Talk:Marriage question

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Steve author of "Social Security: Mark of the Beast!" responded to Tony:

Man and woman cannot be married by the state. Such "marriage" is equivalent to a gay marriage. There is no such thing as a government "marriage".

All children of licensed "marriage" are bastards. According to the received-law-of-the-land bastards are not children to any civil purpose.

See attached images. According to Black’s Law Dictionary a Marriage License is only for those “persons who intend to intermarry”

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, Licensed inter-Marriage is “a reciprocal engagement by which each of the parties “marries” the other.” They (the lawyers) put “marries” in quotes because it is not a marriage.

Divorce courts exist for a purpose. The purpose is to declare invalid marriages to be void from the beginning. If licensed "marriage" ever gets to a divorce court, then it will be declared invalid from the beginning. Divorce never cancels a marriage. It declares that it never existed.

Divorce in the Bible never cancels a marriage either. Divorce in the Bible refers to living separately.

If a VALID marriage gets to a divorce court, it will be upheld. Two examples:

1. Image attached. An 1873 law encyclopedia about marriage law contrasts a divorceable marriage with “a regular marriage”. Proof of a church wedding “would stop the case”. (Theophilus Parsons, Law of Contracts, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., Sixth Edition, 1873, Volume III, page 85 (indexed as page 80) )

2. Shelford's 1841 textbook Treatise of the Law of Marriage (A Practical Treatise of The Law of Marriage and Divorce by Leonard Shelford, Littell Publishers, Philadelphia, 1841 ) mentions, on page 331 that the first wife can divorce her husband's second marriage:

"If a man has solemnized matrimony with one, and afterwards marries another, if the lawful wife desires to be restored to her husband, she may institute a suit in a cause of divorce from the tie of the second marriage, and of restitution of conjugal rights.

If you need more information, email me.
