
The Finnish Way
Some suggest that the Finnish way is the way of the modern socialist state with some unique practices that has made social education seeming successful in Finland. If we are willing to step back while taking a closer look, if that is possible, are we also willing to see the whole truth about which way the wind blows in Finland.
The "Finnish way" today may mean that over 97 percent of 3- to 6-year-olds attend a program of one type or another. This means that every child in Finland under age 7 has the legal right to child care and preschool by law, regardless of family income. Another way of saying this is that everyone in Finland can force their neighbors to pay for the public benefit of not having to care for their own child through government funding which means taxation.
Because of selective testing of Finnish children and their high scores people claim this socialist approach is successful and others should follow their example. Normally you can point out the national debt placed on each child born in a socialist country that they will spend a life time trying to pay off the debt, but Finland's debt is rather low. This is not because socialism works but because of the unique natural resources that contribute to the proclaimed success of the Finnish Way.
Public child care and education are manifesting serious behavioral problems in young people all over the world[1] that may not fix itself easily if at all.[2] Children use to be raised by parents. In Finland the family and local communities were very strong units of society.
Finland's climate and soils make growing crops a challenge. The country lies between 60° and 70° north latitude and has severe winters with relatively short growing seasons. The harsh climate and rural economy bred a hardy and independent people with a strong work ethic. This naturally imposed competition against the difficulties of life was not competition between each other. The Finnish community competed with the difficulties of their natural environment, not each other. This promoted cooperation within the community. This naturally practiced social virtue has carried over and is the actual secret of the Finnish success.
Those Social Virtues will steadily decay in Finnish society under the influence of socialism.
Until the 1930s, the Finnish economy was predominantly agrarian, and, relatively poor. As late as in the 1950s, more than half the population and 40 percent of output were agricultural based. Property rights were strong and Finland avoided nationalizations. Finland has only recently developed a highly industrialized, mixed economy equal to that of other western economies such as Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The largest sector of their economy is services at 65%, followed by manufacturing at about 31%.
These are all relatively new changes but with them are coming structural changes in society itself. Those changes are as much a part of the environment of society as the mountains and winter winds.
Socialism is changing the environment of Finland. It still gets cold there but families do not have to work so hard to care for their children. Members of communities do not have to make the choice to help their neighbor. There is a government bureaucrat or program that will do these things for them. The right to exercise of personal choice is a decrease in freedom.
Caring for the elderly in your community was an essential part of the health and longevity of society. The aging population will become an important factor when the workforce goes from 50% to 30% of their population they will need 67% growth per capita just to compensate. Finland's GDP growth has stagnated and is now teetering on the edge of slipping into its third recession in six years.
Finland has heavily depended upon its vast land, eighth largest country in Europe. Finland has timber and several mineral and freshwater resources with only 5.5 million people. There is no more important factor to society than the character and virtue of its youth. Scholastic tests do not give us a measure of these essential elements of society.
When your parents taught you and your neighbor came to your aid there was a natural bonding in families, communities and society as a whole. Honor, loyalty and charity flowed in society but no one bonds with a bureaucrat and if they do it will not be as deep because he is just doing his job.
There is an element in the philosophy of Finland that opposes competition. Samuli Paronen: "Real winners do not compete."
But there are several types of competitions. There is the competitive challenge presented by conditions and there is competing against one another. The latter can be merely competing against one another in a sportsman like way that that encourages achievement and personal development and there is the competition that is more dog eat dog and to the victor goes the prize. It is the latter that the Finnish and many other people culturally shun because of the harshness which nature imposes upon them. Early settlers in America had learned that lesson.
Loving your neighbor was essential to survival of your community.
There is competition in Finland because admissions to academic upper schools are based on GPA, and in some cases academic tests and interviews. Competition and striving to get a better education is an education in itself. The continuation of so called free public education will likely continue trends that are now being seen in the Finnish economy.
Finnish education
In an article by Claudio Sanchez it was asked What The U.S. Can Learn From Finland suggesting that Finland is great because they have free child care and education. This is believed by some because Finnish children score high on selective tests.
Yet in 2005 over 200 Finnish academics warned about that important knowledge had been sacrificed in the Finnish approach.
Finland scores well on PISA tests which is not designed to test curriculum-based knowledge in mathematically intensive subjects, such as engineering, computer science, and economics. Finnish eighth-graders perform lower than seventh-graders did in 1999, lagging behind the top-scoring nations by a considerable margin.
Teachers have a wide range of latitude to teach and produce good students. They can even pick their own text books and design tests and curriculum. That independence and responsibility challenges each teacher which is a form of competition and that spirit of responsibility is passed onto the students.
But is this socialist educational system changing other aspects of Finnish society?
Are the changes to subtle to see?
Or are we humble enough to see them if the evidence is presented?
The socialist approach according to Jukka Huusko, a Finnish journalist writing in the Independent, says "that violence, both domestic and in the streets, is common in Finland. Partly it is a function of excessive drinking, says Huusko, but it is also related to family breakdown, isolation and loneliness. Roger Boyes who writes in the Times stated, "The Finns are letting down their younger generation, allowing them to slip into a kind of psychological isolation. In small-town Finland, traditional friendship is being replaced by social networking sites."
The Original Way
There is no more powerful stimulation than the arrival of your own children. Every child is a primal stimulus package inserted into the life of a family. Public Education and social welfare undermines both the natural family and the community. It takes time for a strong people to degenerate but we are seeing it in Finland and many other socialist nations around the world and have seen it and its effects throughout history from Nimrod to Rome.
On the other hand homeschooling, which is being outlawed in many of these countries, is showing scores 30% higher even when accounting for educational back ground of the parents. If all these bureaucrats from countries around the world who are making pilgrimages to Finland and then touting the Finland educational system with their adulation and praise, really care about children, they will consider encouraging more home education by parents and local communities supported by charity from the people, for the people and by the people.
Socialism and "free" benefits including "free" education is a completely different environment and should be expected to alter the nature of their society.
Homeschoolers are statistically far better adjusted to society manifesting few of these behavioral problems. From the early days of returning to home education the question has constantly been raised, "What about socialization?"
This has sparked numerous studies that show excellent results for young people educated at home. Dr. Raymond Moore, author of over 60 books and articles on human development states in his book, The Hurried Child, "The idea that children need to be around many other youngsters in order to be 'socialized,' is perhaps the most dangerous and extravagant myth in education and child rearing today."
"After analyzing over 8,000 early childhood studies, Dr. Moore concluded that, contrary to popular belief, children are best socialized by parents – not other children." Homeschooled children "demonstrated fewer behavioral problems." Dr. Patricia Lines of the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based think-tank, "describes several controlled studies comparing the social skills of homeschoolers and nonhomeschoolers." "There is no basis to question the social development of homeschooled children." [3]
So with homeschooling showing 30% higher scores in academics, higher levels of moral and social adaptability and fewer behavioral problems, manifesting more independence and self motivation in later life we should ask why are you sending your children to public schools?
You can ask yourself who would not want more intelligent, moral, independent, self motivated people populating their society?
Public schools are not free.
Public Education is the product of Socialism which is the coveting of what your neighbor has or can produce for your own benefit. Such Covetous Practices will make you Merchandise and your curse your children because it is not The Way of God.
In fact the price you may pay may be far greater than what will show up on public expense ledgers and the national debt. Free education like the free Bread and circuses of Rome include the socialist idea that you can force your neighbor to pay for what you want and think you should have through the power of governments to exercise authority over your neighbor. All public education is a product of the ideals and philosophy of socialism.
- “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Winston Churchill
Nordic model

- "Modern welfare states include the Nordic countries, such as Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland which employ a system known as the Nordic model. Esping-Andersen classified the most developed welfare state systems into three categories; Social Democratic, Conservative, and Liberal."
The socialist economists John Roemer and Pranab Bardhan criticize Nordic-style social democracy for its questionable effectiveness in promoting relative egalitarianism as well as its sustainability.
The Nordic social democracy requires a strong labor movement to sustain the heavy redistribution required. Roemer and Bardham argue that the sustainability of social democracy is limited and that establishing a market socialist economy by changing enterprise ownership would be more effective than social democratic redistribution at promoting egalitarian outcomes, particularly in countries with weak labor movements.
Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries. Some common traits include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government; and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.
These traits prolong the sustainability of economic systems but at what cost in human development. Socialism goes against the prime moving agent of evolution yet most socialists believe in evolution.
According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.
- Many countries are going through social experiment period but a thorough study of both history and the nature of mankind brings the wisdom of a collective economy into question.
The Nordic Models are not socialism but a blend of capitalism, socialism, and democracy. There is no doubt that each of these countries has successes and failures. The question is which part of this blend is attributing to their problems. They are each an experiment within a somewhat homogeneous people. Ultimately the collectively controlled economy is an infringement upon individual rights and is the "One purse" approach that brings eventual social decay because it deprives the individual of both the responsibilities and rights that produces individual growth.
The effort required by individuals to care for the needy of their society through voluntary contributions and sharing binds the collective nature of society by love, honor, and appreciation rather than a social contract dependent upon force. The social contract that centralizes power and exercises authority within a broad society may and eventually does lead to corruption and abuse of that authority and power.
Each nation
Sweden, Denmark, and Finland will show the debilitating effects of socialism and socialist policies on what was once some of the virtuous societies of Europe. Socialism brings about a slow but natural decay of the moral fabric that makes a society strong and thriving.
"Why is poverty rising in a country with a welfare system that purports to ensure that “all citizens have equal rights to social security?" from the article by Danes Alexandra Lu, Lisa Sig Olesen.
A welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization. The sociologist T.H. Marshall identified the welfare state as a distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and capitalism."
Marvin Olasky, editor of World Magazine, delivers a speech for the Ashbrook Center's Major Issues Lecture Series on April 30, 1996. His book "The Tragedy of American Compassion" and the Roots of the Welfare State. ~51:03 min
- "The welfare state involves a transfer of funds from the state, to the services provided (e.g. healthcare, education) as well as directly to individuals ("benefits"). It is funded through redistributionist taxation and is often referred to as a type of "mixed economy." Such taxation usually includes a larger income tax for people with higher incomes, called a progressive tax. This helps to reduce the income gap between the rich and poor."
Denmark |
Finland |
Sweden |
Roots of the Welfare State |
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- ↑ "The most comprehensive child care study conducted to date to determine how variations in child care are related to children's development, supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), found that the more hours children spend in child care, the higher the incidence of problem behavior and the greater its severity." - See more at:
- ↑ Results indicate that the more time children spent in child care, the more likely they were to be disobedient and have trouble getting along with others. This correlation remained even when other factors such as the quality of child care, the mother's sensitivity to her child, and the family's socioeconomic status were taken into account. In fact, the time spent in child care was more strongly correlated with children's behavior than the quality of care, a finding that has provoked a storm of controversy. Greater maternal sensitivity and higher socioeconomic status correlated with better behavior in children, although they did not erase the negative effects of long hours in child care. - See more at:
- ↑ Read more on Family Education:
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