
Follow us on your favorite podcast provider as "Keys of the Kingdom with Brother Gregory"
Afternoon Freedomizer broadcasts we take calls and have guests.
Surviving the decline and fall of the New World Order.
Spiritual patterns in creation.
Meditations of the ancients.
Keys to liberty under God
Healing trauma, depression, PTSD
Battling wickedness in high places.
Gathering together in an intentional community.
How does the truth set men free?
Can the doctrine of Jesus set the whole world free?
Why 40,000,000 plus denominations?
How did the Gospel turn the world upside-down?
What was the Christian conflict with the world?
What about COVID?
Overcoming evil with good?
What was the bondage of Egypt and why were we to never go back there again?
Have people given consent to a social compact
What might enslave them like Egypt?
Why would the slothful be under tribute?
Why did the Corban of the Pharisees make the word of God to none effect?
Why did Jesus say "Call no man Father upon the earth"?
Why did Jesus say not to be like Benefactorsof the world?
Why did Peter say covetous practices would make us Merchandise?
What did Jesus list as the Weightier matters?
Why did Jesus command that the people sit down in Tens?
What is Religion and what is Pure Religion?
What was Public religionand the imperial Cult of Rome?
ow did it differ from Pure Religion practiced by early Christians?
Why did the Church have a Daily ministration?
How do the Modern Christians differ from the early Church who followed The Way of Christ?
What were the deeds of the Nicolaitan and why did God hate those deeds?
What was the Christian conflict with Rome?
Are modern Christians actually workers of iniquity?
Do people today make covenants with the gods of this world
Do they love the wages of unrighteousness?
What is the difference between the Baptism of John and Herod?
The Baptism of Constantine or Rabbinical Baptism?
Why was Israel was not to have a golden calf?
What were the altars of earth and stone?
What are lively stones?
What were temples for?
Was the Sabbath a way or a day?
Were those rituals of ancient societies merely mindless acts of superstition or were they metaphors?
What are the rituals of the Church and do they point to The Way of Christ and liberty under God?
Could Welfare systems of the world be Snares and Traps?
What does this all have to do with Nimrod, Cain and Caesar>
Who called themselves Benefactors but exercise authority one over the other?
What was the Mark of Cain and the Mark of God and even the Mark of the Beast?
Did Constantinestart a different Church not of Christ?
Why did the people have to sew Breeches for the Levites?
What was early Israel like before the Voice of the people rejected God?
Why were they organized by Tens?
How was the Early Church funded and what did they use the funds for?
Did it operate by force or Freewill offerings?
Do governments of the world operate according to the ways of God?
Why is the Bible "for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People."
What is the ways of Cain and Nimrod?
Who were the Nicolaitans?
What did they do that included the error of Baalam?
Why does God hate their deeds?
What was Christ trying to tell us about the Fathers of the earth and who are they?
And who is The Beloved Anarchist?