
According to Wikipedia "An altar is any structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes."
The first question might be what do we mean when we say Religion, or Pure Religion. Certainly there is Public religion and False religion but what do we mean when we say or think Our Religion.
In the Old Testament there were two types of altars mentioned as metaphors describing the structure of their society.
Each member or family of a congregation is an altar of earth. The congregations of ministers are altars of stone. All operate together in a network of charity so that a nation of believers might remain a peculiar people.

God sees the heart and mind of mankind, but the world often requires something more tangible as a evidence in witness. His Holy Church offers a system for the edification and protection of the free Church and congregation which may assist in the maintenance and nurturing of a free people under God.
A congregation of record seeking other congregations and coming together in a network of people seeking the wholeness and holiness of a righteous government need to manifest that oneness with Christ and the Father both in Spirit and in truth so that may live in the world but not of it.

From the book Thy Kingdom Comes, The Altar of Abraham
From the book Thy Kingdom Comes, Joshua’s Altar
From the book Thy Kingdom Comes, Factions at the Altar
Stones |
Clay and Stone |
Stones upon |
White stones |
Lively Stones of a Living Altar |
Sophistry |
Leaven |
Breeches |
Stoning |
Altars |
Church legally defined | Sacrifice of fools
Graven images |
Red Heifer | Reserve fund
Corban |
Tithing In Conscience |
Self-Sacrifice |
Pure Religion |
Legal charity |
Public religion |
Worship |
Welfare |
Welfare types |
Daily ministration
Christian conflict |
Benefactors |
Feasts |
Good Samaritan |
Thy first love |
Born again |
New creature
Celebrate |
Temples |
Modern Christians |
The Blessed Strategy
Power To Change |
Peine forte et dure |
Tithing |
Offering |
Korab |
Necek |
Shelem |
Charity |
Freewill offerings |
Religion |
Pure Religion |
Golden rule |
Altars |
Tens |
Network |
Perspective |
One purse |
Temptations |
Tithe |
Tithing |
Tithing In Conscience |
Tithingman |
Tribute |
Taxation |
Treasury |
Corban |
Charitable Practices |
Covetous Practices |
Fervent Charity |
Gleaners |
Lady Godiva |