
Someone objected to our reference to religious vows in a discussion about abjuration and asked:
"Christ's words are plain, and easy of understanding to those who wish to comprehend, at least in this instance. Otherwise, why would He follow up a statement such as "swear not at all" in direct connection vows and vowing with "Let your yes be yes and your no be no; all else comes from sin"?"
Jesus does not connect swearing with vows and vowing. Translators o.
We have expanded the information on this page.

That Word You Use - Religion Religion does not mean what it used to mean. What did the word Religion mean when it was written in the constitution? Read More
Part of our understanding Religion series includes these audio files on Civil Religion.
Liberty Radio Live - this is a 2 hour program with in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room. Download
The Sabbath Hour - This is a one hour program on Freedomizer Radio to round out the day's discussions. The Sabbath Hour series make for a good entry-level discussion.

I wanted everyone to know that false teachers have been around for some time getting better at spreading falsehoods about the gospel. There is the Gospel of Christ who was accepted by thousands of Jews and also by gentiles like the Roman centurion and Samaritans and people all over. Paul preached the gospel of Christ and his "good news" was no different than Christ's Gospel.
These kinds of drawing and the philosophies of deception they spread have been around for some time and are full of distortions and twists of what the Bible really says. Read more...
On April 17, 2013 Justice from His Church at Holy Sacrament, minister of record, arrived in Omaha, Nebraska after traveling from Summer Lake, Oregon to Bend, Oregon to catch a bus to Portland, Oregon where Justice boarded a flight to Denver then to Omaha where Justice was met by Scott Hostetter... Read more
Was Paul a Roman Citizen?

Line by line: Where was his true citizenship? Was he a voting member of the Roman Empire, electing Senators? Was he conducting public affairs another WAY? Is there something we do not understand about Paul's status?
Audio recordings on Paul's Status
See Event Photo Archive
Annual Spring Missouri Retreat
There was a great Annual Spring Retreat in the Midwest that has been taking place through the Living Network where people can get together and meet one another from all over the country and confirm their love of the true gospel of Christ that the kingdom of God is at hand.
Alternative to National Health Care

Rome had a national healthcare system at the time of Jesus. Part of Jesus' mission was to provide an alternative and the followers of The Way were able to legally "opt out" of systems provided by men who exercise authority one over the other and become a part of a system that operated according to the perfect law of liberty. Find out how.
One of the primary responsibilities we have as parents is to make sure our children are trained/educated properly. I prefer to use the term "training or educating" instead of "schooling" because to me it's more appropriate. Kind of like using "children" instead of "kids".

Join His Holy Church on Facebook
An international community of those seeking Christ's appointed Kingdom, His righteousness, His doctrines, and His way of governing ourselves in the world but not of it so that we all may be free.
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Kingdom Conversations The link Facebook: May 8, 2013 highlights a 3-way Facebook conversation which addresses the purpose of "civil" governments vs God's government. You can check out other interesting conversations by clicking on the "Kingdom Conversation" header just above.
Over twenty two hours of Audio study on the epistle of Paul to the Romans. Line by line:
What is the Solution?

The solution is the people who care about each other's rights as much as they care about their own need to come together not to give power but to take back their personal responsibilities. There needs to be a Hue in Cry in the hearts of the people and some personal sacrifice for the benefit of others and not just ourselves. The early Church was a network of people who were faithful to the character of Christ and who sought righteousness over personal comfort or benefit.

We produce and broadcast numerous radio shows every week that cover many topics that affect our lives and liberty in the world. Listen in share your thoughts through the Living Network in your area. Or you can listen to hundreds of our Archived shows.

If you want to speak and learn with others, join the The Living Network and call into the Talk Radio, Conference calls, and Study groups.

Weekly Broadcast Topic: Christians and Pure Religion
Liberty Radio Live - this is a 2 hour program with in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room.
The Sabbath Hour - This is a one hour program on Freedomizer Radio to round out the day's discussions. The Sabbath Hour series make for a good entry-level discussion.
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