Mass Formation Psychosis
Tucker Carlson produced a quality interview of Mattias Desmet.
The Epoch Times also has an excellent commentary and
there is our book review of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" which points to the way to a state of psychological immunity through the practice and process of repentance.
Mattias Desmet's Substack,
Mattias Desmet, Research Gate.
"Under the influence of great fear, almost everybody becomes superstitious. Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd. Fear generates impulses of cruelty, and therefore promotes such superstitious beliefs as seem to justify cruelty. Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear." ~Bertrand Russell.
Ecclesiastes 12:5 speaks of a fear[1] that will get in the way of the people and shatters and dismays the people so that they are subject to a Mass formation which causes their ability to function in the "course of life" according to a degenerated "moral character".[1]
Mass Psychosis
Mass formation of psychosis did not begin with the term. It has been a part of the mind of man since the beginning of the fear of the unknown. The more we are in denial about the truth the more we will be controlled by that fear.
"What is mass formation actually?
1. Blind to contradictory facts
It’s a specific kind of group formation that makes people radically blind to everything that goes against what the group believes in. In this way, they take the most absurd beliefs for granted." Mattias Desmet
- Sacrifice truth
2. Sacrifice individual interest
"A second characteristic of an individual in the grip of mass formation is that they become willing to radically sacrifice individual interest for the sake of the collective." Mattias Desmet
- Sacrifice individual interests out of fear
3. Intolerant for dissonant voices
"Thirdly, individuals in mass formation become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. In the ultimate stage of the mass formation, they will typically commit atrocities toward those who do not go along with the masses. And even more characteristic: they will do so as if it is their ethical duty." Mattias Desmet[2]
- Sacrifice others
Four Elements
Four elements to Mass Formation Psychosis which produces a group think which can lead to a Lemming effect in society or if left unchecked to a bloody inquisition of self destruction:
- Isolation; prolonged social isolation limiting interaction.
- Deprivation; removal of normal comforts.
- Anxiety; Free floating anxiety and reminders of fear.
- Single solution; A singular solution offered from an authoritarian. position.
Accordingly, this Psychosis produces a population that is radically intolerant. This intolerance and fear will lead to irrational compulsions with no limit to the extremes that will be acceptable to unify that solution.
Delving into disorder
Psychosis is "a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality."
Reality is the truth and the Psychosis is the result caused by an unperceived disconnect from that reality.[4]
That disconnect from understanding from reality produces a distorted perception of an objective truth. That disconnect is proceeded by a perversion and disconnect or separation and isolation from others by weakening or even severing social bonds of natural and primordial relationships that are important if not essential to the mental and emotional state of an entity and therefore the health of the individual.
Social bonds include the emotional, physical, intellectual, economic, and spiritual ties of love, friendship, fellowship, partnership, association, and affiliation created within the family, community, and society or between societies in general.
These bonds themselves are invisible and may only be be marked by symbols through tokens and rituals or evidenced by patterns or habits of behavior considered virtuous based on cultural created norms and morality. These subliminal bonds can become very much a part of the “competence without comprehension” but may be very much a part of the divine design of universal consciousness.
The relationships that form the social bonds of a free society result from Thanksgiving and heroic gratitude. Together, they form the psychological mycelium beneath the forest floor of society. If those mechanisms of those relationships are diminished or degenerated only the symbols remain and mass formation and the totalitarian manipulation becomes inevitable.
Ordered chaos
A disorder is in essence an unknowing departure from what is real and it "is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour."
The more these disorders and disphorias appear in the individuals within society, like the canary in the coal mine, the more evidence there is that society is being poisoned in the subliminal regions of its “competence without comprehension”. Competence itself will die withering upon the vine of society as long as the people culturally cling to the the symbols and signs of the substitute social structures and deny the substance of sacrifice through choice which is charity and love.
- “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” Mark Twain
Even though the reality people think they believe is not true, but is actually a lie, they persist in thinking it to be true because of the pain of their personal cognitive dissonance is to great. Having already accepted somethings as if they are true but that contradict each other they become trapped in a dark place and are unable to see clearly the whole problem. This Psychosis or impairment of thoughts and emotions has existed long before the modern term was created.
A Psychosis is a modern medical term that amounts to the persons mind being "darkened" so that they cannot see reality and reason clearly. People suffering from mental Psychosis are said to sit in darkness. The Psychosis may be produced by choices made prior to the Psychosis taking hold of the mind.
There have been interviews talking about the subject.[5]
Are there customs and cultural practices that will make one society more immune to the negative effects of Mass Formation Psychosis just as certain practices can enhance the psychosis?
Who is more likely to fall prey to the irrational compulsions that leads to a mass psychosis? Is it the weak minded and uneducated?
"Even more, the higher the level of education, the easier, the more vulnerable people are for mass information." Mattias Desmet
Is it the education or the vanity perpetuated by catering to the idea that one class of citizen is better than another?
The problem today with depression is that we have created a culture where survival no longer requires that you care about others as much as you care about yourself causing social bonds to degenerate which isolates us as individuals even in a crowd. We were not meant to be alone.
That isolation will usher in a psychosis within society which could usher in a loyalty to the doctrines of the blind until the masses are under such a strong delusions that they willing commit national suicide rather than see the truth.
To not love or prize the value of your neighbor as much as yourself will wedge a divide into the social bonds of a free society.
Liberty of the individual is essential to strengthen the social bonds of a healthy nation.
“The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” Plutarch
When those dainties of a Social welfare State are provided by men who exercise authority one over the other the whole of society will degenerate because of those covetous practices.
To reverse this proccess the people must choose to gather voluntarily to care for the true needy of their society through fervent charity in hope instead of fear.
The production of a mass psychoses has always been the direct result of the masses developing an appetite for benefits at the expense of others. This cause a degeneration of the Social bonds of society.
Out from psychosis and into the light
- The antitheses of Isolation is community and fellowship.
- The reverse of deprivation is liberty of choice, unrestrained right to pursue happiness, private property, and an abundance of fervent charity
- Anxiety is also reversed by hope and faith as well as mutual daily practice of love.
- Instead of a central authoritarian rulers offering a controlled solution through legal charity in a state run welfare system there needs to be an almost religious commitment to the perfect law of liberty, and equal love for the individual rights as much as your own.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
To Mattias it was clear in 2017 that the world, i.e. the government, the new woke culture, and the ideology of climate change were engaged a society in the long process of 5r moving swiftly toward totalitarianism.
Science was increasingly showing incompetence, sloppy work, and a radical disregard for facts.
The COvid began to take the masses "further" down the road toward totalitarianism.
Mattias saw things changing in the world and not for the better.
He saw a "Radical contempt for facts".
An increase in sloth an avarice and a reduction in liberty.
"I paid off the mortgage on my house."
"First and foremost, I wanted my sovereignty back. I did not want to be indebted to and complicant in a financial system in my view played a part in the social impass that was about to occur."
Equates the new medical experts with the pigs of George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Part 1 science and it's pscological effect.
1 Science and ideology
✓Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
“Due to the industrialization, mechanization, and technologization of the world, production capacities, economic power (via a self-centralizing banking system), and psychological power (via mass media) fell into the hands of an ever-decreasing number of people. The Enlightenment tradition had promised people autonomy and freedom, but, in a way, it brought people greater (feelings of) dependence and powerlessness than ever before. This powerlessness caused people to increasingly mistrust those in power. Throughout the nineteenth century, fewer and fewer people felt that political leaders really represented their voice in public space or defended their interests. As a result, man also became disassociated from the social classes that were represented” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
2 Science and practical applications
From the clock to the media defeated the rule of nature and "conquered the living room". Labor became less meaningfull because the beneficiary became unknown.
"Bullshit jobs"
"Proliferation of meaningless work"
Meaningful work is less rewarding financially such as rancher and farmers vs administrators.
Thylidimyde from 1958 (1961)and 1969.
DES continued to be used after series side effects.
Agent Orange injure millions of people.
"The Adomized subject" of Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) taught political science and philosophy at The New School for Social Research in New York and the University of Chicago. Widely acclaimed as a brilliant and original thinker, her works include Eichmann in Jerusalem and The Human Condition.
Hannah Arendt was the Author of The Origins of Totalitarianism A three-part study of the philosophical origins of the totalitarian mind. This volume focuses on the rise of antisemitism in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
3 artificial society
Huygens' Pendulum synchronization.
A man is composed of billion clocks.
Online interaction disrupt the mechanism of mutual interaction of life, the resonance of natural living entity.
Digital conversation is Constantly being in the presence of the other person's absence. An electronic imposed Capgras.
In our attempt of removing discomfort without self examination ended the declaration of the ancient to "Know thyself" which includes "Know thy location in the universe". In society... On the wall of clocks and we become "The Adomized subject" of Hannah Arendt
4 The (im)measurable Universe
Numbers may not lie but men do. First to themselves and then to others.
This lying becomes more acceptable for the "The Adomized subject"
5 The desire for a master
Our individual spirit explores the spirit of those around us. Our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and all others around us that also live.
✓ Animise 1. : a doctrine that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit.
✓ 2. : attribution of conscious life to nature or natural objects. animist.
There is a spirit that draws man to make rules and laws where the rule ma remain long after it's purpose is forgotten. The law imposed replaces the life of liberty of life...
"The making of laws there is no end." But all the rules form a web that robs the individual not only of movement but of choice.
"Freedom is the Right to Choose, the Right to create for oneself the alternatives of Choice. Without the possibility of Choice, and the exercise of Choice, a man is not a man but a member, an instrument, a thing.” Archibald MacLeish
Without choice and the consequences of choice the individual cannot know thyself nor thy place with others in society.
Part II: Mass Formation and Totalitarianism
6. The rise of the Masses
Industrialization is not the core cause of isolation.
The problem began because of our prior abandonment of those things in our culture that established social bonds of society before confronting the challenge of Industrialization.
This "Lack of social bonds" creates a Loneliness and isolation.
The micro mass of a jury is often manipulated because they lack knowledge of what is called Jury nullification. The modern jury is often subject and has often waived their right to decide "fact an law". They have not attended to the weightier matters as Christ and Moses said to do. They do not know of the role of the Jury in the common law nor the dangers of equity becoming the sole administrative law in a legal system. This is because the people do not know who they should be, nor who they have become because of a hundred years of legal charity which has degenerated the social bonds of a free society. Until they see this truth they cannot 'know thyself'. If they do not love their neighbor as themselves they cannot know themselves.
✓Lack of meaning. removal of the "other". Who is the primal "other"
The kingdom of God is from generation to generation.
A remedy is to love your neighbor as they self. If you do not know thyself you cannot know your neighbor.
✓ Freefloating anxiety. Lost
✓ Frustration and aggression. Drowning desperation.
The mass formation was not merely a perfect storm but the manifestation ancient plan.
Which is neither argumentum ad populum nor argumentum ab auctoritate.
"Is there still a reality beyond the one created by the masses?"
One more characteristic
Radicle intolerance toward anyone who is not a zombie
1. Disodent voice
2. Critical argument
3. Any thing that might break the spell is obversive.
4. Extremely frustrating if it restrains the venting.
Back to the beginning to find where we went wrong.
The intensive formation of masses came because we have been lost, even hiding from the spirit of truth, the creator.
7. The leaders of the Masses
The hypnotiser may also be hypnotized.
He may be lost too or even cast out.
"Mass formation takes both victims and perpetrator in its grip."
The leader and victim "hypnotise each other."
"All normal ethical boundary are violated."
And any arguments against that errant logic that is used to excuse that violation is band from the conversation.
...Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens.
The vicious circle in which Mass formation and Totalitarianism ...
""Mass formation and Totalitarianism ineveriably destroy themselves by way of logical necessity."
"Mass formation feed on anxiety and aggression." They need new fears, new rituals of death.
Eventually, leads to purges of one group or another. Isolating group and attacking them. This as already began with intersectionality.
There were 17 people a year executed under the czars.
Under communism
540 then 12,000 up to 600,000 per year
Under czars serf only worked 12 hours a day in summer and no more than 7 in winter.
Mine 118# ore a day 28,800#
8. Conspiracy and ideology
Three dots and fourth...
Sierpiński triangle.
The protocols of Zion??
Conspiracy theories
Flocks fly together. "A super individual"
A crowd creates a common resonance of an import of meaning, purpose, and power. The people become the synchronized clocks on the wall.
If fear persists the masses will be driven by anxiety then anger will fill the minds and hearts giving an appearance of courage. In numbers guilt can be shared and it can even be denied.
The cloak of a shared ideology can give license to evil.
Evil is the absence good just as darkness is the absence of light, there is no greater meaning no noble purpose locked in an ideology of selfishness and darkness.
The lockdowns were a relief for some from their mundain existence and lonely life that was lacking of meaning and purpose. Such temporary relief will drive the fear and resentment to a new level of anger and hate.
Conspiracy theories may be true but rushing to them is rushing away from self and away from "knowing thyself".
This was the path Adam took that caused him to flee the light of the tree of life in the center of garden.
Are the people the product of life or are they producers of life? Are they simply consuming the life of others or are they being fruitful by freely giving life?
To steer or be steered
Who is the leader?
Are we steering or being steered?
Or are the masses and their leaders engaged in a mutual assent?[6]
Like the dots of a Sierpiński triangle the population and repetition of the pattern in the members of society tranforms society.
By only recognizing and connecting limited elements of the personality[7] of mankind we limit the outcome and distort the natural relationship..
By denying an element of mankind as they were meant to be the whole of society and the way it is bound together is altered. Such changes will pre determine the outcome.
As you remake man in an image other than God intended society is transformed.
The ultimate master
Mattias writes, "The ultimate master is the ideology, not the elete."
The ideology is a product of what the individual is willing to see. Like the Sierpiński triangle only the dots scene in the pattern can be connected.
When the people deny or refuse to see an element of themselves as they were original created their view of "truth" will become an ideology devoid of the whole truth.
Their truth will be a lie and the whole truth will become the enemy.
They will recreate the world around them in the image of their ideological lie.
Those who cator to the ideology of the masses will become the master but in truth he is merely a puppet of the Mass Formation of the ideology.
Mattias Desmet also speaks of a second mass that forms with a seemingly different ideology that will come into conflict with other.
Neither are willing to see the whole truth but will defend their respective ideology to their mutual destruction.
Both or all these ideologies are religiously held up by each mass group as "their truth" but if they are unwilling to see the whole truth a day of reckoning will come upon them.
These two or more masses will destroy each other and anyone who reveals, by word or deed, their dilution.
Mattias Desmet also mentions another group that is often tiny that must speak the truth no matter what the cost. But is that enough?
Bearers of the truth will become the enemy.[8] if the are to survive the will need their social bonds to exceed the bonds of the deleted. And the must not challenge their truth on their terms.
Truth conversation
Their speech must be the whole truth but also exemplified in their life's "conversation" with one another and the world.
That is what early Christians were seeking to do but Tacitus, Suetonius, and Plutarch could not see because of their ideology that said that the legal charity through the state was the way to go. They were the intellectual elete who refused to see the whole truth and repent.
Industrialization, Mechanization, and Mediatization lead to a centralization of power allowing for fraud and corruption.
While this process can be observed is there a more subtle deletion or denial or dot of the human character already overlooked in society steering the Industrialization, Mechanization, and Mediatization that leads them into a state of corruption?
Could the plethora of conspiracy theories a distraction from the actual seed of corruption.
The centralization of power in ancient Israel began with the election of the executive office of Saul in 1 Samuel 8. There was already corruption of institution and centralization was imagined to be a solution.
Despite Samuel's facts and warnings the people were already blind.
What they had forgotten is still forgotten today which may be woven in Mattias solution.
• Hypnotized mass 30%
• Not hyptontize but complies or resists 40 to 60%
• Not hyptontize and speaks out 10 to 30%
You do not want to advocate a returning to the old normal.
"In general counter arguments should be formulated in a displined and organized manner in a special created structure and working groups."
"The formation of such groups in itself also provide an antidote to one of the most pernitious effects of Totalitarianism, the destruction of every social bond and structure."
It was the decay of the the "social bond and structure" which began before the old normal was established. In fact it was certain elements of the natural personality of man not adressed nor even see by men.
To know the whole truth we must first know our self. But to "Know thy self" we must seek to know, follow, and see "the whole truth, the way, and the light".
Adam in his vanity tried to know the whole truth, divide good and evil with his own tree of knowledge. He fist his from the knowledge of his nakedneed, then blamed God, finally fleeing the light protecting the tree of life.
In Matthias will speak of the revelation of resonance which is the tree of life rather than our gathered knowledge of a Mechanistic material world.
Before we proceed to Chapter 9. We may ask:
How are the clocks on the wall synchronized?
Does one clock have more influence than the other?
And does that clock gather allies to bring the others into conformity?
And what of the wall which is on another plane of existence .
✓Plane a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie.
2. a level of existence, thought, or development.
"everything is connected on the spiritual plane"
Part III Beyond the mechachanist worldview
9. The Dead versus the Living Universes
Mechanistic ideology see the universe as a dead but interactive random material particles.
Yet, there are the Fibonacci sequence and many other patterns repeating in nature.
Even Lorenz waterwheel seemed to be an example of chaotic theory until looking more deeply he produced the The Lorenz attractor as an example of a "strange attractor".
Strange attractors are unique from other phase-space attractors in that one does not know exactly where on the attractor the system will be. Two points on the attractor that are near each other at one time will be arbitrarily far apart at later times.
In quantum physics see the material matter is effected by observation.
Thought or consciousness seems to be more fundamental than matter. This may give more substance to the statement
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
If the shaming has a Pure and loving heart his stories and words may have a good effect. If a doctor is unethical, greedy and selfish his science may do injury.
Science needs "to map out the structure of the psychologic experience... Until reason transcends itself."
Before we go to Chapter 10 I listened to podcast 382. With Oliver Anthony (Christopher Anthony Lunsford) and Jordan Peterson interview
... Christopher Anthony Lunsford wants his music to be restoring something America seems to be lost.[9]
Step back to the two commandments
Alliance for responsible citizenship.
Wants a vision for the future you need a clearer vision of the past.
What makes a good leader, "If people are using power, force, and fear." Jordan Peterson
Mattias insist on the importance of speaking out which includes our actions.
Music is away to speak the truth on a level or plain that is often seemingly exempt from some of the hostility that is bound to come.
Poetry offers a similar opportunity. This is in part the purpose of parables. To some degree this true in the movie media productions.
10. Matter Spirit
Mechanistic view remains the primary view in the common view yet more and more the observation of man and his conscious thought seem to have a greater influence in quantum mechanics than imagined by mechanistic materialism.
Power of suggestion hypnosis and the placebo effect.
The belief of the crowd has a more powerful influence than hypnosis.
Mattias tells of example where what we hear, see, or think often has more powerfull influence over the mechanistic materialism.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tells of the prisoner in the Gulag named Gregori who over came the physical difficulties and hardship of mechanistic materialism presented in the Gulag by his ethical mental state.
11. Science and Truth
Mattias gives a long list of top scientist who not only admit that there must be godlike mind that brings the material world out of chaos.
It is the "human mind" that seems to hold the key to dominion over the material world. But is it in the mind or in the soul itself? And why is it so dark in there? Why is it not readily visible?
Is it behind the fig leaf?
“Man is reduced to a biological organism. Any treatment of any epidemic based on this view of humanity will only make the problem worse eventually.” Mattias Desmet
The real revolution must be to "Shake off rehtoric and resolutely turn to truth as a guiding principle."
"Prophesy is the ability to sense the story that grips reality."
"Wisdom is the ability to keep silent and let the other hear their own words."
"Techni is the ability to speak technically correctly to produce a logical discourse..."
Peregia the courage to publicly express words that brake through the the filacious discourse of our society.
"Isn't it dangerous to give up rationality as an ideal?"
"No one panics for a child dying on the other side of the world. This is the inconvenient truth. The rationality and humanism of the enlightenment are in many ways a masquerade and a fig leaf. Strip man of his masquerade and you look into the eyes of irrationality. Look behind the fig leaf of rationality and you will find the ancient human vices. "
"One who knows the limits of his intellect usually becomes less arrogant and more humane. "
"No logic is absolute is the prerequisite to mental freedom."
The Psychology of Totalitarianism quotes
“People perturbed by loneliness, lack of meaning, and indefinable anxiety and unease generally feel increasingly irritable, frustrated, and/or aggressive and look for objects to take these feelings out on. The sharp increase of racist and threatening language on social media during the last decade (tripling between 2015 and 2020, see chapter 5) is a striking example. What accelerates mass formation is not so much the frustration and aggression that are effectively vented, but the potential of unvented aggression present in the population—aggression that is still looking for an object.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“As Hannah Arendt states, totalitarianism is ultimately the logical extension of a generalized obsession with science, the belief in an artificially created paradise: 'Science [has become] an idol that will magically cure the evils of existence and transform the nature of man.'” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“I refer to Arendt who argued that this first condition is the most important: “The chief characteristic of the mass man is not brutality and backwardness, but his isolation and lack of normal social relationships.”
"This deterioration of social connectedness leads to the second condition: lack of meaning in life. This second condition follows mainly from the first. Man, as a social being par excellence, lives for the Other. Remove the bond with the Other and he will experience his life as meaningless (whether he sees the connection with his loneliness or not).” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“We can honor the right to freedom of expression and the right to self-determination without feeling threatened by each other,” Desmet writes. “But there is a point where we must stop losing ourselves in the crowd to experience meaning and connection. That is the point where the winter of totalitarianism gives way to a spring of life.”
“For example, the aristocracy under Stalinism, the Jews under Nazism, the virus, and, later, the anti-vaxxers during the coronavirus crisis—and at the same time offers a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety, there is a real chance that all the free-flowing anxiety will attach itself to that object and there will be broad social support for the implementation of the strategy to control that object of anxiety.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“This process yields a psychological gain. Firstly, the anxiety that previously roamed through society as a tenebrous fog is now linked to a specific cause and can be mentally controlled via the strategy put forward in the story. Secondly, through a common struggle with “the enemy,” the disintegrating society regains its coherence, energy, and rudimentary meaning. For this reason, the fight against the object of anxiety then becomes a mission, laden with pathos and group heroism (for example, the Belgian government’s “team of 11 million” going to war against the coronavirus). Thirdly, in this fight all latent brewing frustration and aggression is taken out, especially on the group that refuses to go along with the story and the mass formation. This brings an enormous release and satisfaction to the masses, which they will not let go of easily. Through this process,” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“The great minds who followed reason and facts most rigorously came to the conclusion that, ultimately, the essence of things is beyond logic and cannot be grasped.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Although the Enlightenment tradition arose from man’s optimistic and energetic aspiration to understand and control the world, it has led to the opposite in several respects: namely, the experience of loss of control. Humans have found themselves in a state of solitude, cut off from nature, and existing apart from social structures and connections, feeling powerless due to a deep sense of meaninglessness, living under clouds that are pregnant with an inconceivable, destructive potential, all while psychologically and materially depending on the happy few, whom he does not trust and with whom he cannot identify.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Free-floating anxiety can be traced back to the first two conditions. A person who has lost his bond with the Other and does not feel meaning typically experiences an indefinable unease and anxiety. This condition has been strongly present in the first decades of the twenty-first century. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that one in five people worldwide has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. These numbers are striking, all the more so because they are likely an underestimation. And the incidence of mental suffering in general, including the cases that go undiagnosed, is of course even higher. This can, amongst others, be concluded from the enormous consumption of psychotropic drugs. In a small country like Belgium, with eleven million inhabitants, no fewer than three hundred million (!) doses of antidepressants are taken every year.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Anxiety and unease, once tied to the oppression and abuse of the aristocracy and clergy, began to drift ineffably around in the human soul. Frustration and aggression, once held in check by fear of hell and the last judgment, proved increasingly easy to mobilize. The prospect of an afterlife dwindled and was readily replaced by belief in an artificially created, mechanistic-scientific paradise.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Totalitarian systems have always been maintained primarily by systematic indoctrination and propaganda, injected into the population on a daily basis via mass media (without mass media, it is not possible to generate such long-lasting mass formation as that which gave rise to Stalinism and Nazism). This way, the population is literally kept on the vibrational frequency of the voice of totalitarian leaders.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Religious discourse, with its system of dogmas derived from ancient texts, lost its authority. Instead of something that had to be revealed to man by God, knowledge became something man could come to on his own. All he had to do was observe phenomena with his eyes and think logically.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Dare to think! Have the courage to use your own reason!’ is therefore the motto of the Enlightenment,” as stated in 1784 by the great German Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant.1” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“As such, science stumbles upon an unknowable and mysterious essence that escapes logical explanation and which can be described only in the language of poetry and metaphor.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“prohibitions of the past were declared superfluous, unnecessary to steer society in the right direction. An increasingly loose morality would eventually reconcile man with carnal desires, formerly perceived as threatening. The crippling censorship of anything contrary to the religious discourse disappeared. Freedom of speech became a basic right, education became universally available, legal assistance became a right for all, love was stripped of its duty to marry and have children, sexuality was restored and its coupling with sin and corruption was undone.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Social connections were also transformed beyond recognition. The invention of radio and television led to the rise of the mass media and a corresponding decline in direct human interactions with a merely social function. Evening meetings between neighbors, pub gatherings, harvest festivals, rituals, and celebrations—they were progressively replaced by consumption of what the media presented.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“No risk of arguing; no confrontation with painful jealousy, shame, or embarrassment; no need to dress up or to even leave the house. It also uniformized social exchanges. Public space, including the political sphere, was increasingly dominated by a shrinking number of voices that conquered the living room via the mass media.1 In other words, social relationships lost their diversity and originality.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“The worker became, as they say, a cog in the industrial machine, lubricated only by the thought of wages due. Labor changed from a cumbersome but inherently meaningful existential task into a disembodied utilitarian necessity.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“If human relationships are characterized by fundamental distrust, life becomes hopelessly complicated and society spends its energy at creating all kinds of “security mechanisms,” which in fact fuel mistrust even more and are, above all, psychologically exhausting.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“remarkable that it’s mainly the people who perform work that is directly useful—health care workers, garbage collectors, craftsmen, farmers—who get fired or whose work is so poorly rewarded that they have to almost live on the breadline or survive from subsidies (think of farmers, who produce food, the most necessary material object of all). On the other hand, the most meaningless jobs, such as administrative work, are steadily increasing in number and are, in comparison, rewarded more and more generously.” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
“Due to the industrialization, mechanization, and technologization of the world, production capacities, economic power (via a self-centralizing banking system), and psychological power (via mass media) fell into the hands of an ever-decreasing number of people. The Enlightenment tradition had promised people autonomy and freedom, but, in a way, it brought people greater (feelings of) dependence and powerlessness than ever before. This powerlessness caused people to increasingly mistrust those in power. Throughout the nineteenth century, fewer and fewer people felt that political leaders really represented their voice in public space or defended their interests. As a result, man also became disassociated from the social classes that were represented” ― Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism
To come into harmony with the Law of Nature you must articulate your sincere opinion without fear of conflict or loose your soul. The purpose of being informed about the strong delusion is not for the purpose of judging others but to help guard against harm to yourself or others due to ignorance, and lose your soul.
Without a chaos of conversations in which the conflict of free wills are allowed there can be no harmony occurring within the space and time that our individual lives occupy.
To keep company with those who continue to oppress the freewill of others is to keep company with the adversary, the Satan and demons.
To accept the counsel of oppressors of free opinions without descent is to become a demon opposed to the quest for truth. T
The cities of blood spread a net of malcontent which will give license to sacrifice their neighbor's liberty to obtain the benefit at the expense of others.
The cure is worse Than the disease
“I also saw that some basic healthcare principles were thrown overboard quite quickly. Like the medical principle 'In dubio abstine' – when in doubt, do not act. If you're not sure what's going on, there's a good chance that your procedure itself will do more harm than good."
"In the crisis, that principle went overboard. They did the opposite: We don't know what virus it is, so we're going to shut down the entire society and take huge measures, which are guaranteed to wreak havoc in themselves, both through psychological and economic suffering and through delayed treatments.”
“Free-floating anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomenon someone can experience. It’s extremely painful. It leads up to panic attacks, to all kinds of extremely painful psychological experiences. What people want in this situation is something to connect their anxiety to. They’re looking for an explanation for the anxiety."
"And now, if this free-floating anxiety is highly present in a population, and the media provide a narrative, which indicates an object of anxiety, and at the same time, describe a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the anxiety connects to this object and people are willing to follow the strategy to deal with this object, no matter what the cost is. That is what happens in the beginning of mass formation.”
Mattias Desmet “Four things need to exist or need to be in place if you want a large scale mass phenomenon to emerge. The first thing is that there needs to be a lot of socially isolated people, people who experience a lack of social bonds. The second one is that there needs to be a lot of people who experience a lack of sense-making in life. And the third and the fourth conditions are that there needs to be a lot of free-floating anxiety and a lot of free-floating psychological discontent. So: meaning, anxiety, and discontent that is not connected to a specific representation.
So it needs to be in the mind without the people being able to connect it to something. If you have these four things—lack of social bonds, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent—then society is highly at risk for the emergence of mass phenomenon.”
“Fear is caused only to a very limited extent by real problems, but it justifies itself by creating real problems.”
“Fear has immense consequences on several levels. Politically, the government for example, strong fear almost always leads to more radical leaders and ultimately to dictatorships and totalitarian state systems. But there will no doubt be consequences in other areas as well, including the physical area that should not be lost sight of. Anxiety leads to a weakening of immunity and as a result, people become more susceptible to all kinds of infections, heart ailments, etc.”
Mattias Desmet
“Fear comes and goes among the population. You see that most major calamities such as war are preceded by periods of great fear and upheaval. I am not directly aware of literature that argues that epidemics are preceded by strong fear. But there is a lot of research that shows fear can drastically lower immunity and even kill you in a few hours in the most direct way. This has been demonstrated in both animals and humans.”
“Even if we would succeed in waking up the masses now, they would fall prey to a different story in a few years. And they would be hypnotized again if we do not succeed in solving the real problem of this crisis.”
“Equally subjective is the 'appreciation' of the number of fatalities. When are there many victims?
According to The Lancet, the flu kills between 290,000 and 640,000 each year. Another nice point of comparison: according to a scientific publication Roussel, published this year, viral lung diseases make almost 3 million victims every year. The viruses that make the victims differ slightly every year, but the total number of victims normally does not.
It remains to be seen if this year will be different. If we compare the current number of victims with that, it all seems less bad. Of course, no one knows how bad it will eventually get.
The point I want to make is the following: numbers ultimately provide little guidance and are absolutely open to subjective interpretation, and that is certainly the case during the corona crisis.”
"Whenever a new object of fear arises in society, there is only one response and one defense in our current way of thinking: increased control. The fact that the human being can tolerate only a certain amount of control is completely overlooked. Coercive control leads to fear and fear leads to more coercive control."
“Another consequence, that is very typical for totalitarian states, is that people become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. Because if someone tells another story, if someone claims that the official story is wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people up and they will get angry because they’re confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial psychological discontent.
So they direct all that aggression at these dissonant voices, at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant for their leaders, for the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want, but they will always be forgiven by the crowd because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake. That’s also part of the mechanism of mass formation.”
“As a consequence of mass formation, people do not get egoistic at all. But rather, on the contrary, mass formation focuses your attention so much on one point that you can take everything away of people — their psychological and physical wellbeing, their material wellbeing — you can take it away and they will not even notice it.”
“At the beginning of the Covid crisis, the UN warned that there would most likely be more deaths from hunger in third world countries as a result of the lockdowns than people would die from the virus.
At no time has the policy used a mathematical model, in which, in addition to the victims who could fall due to the virus, the victims of the measures were also represented. While several scientists did draw up such models. But they had no influence.
Then I wondered: what is happening here? How does the remedy relate to the ailment? These elements showed that a curious psychological process was taking place in society. I immediately recognized strong similarities with the early stages of totalitarianism.”
“I immediately saw that the mortality was miscalculated, those counts were meaningless. The number of deaths from one specific cause is not easy to express in numbers. A person dies of a thousand things at once. When do you count someone as covid dead? We saw that the covid death counts could easily vary by 2000% according to the counting method. More than 90% of people registered as having corona deaths had various other medical conditions. The average age was also around 83 years. Although there are deaths, the counts were done very enthusiastically, and that causes a lot of unnecessary fear.”
Mattias Desmet
“If you look at the use of psychopharmaceuticals, it was huge. This shows how much discontent there was in our society. For instance, in Belgium every year 11 million people use over 300 million doses of antidepressants alone. Over 300 million doses. That’s huge.”
Mattias Desmet “In the beginning of the Covid crisis I had been studying the statistics and the numbers and actually I noticed that they were often blatantly wrong and at the same time people continue to believe in it and to go along with the mainstream narrative. That was why I started to study it rather from the perspective of mass psychology. Because I knew that mass formation has a huge, huge impact on individual’s intelligence and cognitive functioning. I had the feeling that this was the only thing that could explain why highly intelligent people started to believe the narrative and the numbers that were in many respects utterly absurd.”
Mattias Desmet
“In the first place there shouldn't be built a material barrier against a virus, but a symbolic barrier against fear.”
Mattias Desmet “It will be impossible to determine exactly who died of Covid and who didn't. If someone at a blessed age with shaky health gets the coronavirus and dies, does he die from the virus? Is the last straw more the cause than the first? We can thus artificially or meaninglessly increase the number of deaths.
And we should mention that the reverse also applies: there may also be many more deaths than are counted. In Italy, people who died outside the hospital were buried without a test. They are not included in the statistics.”
Mattias Desmet “Man is reduced to a biological organism. Any treatment of any epidemic based on this view of humanity will only make the problem worse eventually.”
The real revolution must be to "Shake off rehtoric and resolutely turn to truth as a guiding principle."
"Prophesy is the ability to sense the story that grips reality."
"Wisdom is the ability to keep silent and let the other hear their own words."
"Techni is the ability to speak technically correctly to produce a logical discourse..."
Perichia the courage to publicly express words that brake through the the filacious discourse of our society.
"Isn't it dangerous to give up rationality as an ideal?"
"No one panicks for a child dieing on the other side of the world. This is the inconvenient truth. The rationality and humanism of the enlightenment are in many ways a mascharade and a fig leaf. Strip man of his mascharade and you look into the eyes of irrationality. Look behind the fig leaf of rationality and you will find the ancient human vices. "
"One who knows the limits of his intellect usually becomes less arrogant and more humane. "
"No logic is absolute is the prerequisit to mental freedom."
Mattias Desmet “Mass formation is actually a symptomatic solution for a real psychological problem. In my opinion, this crisis in the first place is a large societal and psychological crisis much more than a biological crisis. From this state of mental intoxication you can explain all the rest of the phenomenon of totalitarianism. The mental intoxication leads to a narrowing of the field of attention. It makes people only see what is indicated by the narrative.”
Mattias Desmet “Numbers have a unique psychological effect: they create an illusion of objectivity, which is enhanced when numbers are represented through graphs. When you see numbers, you think you see facts.”
Mattias Desmet “People see the victims of the Corona virus, but they don’t seem to see at the cognitive level, the collateral damage of the lockdowns and all the victims that are claimed by the lockdowns. They are also not able, at an emotional level, to really feel empathy for the victims of the lockdowns.”
Mattias Desmet “Realize that anxiety is a problem in itself.”
Mattias Desmet “The number of coronavirus infections, for example, can never be accurately determined even with scientific tests. Contrary to popular belief, these tests also have a large margin of error. That doesn't mean that testing is pointless, of course.”
Mattias Desmet “The number of covid deaths is represented as a number. That is precisely why the population is convinced that it is an objective fact, while that figure is constructed from a subjective point of view. This also applies to determining the number of infections.”
Mattias Desmet
“The real number of infections is probably ten times higher than the number of diagnosed infections. This means, among other things, that the estimate of the mortality rate, or the dangerousness of the virus, varies enormously: 100 infected persons with 4 deaths gives a mortality of 4 percent; 1,000 infected persons with 4 deaths gives a mortality of 0.4 percent. If one starts from that last number, the coronavirus suddenly looks much less dangerous.”
Mattias Desmet “The word 'flu' could never have the capacity to link fear in the same way as a new 'mysterious' viral illness. Our grandmother already had the flu, and she had her remedies for it. 'Flu' is a word associated with 'an ailment'. A virus is the ultimate, unstoppable and invisible killer. As such, from a psychological point of view, it is perfect to provoke massive fear.”
Mattias Desmet “This covid crisis is primarily a psychological crisis, a massive breakthrough of fear in society. Fear is caused only to a very limited extent by real problems, but it justifies itself by creating real problems. We are already feeling these problems through the measures: politically, the rise of the dictatorial state; economically, the recession and bankruptcy of numerous companies and the self-employed; on a social level, a permanent impairment of the (physical) bond between people; psychologically even more anxiety and depression; and yes, physically, in the wake of psychological and social stress, a collapse of immunity and physical health.”
Mattias Desmet
“What determines our response to the virus is not the facts themselves, but the story that is constructed around the facts. That context is constructed by health care workers who genuinely do their best, by people who do not want to see their fellowmen suffer, by politicians who want to make the right decisions, by academics who want to provide information as objectively as possible.
But this is also being constructed by politicians who are under pressure from public opinion and feel compelled to act decisively, by leaders who have lost control of society and are now able to regain control because of the virus, by experts who have to hide their ignorance and choose the flight ahead, by academics who see an opportunity to assert themselves, by the inherent tendency in man for hysteria and drama, by pharmaceutical companies that sense a golden opportunity, by media that thrive on sensational stories, through testimonials of unique cases in which the course of the disease was exceptionally difficult. ”
Mattias Desmet “When a hypnosis is used as a kind of an anesthesia during a surgical operation, a rather simple hypnotic procedure is sufficient to make people completely insensitive to pain. You can, without any problem, cut in their flesh. Even under some circumstances you can perform an open heart operation in which the surgeon cuts straight through the breastbone and the patient will not notice this. That shows us that the focusing of attention is so strong, both in mass formation or in hypnosis, that people are really insensitive to all the personal losses they experience as a consequence.”
Mattias Desmet You Might Like “Twenty-two percent of Americans say their primary news source is Fox News.
It's divided our country in a way that we haven't been divided probably since the Civil War, and its empowered large corporations to get certain kinds of politicians and ideologues who are in the United State Congress elected – the Tea Party ideologues who control the Republican Party.”
Higher educated are more susceptible , radically blind to any crticism of doctrines and beliefs. Become. Willing to self sacrifice. Unaware of there individual desire for preservation. The collective comes first. Intolerant of dicenting opinions or voices. Minister 1540's
Modern masses are the "lonely masses" because they do not physically come together.
They used COVID to keep people isolated. Characteristics. Disconnected people were more vulnerable Lacking physical and emotional bonds that comes from inter dependence. Work has No Meaning because we can not see it's effect Relation with fellow workers is substituted by HR.
3. Free floating angsiety allows 4 for a floating direction of hostility .
. Because solidarity with collectively rather than individuals.
Abandonment of elderly while claiming to sacrifice what is meaningful to elderly claiming to do so for the elderly. At the same time isolating the young .
The monster devours there own children. Those masses see nonbelievers are the witches.
Radicle blindness is a character of leaders.
The masses are in state of madness, that leads to destruction of the collective
Weinstein's argues for evolutionary gene selection.
Hitler goal was born from a state of anxiety where the identity of the source of anxiety is misplaced. It was external and his rational was contaminated by the darkness in his own heart. Media allowed for that darkness to be spread to populous already suffering from the isolation of the socialist state. MD sees a correlation between industrialization and this increase of disconnection.
It was not industrialization but the separation of the mutual commonality of the rich and the common man.
Industrialization by itself that caused this division.
Many ever factors occuring simultaneously within society clearly prepared society for internal dissection and separation from or decay of traditional social bonds.
The definition of religion began to change. Roll of church was shifted, the dependence on central government but also media.
Administrative Courts, professional police, legislatures, etc brought about a removal of the individual from and a neglect of the weightier matters.
Neighbor not need to respond to the hue and cry of community. Social welfare, education, health was centralized.
MD two group may conflict during Mass Formation. But he mentions a smaller third group that maintains and adherence to ancient ethical principles.
Communists and socialist battled in the streets of Germany and Russia.
Gulag survivors who remained faithful to the ancient ethical principles.
Bret Wienstien seems to think of the original story of Christ and maybe Moses as ridiculous and irrational fictional story.
Like Tacitus, Suetonius, and Plutarch could not see the short work of Christ.
Romans 9:27 "Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: 28 For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. 29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha."
λόγον γὰρ that's why
logon gar syntelōn λόγον γὰρ συντελῶν because of constant reason
λόγον γὰρ συντελῶν καὶ συντέμνων logon gar syntelōn kai syntemnōn because of continuous concise speech
λόγον γὰρ συντελῶν καὶ συντέμνων ποιήσει Κύριος ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς.
logon gar syntelōn kai syntemnōn poiēsei Kyrios epi tēs gēs. for the Lord has spoken a long and short word on earth.
By itself συντελῶν καὶ συντέμνων Means continuous and concise
The word συντέμνων can mean abbreviation of the logon or Logos.
Certainly the ten commandments are short statements of the ethics of God which can be further abreviated .
Mark 12:29 "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
MD "We must speak out" He speaks of a "soft power"
Words alone do not qualify as the speech required.
Speech is not just words but includes all element of social "conversation" embracing one another in life's traditional actions.
MD. "Not rational knowledge" alone but "principles".
Without taking that traditional conversational walk in local interactive social settings, a community. What is a community but people in a communion of mutual sacrifice within a society composed of voluntary and intential communities?
Family was natural. Children were natural, care of elderly a community was natural and governed by culture containing degrees of those "ancient ethical principles".
Bret Wienstien seems to think we no longer need that traditional family unite of husband and wife, used to produce the next generation ...
"Even more, the higher the level of education, the easier, the more vulnerable people are for mass information." Mattias Desmet
Mattias Desmet mass formation
The cause of MFP is loneliness, isolation, loss of purpose and meaning in the life of the individual.
We must also move beyond the rational technocratic view of mankind and nature which can reduce the mystery of life as if it is subject to our rational understanding.
Only a small amount of reality can be understood rationally at any one time.
The mkority can only be grasped by Empathically resonating with it.
Two kinds of knowledge Rational and resonating.
Is resonating knowledge what we have called revelation?
That resonance or harmony must be rooted in the universal ethics of nature.
If you listen to the sources, not the media, 90% effective means 90% of recipients experience a response but did not have any data about doing what people and Ben want to think they were doing. Pride growth before the fall.
If you reduce life and wisdom to rational understanding you kill the essence of life.
If you reduce life to your "rational understanding" you kill the essence of the tree of life found in revelation. This precept is iterated in the story of the two "Trees", one of knowledge and the other of life, one of the intellect or mechanical mind and the other of the soul and spirit.
Ruled of righteous practice must practiced until they emmashed with the fiber of our soul.
MD talks of frequency and resonating with an eternal music.
- "And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." Revelation 15:3
If the Mass Formation of Psychosis is an accurate explanation of the law of Nature then at least 30% of the people will "disbelieve" the truth about medicine, elections, politics, their own psychosis with no evidence and fail to see the real evidence. They will dismiss the facts and evidence available, seeing it as "discredited" because they cannot see the truth. There will be 60% that will go along with these "discreditors" (Latin "dis" “apart,” ... negative, or reversing force & "credit" from "credo" "I believe". )
Again humility, forgiveness, and the sacrifice of love is the only armor and weapon against the lie.
In 1847 the term "psychosis" was said to mean "mental affection or derangement" based on the Modern Latin. It was from the Greek psykhē "mind, life, soul" (see psyche) + Latin suffix -osis, "abnormal condition," together form the word psychosis.
Psychosis is when people lose a connection with some part of reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that "other people" cannot see or hear such as hallucinations and believing things that are not actually true which could be counted as delusions. A problem arises when the "other people" we rely upon to determine what is real, or true(i.e. reality) are already suffering from a psychosis.
This los of connection is also seen in the story of the two Trees where Adam and Eve lose their connection to the tree of life. The garden was their safe place where the tree of life was their *source" of understanding. They now fled from the tree and the garden in which it stood like they had done when they hid from God when the "ate" of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.
The concept of a God of Nature is the acceptance that there is a 'true standard of reality' independent of the individual opinions formed about reality.
This undoubtedly why the God of Moses was said to be the "I AM".
Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Greek psykhosis was said to mean "a giving of life; animation; principle of life". It is from the term psykhē which by itself can have a meaning of "understanding, the mind (as the seat of thought), faculty of reason" but that seat was also said to be “the soul, mind, spirit, or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body”. That "spirit, or invisible animating entity" may be not be alone but be influenced by gods and goddesses or even "the dead".
Most significant comment of Malone... listen at 2:39 to 2:43 Mattias Desmet's Mass Formation Psychosis
Malone says, "We’re sick as a society and we have to heal ourselves. And one of the things we have to do is come together. We have to recreate our social bonds; we have to buy into integrity, the importance of human dignity, and the importance of community. That’s how we get out of this.” This is what Christ said and even commanded but the modern Churches have failed to do.
Psychosis is a separation from reality which is the truth. People suffering from it will always deny the psychosis. Jesus called it sitting in darkness.
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- ↑ 1.0 1.1 02849 חַתְחַת chathchath [khath-khath’] from 02844 חַת chath fear, terror , shattered from 02865 חָתַת chathath dismayed, afraid, break in pieces; AV-fear 1; 1
- 1) terror
- This fear or terror which shatters the mind was a form of psychosis.
- ↑ Those are the effects of mass formation. Such processes can emerge in different ways. It can emerge spontaneously (as happened in Nazi Germany), or it can be intentionally provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as happened in the Soviet Union). But if it is not constantly supported by indoctrination and propaganda disseminated through mass media, it will usually be short-lived and will not develop into a full-fledged totalitarian state. Whether it initially emerged spontaneously or was provoked intentionally from the beginning, no mass formation, however, can continue to exist for any length of time unless it is constantly fed by indoctrination and propaganda disseminated through mass media. If this happens, mass formation becomes the basis of an entirely new kind of state that emerged for the first time in the beginning of the twentieth century: the totalitarian state. This kind of state has an extremely destructive impact on the population because it doesn’t only control public and political space—as classical dictatorships do—but also private space. It can do the latter because it has a huge secret police at its disposal: this part of the population that is in the grip of the mass formation and that fanatically believes in the narratives distributed by the elite through mass media. In this way, totalitarianism is always based on “a diabolic pact between the masses and the elite”. Mattias Desmet
- ↑ See Dr. Malone's Video interview on Spotify "our social bonds" and quote 2:39:00 to 2:43:00
- ↑ Psychosis: "The person with the condition usually isn't aware of his or her behavior"
- ↑ See Kim Iversen: What is MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS? Is The Public Being Gaslit? contains interview of Dr Peter McCullough'
- Warning in this interview with Kim one individual gives misinformation about vaccination. While you may not have as sever symptoms with the specific virus after the vaccine or subsequent boosters you can still get it, replicate it and spread it. You also may be a vessel for the virus that may create more variants.
- ↑ Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
- Luke 6:39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? 40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
- ↑ the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
- ↑ Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
- ↑ Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."