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A "goat is a goat"[1] but words are symbols of ideas, especially in the Bible.
What does the word goat mean and when they talk about a "she goat" in relationship to sacrifices is there more to know about the intended meaning?
“You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk” actually foes not mean "Do not cook and do not eat meat and milk mingled together."[2]
There was also Goats and Sheep spoken about in the Bible and their separation.
A Scapegoat was something else all together.
Being a good shepherd is a job that included a social safety net for a free society that did not degenerate the masses through legal charity but was dependent upon freewill offerings.
There are lots of words that mean something more or different when we read them in the Bible: Leaven, Breeches, Naked, Steps, Altars, Kidney, and liver but also words like religion and pure religion.

It is clear that the word "goat means goat"[1] except if it is in the Bible where a goat may be a symbol and metaphor for other things just we have seen with leaven, breeches, naked, steps, altars of clay and stone, etc.

In our article on the Turtledove goddess a "She goat" mentioned in Genesis 15:9 "a she goat[3] of three years old" is a symbol of something more than a female goat. We find it is spelled עֵז‎ which is identical to numerous Hebrew words with different Strong's numbers like 05794 'az (זע) strong; 05795 'ez (זע) she goat; 05796 'ez (זע)Aramaic, she goat; 05797 'oz (זע) strength. That same letter combination is found in many Hebrew words and names, denoting strength while the goat is merely a symbol of that strength.

The idea of boiling a kid goat in its mothers milk may have nothing to do with Milk or meat.

Goats and Sheep are often just representations of ideas, characteristics and traits.

Even the fat of a goat may represent the benefit of a sacrifice.

Leviticus 7:23 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall eat no manner of fat(חֶלֶב‎)[4], of ox, or of sheep, or of goat.

We see in the article on Sophistry concerning "Bullock" or "ox":

The phrase of the bullock[5] is from the Hebrew word showr, (שׁוֹר)ShinVavReish, which is given the Strong's number 07794. It is said to be from the Strong's word shuwr, which is numbered 07788, but consists of the same three Hebrew letters ShinVavReish (שׁוֹר) and translated as went and sing once each, but is said to mean “to travel, journey, go”.

In fact, the same three letters in Hebrew are also given several other Strong's numbers, from 07786 to 07794. These words are translated as we see in 07794 as showr into ox 62 times, bullock 12, cow twice, bull and wall once each, but as 07790, shuwr (שׁוֹר)‎, it is said to mean enemy, or as 07791 and 07792 it is again translated wall, while 07789 which is said to be a verb is translated behold 5 times, see 4, look and observe twice, and lay wait, regard, and perceive once each.

The Hebrew word suwr (שׂוּר) with the Strong's number 07787 is said to mean cut, while Strong's 07786, still consisting of the same three Hebrew letters ShinVavReish (שׂוּר) is said to mean: “to be or act as prince, rule, contend, have power, prevail over,” and is translated reign, have power, and made prince once each.

If the word "goat" can have different meanings then what is a scapegoat?

"Not only is the Bible full of allegories and metaphors the Hebrew language is full of symbolism because every letter of every word has a meaning...

The word goat is composed of the letters AyinZayin but those letters are not always translated into goat.

"The word ^זע^ ‘oz appears as strength or strong or mighty almost a hundred times.[6] Also, the word ^זע^ ‘az [7] consisting of the same root letters AyinZayin is translated strong a dozen times and fierce, mighty and power as well as greed.

Is the goat gone or is strength failing as a society when you are jealous and envious?"

"The primitive root ‘azaz AyinZayinZayin from which all these terms are derived is translated as both strong and impudent.[8]"

"Can a word mean goat, strong and impudent? ...

"Besides idioms, metaphors, and sophistry the use of allegories and cultural shifts over time to say nothing of hundreds of different sects exercising influence over the thinking and knowledge of the people took their toll on the message of the Bible. Many factions, religious groups, and denominations like the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots all had divergent views of the scriptures. The reader, to say nothing of the translator, is faced with a sometimes difficult and profound task of deciphering the meaning intended by the inspired author. Therefore it has become essential that the reader must also be inspired by the tree of life rather than be solely dependent upon the tree of knowledge."

"Is the true wisdom of the Bible hidden in allegory so that the reader must be equally inspired in order to be awakened with eyes to see and ears to hear the truth?"

"Was this by design?"

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Sam Harris argues with Jordan Peterson against the existence of God by misinterpreting the Bible. https://youtu.be/DWe4NjtCBHI
  2. Targum Neofiti and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
  3. 05795 (זע) ‘ez \@aze\@ from 05810 עָזַז‎ ‘azaz "to be strong"; n f; {See TWOT on 1654 @@ "1654a"} AV-goat 63, kid + 01423 5, kid 4, he 1, kids + 01121 1; 74
    1) female goat, she-goat, goat, kid
    • 05794 'az (זע) strong; 05795 'ez (זע) she goat; 05796 'ez (זע)Aramaic, she goat; 05797 'oz (זע) strength; Many other words and names contain the letters AyinZayin(זע) and include the idea of strength.
    • ע Ayin also U Divine Providence Eye or Well of five states of kindness or severity. [eye, watch] 70
    • ז Zayin The Service and Valor, cut and bread, war and nourish. [weapon.... Cut to cut off manacle] 7
  4. 02459 חֶלֶב‎ cheleb [kheh’-leb] or חלב‎ cheleb [khay’-leb]; from an unused root meaning to be fat; n m; [BDB-316b] [{See TWOT on 651 @@ "651a" }] AV-fat 79, fatness 4, best 5, finest 2, grease 1, marrow 1; 92
    1) fat
    1a) fat (of humans)
    1b) fat (of beasts)
    1c) choicest, best part, abundance (of products of the land)
    • see 02461 חָלָב‎ chalab "milk... abundance of the land (metaph.)";
  5. 07794 שׁוֹר‎ showr [shore] from 07788; n m; [BDB-1004a] [{See TWOT on 2355 @@ "2355a" }] AV-ox 62, bullock 12, cow 2, bull 1, wall 1; 78
    1) ox, bull, a head of cattle
    1a) for plowing, for food, as sacrifice
    • Root words: 07786 (שׂוּר‎) suwr-6 reign, have power; 07787 (שׂוּר‎) suwr-7 cut-v; 07788 (שׂוּר‎) shuwr-8 went, sing, to travel; 07789 (שׂוּר‎) shuwr-9 behold-v; 07790 (שׂוּר‎) shuwr-0 enemy; 07791 (שׂוּר‎) shuwr-1 wall; 07792 (שׂוּר‎) shuwr-2 (Aramaic) wall; 07793 (שׂוּר‎) Shuwr-3 name=Wall; 07794 (שׂוּר‎) showr-4 ox[62+]. ShinVavReish שׂוּר.
  6. 05797 ^זע^ ‘oz \@oze\@ or (fully) ^זוע^ ‘owz \@oze\@ from 05810; n m; {See TWOT on 1596 @@ "1596b"} AV-strength 60, strong 17, power 11, might 2, boldness 1, loud 1, mighty 1; 93
    1) might, strength
    1a) material or physical
    1b) personal or social or political
  7. 05794 עַז‎ ‘az [az] from 05810 to be strong; adj; [BDB-738b] [{See TWOT on 1596 @@ "1596a" }] AV-strong 12, fierce 4, mighty 3, power 1, greedy 1, roughly 1, stronger 1; 23
    1) strong, mighty, fierce
    • 05974 'az (זע) strong; 05795 'ez (זע) she goat; 05796 'ez (זע)Aramaic, she goat; 05797 'oz (זע) strength;
  8. 05810 ^זזע^ ‘azaz \@aw-zaz’\@ a primitive root AyinZayinZayin ; v; {See TWOT on 1596} AV-strengthen 6, prevail 3, strong 1, impudent 1, hardeneth 1; 12
    1) to be strong
    1a) (Qal) to be strong, prevail
    1b) (Hiphil) to make firm, strengthen
    • ע Ayin also U Divine Providence Eye or Well of five states of kindness or severity. [eye, watch] 70
    • ז Zayin The Service and Valor, cut and bread, war and nourish. [weapon.... Cut to cut off manacle] 7