Unrighteous mammon
Seeling offices of power
Should or can people run for political office without committing the error of Balaam?
First, you should realize there are almost no "freemen" because we were all again entangled in the elements of the world. Most people who I have seen who think they have come out at this time are merely bad or rebellious servants of the system their parents sold them into. 2 Peter 2:10 speaks of those who are "Presumptuous [are they], self-willed". "Presumptuous" is from the Greek word "tolmetes" which means "a daring man". I have seen very daring men challenge the system but not always seeking to use their talents to build or edify the Kingdom.
I have seen them for years neglecting righteousness in exchange for self-righteousness - neglecting family and neighbor and almost never gathering in tens or doing as Christ commanded.
Even those who come out actually answering the call of Christ to be His Church at this time are only "Bondservants of Christ", not freemen. Second, God hates the "the deeds of the Nicolaitans".
Deeds of the Nicolaitan
What are the deeds of the Nicolaitans?
To "run for office" does not necessarily mean you are performing those deeds referenced concerning the Nicolaitan and Balaam.
Balaam misused his gifts and his relationship with God for personal gain. I know of people who feel led by God to run for office and will actually suffer a financial loss to do so. They are making that sacrifice to protect the people from the present "heavy-handed socialism" and have the desire prevent the abuse of an exercising authority already there.
Many people who are voting are doing so in self-defense. There will come temptations for those who do these things but these are not the deeds of the Nicolaitans who desire the personal gain of benefits at the expense of their neighbor.
The question is are they working in the system of the world for personal gain or to actually serve? The answer may be found in asking the question, are the people neglecting to gather and sacrifice in the pattern commanded by Christ while they run for office or seek to lift the burdens from their neighbor? God is the judge.
Having power in the world
Can someone who is seeking the kingdom of God also hold public offices of power?
Why did Jesus sit down with publicans which were people holding public office? Matthew 9:11
Remember Jesus was himself running for public office, The King. When he entered Jerusalem he was hailed by the people as king. But it is what he did after taking that office that made him both a righteous king and hated by many.
Rome was originally a republic. It slowly became socialist and after 500 years it had its first commander in Chief and president who appointed imperial judges. Many Christian minded people were in the Roman government. Paul's own half-brother held office and his niece by marriage was Claudia, adopted by Emperor Claudius and mentioned in the Bible.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs speaks of many Roman soldiers being Christians. There are cases where judges and even Emperors came to the defense of Christians. We should not create a divide between us and the people of the world. Jesus came that the whole world "might be saved".
Let only righteousness of God be the divide.
Remember back with John when soldiers in Luke 3:14 asked what could they do concerning Baptism and the kingdom. The beautiful thing about a "free assembly" is that you can be a publican and start the process of repentance. People are already entangled in the yoke of bondage. What is more Christ-like than to bring Christ into the halls of the modern Sanhedrin knowing that that is where the enemy resides?
It is not a job to be taken lightly.
Yes, an ordained minister cannot serve two masters but the people do not have to quit their day job. In fact, they have the opportunity of bringing kingdom values into high places.
Is a laborer worthy of his hire?
If the people ask you to do a job and you do it are you not worthy of what they promise?
What if you do more than what you promised and take no extra?
Is that both being faithful and going the extra mile?
I do not think that running for political office is the same as "medical license to perform abortions".
If you got a job at Planned Parenthood and tried to use your position to talk women out of abortion and privately use your money to show them alternatives you would probably get fired very quickly.
Can someone who is seeking to be a Christian, also be a jailer or a policeman or even a judge?
Of the example of two offices that people are running for, one is congressional and the other is an administrative oversight with little or no executive or lawmaking power. Administrative oversight is a position in which the opportunity to expose corruption and also protect the interest of the people is given into the hands of one person. A congressional position can be used in the same way.
It is what they do in those positions that will make the difference. Both people I know running for office also do many things to promote the kingdom and are in free assemblies. I can not encourage them nor discourage them in anything but righteousness. In both cases, I have no doubt that they will get less for their time and work more than what they are paid.
Remember, joining a congregation does not put you in the kingdom. If it did they would not be free assemblies. They do not change your status in the world. What will do that is the world. The world will do that when the Holy Spirit comes unto you.
- "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." John 7:7
- "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." John 15:18-19
Only when you enter an order with the blessings of God will you be cast out of the world.
There may come a day when the individual congregant can opt out like Christians at Pentecost. But that day is not here yet and people are presently poorly prepared for it.
As long as you use the number of the world in any shape or form you are still of the world. Even if you stop using it there is almost no place the world says you are free from them except as a member of an Order described and appointed by Christ. This is because of the debt.
A member of an Order is a bondservant of Christ and therefore of God like the Levites before them. It is they who cannot serve two masters. Until we get our Pentecost the people remain merchandise. When they start doing what Christ said to do with their whole heart and mind and soul then the system will start talking about kicking them out like the Pharaoh did to Egypt and the Pharisees did to followers of Christ.
Someone responded with...
"A laborer is worthy of his hire, but he is not entitled to the salary afforded exclusively through tax-fueled covetousness, especially if his platform is explicit about expanding government benefits. When Joseph performed such policies, it is characterized as a snare and a curse which eventually necessitated an Exodus of the people."
A laborer is worthy of his hire if he does the work he is hired to do.
If people set up a cooperative, a corporation or even a socialist state the laborer is still worthy of his hire. A socialist system is often desired based on coveting your neighbor's goods. But if everyone agrees to the terms and perform a task according to the terms the laborer has every right to his wages.
Yes, a socialist system among anyone other than saints will tempt people to be slothful or abuse their neighbor. It also encourages lasciviousness and tempt some to exercise abusive power.
Once there is a relationship involving a surety of debt a person is bound until the debt is paid or the master releases or the master and all their heirs are dead. Joseph was in bondage. Ishmaelites brought him out of a death pit and sold him as a slave. He was in bondage. His father would have paid the ransom if he would have known, or even Joseph himself could have bought his freedom as he was being blessed. But evidently, Joseph saw he had a purpose in remaining and serving in Egypt. That purpose brought thousands into bondage besides the Israelites yet God had a purpose.
God has a plan for each of us. We need to guard against imposing rules of behavior on other people or even judging other people's choices. John the Baptist did not forbid soldiers from being soldiers but told them to perform their duties with righteousness.
Jesus did not start with come out of her and neither did Moses. They both started with organizing the people to care for one another through charity and free will offering. They both organized the people into patterns of tens. Both had their government supported by freewill offerings through a pattern of tens and a priesthood that served the people often rightly dividing the bread from family to family. Bot required those public ministers to own all things common because they belonged to God and were separate from the people.
Until the people are doing that they should not expect to be free and if not free they have a right to be good servants in the system. They have a right to protect their neighbor and themselves even by running for office in the system they are bound in.
If they remain steadfast in the ways of Christ they are giving people a choice. And when that choice is made judgment will come. Most preachers are not preaching the kingdom nor doing what Jesus ordained.
I do not think people fully understand the strategy nor their platform or purpose for those people still in the system. They are not seeking to make a more efficient socialist state but are promoting kingdom values. I have little doubt eventually people will oppose the ways of liberty and responsibility. But also people will begin to wake up. That is why in both cases they intend to create that alternative found in the way of Christ. You have to give Nineveh a chance to repent.
Bondage is an opportunity to repent
What must a person do to become suitable for more righteous habitations?
The kingdom of the world is already established and entitled to the bricks the people make.
The people created the system. They sold their children into it and the government has every right to tax them to pay the workers in that government. The people in that government who honestly do the work whether it is maintaining roads or teaching in schools or keeping books have a right to the pay they earn.
This is what Romans 13 continue to explain in verse 14 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil."
The people should be taxed and should pay their salaries "5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 ¶ Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."
Honesty comes in doing a good job, making a good road, teaching the truth. Bein faithful in the unrighteous mammon. Even giving to Caesar what is Caesar's. There is a congregant teaching in a school and he is trying to bring in some truth. Look at John Taylor Gatto. Look at the few congressmen who tell the truth about the budget and the corruption and abortion. Many of them are not far from the kingdom.
If you the plan of Jesus and sit down in love with the Tens when the Holy Spirit comes and gets you cast out or when the system fails you will be more suitable for a righteous habitation.
Magistrates may be false gods
Could you be a magistrate and still be seeking the kingdom of God?
Yes, human magistrates may be false gods.
Can a magistrate be in a process of repentance? Can he be faithful in the unrighteous mammon while seeking to attend the weightier matters?
Could the Roman Centurion be a man of faith?
Yet Jesus says John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" Judges of the world have lots of power through the sloth of the people but how they use it will determine the fate of their soul. I do not vote as a minister of the Church but the people in the system can vote in self-defense and in the defense of righteousness. It is how they vote that will really make the difference. All the time they should be seeking the kingdom of God just like the Israelites in Egypt. They learned to provide for each other and even for other Egyptians. At the time Aaron was probably not making bricks because he knew the arts of the temple which was a bank.
People talk about edifying the kingdom. The kingdom of God provided all the service of a government in a kingdom fashion. The people I know of running for office are talking about individual responsibility and less dependence on government. If they get elected they will learn who sees that kingdom principle and I suspect they will also eventually be rejected by the spirit of socialism in people of the world. They will come away knowing who can hear the kingdom message.
I know those people and know they are solidly for the kingdom and they may do more for building the congregations than those who what to just get themselves out. Remember the Israelites and even the early Christians except for the disciples where a part of the system until they were cast out. Meantime they were learning kingdom ways.
The Church is about to obtain property here to use as a retreat ground where people can learn about kingdom health, caring for the elderly, helping unwed mothers keep their child and learn about family. The land has been purchased by the labor of the Order and God's grace, not by donations of the people. How many people are willing to help in the union and discipline to establish a facility to provide services in the manner of the Kingdom?
Expanding the budget or lifting burdens
We have no interest in "explicitly expanding the budget for Medicaid " and neither does anyone else that I know of in His Church. They all advocate "pointing people back to taking responsibility by creating private solutions" through charity and voluntarism. If someone is talking about state ballot initiative that is not its purpose. It is meant to keep local state tax dollars already being taken to stay in the state rather than go to other more progressive states who have raised mean income requirements. People need to do hard research and find out what is really going on in the world and not just look at labels and listen to sound bites or catchphrases.
Christ established an alternative supported by the "substance" of the people.
Luke 8:3 "And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward (treasurer), and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance."
Others were contributing half their income to help the needy. Ministers gave even more. These were people serious about the kingdom.
Today the tax liability for many is around 50% and going to get higher. Most of it goes to service the debt rather than provide benefits. And many benefits and payments go to the wrong people or is eaten up by bureaucratic waste. And many of the services provided may do more harm than good.
There were two Trees in the garden. There are two choices and two directions before us all.
God's ordained government is also a man-made government but it is simply made by men and women who are doers according to the pattern of Jesus' government. The people have not done that yet nor are they even close to doing it.
Ministers spent some of this week actually examining and researching existing laws to see if there is a way to actually lift the burden of forced healthcare payments from participating congregants. People can talk to their ministers and get a report on what they are finding.
We and some others have been trying to wake people up to the true nature of the kingdom for forty years. If people were just doing what the Amish have done for a century they to would be exempt from forced State-run healthcare systems and people would be creating true Christian bonds that they will need for a righteous society.
No one is free just because they say they are nor say they believe. Jesus says you must be doers of the word.
Ordained ministers do not get Medicaid nor Medicare nor collect social security nor many other services of the States of the world. Many of the congregants do not want to depend upon the World in time of need. But until people sit down in the tens and savor the service and sacrifice of Christ in their own hearts there will be no loaves and fishes.
What is so bad about socialism?
Every government in the world has an element of socialism in it.
It is based on the idea of One purse. and Proverbs 1:14 say "Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:" It goes on to tell us in verse 15 and 16 "My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood."
But the "early Church specific" held all things common.
The Levites, who were the Church in the wilderness, held all things common so were they like the one purse that runs toward evil? The answer is "No" because they were not to "lay wait for blood" or "lurk privily for the innocent without cause" which we can see clearly if we read Proverbs' "one purse" reference in context.
The purpose of the early Church specific and the Church in the wilderness, the Levites, was to serve and they were both restricted as "bondservants" of God.
Socialism in the sense of having one purse is not a problem among saints who own all things common as joint heirs but also, meeting the requirements and limitations of Christ, do not exercise authority one over the other.
So the problem with socialism is the intent of the people not the system in its most basic form. When people say they like socialism is it because they love their neighbor or is it because they are jealous and envious of their richer neighbors? Are they in it for the personal gain?
We have to be careful of thinking in labels. People are trapped today in socialist type systems of the world. But what is in their heart?
If someone is running for office in a political system the question you and they should ask is "Are they doing it for gain or are they doing it to serve other people?" Are they "laying in wait for blood" or "lurking privily for the innocent without cause" or are they following the leading of the Holy Spirit? Maybe they are trying to save the blood of the innocent.
Jesus sent his original 70 out in pairs for a reason. The early Church gathered in Orders of tens because the world is a dangerous place full of lurking spirits and "temptations".
The governments of the world are a dangerous place because they are filled with men who in spirit do lurk privily for personal power. Let the Holy Spirit be their guide and whether they are merely voters or employed as an officer or centurion, or administrator or publican they should guard against neglecting the tens gathering toward the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. There are "temptations" in the systems of the world which is the "unrighteous mammon".
Resentment of the world
One of the big problems we see in the baggage people unknowingly drag with them is they want out of the system of the world not just because they love Christ and the kingdom but because they still harbor resentment for the world. Christ did not come and sacrifice himself because He or God hated the world.
- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
God does not hate the Nicolaitan but the deeds of the Nicolaitan. They are just the "conquered people" who may be in bondage because of the curse of their parents who were slothful in The Ways of the kingdom or maybe just engaged in covetous practices.
The Church does not exercise authority over the free assemblies. If we did then we would just be like the world. Being a congregant does not regulate your walk and search for the Holy Spirit. That is why being a congregant does not set you free or change your status. Hating or judging the world does not either. Only Christ dwelling in you can set you free.
As I said there are great "temptations" in the systems of the world and I still do not recommend nor advocate being involved with it but neither do I bar or lay guilt upon people who feel led to do so.
I have gone to court with people many times who were having land and even their children were taken by greedy and even evil people of the world. Why?
To bring the Holy Spirit to those places that are often filled with lurking spirits of evil. If you go into those places without the Holy Spirit you will find yourself in a desperate place.
The Holy Spirit does enter into or may not even travel with people who are angry, judgmental, vain or even entertain the power of offered by the "temptations" of the adversary who is the ruler of the "world" but not the ruler of the planet.
No, we should not love the world or put our hope in it.
1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
We should also not be surprised that the world hates us.
1 John 3:13 "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you."
The world will hate us but we are not to hate it either. We let God do the Judging. We are to walk in forgiveness and peace. If we are led to go a particular path so that those trapped in the world may be saved I should not interfere.
- "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." John 15:18
Whoever is going into the lair of the dragon should have Matthew 5:39 down pat. "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
They need to put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
If you are going to go into the "den of lions" you may need some personal coaching on how to deal with the evil and "spirits of appetite" that you will find there. I can help with that but I cannot rule over other people's choices or the path before them.
Plan of Jesus
What was the plan of Jesus?
Did Jesus just tell the people working in government to quit their jobs?
Forgiveness and love are absolutely essential to seeing the whole truth. This is why Christ put such great emphasis on it. Jesus was receiving support from the family of Chuza who was the treasurer of Herod. Jesus was assembling with members of the Sanhedrin who were paid by forced taxation and even with tax collectors. God loved and sent his son into that world so that people might be saved.
- He first gave notice to the people who sat in the seat of Moses that he was going to take the kingdom away from them and appoint it to others who would bear fruit.
- He began teaching people how the kingdom worked.
- Though he was rich he chose to make himself poor.
- He told his disciples they would have to do The same.
- He called out certain people that were called disciples and he gave them private instructions.
- He was supported by people who were in government and people who were also paying taxes and even providing government services.
- He told people to pay tribute which they owed in the form of taxes.
- He commanded His disciples that the people were required to organize themselves in patterns of tens so that the disciples could rightly divide the bread and fishes.
- Eventually, he was chosen by the general population of Jerusalem to be king.
- He continued general instructions to the people and secret instructions to His disciples until he fired the moneychangers who were the porters of the temples.
- New porters would be chosen from the bottom up through those tens.
- The new porters would receive funds up through the network ministers and congregations.
- They would be able to redistribute them when there were "dearths" in the land.
- Certainly the disciples which he called his little flock would be appointed.
- Christ appointed 70 just as Moses had done.
- He sent them to the lost sheep to expand that network.
All this and he was not telling people to quit their jobs in the governments of Rome or Judea. Neither did John the Baptist.
So, what were the next steps?
Then the Pharisees who sat in the seat of government said if you got the Baptism of Jesus Christ you would be cast out of the system created by Herod and the Pharisees.
You need to know how that Baptism differed from what people do today. It actually changed your status in the relationship with the state. Those at Pentecost were opting out of one system and entering another.
Since it is worse[1] with us today than back then we have to deal with the surety for debt and merchandise issue.
We are not nearly as prepared or organized and we live in a far more controlled society. The Mark of the Beast is already here. Winning the hearts and minds of the people is not going to be done by finger pointing and accusations but by love and service.
(in progress)
Good and Evil Words
At the mention of either the word “socialism” or “capitalism,” people will react either negatively or positively as if they are good or bad. But only people can be good or bad because only people have a choice.
Socialism is a noun defined as a "political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." There is no mention of “covetousness and force and exercising authority”, so to say “there is no real socialism without covetousness and force and exercising authority” is simply not true. Now an order is "political and economic social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned by the community as a whole", because they own all things common.
That fits the definition of Socialism but because it is a collective of individuals with the power of regulation distributed equally among each individual it is not like other socialists communities. The Levites as living altars of unhewn stones not only depended upon freewill offerings to perform their assigned duties of serving the congregations but distributed amongst their bureaucratic network in the same way, avoiding the introduction of “covetousness and force and exercising authority”.
This pattern is the way the Levites and the Orders of the early Church operated. What makes it work was other factors and stipulations of Moses and Christ that are separate and not applied to form most socialist states.
What makes this all work is the intent of the individual ministers who are the bureaucrats of a socialist government that serves a capitalist community.
The word “intent” as a noun has to do with the “intention or purpose". As an adjective, it means “resolved or determined to do (something)...showing earnest and eager attention.” While "Faith" is confidence or trust in a person or thing” as a conviction it compels action which will produce "earnest and eager attention".
The word faith only appears twice in the Old Testament but over two hundred times in the New Testament.
That is similar to the word charity that does not even appear in the Old Testament. We know the Old Testament speaks of freewill offerings and the whole national government depended upon those offerings or sacrifices given to the Levites. In the New Testament we see the same concept of freewill offerings expressed as charity which is often translated love. Trusting in the perfect law of liberty and the way of charity and love is all about having faith.
The base Hebrew word AlefMemNun[2] is only translated faith in Habakkuk.[3] It is commonly translated "believe". The word we see translated "faith" once in the Old Testament is AlefMemVavNunHey[4] is also translated "office" five times. In Habakkuk 1 God talks about "men as the fishes of the sea" and men who "deal treacherously" "catch them in their net..." and they "sacrifice unto their net... and their meat [is] plenteous" and therefore they will not "empty their net, and ... continually... slay the nations?"
The Pharisees were condemned because they did not attend to the weightier matters and they did not attend to them because their intent was to serve themselves rather than the people. They made all kinds of rules and listed things to do but their intent was not based on the faith of Abraham or Moses which brought them into conflict with Christ.
The systems of the world use a mix of socialism and capitalism. But they also allow an exercising authority over both the bureaucratic stones of their altars/institutions and over the people. This is because of the intent of their hearts. That intent produces what is called the unrighteous mammon.
What did Jesus mean by "If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true [riches]?" Luke 16:11
Jesus goes so far as to say "And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations." Luke 16:9
People hold the system of the world in contempt but God so loved the world he gave his son that they might be saved.
People are snared in the unrighteous mammon of the world. They cannot get out because they are entangled in the elements of that world. They only have the tools of the world available. Are they using those tools as justly as possible? If you were in prison would you work in the infirmary or the library where you can do good and serve others or not holding the whole system in contempt?
Even John the Baptist said "And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse [any] falsely; and be content with your wages." Luke 3:14
He says nothing about quiting their jobs or lectures about wages coming from taxation. His message was about doing righteousness where they are at and seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This falls into line with Jesus teachings on the system of mammon, which will fail. When it does you will be judged suitable for more righteous habitation based on what you did when you were trapped in the unrighteous mammon.
It also parallels my repeated statement that "everyone will be set free when the system fails but they will not all survive freedom."
Everyone congregating with His Church that I know who is running for political office will lose money and time in the process. They will have an opportunity to do good, expose truth and corruption and touch the lives of people they would not even meet otherwise.
Are only the most selfish and blind people allowed to hold political office, be a cop or a judge? Is that Christ's plan or just our emotional reaction to the world?
What many are feeling or imagining is guilt by association.
There are many things that Christ did not teach the people except in parables.
If you say the word socialism or even just government it can stimulate a bad or negative reaction because those words are grouped in your mind with words like covet and force or unrighteous. It does this because you are moved by association to an emotionally driven reaction. But words like covet and force are the result of the choices men make not word groupings.
We have always had the choice to eat of the two trees.
The Dendritic tree of our mind is not the source of understanding "the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven" but the tree of Life which is the Holy Spirit will give us life. The Holy Spirit comes to us if we will be still and know that we are not God. It is very difficult for us not to entice, coerce, manipulate or force others to do what we think is good as opposed to evil.
If you eat from the tree of knowledge it will turn your good intentions into bad actions and poor fruit. You will not bear the fruit of righteousness. We should not want to control, manipulate or hew the conscience of others not by force or subtlety.
We can only destroy the bonds of the world by following Christ and his instructions not by resisting or reviling against those bonds or their elements.
The instructions are clear, you individually, "Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness" and everything else will be provided.
Voice of the people
Someone wrote:
- We have to be that voice for God, amongst men, and vote our hearts out, in His Holy Name. Its our duty, as we walk in the Light. Unless we dont care if the devils in folks pick our leaders. I care, I vote!
I do not believe that you "have to vote". I just believe that you have to seek the kingdom of God an His righteousness and I do not have the right to dictate what you do with the time and energy God gives you.
I do not believe Trump or anyone running for an office of power is your salvation any more than Saul was the salvation of Israel. In fact, the idea that seeking to elect anyone to an office of power over others in its self will make things better is a rejection of God. http://www.preparingyou.com/wiki/Voice
But that does not mean you cannot vote. The sin is in the motivation, the intent of the soul, not the action. We are not supposed to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We are not to judge based on ideologies but we are to follow the Holy Spirit which is the tree of life for us if we let it into our hearts.
Again if you are snared in the unrighteous mammon you need to be faithful and righteous while being friends with that system.
What would that look like?
Would that be following the plan of Christ where he commands His ministers to make the people sit down in the network of Tens before they and receive the blessings of His Kingdom.
He said nothing about getting out of the system or imagining that you are out of the system. If you seek the kingdom in the manner that Jesus says the Holy Spirit may come to you and even enter into you and then the world will reject and eventually cast you out. While you are raying for that day you should be "friends" and "faithful" in the unrighteous mammon.
You should be attending to the weightier matters in a process of repentance according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart and mind.
We should not be attempting to bind people in our personal ideologies or interpretation of what we think is good or evil.
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- ↑ 2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
- ↑ 0539 ^ןמא^ ‘aman \@aw-man’\@ a primitive root AlefMemNun; v; AV-believe 44, assurance 1, faithful 20, sure 11, established 7, trust 5, verified 3, stedfast 2, continuance 2, father 2, bring up 4, nurse 2, be nursed 1, surely be 1, stand fast 1, fail 1, trusty 1; 108. The letters Alef Mem Nun also appear as 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544
- 1) to support, confirm, be faithful
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1a1) to support, confirm, be faithful, uphold, nourish
- 1a1a) foster-father (subst.)
- 1a1b) foster-mother, nurse
- 1a1c) pillars, supporters of the door
- 1a1) to support, confirm, be faithful, uphold, nourish
- 1b) (Niphal)
- 1b1) to be established, be faithful, be carried, make firm
- 1b1a) to be carried by a nurse
- 1b1b) made firm, sure, lasting
- 1b1c) confirmed, established, sure
- 1b1d) verified, confirmed
- 1b1e) reliable, faithful, trusty
- 1b1) to be established, be faithful, be carried, make firm
- 1c) (Hiphil)
- 1c1) to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in
- 1c1a) stand firm
- 1c1b) trust, believe
- 1c1) to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in
- 1a) (Qal)
- א Alef Father-Son- begin- The Paradox: God and Man - (ox bull) [strength, leader, first] (Numeric value: 1)
- מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
- נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
- 1) to support, confirm, be faithful
- ↑ Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, his soul [which] is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
- ↑ 0530 ^הנומא^ ‘emuwnah \@em-oo-naw’\@ or (shortened) ^הנמא^ ‘emunah \@em-oo-naw’\@ from 0529; n f; {See TWOT on 116 @@ "116e"} AV-faithfulness 18, truth 13, faithfully 5, office 5, faithful 3, faith 1, stability 1, steady 1, truly 1, verily 1; 49
- 1) firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, steadiness