Key to liberty
I stumbled on an article entitled:
"Native Americans suffer twice as Bundy Gang acquitted and Standing Rock protestors attacked"
The spirit I saw in the article was a spirit that draws to it failure and abuse. You do not want that spirit when fighting evil in its many forms.
I posted a comment after reading it:
- This article displays bigotry and prejudice and a lack of knowledge concerning the facts. You say "Bundy Gang" and "An eighth member of their gang was killed by police when the standoff drew to an end. "
- "Gang"?
- Why not call them protesters, activists, patriots or even the occupy movement? They are not "gang" members.
- Finicum was actually an Indian. Did you even know that? Do you know what tribes he was a blood member of? You do not even seem to know the real issues nor why the jury found them innocent of the charges or what is really behind these events.
- Those men did not see Indian and white. The saw right and wrong, justice and injustice and worked together fighting for land and water right that are being stolen not just from them but their neighbor. This article was divisive and unproductive and displayed a prejudicial views. Followers of Christ do not divide people into white European, Native American peoples or gangs but are seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. see
The article also said "The land we know as the United States of America once belonged, quite naturally, to the Native American peoples."
A true follower of Christ and believer in God knows why the Native American were so subject to abuse which is why Americans are also being abused today. There were good native Americans and bad, just as there were good and bad people who came here to live on this continent.
That original constitution of the native American Confederacy was unwritten. The ideas were represented by symbols beaded on strings of wampum. Supposedly Dekanawidah’s plan for his “Tree of Great Peace” was that Firekeepers were to watch the affairs of the Five Nations so that they may spread from “The Great White Roots and their nature” of “Peace and Strength”. But that nature of peace and strength may not have been in all the hearts of all the people of the Five Nations nor those later nations who became a part of that league.
Unless righteousness is written on the hearts and minds of the people by God the people will write their own history of oppression of others and then for themselves by their own unrighteousness.
Many of the powerful tribes of the confederation interpreted the original message of the “Tree of Great Peace” to mean something different and allow for a manifest destiny approach to the lessor tribes around them. As they oppressed the "die was cast" for their own oppression.
If you are not allowing God to cultivate your heart with forgiveness then you will not be suitable for the habitation of the righteous.
If you do not come together to serve one another in the Character of Christ then God will not hear you in your hour of need.
I you do not come to lay down your life in sacrifice for others like Christ then there is no repentance and no salvation.
Do not sew the wind of judgement for as you judge you shall be judged.
Stop blaming others for your own bondage.
Start coming together with the character of Christ to set others free rather than just free yourself.
Evil wants to keep you divided... the list of tools he uses to divide you is long.
Evil wants to keep you focused on your own needs and wantonness.
Evil wants you to be concerned about your own rights and freedom more than the rights and liberty of your own neighbors.
A Key to liberty is found in how you are coming together. Is it with a diligent and common forgiveness and communion of giving?
If you are coming together in the name of Christ it will not be just for or with those who love you but for all whom God wishes "might be saved".
"By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:35
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