Mark of God
In the Old Testament there is a mark of God related to setting or placing something in the forehead.
- “And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” Ezekiel 9:4
This is the Mark of the LORD.
This mark like the Mark of the Beast was not a computer chip.
The Mark of the Beast is the antitheses of the Mark of God.
The term mark as in the mark upon Cain [1] is produced by the Hebrew word owth[2]
It contains the Hebrew letters תוא (Alef Vav Tav) which is also the word for consent[3].
The mark as we see in Ezekiel 9:4 is the TavVav, (ות)[4] is defined as "a sign of exemption from judgment".
This word mark was from tavah. [5]
If you add a Reish meaning rule to the TavVav to make the word towr which forms letters TavVavReish רות[6] you produce a word said to mean a piece of your estate.
Other words are also said to be produced by the same letters and is said to have the meaning of succession, order [7] or even turtledove [8] and oxen to be used for sacrifice[9].
So what can all this mean?
The Tav is the final letter of the Hebrew Alef-beit. It corresponds to malchut, meaning kingdom. The Tav is said to be the seal of Faith.
Through faith the malchut or kingdom passes in inheritance from generation to generation. The Mark of God of is Faith. The precept of this faith is the secret of the power that makes the kingdom of God a reality at hand.
Faith in God drives us as a conviction to follow the ways of God. The antitheses of that faith is to live without faith in ways contrary to the teachings of God.
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice; By faith, Enoch was translated; By faith, Abraham obeyed and he went out; By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau. Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gedeon, Samson, David, Samuel, and the prophets “through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, and escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:”[10]
- “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not ... done many wonderful works?” (Matthew 7:22). But the answer will be “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”(Matthew 7:23). Jesus even asks the question, “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).
Where do we stand in relationship to this warning?
What is the evidence and precepts of faith and what is its antithesis?
The Mark of the Beast is the evidence of a lack of faith in God and His ways. If the Mark of God is a life of faith, hope, and charity, under the perfect law of liberty, where we love our neighbor as ourselves, then the Mark of the Beast would be a life where people force their neighbor to provide for their benefit through benefactors, who exercise authority one over the other. Those who will not live by hope often desire entitlements guaranteed by the right arm of governments. They do not live by charity, but by enforced contributions taken from the sweat and blood of their neighbor. Are they coveting their neighbor's goods and rejecting the righteousness of God.[11]
The Christian lived in the world of Rome in a much different way than modern Christians live in modern governments today. The Pharisees had ordered that all who saw Jesus as the Christ were to be cast out of the system of Corban managed at the temple. Like Exodus, Pentecost was the liberation of the people from the social contracts that had bound them to the systems established by the Hasmonians, Herod.
This idea of centralizing the control of society and its charitable functions is as old as the city of Cain. Lemech did it. Nimrod and Pharaoh, Saul and Solomon all forced the contributions of the people. Samuel told Saul that because he had done this foolish[12] thing and forced the contributions of the people his kingdom would not remain.
The Christian understood that the social programs offered by governments were voluntary in the beginning, but soon became oppressive. Having been cast out of one system, they did not desire to enter another. Christ had set them free. The religion of the Pharisees had conformed to Rome. It was not a pure religion taught by John and Jesus. They took care of the widows and orphans and needy of their society, but they did so with those compelled Corban, like the Romans.
- James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world."
The early Christians lived in the world but not of it. They still took their day of rest on the Sabbath, but we also see them meeting on the first work day of the week, For what purpose?
In Justin's First Apology we see an explanation of the government of the Christians with the words, “And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place... And they who are well to do, and willing, give what each thinks fit; and what is collected is deposited with the president, who succours the orphans and widows and those who, through sickness or any other cause, are in want, and those who are in bonds and the strangers sojourning among us, and, in a word, takes care of all who are in need.”
Justin had written the Emperor Antonius Pius, “And we afterwards continually remind each other of these things. And the wealthy among us help the needy; and we always keep together; and for all things wherewith we are supplied, we bless the Maker of all through His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost.”[13]
The Romans and many other countries had systems of social welfare but to the Christians those were the Nicolaitan[14] altars which God hated.
- Re 2:6 "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate."
The Romans persecuted many of the early Christians because they would not take oaths of allegiance, nor serve, by contributing to the “gods” of Rome. These gods required donations, or tribute, in the form of an excise tax. A small book, or “libellus, made of papyrus”[15] was used as a passport throughout their world. It identified you as a contributing member and contained your signature --- and was believed to be the mark of the beast in its time. These temples administered systems of social security, education, justice, and national defense.[16] They even operated as a world bank.[17]
Very few people understand the similarities between the system of the Roman beast and the image of the beast in the world today. Nor do they understand how those early systems came into conflict with the kingdom preached by Christ and the early Church.
In Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” he praised “the union and discipline of the Christian republic.” He pointed out that “it gradually formed an independent and increasing state in the heart of the Roman Empire.”[18] How did it work before the apostasy of Constantine?[19]
Constantine did not require that the people repent. Those who received his baptism continued in the systems offered by Rome. They were instant Christians claiming a new religion but keeping the old ways under a new name. Most modern Christians sometimes follow the ways of Constantine more than Christ. They may cry Lord, Lord in their Church buildings but do they do the will of the Father?
To learn that the Christians would not participate in the social security and welfare systems of that authoritarian world of Rome because they demanded an allegiance rather than faith, force rather than charity. They offered entitlements rather than hope. This is an area of moral and spiritual conflict not addressed by the modern Church. It is in that conflict that we find the defining characteristics of the Mark.
Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly. (1 Corinthians 15:49).
In 168 AD, Marcus Aurelius wanted no child to be left behind. He required, by law, that everyone must register the birth of their children with the Secretary of Treasury or Provincial Registrars within 30 days. The Christians would not. They would called no man on earth Father.
Such registration would be an application to the Father of the State, and would be turning from Christ’s command.[20] The State would be “In Loco Parentis” which in the Latin, means “in the place of a parent,” which is a turning away from the Natural Family instituted by God.
- “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” Mt 23:9, 11
This is a reiteration of the precepts and the prime directive of the Church.[21] Christ was a king. Shepherds knew it, angels knew it, Kings from the east knew it, the Sanhedrin knew it, Pontius Pilate knew it, and thousands on Pentecost knew it. It is modern Christians who seems to not know it, for they have learned a gospel devoid of the kingdom.
Christ said he would take the kingdom from the Pharisees.
- Mt 21:43 "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
He said that he would appoint it to other:
- “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32
And then Christ appointed, with instructions, a new kind of prince.
- "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;" Luke 22:29
Christ gave specific instructions to those he would appoint to minister to His kingdom. Before appointing this kingdom at hand to his new ambassadors he clarified some of those instructions.
- "And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve." Lu 22:25, 26
In modern Churches it is acceptable to pray (apply) to benefactors who exercise authority one over the other. It is acceptable to covet your neighbors' goods through the agency of men who exercise that authority.
There are always those who make the word of God to no effect. They make covenants,[22] swear oaths,[23] and will not let every man remain subject to the higher liberty.[24] There were in the days of Cora, and Saul, Rehoboam and the Pharisees. They gave God lip service, said their prayers, sang their songs, and built their churches but they forgot justice and mercy.
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” Mt 7:22
The Mark of the Beast is evidence of who owns our service, our labor, and our estate as free souls under God. Have we become the package, the merchandise, the human resource of a foreign power? Is it faith or allegiance? It is the vain coveting of your neighbors' goods through the agency of government, which has made you merchandise under an alien dominion.
“Redemption is deliverance from the power of an alien dominion and the enjoyment of the resulting freedom. It involves the idea of restoration to one who possesses a more fundamental right or interest. The best example of redemption in the Old Testament was the deliverance of the children of Israel from bondage, from the dominion of the alien power in Egypt.”[25]
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== Footnotes ==
- ↑ Genesis 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
- ↑ 0226 ^תוא^ ‘owth \@oth\@ probably from 0225 (in the sense of appearing); ; n f AV-sign(s) 60, token(s) 14, ensign(s) 2, miracles 2, mark 1; 79 1) sign, signal 1a) a distinguishing mark 2) token, ensign, standard
- ↑ 0225 ^תוא^ ‘uwth \@ooth\@ a primitive root; v; AV-consent 4; 4 1) (Niphal) to consent, agree
- ↑ 08420 ^ות^ tav \@tawv\@ from 08427; n m; AV-mark 2, desire 1; 3 1) desire, mark 1a) mark (as a sign of exemption from judgment)
- ↑ 08427 ^הות^ tavah \@taw-vaw’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-scrabble 1, set 1; 2 1) to scrabble, limit, mark, make or set a mark 1a) (Piel) to mark 1b) (Hiphil) to set a mark
- ↑ 08448 ^רות^ towr \@tore\@ probably the same as 08447; n f; AV-according to the estate 1; 1 1) circlet, plait, turn (of hair or gold) 2) (CLBL) custom, manner, mode
- ↑ 08448 probably the same as 08447(רות towr translated turn, row or border meaning succession, order which is from 08446 ^רות^ tuwr meaning to seek, search out, spy out, explore or custom, manner, mode
- ↑ 08449 ^רות^ towr \@tore\@ or ^רת^ tor \@tore\@ probably the same as 08447; n f; AV-turtledove 9, turtle 5; 14 1) dove, turtledove
- ↑ 08450 ^רות^ towr (Aramaic) \@tore\@ corresponding (by permutation) to 07794; n m; AV-oxen 4, bullock 3; 7 1) bull, young bull, ox (for sacrifice)
- ↑ Hebrews Chapters 11 and 12.
- ↑ The Voice of the People
- ↑ 1Sa 13:13 “And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever.”
- ↑ The Eucharist
- ↑ The Nico-laity were the conquered people. They were the people who no longer had a choice in what was to be contributed to the government.
- ↑ According to the expert testimony of Dr. Elliott, concerning the Mark of the Beast, the priests of the temples, like the Capital, “were functioning, not as we would think religious priests would, but rather as police...” David Stevens v. Stephen Berger, United States District Court, New York, 428 F.Supp. 896 (1977)
- ↑ Rome vs. US
- ↑ Temples and Churches, from the book Thy Kingdom Comes
- ↑ Rousseau and Revolution, Will et Ariel Durant p.801. fn 83 Heiseler, 85.
- ↑ The Wolves from the book Thy Kingdom Comes
- ↑ Call no man on earth Father
- ↑ ARTICLE X of the Polity of His Holy Church
- ↑ From the book The Covenants of the gods
- ↑ Appendix 6. Oaths and Swearing” in Thy Kingdom Comes
- ↑ ROMANS 13 see The book The Higher Liberty
- ↑ Zondervan’s Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible
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