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Revision as of 12:08, 17 December 2020

Lining up

People are lining up for the most untested vaccine in ages while legislatures are making a concerted effort to remove religious exemptions and parental rights to refuse this unwarranted and possibly dangerous medical treatment for themselves or their Children.

Dave Daubenmire wrote:

Lies. All lies, taught to our children as Truth. No wonder millions of Americans walk around wearing dog muzzles in the name of science. Soon they will be lining up for a vaccination that “they” tell us will prevent us from getting the flu.
Who is “they” you might ask? Probably the same crowd of experts that tell us Bruce Jenner is a woman, unborn babies are a blob of tissue, gays are “born that way”, and that their family progenitor was some ape in Africa. All unproven lies. Why are we surprised when children act like animals after we teach them that they came from apes?

People have been suffering from the Cognitive dissonance which is the real pandemic and plague of the world. The cure is humility, repentance, and sacrifice. If you are not willing to swallow those pills then can you really say you are a believer?

Real Christians would not covet their neighbors’ goods and would not send their children to public schools paid for by those Benefactors who exercise authority one over the other. All the people claiming to be Christians could stop this march of nonsense. Real Christians by definition would have to be following The Way of Christ, what Christ said and certainly what he commanded, in order to qualify as a Christian.

If they were all sitting down in the tens, hundreds and thousands as Jesus commanded, if they would think differently than they have been thinking since men like FDR and the rise of the welfare state and the Corban that makes the word of God to none effect, if they would institute a daily ministration of Pure Religion and strive for the righteousness of God instead of the wages of unrighteousness, they could be spared what is coming upon the world --- like the prayers and humility and repentance of Nineveh.

  • “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.” Matthew 12:41

You cannot change the fate of the world but you can repent and seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of God, hear His voice and seek to do as He has commanded.

The side effects of not doing what Christ commanded is what you are seeing in the world today. The people have become lost sheep and a scattered flock where wolves and beasts can devour them. Those side effects of not following the wisdom, teachings and commands of Christ is more dangerous than the virus or vaccines for we know that without Christ we cannot be saved.