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Fascism centralize the power of government into the hands of the elite money powers and forces the people to comply to their will.
The four pillars of fascism is central authoritarianism, nationalism or ultimately a central world order, an hierarchy of elites, and militarism through police powers.
To centralize power of choice there must bee a Disdain for the importance of human rights and enemies and scapegoats as a unifying cause. This will require the labeling of any resistance as dissidents and insurrectionists. To become world wide there will need to be a crises and even an off world threat.
Polybius and Plutarch warned against people living at the expense of others through the power and force of governments which exercise authority one over the other. John the Baptist, Jesus and the ministers of the early Church which promoted and facilitated "Pure Religion" all opposed the covetous practices of the "benefactors" and "fathers" of the world which leads to fascism and bondage.


Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization.

Fascism's power comes from a merging of corporate and government interests.

This is only possible if you have been degenerating the people by granting gifts, gratuity, and benefits. Once the people's appetite for benefits increase to a point where their conscience is seared the social bonds that were meant to hold the government and the rich in a moral checkmate are degenerated.

In a pure Republic there are effective means and methods that should hold the forces of evil at bay for a people who are not slothful in attending to the weightier matters.

Corporate Wings

The use of terms like "right-wing" is ambiguous if not deceptive.

It should not be suggested that Fascism requires corporations to take over the government because it only requires that an Oligarchy of control be inserted over the entire country through media, political corruption, and the blind Psychosis of a slothful people.

The State as an institution itself has a corporate nature. Fascism allows other corporation to become a uni-state. With the ratification of the Constitution by the individual States under a biblically flawed constitution a door was opened which cannot be easily closed.

Because the states were still as foreign to each other as Mexico is to Canada after the ratification of the Constitution there was still some natural limiters to the potential of fascism in the whole of America because of their Doctrine of nullification.

But with the defeat of the southern states, and a news federal citizen was instituted. After that there was a steady movement from Natural rights and private religion toward [Civil rights]] and legal charity.

With that there was the rise in a covetous dependence upon federal funding of the welfare state.

Christian and Jews should have been repulsed by these systems of covetous practices. This would lead the instituted powers that be to dominate both the State's division of powers and the individual's power by jury to exercise its own power of nullification.

As the masses continued to degenerate over the years from one administration to another as their appetite for benefits for the .

New persons on the block

The 14th Amendment and the acceptance of both individuals and corporations as persons of the United States created the potential for fascism to increase. The people were not only a respector of persons but artificial persons were elevated to the status of a man.

Certain characteristics of a corporation, like the ancient Golem gave corporations a decided advantage over the individual man who was no longer free.

Freedom eroded as care through love was replaced by the welfare and dainties of Rulers even though Proverbs, Paul, and David said the were a [[Snare|snare and a trap.

More important

Mussolini states that the corporations were the most important part of a nation and that the government should support them over the rights of the individual for the greater good. He established this merger and called it Fascism to differentiate it from mere Socialism.

Fascism often includes a “belligerent nationalism” which is imposed upon the people as a collective.

This may include the philosophy of "My country right or wrong" putting aside a quest for righteousness in exchange for the assumed security and benefits of the socialist collective, which Proverbs identifies as the One purse that runs toward death.

This of course puts individual or Natural rights in a subordinate position to the state in the minds of the state.

This is achieved in a Democracy more easily than a Republic especially if it is not a pure Republic. Of course democracies lead to Socialism according to Marx which is he advocated it.

Corporatism is not capitalism but a political system which may be more in line with fascism.


Another, more modern term for Fascism could be Corporatism. Fascism is often a method of governing that implies total government control and oppression of all dissenting opinions while Socialism is a method of governing where the government controls goods and resources and decides for the people who needs or is entitled to what. Since people are the primary means of production and socialism is a political and economic system the labor of everyone will be held in common by the state.

It will often define good and evil through the appointed ruler, its judiciary, and the legislature.

It discounts human nature that is corrupted by the power to decide good and evil for others.


Capitalism is an economic method where private individuals are in control of the means of production and the distribution of goods they individually produce and posses. It relies on free market forces but also on a free people. Those people must respect the freedom others as much as their own.

There is no forced government distribution of wealth in a pure Republic and therefore to remain free a capitalist society must depend on voluntary charitable institutions without central rulers, anarchy, for the redistribution of wealth.

It thrives on honest competition and produces innovation as people act on the basic human nature of providing for their own needs and wants without the covetous practices of democracies nor Socialism in the management of social welfare.

Granting the status of a person to a corporation is the beginning of centralization of power in society that leads to fascism.

Granting power to a democracy to rule over its members is a centralization of the power of choice in the hands of 51%.

This too will lead to socialism.

Socialism in its extreme form, like Communism, also leads to a fascist state because it centralizes control/power which draws to itself corruption and weakens the people.

Polybius and Plutarch and all the prophets, including Jesus and the apostles were warning against people living at the expense of others through the power and force of governments which exercise authority one over the other.

John the Baptist, Jesus and the ministers of the early Church which promoted and facilitated "Pure Religion" all opposed the covetous practices of the "benefactors" and "fathers" of the world which leads to fascism and bondage.

Government | Governments | Civil Government |
Government and Liberty Described |
Social contract | Covenants of the gods |
Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions |
Nationalism | Republic | Democracy | Minarchism | Statism |
Fascism | Tyranny | Despotism | Federation
Communism | Anarcho communism | Communist Manifesto |
Communist Altruism | Primitive Communism | Karl Marx Marriage |
Collectivism | Altruism | Saul Syndrome | Foolishly |
Anarchist | Capitalism | Socialism | Rules For Radicals | Atheist |
Viable republic | Republican form | Titular |
The Way | Perfect law of liberty | NAP |
Taxation | Tribute | Tithe | Tithing | Pay tribute |
Legal charity | Social Security | Corban | Hierarchy |
Imperial Cult of Rome | The Democracy Cult |
Employ | Bondage | Mammon | Temples |
Cain | Nimrod | Pharaoh | Caesar | Law |
Mystery Babylon | Saving Babylon | Exiting Babylon |
Supreme being | gods many | Ideological subversion |
Schools as Tools | Roots of the Welfare State |
Covetous Practices | Consent not | Withdraw consent |
Come out | Put out | Cry out | Voice |
Kingdom of God | Church legally defined |
Pure Religion | Christian conflict |

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