Site Introduction
Site Introduction
When people first find either website or they may find the information a bit overwhelming. Much of the information will contradict many of the teachings in the modern Church but we have addressed many of these concerns in great detail with well footnoted articles, books, pamphlets, along with hundreds of recorded audio and video lectures.
Joining the email Network groups is a good place to start. The purpose of the email network is to help people find others who are receptive to the truth of the information we are sharing. The hope is that people will use the groups to find other people in their area and form a living network of Congregations like Christ commanded his disciples to do. That is the pattern the early Church organized itself into for centuries.
The Introduction to the website video is a brief overview of the gospel of the Kingdom.
The video also shows and introduce people how to become connected in a network like the one Jesus Christ commanded us to create for the people.
The early Church organized in a voluntary network of intimate congregation to provide a daily ministration of faith, hope and charity in an intentional community.
39 min
Christ preached a way that sets men free. We were warned that we would be made merchandise and even curse our children. We were told that people would be again entangled in yoke of bondage[1] and the elements of the world which is like unto a return to the bondage of Egypt. People do not want to accept that fact because they are under a strong delusion.
The good news is that Christ showed us a way back to liberty under God which includes the Keys of the Kingdom. In fact, from Abraham to Moses, the prophets unto Jesus the Christ and the apostles and the early Church were all telling us how to avoid the mire of enslavement and become free souls under God.
- "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24
No one wants to think they have been deceived. The other guy for sure, but not us. Or have we been deceived?
In order to "deceive the whole world:" would take a lot of time and a clever plan. So who has been deceived?
In order to find the truth we must always be willing to test all things and hold fast to that which is good.
- "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21
We also know that to seek the truth, the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God is a process of looking, knocking, persevering and repentance. We encourage you to ask question, give it it time, be diligent and patient.
The Church was to implement the Corban of Christ which sets you free so that no one had to depend upon the Corban of the world that made the word of God to none effect.
It was able to do this through the exercise of pure religion and the establishment of a daily ministration of faith, hope and charity rather than the force, fear, and fealty of the world.
- ↑ Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.