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=== Author's first response ===

'''First Response from author of  [ Holy Matrimony vs Marriage] '''
'''First Response from author of  [ Holy Matrimony vs Marriage] '''

The fornication or [[adultery]] is when you invited the state into your marriage and gave them power over the relationship and the products of that relationship.
The [[fornication]] or [[adultery]] is when you invited the state into your marriage and gave them power over the relationship and the products of that relationship.
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=== Steve remarks ===

'''Steve''' author of "Social Security: Mark of the Beast!" responded to Tony:
'''Steve''' author of "Social Security: Mark of the Beast!" responded to Tony:
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What are the terms s of your marriage if you do not write them out and affirm them the State will do it for you.
What are the terms s of your marriage if you do not write them out and affirm them the State will do it for you.

Steve also wrote, "If a VALID marriage gets to a divorce court, it will be upheld."
Steve also wrote, "If a VALID marriage gets to a divorce court, it will be upheld."
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"If a man has solemnized matrimony with one, and afterwards marries another, if the lawful wife desires to be restored to her husband, she may institute a suit in a cause of divorce from the tie of the second marriage, and of restitution of conjugal rights."
"If a man has solemnized matrimony with one, and afterwards marries another, if the lawful wife desires to be restored to her husband, she may institute a suit in a cause of divorce from the tie of the second marriage, and of restitution of conjugal rights."

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Author responds, "Yes!"

Without setting our first priority  to ''[[seek]] of the [[Kingdom of God]] and His [[righteousness]]'' through the [[daily ministration]] of [[Pure Religion]]  according to the [[Doctrines of Jesus]] any attempt to overthrow, deny or abandon the civil [[marriage]] or any [[social contract]] in which we may find ourselves bound or [[snare]]d is likely to be unfruitful.
"Without setting our first priority  to ''[[seek]] of the [[Kingdom of God]] and His [[righteousness]]'' through the [[daily ministration]] of [[Pure Religion]]  according to the [[Doctrines of Jesus]] any attempt to overthrow, deny or abandon the civil [[marriage]] or any [[social contract]] in which we may find ourselves bound or [[snare]]d is likely to be unfruitful."

The first instruction of His doctrine to [[Seek]] the [[Kingdom of God]] is a "process" that is prefaced by [[repent]]ance. To [[repent]] is to change one's mind or in truth allow ones mind to be changed by the [[Holy Spirit]].  
The first instruction of [[Doctrine of Jesus|His Doctrine]] to [[Seek]] the [[Kingdom of God]] is a "process" that is prefaced by [[repent]]ance. To [[repent]] is to change one's mind or in truth allow ones mind to be changed by the [[Holy Spirit]].  

Again the purpose of the book "[[COg|Covenants of the gods]]", and therefore the Chapter on [[Marriage]], was to show us how blind we have been. We were blinded by the idea that we can figure out what is "good and evil" and solve the problem with our own intellect and actions. That is eating of the [[trees|tree of knowledge]].
Again the purpose of the book "[[COg|Covenants of the gods]]", and therefore the Chapter on [[Marriage]], was to show us how blind we have been. We were blinded by the idea that we can figure out what is "good and evil" and solve the problem with our own intellect and actions. That is eating of the [[trees|tree of knowledge]].

Revision as of 12:34, 21 July 2024

Questions about marriage

  • Why is the issue of Holy Matrimony vs Marriage important?
  • Why is a separation of His Church and the duties of ministers from the State important?
  • What can the gay Romanian teach us about the contractual nature of government?
  • Is the power of the state a symptom or the problem?
  • What is the problem and what is the cure?
  • How does Abraham's walk, Moses system of altars and The Way of Jesus work?
Question is addressed in this broadcast:
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Letters from the Network

Tony asked

I've read the article on Holy Matrimony vs Marriage by brother Gregory. My questions are,
If a man and woman is married by the state and not a Holy Matrimony under God, that pretty much means that if they have sex they are committing fornication, which is a sin?
Does the couple have to divorce under the state marriage and then have a Holy Matrimony under God to make it right with God?

God Bless,

Author's first response

First Response from author of Holy Matrimony vs Marriage

The fornication or adultery is when you invited the state into your marriage and gave them power over the relationship and the products of that relationship.

The marriage contract and union is not the real problem but a symptom of the problem. Generations ago your ancestors started making covenants with the world often to obtain benefits. This brought them into bondage.

Divorce is not a real solution and may be inappropriate if you are not addressing the real problems.

Those problems are addressed by seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Israel and early Christians were kicked out of their bondage because they started doing what God said to do from the beginning. They started caring about and for their neighbor as much as for themselves. This not only caused the Pharaoh and the Pharisees to kick them out but they were better prepared when they had to leave.

Right now if the husband dies their wife and child are more likely to be cared for by the State than by what is posing as the Church or by fellow kingdom seekers. The modern church has no daily ministration to speak of and will not if the people will not gather together in the name or character of Christ.

Everyone wants to be free but who wants to be righteous?

Brother Gregory

Steve remarks

Steve author of "Social Security: Mark of the Beast!" responded to Tony:

Steve wrote "Man and woman cannot be married by the state. Such "marriage" is equivalent to a gay marriage. There is no such thing as a government "marriage"."

While the first chapter of the book Covenants of the gods is about the marriage contract with the state, not getting one offers little or no protection from the State because all those other contracts with the State mentioned in the other chapters.

We cannot and should not give legal advice to people of the world. The power of contract can work both way but seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness will play an important part of the perfect law of liberty.

What are the terms s of your marriage if you do not write them out and affirm them the State will do it for you.

Steve also wrote, "If a VALID marriage gets to a divorce court, it will be upheld."

What I believe he means is a two party Holy Matrimony agreement.

He gives "Two examples":

1. Image attached. An 1873 law encyclopedia about marriage law contrasts a divorceable marriage with “a regular marriage”. Proof of a church wedding “would stop the case”. (Theophilus Parsons, Law of Contracts, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., Sixth Edition, 1873, Volume III, page 85 (indexed as page 80) )

2. Shelford's 1841 textbook Treatise of the Law of Marriage (A Practical Treatise of The Law of Marriage and Divorce by Leonard Shelford, Littell Publishers, Philadelphia, 1841 ) mentions, on page 331 that the first wife can divorce her husband's second marriage:

"If a man has solemnized matrimony with one, and afterwards marries another, if the lawful wife desires to be restored to her husband, she may institute a suit in a cause of divorce from the tie of the second marriage, and of restitution of conjugal rights."

Terry Responded to Steve

It *seems* like terms and authority references are being confused and intermingled.

Black’s Law Dictionary is a secondary authority.

It would seem that one primary authority, for the conclusions drawn, should be declared. Is it a civil statute? Natural Law? Mosaic Law? Can we intermingle terms and concepts from “primary" authorities?

Does Black’s Law Dictionary have a place as a secondary authority used to interpret God’s Law, Natural Law or civil laws only?

I’m very interested in this conversation and here to learn, I don’t know everything and am saying “it seems".

Peace, Terry

Terry you are on the right track.

"Words are the signs of ideas."

Context will often determine which definition of a word to use or apply. But context is not merely the phrase or sentence in which a term appears but the venue and jurisdiction and even the time in which appears.

The venue and jurisdiction may be altered by the status of the participants. People sold into bondage by their parents may not have the capacity to enter into Holy Matrimony except in spirit.

Originally marriage was the act of giving someone into the union of marriage. In science marriage is "a combination or mixture of two or more elements."

States define marriage for their purposes in a variety of different places in ore than one way.

When I wrote the "Covenants of the gods" I was merely showing people how they became entangled again in the yoke of bondage. The way out is to repent, think a different way, and seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness in all things and everything else will be provided.

If you love your wife or husband, marry in the Church regardless of other union. Teach your children the true history of the kingdom and The Ways of God. Gather together in congregations networked together for the purposes of charity and hope. Sacrifice and serve one another, forgive your parents, your neighbors, your enemies including the state and forgive yourself.

Brother Gregory

Terry responds from his phone

So, the direct answer to Tony’s question might be: Holy Matrimony is more than having a “marriage” outside of the civil system. It requires preparation, acceptance of responsibility and forgiveness. Work that could take more than generation to accomplish.

Does rejecting the civil system have value if we haven’t laid the foundation for God’s system, if we are not pursuing and striving for God’s Kingdom?

Author responds, "Yes!"

"Without setting our first priority to seek of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness through the daily ministration of Pure Religion according to the Doctrines of Jesus any attempt to overthrow, deny or abandon the civil marriage or any social contract in which we may find ourselves bound or snared is likely to be unfruitful."

The first instruction of His Doctrine to Seek the Kingdom of God is a "process" that is prefaced by repentance. To repent is to change one's mind or in truth allow ones mind to be changed by the Holy Spirit.

Again the purpose of the book "Covenants of the gods", and therefore the Chapter on Marriage, was to show us how blind we have been. We were blinded by the idea that we can figure out what is "good and evil" and solve the problem with our own intellect and actions. That is eating of the tree of knowledge.

Rejecting the civil system before we have truly repented may cause us to sink deeper into the mire of our own pride. We cannot ave ourselves, and certainly not by freeing ourselves first.

The prodigal son came back to be a servant in his fathers house. The apostles made themselves servants. Even Jesus was one who came to serve. Jesus did not come to curse the system of men. Such systems are their own curse. Jesus came that we might be saved because He cared. If we are to come in His Name we must come together with that same purpose and care for others.

We need to think differently and follow The Way of Christ. That means you have to care about the liberty of others as much if not more than your own. You cannot do that without gathering together in daily sacrifice and communion which is the Eucharist of Christ and the Corban of righteousness.

Brother Gregory


“I, _____, take thee, _____, to be my wedded wife (husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

A marriage is a vow before God so it is both spiritual and it is about free will self-determination marked in a moment of time where the self is bound to another.

Any voluntary decision establishes personal responsibility for your choice which may be done before witnesses.

Marriage is a commitment like life itself. You may wish an outcome but that has little to do with the vow. The vow is putting another's true needs before your own.

Their true needs are what God says those needs are. Marriage is about service to God more than service merely to your spouse. Therefore it is about service to others. Obviously that service would be to children or the needy not merely for your family but for all the world.

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