice or right to choose must find its origins with its originator not merely with physical ancestors. The existence of choice must originate outside of the mechanical universe observed by the known 5 senses of the physical body.
Choice must begin with God, who is spirit.
Seeking the truth may be a spiritual journey.
If we are spiritual then our mind and the body could be led by spiritual input and influence rather than dragged along on our journey through life. We could only have real choice in a spiritual realm.
If we as an entity could only follow the subjective perceptions of the mind and body then we are actually only following the world and the flesh and other influences and not following the spirit.
And then there is the question of which spirit are we following?
- Are they there spirits with conflicting identities?
- Are there spirits that seek to influence us?
- And for what purpose?
- how much influence could they have?
- And how do they assert that influence?
Those who think there is only physical life and no spiritual entities inhabiting a physical body or adjacent realms of this world maybe narrow minded. The world of Quantum physics seems to think there is.
Those who do not want to see or cannot see either the spiritual reality nor its importance to the existence of free choice may be blindsided of their own limited thinking. With out a spiritual identity independent of the physical body there can be no free choice unless we ourselves are God.
If there is a spiritual identity in your physical body independent of that body then when that body dies the spiritual entity remains. The manner of that spiritual existence and the experience it provides without the presence of physical input of the flesh and the world may remain a debate even after your own body dies.
If free choice is "a product of God's self retraction" then the debate may only end with our own self retraction and our full acceptance of the opinion of God. Could that be why the word sacrifice in the Old Testament comes from a word that means to draw near?
To answer these questions we still seem to be dependent upon the mind.
If the mind is a tool, an instrument to perceive the universe through the senses are there more senses than we commonly perceive? Is the mind a window to the soul?
If we as spirit will venture inward into ourselves into our own mind and willingly see the truth of ourselves, as we really are, in the light of the whole truth we may find key to liberty, to the right of choice?
We have been told that the truth will set us free but up to us to discern the truth about what?
What we think we see can be influenced by many things both within the mind and outside of it. What we are willing to see is dependent upon the nature of our own spirit.
There is a system to creation. The study of that system gives rise to ology.
What we think we understand in our mind is limited by what we are willing to see. What is often born of our prejudice is called Ideology or the "science of ideas". Ideology is "a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy."
Ideology is often a form of faith in or allegiance to the system of ideas which our own mind produces and it can often stifle spiritual growth.
work in progress
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== Footnotes ==
- ↑ unless they sell that right and with it their own children to others choice or the dominion associated with choice would pass from generation to generation
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