Task of the Church

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What were the tasks that Jesus told us to do?
What did He command His disciples do and warn us all not to do?
How do we abide in His love?
Was it to keep His commandments?
What did Jesus command His called out disciples to do?

The Task NOT

John MacArthur is right about what the task of the Church established by Christ is not. But the idea of what sound doctrines consists of and what it means to teach that doctrine of Jesus may need to be clarified.

Considering the state of the world today and what the modern Church does say and practice as policies to what the early Church did do and refused to do even unto death it is hard to imagine that there is not unsound doctrine posing as the gospel.

Sound doctrine

The basic task of teaching "Sound Doctrine" includes a "daily ministration" that provides a table of righteousness in the form of "Pure Religion" to feed His sheep by rightly dividing the daily bread for a community of Christians "from house to house" through faith, hope, and fervent charity rather than through the legal charity of the rulers of the world who "exercise authority one over the other" by way of their form of public religion which provides for the masses through force, fear, and fealty which includes the "covetous practices" which Peter warned will not only make us "merchandise" but would also "curse children" as a surety for debt.

The way back

The early Church provided all the social welfare for an international community of early Christians during the dearths that plagued the corrupt Roman empire. As we see in Acts Christian ministers delivered relief all over the Roman Empire through a network of that fervent charity that made them such a peculiar people.

Real Christians follow The Way of Christ and not the way of the rulers of the world who call themselves Benefactors but only take, take, and take as Samuel bring the people back into the bondage of Egypt and the apostles warned us.

Modern Conflict

The Christian conflict with the world of Rome and the Imperial Cult of Rome was often the result of those believers refusing to sign up for the free bread and dainties of the Roman government. The welfare which was provided by those rulers who exercise authority one over the other was contrary to the sound doctrines of Jesus the Christ, Son of God, and Savior of true Christians.

Time to repent

Christian would not participate in the Corban of the Pharisees and Herod nor the dainties of the rulers of Rome.


{{Te mplate:Religion}}

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