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What is Babylon? What is the "city[1] and tower[2]" of Babel we see in Genesis 11? Was "city[1] and tower[2]" like Babylon a civil system? Were they a metaphor for the city of blood spoken of by Jeremiah[3], Ezekiel[4], Hosea[5], Nahum[6], Habakkuk[7], and even Revelation.[8]? Which way is can we go to be Exiting Babylon? The word Babylon is from the word Hebrew word Babel meaning confusion by mingling. Babylonian system was a One purse system based on the covetous practices of socialism with Nimrod's officers of his welfare state as the Benefactors of society. The way society "mingles" or relates to one another may degenerate them into perfect savages through becoming accustomed to the covetous practices of the world.

Many people look at the world of governments and the institutional churches imagining that all of what they call "man-made systems" are a bad thing. While there are problems in almost every system they are not intrinsically bad or good. Systems can be poorly or impractically constructed, or ineffective or may lead to other problems but no system may because

Man was made in the image of God. Why shouldn't we expect man to make things too?

Nature is a system and it has a God. It is clear by the physics of the universe that God is system oriented. The question is not "Is something created by man but is it compatible with the character or intent of God?

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

The family is a system designed in the righteous nature of God.

Not all families are true to the righteous intent of God because not all men are true to the righteousness of God. No family can escape that righteousness.

Cain and Abel, born of the family of Adam and Eve brought offerings that appear to be a part of systems of sacrifice. Those systems were represented by altars. We are told that "... the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:" but not for Cain. Genesis 4:4

Was their something wrong with the system created by Cain?

Jesus talked about building a church and appointed people and told them what to do and not do certain things which by nature is systemic. There are men who claim to be that Church but the question will remain are those systems true to what Jesus intended or are they a part of something that does not conform to Christ?

Chapter 9. of the book The Covenants of the gods
System vs System

Covenants, Constitutions, and Contracts Series.
Two Souls, Two Systems

Corban, Worshipping God in vain

Systems of sacrifice that make the word of God to none effect.
Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets, or
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 05892 ^ריע^ ‘iyr \@eer\@ AyinYodReish or (in the plural) ^רע^ ‘ar \@awr\@ or ^ריע^ ‘ayar (#Jud 10:4) \@aw-yar’\@ a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post); from 05782 spelled AyinVavReish עוּר‎ ‘uwr [oor] a primitive root; n m; {See TWOT on 1587 @@ "1587a"} {See TWOT on 1615} AV-city 1074, town 7, every one 2, variant 6; 1089
    1) excitement, anguish
    1a) of terror
    2) city, town (a place of waking, guarded)
    2a) city, town
    • 05893 עִיר‎ ‘Iyr [eer] Ir= "belonging to a city"
    • 05894 עִיר‎ ‘iyr (Aramaic) [eer] -watcher
    • 05783 עוּר‎ to be exposed "Naked"... awake;
    • 05895 עַיִר‎ ‘ayir [ah’-yeer] he-ass, male ass
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 04026 מִגְדָּל‎ MemGimeDaletLamed migdal [mig-dawl’] also (in pl.) fem. מגדלה‎ migdalah [mig-daw-law’] from 01431, Greek 3093 Μαγδαλα; n m; [BDB-153b] [{See TWOT on 315 @@ "315f" }] [{See TWOT on 315 @@ "315g" }] AV-tower 47, castles 1, flowers 1, pulpit 1; 50
    1) tower
    1a) tower
    1b) elevated stage, pulpit
    1c) raised bed
  3. Jeremiah 26:15
  4. Ezekiel 7:23, Ezekiel 9:9, Ezekiel 22:2-3 ,Ezekiel 24:6-9
  5. Hosea 6:8
  6. Nahum 3:1
  7. Habakkuk 2:8, 12,17
  8. Revelation 14:20