Brother Gregory
About Brother Gregory
Gregory grew up along Simms Bayou in Houston Texas during the cold war and was taught to duck-and-cover in parochial school, saw bomb shelters sold in the maul but the world was just a curious place to an often precocious child who did not do particular well in school at first. Dyslexia made reading a struggle until words became symbols of ideas. He sought to understand the why, the cause and effect and eventually the purpose. |
Questions and Answers
From the High deserts comes the question answers for those who have ears to hear. The Lord must right them in their hearts and in their minds. Follow us on your favorite podcast provider listed as "Keys of the Kingdom with Brother Gregory" Afternoon Freedomizer broadcasts we take calls and have guests.
Brother Gregory Williams was born in America in 1948. His father was a practicing attorney, and his mother the daughter of Norwegian immigrants. He grew up in southeast Texas attending private school. As a young man, he entered the seminary where he studied Latin, Greek, and theology. He was blessed by men who had insight into the the nature of the Kingdom of God. In the course of his studies he began to understand the unique purposes and practices of the early Church. Concealed for centuries in ancient libraries, obscured by the bias of historians, concealed by the dogmas of a coercive church, forgotten by the distractions of modern society until the simple truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God that sets the captive free became the hidden mystery of the ancients. |
About the author
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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.
About the author, Brother Gregory
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