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9 Ye [are] cursed<Ref>{{0779}}</Ref> with a curse<Ref>{{03994}}</Ref>: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation. 10  Bring ye all the [[tithe]]s into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
9 Ye [are] cursed<Ref>{{0779}}</Ref> with a curse<Ref>{{03994}}</Ref>: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation. 10  Bring ye all the [[tithe]]s into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11  And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
11  And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
12  And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
12  And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome<Ref>{{02656}}</Ref> land, saith the LORD of hosts.
Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?
Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?
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Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous<Ref>{{06662}}</Ref> and the wicked,<Ref>{{07563}}</Ref> between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.
Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous<Ref>{{06662}}</Ref> and the wicked,<Ref>{{07563}}</Ref> between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.



Revision as of 13:57, 26 February 2021

Malachi, a Levite "messenger of YHWH". Truth is the refiner's fire.

1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. 2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: 3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer[1] unto the LORD an offering[2] in righteousness. 4 Then shall the offering[2] of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years. 5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers,[3] and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. 6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Like John the Baptist the messenger was calling the people to repent of force and violence in their daily ministration and return to charity and love.
3 The reference to "offering in righteousness" is a refference to freewill offerings as opposed to the unrighteous mammon of the world derived by force sacrifice or Tribute or taxation.
5 "those that oppress the hireling in his wages" is a reference to the systems of enslavement during the bondage of Egypt.
The whole nation depended upon freewill offerings of tithes and not the foolish taxation through force of kings like Saul.
As we saw in Malachi 1 verse 13 with the word "torn", "... and ye brought that which was torn[4]... thus ye brought an offering:[2] should I accept this of your hand? saith the LORD." And again in Malachi 2 verse 13 there is a question because the offering because the offering is not "with good will" but by force, producing tears with weeping and crying out because is not freely given by the hand of he who makes an offering. 13 "And this have ye done again, covering the altar[5] of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering[2] any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand."
"they that work wickedness" are again the workers of iniquity who love the rewards of unrighteousness.
Can we "discern between the righteous and the wicked" today.
Do we live by faith, hope and charity according to The Way of righteousness or by force, fear and fealty through covetous practices and the men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other.
Mentioned Apotheos, The science, Golden calf, One purse, Schools as Tools, Pharisees, Essenes, Factions at the altar, Benefactors, wages of unrighteousness on the audio.
Lady Godiva, Statues, David Crockett, workers of iniquity, The Way, Perfect law of liberty, Foolish Saul, covetous practices, deeds of the Nicolaitan, Matthew 22:11- 12 wedding garment were also mentioned.

7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? 8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 9 Ye [are] cursed[6] with a curse[7]: for ye have robbed me, [even] this whole nation. 10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. 12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome[8] land, saith the LORD of hosts. 13 Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee? 14 Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully[9] before the LORD of hosts? 15 And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. 16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous[10] and the wicked,[11] between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.

Malachi | Malachi 1 | Malachi 2 | Malachi 3 | Malachi 4

Preceded by: Zechariah - Followed by: Matthew

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  1. 05066 נָגַשׁ‎ nagash [naw-gash’] NunGimelShin a primitive root; v; [BDB-620b] [{See TWOT on 1297 }] AV-(come, draw, etc)  … near 55, come 14, (come, draw, etc)  … nigh 12, bring 13,  …  hither 7, offer 7, approach 5, forth 3, misc 9; 125
    1) to draw near, approach
    1a) (Qal) to draw or come near
    1a1) of humans
    1a1a) of sexual intercourse
    1a2) of inanimate subject
    1a2a) to approach one another
    1b) (Niphal) to draw near
    1c) (Hiphil) to cause to approach, bring near, bring
    1d) (Hophal) to be brought near
    1e) (Hithpael) to draw near
    נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    ג Gimel Reward and Punish, Cause and effect, 'justified repayment'. Do to others as they should do. Written like a Vav with a Yod as a "foot". Camel, [throwstick, pride, to lift up] (Numeric value: 3)
    ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 04503 ^החנמ^ minchah \@min-khaw’\@ MemNunChetHey from an unused root meaning to apportion, i.e. bestow; n f; {See TWOT on 1214 @@ "1214a"} AV-offering 164, present 28, gift 7, oblation 6, sacrifice 5, meat 1; 211
    1) gift, tribute, offering, present, oblation, sacrifice, meat offering
    1a) gift, present
    1b) tribute
    1c) offering (to God)
    1d) grain offering
    • Many translations also translate this word as grain offering.
    • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
    • נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
    • ה Hey Expression, Thought, Speech, Action. Manifest seeds of thought and life. [Emphasize, jubilation, window, fence] (Numeric value: 5)
  3. 03784 כָּשַׁף‎ kashaph [kaw-shaf’] KafShinPei a primitive root; v; [BDB-506b] [{See TWOT on 1051 }] also 03785 and 03786 AV-sorcerers 3, witch 2, witchcraft 1; 6
    b1) (Piel) to practice witchcraft or sorcery, use witchcraft
    1a) sorcerer, sorceress (participle)
    In the New Testament we see pharmakeus 5332 and pharmakeia 5331 associated with administering of drugs, poisoning and as a metaphor the deceptions and seductions of idolatry.
    כ ך Kaf K Crown: To Actualize Potential power from spiritual to physical realm [to cover, strength] (Numeric value: 20)
    ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
    פ ף Pei Communication: The Oral Torah The mouth, blow, edge. [Mouth speak open word] (Numeric value: 80)
  4. 01497 גָּזַל‎ gazal [gaw-zal’] a primitive root; v; [BDB-159b] [{See TWOT on 337 }] AV-spoil 8, take away 8, rob 4, pluck 3, caught 1, consume 1, exercised 1, force 1, pluck off 1, torn 1, violence 1; 30
    1) to tear away, seize, plunder, tear off, pull off, rob, take away by force
    1a1) to tear away, rob
    1a2) to seize, plunder (with acc cognate)
    1b) (Niphal)
    1b1) to be robbed
    1b2) to be taken away
    • See turtledove; 01497 take away; 01469 a young pigeon.
    • ג Gimel Reward and Punish, Cause and effect, 'justified repayment'. Do to others as they should do. Written like a Vav with a Yod as a "foot". Camel, [throwstick, pride, to lift up] (Numeric value: 3)
    • זָ ז Zayin The "Crowned" head. The Service and Valor, cut and bread, war and nourish. [weapon.... Cut, to cut off, manacle] (Numeric value: 7)
    • ל Lamed means Aspiration of the Heart or to learn or even direct like a shepherd. It has to do with what the Hand produces, [hand is די YodDalet] or directs with staff, whip... like the tongue may direct. (Numeric value: 30)
  5. 04196 מִזְבֵּחַ‎ mizbeach [miz-bay’-akh] MemZayinBeitChet from 02076; n m; [BDB-258a] [{See TWOT on 525 @@ "525b" }] AV-altar 402; 402
    1) altar
    • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
    • זָ ז Zayin The "Crowned" head. The Service and Valor, cut and bread, war and nourish. [weapon.... Cut, to cut off, manacle] (Numeric value: 7)
    • ב Beit Purpose: God's Dwelling Place Below - a house or God's house here. [household, in, into] (Numeric value: 2)
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
  6. 0779 ^ררא^ ‘arar \@aw-rar’\@ a primitive root with a double Reish; v; AV-curse 62, bitterly 1; 63
    1) to curse
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to curse
    1a2) cursed be he (participle used as in curses)
    1b) (Niphal) to be cursed, cursed
    1c) (Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on
    1d) (Hophal) to be made a curse, be cursed
    • AlefReishReish ^ררא^
    Alef= Paradox of God and Man
    Reish= Process of Clarification of Life's revelation.
    The double Reish expresses the cause and effect or spirit and truth of either conforming to the character or name of God or rejecting God in the eternal paradox or relationship of God and Man.
    See also 07043 (ללק) with a double Lamed
  7. 03994 ^הראמ^ mᵉerah \@meh-ay-raw’\@ from 0779; n f; {See TWOT on 168 @@ "168a"} AV-curse 4, cursing 1; 5
    1) curse
    • MemAlefReishHey Mem meaning the consequence flow from an action.
    Alef= Paradox of God and Man, Reish=Process of Clarification of Life's revelation.
    • AlefReishChet is way or path
    • AlefReishHey pluck or gather 0717
    • AlefReishGimel weave shuttle
    • AlefReishBeit lay in wait, ambush, ambuscade
  8. 02656 חֵפֶץ‎ chephets [khay’-fets] from 02654; n m; [BDB-343a] [{See TWOT on 712 @@ "712b" }] AV-pleasure 16, desire 12, delight 3, purpose 3, acceptable 1, delightsome 1, matter 1, pleasant 1, willingly 1; 39
    1) delight, pleasure
    1a) delight
    1b) desire, longing
    1c) the good pleasure
    1d) that in which one takes delight
  9. 06941 קְדֹרַנִּית‎ qëdoranniyth [ked-o-ran-neeth’] Kuf Dalet Reish Nun Yod Tav adverb from 06937 (mourn, dark)Kuf Daleth Reish; adv; [BDB-871a] [{See TWOT on 1989 @@ "1989b" }] AV-mournfully 1; 1
    1) mournfully
    • ק Kuf or Kof Omnipresence - Redemption of Fallen Sparks The paradoxical union Reish and a Zayin holiness or separateness omnipresence of God [Cord and needle 𐤒 ... back of head neck... the last or least] (Numeric value: 100)
    • ד Dalet Selflessness – Charity, back and forth or through a door or pathway, to enter like a fish (Numeric value: 4)
    • ר Reish Process of Clarification The "head" or "beginning". Life's revelation. [Head... Person head highest] (Numeric value: 200)
    • נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    • י Yod The Infinite Point of essential good. Divine spark hidden in the ט Tet. Spark of spirit. [closed hand... Deed, work, to make] (Numeric value: 10)
    • ת Tav is a Seal of a Higher kingdom or realm through faith. The paradigm keter–malchut “The Crown of Sovereignty” from the Tree of Life spiritually linking worlds or realms through an unseen doorway of faith. The Aleph & Tav are the first and last letters. [door sign cross seal] (Numeric value: 400)
  10. 06662 ^קידצ^ tsaddiyq \@tsad-deek’\@ from 06663; adj; AV-righteous 162, just 42, righteous man 1, lawful 1; 206
    1) just, lawful, righteous
    1a) just, righteous (in government)
    1b) just, right (in one’s cause)
    1c) just, righteous (in conduct and character)
    1d) righteous (as justified and vindicated by God)
    1e) right, correct, lawful
  11. 07563 עשׁר AyinShinReish rasha‘ raw-shaw’ from the verb 07561 AyinShinReish condemn; adj; {See TWOT on 2222 @@ "2222b"} AV-wicked 249, ungodly 8, wicked man 3, misc 3; 263
    1) wicked, criminal
    1a) guilty one, one guilty of crime (subst)
    1b) wicked (hostile to God)
    1c) wicked, guilty of sin (against God or man)
    • ע Ayin also U. Divine Providence "eye" or "fountain" of five states of kindness or severity. AlefYodNun or nothingness as opposed to AlefShin something [eye, watch] (Numeric value: 70)
    • ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
    • ר Reish Process of Clarification The "head" or "beginning". Life's revelation. [Head... Person head highest] (Numeric value: 200)

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