Modern Christians vs.
Early Christians
Modern Christians practice a redefined Religion.
Early Christians practiced Pure Religion.
Modern Christians depend on civil administers who call themselves Benefactors but compel contributions.
Early Christians depend on ministers of Charity operating in a network of tens.
Modern Christians depend on men who exercise authority for their welfare entitlements.
Early Christians provided another type of social welfare through Charity and hope.
Modern Christians seek Benefits that are provided by the world.
Early Christians only receive benefits that are unspotted by the world.
Modern Christians eat at the tables of king of the world and the fathers of the earth with appetite.
Early Christians set the table of the Lord with charity and hope loving one another in a networking Kingdom of Love.
Modern Christians think that they are children of God because they say[1] they love Christ.
Early Christians were the brethren of Christ because they were doers of the will of the Father.[1]
Modern Christians think that they are forgiven because they say they believe in God and say they love Christ.
Early Christians knew Jesus died that they might be forgiven and they are only forgiven when they forgive others.[2]
Modern Christians think they just have to say they believe to obtain Eternal life.
Early Christians believed they had to seek to keep the commandments to obtain Eternal life because Jesus said so.
Modern Christians think they do not need to do anything like Abraham, Moses and others, but claim they have faith because of what they say they believe.
Early Christians knew they had to strive[3] to do the will of the Father if they truly believed.
Modern Christians make men of the earth their Father, despite what Jesus said, by praying to men who exercise authority to obtain benefits at the expense of others through what could be called Public religion.
Early Christians Did not call any man on earth their Father, but had their own Private welfare to provide a Daily ministration through charity, not Covetous Practices of the public welfare of Rome.
Modern Christians think that Communion of the Father who is in Heaven is eating a small wafer of bread.[4] But they depend on the Fathers of the earth for their daily bread.
Early Christians knew that the ritual of the Lord's supper was just a symbol.[5] The real Eucharist was thanksgiving which provided a Daily ministration .
Modern Christians think it is okay to covet benefits provided by men who take from their neighbor by exercise of authority.
Early Christians knew that they could not inherit the kingdom if they were covetous.[6]
Modern Christians think the Kingdom of God was postponed, instead of appointed to the Apostles.[7]
Early Christians knew the kingdom was at hand.
Modern Christians think they are saved no matter what they do.
Early Christians know they must seek the righteousness of God if they are to inherit His kingdom[8]
Modern Christians think they are saved by what they think is true faith.
Early Christians know that faith with out works is not real faith, but is dead faith.[9]
Modern Christians sign up for every socialist program from public education and Social Security to Food Stamps and healthcare which are all forms welfare provided by forced offerings of your neighbor despite Christ's warning about the Corban of the Pharisees.
Early Christians died rather than sign up for the public welfare programs of the governments of Rome and other countries which brought about the Christian conflict.
Modern Christians take oaths and swear binding themselves to the will of others often to obtain benefits provided at the expense of others.
Early Christians and for centuries Christians were persecuted and executed because they refused to take oaths or even affirm because Jesus and James said above all else stop the taking of oaths and swearing.[10]
Modern Christians apply or pray to Benefactors who exercise authority one over the other
Early Christians knew Christ forbade that we be like the Benefactors who exercise authority one over the other.
Modern Christians elect rulers all the time and when they Cry out God will not not hear them because they would not hear their neighbor's cries.
Early Christians knew that in 1 Samuel 8, God warned that to elect rulers to take and take and take from their neighbors was a rejection of God.
Modern Christians think they do not have to be Doers of the Word, but all they have to do is say they believe.
Early Christians knew Jesus told them if they wanted Eternal life they needed to keep the commandments, which included not coveting what belongs to their neighbor.
Modern Christians love the benefits of Benefactors but who exercise authority.
Early Christians knew that in Proverbs 23 and Daniel 1, God warns through His prophets that you should not desire the benefits of these men who called themselves Benefactors but who exercise authority.
Modern Christians do not know what Peter meant about coveting or becoming Merchandise and curse our Children
Early Christians knew that Peter tells us that Covetous Practices those benefits will make us Merchandise and curse our Children with debt which is bondage.
Modern Christians have returned to the Bondage of Egypt by becoming employed by those rulers who exercise authority.
Early Christians knew God forbade us to ever return to the Bondage of Egypt by becoming employed by those rulers who exercise authority.
Modern Christians Want socialist benefits by everyone having One purse even if they are actually Biting one another.
Early Christians understood that the Corban of the Pharisees was a forbidden Welfare scheme of having One purse.
Modern Christians, like the Pharisees.]] have left what should have been their [[Thy first love|first love and concern.
Early Christians repented and attended to "the first work" which included a Daily ministration.
Modern Christians depend upon Public religion through the Temples of the state becoming snared as surety for debt.
Early Christians depended upon Private welfare through the Church and bore fruit with their love and daily ministration provided by charity and the perfect law of liberty.
Modern Christians think fellowship is the friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests while praying to Benefactors who exercise authority.
Early Christians knew that fellowship was the voluntary system of social welfare run according to the perfect law of liberty through charity.