Template:Beta (Strong's 896-1041)

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Beta (Strong's 896-1041)

896 Βάαλ Baal [bah’-al] of Hebrew origin 01168 בַּעַל‎; n pr m; AV-Baal 1; 1

Baal  = "lord"
1) the supreme male divinity of the Phoenician and Canaanitish nations, as Ashtoreth was their supreme female divinity

905 βαλάντιον balantion [bal-an’-tee-on] probably remotely from 906 βάλλω ballo [bal’-lo(as a depository); n n; TDNT-1:525,91; [{See TDNT 121 }] AV-purse 3, bag 1; 4

1) a money bag, purse

906 βάλλω ballo [bal’-lo] a primary word; v; TDNT-1:526,91; [{See TDNT 122 }] AV-cast 86, put 13, thrust 5, cast out 4, lay 3, lie 2, misc 12; 125

1) to throw or let go of a thing without caring where it falls
1a) to scatter, to throw, cast into
1b) to give over to one’s care uncertain about the result
1c) of fluids
1c1) to pour, pour into of rivers
1c2) to pour out
2) to put into, insert

920 Βαριωνᾶς Barionas [bar-ee-oo-nas’] of Aramaic origin 01247 and 03124 בַּר־יוֹנָה‎; n pr m; [{ See TDNT 125 }] AV-Barjona 1; 1

  • Barjona  = "son of Jonah"
1) the surname of the apostle Peter

928 ~βασανίζω~ basanizo \@bas-an-id’-zo\@ from 931 basanos a touchstone; v AV-torment 8, pain 1, toss 1, vex 1, toil 1; 12

1) to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal
2) to question by applying torture
3) to torture
4) to vex with grievous pains (of body or mind), to torment
5) to be harassed, distressed
5a) of those who at sea are struggling with a head wind

929 βασανισμός basanismos [bas-an-is-mos’] from 928 basanizo to test; n m; TDNT-1:561,96; [{See TDNT 126 }] AV-torment 6; 6

1) to torture, a testing by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal
2) torment, torture
2a) the act of tormenting
2b) the state or condition of those tormented

931 βάσανος basanos [bas’-an-os] perhaps remotely from the same as 939 basis a stepping, walking(through the notion of going to the bottom); n m; TDNT-1:561,96; [{See TDNT 126 }] AV-torment 3; 3

1) a touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal
2) the rack or instrument of torture by which one is forced to divulge the truth
3) torture, torment, acute pains
3a) of the pains of a disease
3b) of those in hell after death

935 ~βασιλεύς~ basileus \@bas-il-yooce’\@ probably from 939 foot (through the notion of a foundation of power); n m AV-king 82, King (of Jews) 21, King (God or Christ) 11, King (of Israel) 4; 118 1) leader of the people, prince, commander, lord of the land, king

937 ~βασιλικός~ basilikos \@bas-il-ee-kos’\@ from 935; adj AV-nobleman 2, royal 2, king’s country + 3588 1; 5

1) of or belong to a king, kingly, royal, regal
1a) of a man, the officer or minister of a prince, a courtier
2) subject to a king
2a) of a country
3) befitting or worthy of a king, royal
4) metaph. principal, chief

939 ~βάσις~ basis \@bas’-ece\@ from baino (to walk); ; n f AV-foot (sole of) 1; 1

1) a stepping, walking
2) that with which one steps, the foot

941 βαστάζω bastazo [bas-tad’-zo] perhaps remotely derived from the base of 939 (through the idea of removal); v; TDNT-1:596,102; [{See TDNT 129 }] AV-bear 23, carry 3, take up 1; 27

1) to take up with the hands
2) to take up in order to carry or bear, to put upon one’s self (something) to be carried
2a) to bear what is burdensome
3) to bear, to carry
3a) to carry on one’s person
3b) to sustain, i.e. uphold, support
4) to bear away, carry off

945 βαττολογέω battologeo [bat-tol-og-eh’-o] from Battos (a proverbial stammerer) and 3056; v; TDNT-1:597,103; [{See TDNT 130 }] AV-use vain repetitions 1; 1

1) to stammer
2) to repeat the same things over and over, to use many idle words, to babble, prate. Some suppose the word derived from Battus, a king of Cyrene, who is said to have stuttered; others from Battus, an author of tedious and wordy poems. logos

946 ~βδέλυγμα~ bdelugma \@bdel’-oog-mah\@ from 948; n n AV-abomination 6; 6

1) a foul thing, a detestable thing
1a) of idols and things pertaining to idolatry

948 ~βδελύσσω~ bdelusso \@bdel-oos’-so\@ from a (presumed) derivative of bdeo (to stink); v AV-abhor 1, abominable 1; 2

1) to render foul, to cause to be abhorred
2) abominable
3) to turn one’s self away from on account of the stench
4) metaph. to abhor, detest

949 ~βέβαιος~ bebaios \@beb’-ah-yos\@ from the base of 939 to walk (through the idea of basality); adj AV-stedfast 4, sure 2, firm 1, of force 1, more sure 1; 9 1) stable, fast, firm 2) metaph. sure, trusty

950 ~βεβαιόω~ bebaioo \@beb-ah-yo’-o\@ from 949; v AV-confirm 5, establish 2, stablish 1, 8 1) to make firm, establish, confirm, make sure

954 Βεελζεβούλ Beelzeboul [beh-el-zeb-ool’] or βεελζεβουβ of Aramaic origin, by parody on 01176 בַּעַל־זְבוּב‎; n pr m; TDNT- 1:605,104; [{See TDNT 134 }] AV-Beelzebub 7; 7 Beelzebub  = "lord of the house"

1) a name of Satan, the prince of evil spirits
  • Beelzebul or Belzebuth, suggesting as the Lord of the Flies or flyers or even of dung. Derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron 2 Kings 1.
  • Matthew 12:24,27 Mark 3:22 and Luke 11:15, 18–19, as well as in Matthew 10:25.

955 Βελίαλ Belial [bel-ee’-al] or βελιαρ Beliar [bel-ee’-ar] of Hebrew origin 01100 בְּלִיַּעַל‎; n pr m; TDNT-1:607,104; [{See TDNT 135 }] AV-Belial 1; 1

  • Belial  = "worthless or wicked"
1) a name of Satan

968 ~βῆμα~ bema \@bay’-ma\@ from the base of 939; ; n n AV-judgment seat 10, throne 1, to set (one’s) foot on + 4128 1; 12

1) a step, pace, the space which a foot covers, a foot-breath
2) a raised place mounted by steps
2a) a platform, tribune
2a1) of the official seat of a judge
2a2) of the judgment seat of Christ
2a3) Herod built a structure resembling a throne at Caesarea, from which he viewed the games and made speeches to the people

970 ~βία~ bia \@bee’-ah\@ probably akin to 979 (through the idea of vital activity); ; n f AV-violence 4; 4

1) strength, whether of body or mind
2) strength in violent action, force
For Synonyms see entry 5820

971 ~βιάζω~ biazo \@bee-ad’-zo\@ from 970; TDNT-1:609,105; {See TDNT 137} v AV-suffer violence 1, press 1; 2

1) to use force, to apply force
2) to force, inflict violence on

973 ~βιαστής~ biastes \@bee-as-tace’\@ from 971 biazo to use force; TDNT-1:613,105; {See TDNT 137} n m AV-violent 1; 1

1) strong, forceful
2) using force, violent

976 βίβλος biblos [bib’-los] primitive root; n n; TDNT-1:615,106; [{See TDNT 138 }] AV-book 13; 13

1) a written book, a roll, a scroll

984 ~βλάπτω~ blapto \@blap’-to\@ a primary word; ; v AV-hurt 2; 2 1) to hurt, harm, injure

987 ~βλασφημέω~ blasphemeo \@blas-fay-meh’-o\@ from 989; v AV-blaspheme 17, speak evil of 10, rail on 2, blasphemer 1, speak blasphemy 1, blasphemously 1, misc 3; 35

1) to speak reproachfully, rail at, revile, calumniate, blaspheme
2) to be evil spoken of, reviled, railed at

988 ~βλασφημία~ blasphemia \@blas-fay-me’-ah\@ from 989; n f AV-blasphemy 16, railing 2, evil speaking 1; 19

1) slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another’s good name
2) impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty

989 ~βλάσφημος~ blasphemos \@blas’-fay-mos\@ from a derivative of 984 and 5345; adj AV-blasphemous 2, blasphemer 2, railing 1; 5

1) speaking evil, slanderous, reproachful, railing, abusive

991 βλέπω blepo [blep’-o] a primary word; v; TDNT-5:315,706; [{See TDNT 559 }] AV-see 90, take heed 12, behold 10, beware 4, look on 4, look 3, beware of 3, misc 9; 135

1) to see, discern, of the bodily eye
1a) with the bodily eye: to be possessed of sight, have the power of seeing
1b) perceive by the use of the eyes: to see, look descry
1c) to turn the eyes to anything: to look at, look upon, gaze at
1d) to perceive by the senses, to feel
1e) to discover by use, to know by experience
2) metaph. to see with the mind’s eye
2a) to have (the power of) understanding
2b) to discern mentally, observe, perceive, discover, understand
2c) to turn the thoughts or direct the mind to a thing, to consider, contemplate, to look at, to weigh carefully, examine
3) in a geographical sense of places, mountains, buildings, etc. turning towards any quarter, as it were, facing it
  • For Synonyms see entry 5822

994 βοάω boao [bo-ah’-o] apparently a prol. form of a primary word; v; TDNT-1:625,108; [{ See TDNT 140 }] AV-cry 11; 11

1) to raise a cry, of joy pain etc.
2) to cry, speak with a high, strong voice
3) to cry to one for help, to implore his aid
  • For Synonyms see entry 5823

995 βοή boe [bo-ay’] from 994 to raise a cry; n f; AV-cry 1; 1

1) a cry

James 5:4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries <995> of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

1006 ~βόσκω~ bosko \@bos’-ko\@ a prol. form of a primary verb, cf 977 & 1016; ; v AV-feed 8, keep 1; 9

1) to feed
1a) portraying the duty of a Christian teacher to promote in every way the spiritual welfare of the members of the church according to modern Church teachers but in the early Church it included actual welfare since Christians would not eat the free bread of Rome shared through the temples of the Imperial Cult of Rome.
For Synonyms see entry 5824

1010 βουλευτής bouleutes [bool-yoo-tace’] from 1011 to deliberate; n m; AV-counsellor 2; 2

1) a councillor, senator
2) a member of the Sanhedrin

1011. βουλευω bouleuo bool-yoo’-o; from 1012; to advise, i.e. (reflexively) deliberate, or (by implication) resolve: —  consult, take counsel, determine, be minded, purpose. ‭


1014. βουλομαὶ boulomai boo’-lom-ahee; middle voice of a primary verb.; to "will," i.e. (reflexively) be willing: —  be disposed, minded, intend, list, (be, of own) will(-ing). Compare 2309 ‭θελω thelo apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 138 haireomai to prefer. ‭

1017 ~βραβεῖον~ brabeion \@brab-i’-on\@ from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); n n AV-prize 2; 2

1) the award to the victor in the games, a prize
2) metaph. of the heavenly reward for Christian character

1023 ~βραχίων~ brachion \@brakh-ee’-own\@ properly, comparative of 1024 to bind, but apparently in the sense of brasso (to wield); TDNT-1:639,110; {See TDNT 144} n m AV-arm 3; 3

1) the arm
1a) the arm of God is a Hebrew idiom for the might and the power of God
See also Hebrew 01023

1024 ~βραχύς~ brachus \@brakh-ooce’\@ of uncertain affinity; ; adj AV-a little 4, a little space 1, a little while 1, few words 1; 7

1) short, small, little
1a) of place, a short distance, a little
1b) of time, a short time, for a little while

1025 βρέφος brephos [bref’-os] of uncertain affin.; n n; TDNT-5:636,759; [{See TDNT 581 }] AV-babe 5, child 1, infant 1, young child 1; 8

1) an unborn child, embryo, a foetus
2) a new-born child, an infant, a babe

1030 βρυγμός brugmos [broog-mos’] from 1031 to grind to bite; n m; TDNT-1:641,110; [{See TDNT 146 }] AV-gnashing 7; 7

1) a gnashing of teeth
1a) used to denote extreme anguish and utter despair of men consigned to eternal punishment in hell
2) snarling, growling: in the sense of biting

1033 ~βρῶμα~ broma \@bro’-mah\@ from the base of 977; TDNT-1:642,111; {See TDNT 147} n n AV-meat 16, victual 1; 17

1) that which is eaten, food
  • It is also a shipworm (Teredo navalis) that bores into wooden piers, ships, etc. and in (dentistry) it can mean a cavity.

1034 ~βρώσιμος~ brosimos \@bro’-sim-os\@ from 1035; ; adj AV-meat 1; 1

1) eatable

1035 ~βρῶσις~ brosis \@bro’-sis\@ from the base of 977 to eat bibrosko; TDNT-1:642,111; {See TDNT 147} n f AV-meat 6, rust 2, morsel of meat 1, eating 1, food 1; 11

1) act of eating
1a) in a wider sense, corrosion
2) that which is eaten, food, ailment
2a) of the soul’s food, either which refreshes the soul, or nourishes and supports it