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An interesting article that advocates the approach of Non-participation.
A look at silver bullet solutions which of course is not the way freedom works.
He makes it clear that there is a problem with our dependence on the very government that people think has too much power. Has he stumbled upon the truth spoken of for thousands of years by wise men and prophets and yet remains a secret to this day? Read More...

Civil law (or civilian law) is a legal system intellectualized within the framework of late Roman law, specifically derived from the Code of Justinian which was the result of centuries of top down rule.
Ius naturale is Latin for "natural law", the laws common to all beings.
The prevalent feature at the core of "Civil law" was that it was a codified system which serves as the primary source of law rather than the opinions of the people as jurists. Read More...
Property rights

I, section 10, clause 1. It states:
- "No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any ... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts"
By that the government would have to treat all property purchased with anything other than gold and silver as not actually purchased and the courts would be cognizable of that fact. The title would be legal but without any right to the "Beneficial interest"
In other words if you want to know why you think you have no actual property rights to your property it is because you don't. Read More...
First to do List by the numbers Finding our way to freedom under God by the numbers.

What have we forgotten to do?
People as a nation took a wrong turn and have been going the wrong way faster and faster.
blind guides have done it again it is time to be turned and find new social schemes based on liberty and righteousness instead of what your have had.
First to do List by the numbers
The Sabbath

- Exodus 20:8 "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."
Was the Sabbath a day or a way?
There is a religious controversy concerning Saturday verses Sunday that has divided people into a dialectic of debt and death. Seeking the truth about the early Church the true day or way of worship and what it does mean to worship on everyday will require humility.
There was the beginning of a shift from the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week back when Constantine hired Eusebius to create a uniform doctrine by exercising authority.
Read more and find out the truth?
Conversations with the World
Conversations on school, Civil law, bondage, the constitution and even conversing with Moses all from the kingdom point of view.
Kingdom Conversation Is it okay for homeschoolers to utilize "free" public school opportunities? Read more...

The HHC Educational Moodle And They Shall Be All Taught Of God
What are the answers?
Why do I feel trapped?
Why is there a loss of freedom?
What are the solutions?
Christ had a solution to the tyranny and bondage and even the new health care system of the world that would save the people.
What, Why, and Where is His Holy Church's Moodle educational website? and how do I get this free offer? Read more at Moodle

Local and National Events
Missouri Retreat, Lake of the Oaks Friday, May 9 - Sunday, May 11
The Oregon 2014 Burning Bush Festival, August 30 – September 2 2014
2013 Burning Bush Festival

That Word You Use - Religion Religion does not mean what it use to mean. What did the word Religion mean when it was written in the constitution? Read More...
Part of our understanding Religion series includes these audio files on Civil Religion.
Liberty Radio Live - this is a 2 hour program with in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room.
<mp3player width="200"></mp3player> Download
The Sabbath Hour - This is a one hour program on Freedomizer Radio to round out the day's discussions. The Sabbath Hour series make for a good entry-level discussion.
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I wanted everyone to know that false teachers have been around for some time getting better at spreading falsehoods about the gospel. These kinds of drawings and the philosophies of deception they spread have been around for some time and are full of distortions and twists of what the Bible really says. Read more...

Recent changes at Preparing you:
Church legally defined
Mepkin Abbey
Moodle Learning Center?
Health_Share Solutions?
Value and the loss of it?
Was_Jesus_rich and why does it matter?
RealMoney and not real money?
See more below

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An international community of those seeking Christ's appointed Kingdom, His righteousness, His doctrines, and His way of governing ourselves in the world but not of it so that we all may be free.
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Over twenty two hours of Audio study on the epistle of Paul to the Romans. Line by line. Read more...
What is the Solution?

The solution is the people who care about each other's rights as much as they care about their own need to come together not to give power but to take back their personal responsibilities. There needs to be a Hue and Cry in the hearts of the people and some personal sacrifice for the benefit of others and not just ourselves. The early Church was a network of people who were faithful to the character of Christ and who sought righteousness over personal comfort or benefit.

We produce and broadcast numerous radio shows every week that cover many topics that affect our lives and liberty in the world. Listen in share your thoughts through the Living Network in your area. Or you can listen to hundreds of our Archived shows.
If you want to speak and learn with others, join the The Living Network and call into the Talk Radio, Conference calls, and Study groups.

Weekly Broadcast Topic:
Liberty Radio Live - this is a 2 hour program with in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room.
<mp3player width="200"></mp3player> Download
The Sabbath Hour - This is a one hour program on Freedomizer Radio to round out the day's discussions. The Sabbath Hour series make for a good entry-level discussion.
<mp3player width="200"></mp3player> Download

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