Conversation with Jim
In this conversation with Jim he wants to save Social Security. He has a number of ideas that are incorrect. I have come across him for a long time and I believe he is sincere but misinformed on a few things.
This came out of the Conversation with Mosheh
Social Security Trust Fund?
Jim thinks
The Democrats sold us all a bill of goods so that none of us are going to be able to receive the benefits we have paid for.
The original intent of the Social Security Trust Fund was to give American workers a Trust that would give them a livable income and pay all of their medical expenses upon their retirement or in the event they should become disabled and unable to work. The Social Security Trust Fund was never intended to be used as a private slush fund for either the Congress or the President.
By law any surplus in the Social Security Trust Fund must be converted into Government Bonds and the money added to the General Tax Fund where those THIEVING DEMOCRATS can spend it as they see fit. When income revenues are less than the amount needed to pay out benefits the shortfalls are to be paid for by the American workers. In other words those THIEVING DEMOCRATS have figured out a way to force us to pay multiple times for Social Security Benefits we will never see. When there is an increase in benefits those THIEVING DEMOCRATS simply increase the amount of money we are forced to pay every month. Then at the end of the year those THIEVING DEMOCRATS convert the surplus into Government Bonds with the money added to the General Tax Fund where those THIEVING DEMOCRATS spend OUR MONEY on their pet projects which will put the most of our money into THEIR Pockets.
Our Social Security Trust Fund belongs to those Americans who have paid into it and it does not belong to the United States Congress or the President. Under the original Social Security Trust Law the Congress was to be the Trustees over the Social Security Trust Fund to insure that the Social Security Trust Fund was distributed fairly amongst those individuals who have paid into it.
I have a plan to SAVE our Social Security and Medicare. Presently whenever there is a surplus in our Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds that money is converted into 'Special' Treasury Bonds and our money is then added to the general tax fund for the politicians to spend on everything other than our Social Security and Medicare benefits. Currently the Treasury is holding between 20 and 25 TRILLION dollars in these 'Special' Treasury Bonds in our Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund accounts.
Now my plan is to convert those "Special" Treasury Bonds into e-Dollars at an exchange rate of $2.00 in hard currency (paper bills) to equal 1 e-Dollar. That will accomplish two very important things first it will double the amount of money held in trust by the treasury in our Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds and it will give our Seniors a break on their living and medical expenses.
Every person receiving Social Security and Medicare benefits will be issued a Social Security E-Card. Every month the card will be credited whatever amount the person is due from Social Security. A person who receives $3,700.00 in Social Security Benefits at the current rate will receive $7,400.00 in e-Dollars on their Social Security E-Card every month.
The best part of all of this is the fact that we will NOT have to raise taxes or cut any benefits to cover the cost of this since we will be converting those "Special' Treasury Bonds into e-Dollars.
Now the Democrats want us all to believe that there are too many citizens living on Social Security to sustain it. The truth is the Democrats have been stealing our money from our Social Security TRUST Fund.
Those THIEVING Democrats have stolen a little over $15 TRILLION dollars from OUR Social Security Trust Fund over the past 50 years.
I have a plan to get OUR MONEY back into OUR Social Security Trust Fund. Then once we have restored OUR MONEY into OUR Social Security Trust Fund we will remove OUR Social Security Trust out from under the control of those THIEVING DEMOCRATS
By placing OUR Social Security under the sole control of a Board of Trustees elected from among those Americans who have been paying into it by those Americans who are currently paying into the Trust or receiving Social Security benefits we can properly protect OUR Social Security Trust Fund from those THIEVING DEMOCRATS.
This is the ONLY way to insure the stability of OUR Social Security Trust Fund. That is because as long as the thieving Democrats are able to get their hand on it at will they will continue using OUR Social Security Trust for their personal whims and pet projects and blaming us for THEIR CRIMES against those of us who have trusted them with OUR MONEY.
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Jim Hayden for President in 2016
Jim Hayden for President in 2016
His perception is wrong
Gregory wrote: Your perception of Social Security is not correct. It is not insurance. There has never been a separate trust fund. Neither its purpose nor their intent was to "give American workers a Trust that would give them a livable income and pay all of their medical expenses upon their retirement or in the event they should become disabled and unable to work."
The purpose was as old as Babylon and Egypt and Nimrod and Cain themselves.
It has been well known that “The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” Plutarch, 2000 years ago.
Did or does Congress have the authority or power to establish a retirement scheme?
Even with its formidable power to control interstate commerce, the Congress was never given the duty to become an insurance company for every ill that might befall the inhabitants of this land.
- “The catalogue of means and actions which might be imposed upon an employer in any business, tending to the satisfaction and comfort of his employees, seems endless. Provision for free medical attendance and nursing, for clothing, for food, for housing, for the education of children, and a hundred other matters might with equal propriety be proposed as tending to relieve the employee of mental strain and worry. Can it fairly be said that the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce extends to the prescription of any or all of these things? Is it not apparent that they are really and essentially related solely to the social welfare of the worker, and therefore remote from any regulation of commerce as such? We think the answer is plain. These matters obviously lie outside the orbit of congressional power.” Railroad Retirement Board, supra, 295 U.S., at 368
If Congress did not have the power to establish an insurance system, who wanted it, what were they doing and why?
And everyone should know that “A man void of understanding striketh hands, [and] becometh surety ....” Pr 17:18
They needed more collateral to get the fed to lone more money. If you volunteered to be a surety for the debt they feigned a promise of security.
They told us that “The President wanted everybody covered for every contingency in life---’cradle to the grave,’ he called it---under the social insurance system… But the Government of the United States is not an insurance company and so it could be done.” Forward by Frances Perkins Sec of Labor 1933-45 The Development of the Social Security Act by Edwin E. Witte, ppVII
Witte designed the Act.
On page 936 through page 946 of the Ways and Means hearings the originator [Witte ] stated that Social Security was “sold as if it were insurance” and that was a mistake and should not have been published as such. So it wasn’t until 1953 the originator admitted that it is not insurance as published in 1936. To be like insurance is not being insurance.
What it was was the introduction of the people to a system of corvee or statutory servitude as surety for debt just like in the days of Egypt and many other times in man's history.
Neither the President nor the Congress had the power to compel the free people of America to begin to labor without pay. They could not force the entire population into becoming tax collectors and serfs, taskmasters and statute laborers.
How could an entire nation be bound into slavery?

"The UN is but a long--range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One--World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market...The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law
“20 C.F.R. § 422.1(ii) Any person who wishes to file an application for an account number may do so by filing Form SS-5.” 20 C.F.R. § 422.1(ii) publ. at 11 F.R. 177A-568, Sept. 11, 1946.
“20 C.F.R. § 422.103 (b) Applying for a number - (1) Form SS-5. An individual needing a social security number may apply for one by filing a signed form SS-5, “Application for A Social Security Number Card,” at any social security office and submitting the required evidence.” 20 C.F.R. § 422.103
Is it not the “Social Security Number” or “Employee Identification Number” or “Tax Identification Number,” being all one and the same, that is given as the sign of your eligibility for the benefit of legal employment. Your natural right to your labor is legally converted? Whether you hand your card to your prospective licensed Federal employer/taskmaster or simply give him your diligently memorized numerical identifier, it is still that number that marks you for service. In Egypt, it was never to exceed 20% but all had to serve. Your enforced payment or contribution will be collected before you even see it, and you will toil without pay.
“ Art thou less a slave because thy master loves and caresses thee?” Pascal.
So now you know the purpose and of course I can send you a more detailed essay with footnotes if you like.
But as to a separate trust fund? It never existed. The only thing in the trust fund is you.
Not so Secure Socialism
Same old promise, Same old lie!
- Jim says: Gregory You are not telling me anything I didn't already know. So how about telling me your thoughts about my plan to save Social Security and Medicare.
- Gregory: Well, your question (and plan) can only lead me to think that you do not yet know what I told you. I do not think you read the article attached that shows there was never a trust fund. What are you saving?
Not only that, but you did see the benefits of the system as it was meant to be as you paid in and they paid out.
They have paid for benefits and you saw those benefits. Those benefits went to the people who received them. All those needy people your tax dollars were helping out got their benefits.
Doesn't that make you happy that you helped all those widows and orphans and the needy of your society with your yearly sacriice?
If you read that article above it is very clear from the beginning there was never anything on deposit for you. The other benefit was that the Fed started loaning a lot more money with you and your children now being surety for the debt. Thus stimulating the economy. Doesn't that make you happy, too?
All that loan money, I mean credit, allowed the government to "make its instruments of war" and" take your sons and make them run before their chariots", I mean tanks and now take your daughters and put them to work just like Thomas Paine wrote about in Common Sense.
The Social Security program was both a Corvee system that brought you under tribute and a system of Corban which made you "merchandise", human resources, to say nothing of making you and your children a surety for debt because it is a system of covetous practices.
You cannot save the system. Better you try to save your children or grandchildren by repenting and seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
The Corban of Rome Free benefits that bind. Corban, Korban, Qorban HHC Sermons
Jim counters with:
- The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way.
See Myth 4 concerningg ."Trust Fund".
- By law, income to the trust funds must be invested, on a daily basis, in securities guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the Federal government. All securities held by the trust funds are "special issues" of the United States Treasury. Such securities are available only to the trust funds.
- Is The Social Security Trust Fund Solvent?
Who Owns Most of the US National Debt
- The Social Security Trust Fund is holding 62% of the national debt. By converting those 'Special' Treasury Bonds into e-Dollars we can secure future Social Security benefits AND retire 62% of the national debt at the same time.
* Gregory responds: Jim it does not work that way. I see a lot of cut and paste propaganda but if you carefully read the act and the courts it is clear there is no division of funds and no personal property right to those funds. You bet on a bad plan. You should carefully read the articles I sent you and think about it. The system is not only bankrupt but it bankrupts society, centralizes power and destroys societies.
The United States Supreme Court in 1937 validated Social Security as an exercise of the Constitutional taxing power of Congress for the benefit of the general fund of the United States Treasury. The Supreme Court also said that “Congress could, in its future discretion, spend that money for whatever Congress then judged to be the general welfare of the country” having “no constitutional power to earmark or segregate certain kinds of tax proceeds for certain purposes, whether the purposes be farm-price supports, foreign aid or social security payments.” The Social Security Tax, by Clarence E. Manion. U.S. vs. Butler, 297 U.S. 1; Steward Machine Company vs. Davis, 301 U.S, 548; Helvering vs.Davis, 301 U.S. 619.
Helvering v. Davis (1937), Court had ruled that Social Security was not a contributory insurance program, saying, “The proceeds of both the employee and employer taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like any other internal revenue generally, and are not earmarked in any way.”
According to the Social Security Tax Act the government has been under no contractual obligation to make any return payment from the very beginning and has carried the provision that, “The right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision of this act is hereby reserved to the Congress.” Social Security Act of 1935 Title XI- General Provision, Section 1104
Therefore “Congress could continue to collect the so-called social security pay roll taxes even though Congress discontinued all social security benefit payments.” The Social Security Tax, by Clarence E. Manion.
This may seem a little scary for some who are or may be dependent upon such payments but that is exactly what you should expect as the national and world economies continue their descent into a domain of devastating decline, debt, and disaster. To believe that you have a right to get back specified benefits because you paid into Social Security is a foolhardy fallacy, if not a delusion of false hope.
Social Security benefits do not include an “‘accrued property rights.”
In the 1960 Fleming v. Ephram Nestor case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that workers have no legally "contractual interest".
Ephram Nestor paid Social Security taxes from 1936 until he retired in 1955. He was deported for having been a member of the Communist Party in the 1930s.
In 1954 Congress had passed a law saying that any person deported from the United States should lose his Social Security benefits. Nestor sued but the Supreme Court disagreed, saying:
“To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of ‘accrued property rights’ would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever changing conditions which it demands.”
The Court went on to say:
“It is apparent that the non-contractual interest of an employee covered by the [Social Security] Act cannot be soundly analogized to that of the holder of an annuity, whose right to benefits is bottomed on his contractual premium payments.”
- Mosheh jumps in: This issue of Social Security... and benefits from the government like Medicare...can be seen as perfectly acceptable tasks our government is forced to provide to the people based on a simple investment curve in taxation and payouts which could also include a means test and other factors which make it perfectly good math to allow for this social service.... BUT... IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE PROVIDED FOR BY AN AMENDMENT GIVING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE POWER TO SERVE US IN ANY PARTICULAR WAY..... but that demand for service.. would be just that, and as per Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. (In other words, the Constitution does not reduce natural rights, nor can it be changed to remove stated rights held by the people, which is protected by the Common Law!) ......................... so no new amendment can be written to eliminate any rights stated as given already. So no new amendment can take away our common law freedom, even if we force the government to do our laundry... we still have no obligation to give up anything for it. IT WORKS FOR US... WE SHOULD NOT BR SUBJECT TO IT.... PERIOD.
- Gregory clarifies: The constitution did not change or disparage rights nor the government. You signed up for benefits with other members authorizing the government to take from your neighbor to provide for those benefits. The ministers you elected squandered the funds and is entirely broke but the terms allow them to keep taking from you because you are a surety for the debt. It is no different with any other trust of its kind. You benefited so now you must pay the debt.
- Mosheh comes back again: in that case... the issue is forced contracting... i.e.. if you cannot get out of the contract... then it is forced on you, and is null and void... the idea that people should need to enter into contract agreements to receive benefits.... is the problem.... it does not have to work that way... its not supposed to work that way..... IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK BY CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT .... to tell the government to do something... and that amendment cannot take away any rights of the people... get it... limited government powers... I agree this forced contracting is a problem.... but more.... it is the fact that you cannot see that if... if... if.. we restore the amendment process of constitutional law... then suddenly.. all those contracts and benefits end... until we write amendments to restore them.... we can have both... benefits... and be free...
- Jim adds: It would have been a contract agreement IF we had voluntarily participated in it. We were forced to participate since the money was deducted from our pay every payday. The government calls it a tax. FICA Tax.
- Gregory tries to bring the big picture: Where do you think the funds come from that provides the benefit? The government has nothing to give but what it takes from others. Even tariff taxes raise the cost of goods and you will have to pay. As I told Jim, he saw the benefits paid out. The problem is that the funds were in the same treasury and there is neither a division or a property right. If you read the act and the law you should see that.
Free bread and circuses, benefits at the expense of your neighbor weakens society. The poor becomes lazy and debilitated like you see in places like Detroit and the middle class is decimated.
This has always happened in history.
You volunteered when you signed up and began to file. It is an irrevocable trust. Once in you cannot leave until the debt is paid and all enter in debt because the whole system was set up to get the Feds to loan more money. You were bankrupt in 29 and then you added yourselves to the collateral. The system is already failed. You just have not hit the pavement.
You have to look at the law and the context in history. Where have we done this before and what worked to save us then. Most will not relent but those who do may be able to help save their children.
The assets or "holdings" you think are there in the system are already collateral for debt. They cannot use them for you. Why do you think they work so hard to keep from auditing the fed?
There is no easy way out and there is no viable way to simply void the contract. There is another way to go and others have done it before. YOU ARE in Bondage. You are merchandise, surety, human resources but do not despair. Learn from history...
- Jim expresses his misunderstanding of the system: When I first started working I was NOT asked if I wanted to participate in Social Security. We DID NOT have a choice in the matter.
- However that is not the problem here. The problem is the fact that now that the baby Boomers are coming of age there is not enough money to pay their Social Security and Medicare Benefits AND there are not enough working Americans to support the system. Between the early 60sw and now the Baby Boomers have put the most money into Social Security and Medicare. We have paid out enough money to cover our parents and our children's Social Security and Medicare along with our own. We have yet to touch over 2% of the money we entrusted with our government for our retirement. So where did all of that money go? If it had gone into stocks and bonds then why can't we get it now when we need it? Our money was in fact converted into 'Special' Treasury Bonds. The money was added to the General Tax Fund and spent over the decades.
- Now we have a choice to make. We can call Social Security and Medicare bust, we can raise taxes to artificially support them or we can do like the banks and convert those worthless 'Special' Treasury Bonds into usable e-Dollars.
CREATE MONEY OUT OF DEBT. Debt that does not have to be repaid.
- Gregory's reply Sorry I missed this... I wont be able to keep chatting anyway... Social Security and Medicare are bust because there is no separation of funds. The funds invested that were surplus were eaten up by interest on the national debt and you are still in debt.
- Mosheh said "This issue of Social Security... and benefits from the government like Medicare...can be seen as perfectly acceptable tasks our government is forced to provide to the people based on a simple investment curve in taxation and payouts which could also include a means test and other factors which make it perfectly good math to allow for this social service.."
As of February 2014 each American with a Social security number owes $54,818.72. But if you take all composite debt the figure is more like $193,000 for each man, woman and child, if we accept the U.S. total debt at $60,000,000,000,000.
But unfunded future debt liabilities are currently conservatively estimated to be $125 trillion — although Harvard Economist Professor Niall Ferguson estimates it at $238 trillion which you and everyone else owes $256,000 to $758,203 each but you can round that off to $400,000 if you feel lucky.
"So where did all of that money go?" you ask. It was spent, squandered wasted.
Evidently you elected guys who were not good at math. The truth is as I have already shown the government is not an insurance company. Even if you passed an Amendment, which was unnecessary, it required the people to voluntarily sign up. And they did. They did because they did not read the instruction.
If the Churches were doing what they used to do they would not have needed to sign up which I already explained in the articles on Corban.
"CREATE MONEY OUT OF DEBT." That is what got you in this mess. If the Debt money you create "... does not have to be repaid." then no one would want it.
Debt money and desiring benefits by taking from your neighbor had brought this all about just like hundreds of times in history. Mosheh said "if our government should be corrupted.... we can replace it" but it was not the government that was corrupted as much as it was us. We coveted our neighbors goods through social schemes of wantonness.
- Mosheh also said "even if we force the government to do our laundry... we still have no obligation to give up anything for it. IT WORKS FOR US... WE SHOULD NOT BE SUBJECT TO IT.... PERIOD."
This of course is absurd. You can elect the government to do things but they must be funded. You can tell it to make money out of nothing but no one would want that money in other countries so they would have no value.
The government does not fund anything. It takes funds from people and use those funds. Even when it borrows treasury notes or does things on credit it uses its taxing power as collateral for debt. Before 1933 that did not include the labor of Americans. They could tax interest and fiduciaries of Corporations but not the individuals labor. You had to sign up for that.
They actually did not make you sign up. It is not really "forced contracting ". They just require you to sign up if you want to work for them now or at least if you want the benefit of work. You cannot hardly survive without that number but you do not have to get it. You could probably get rid of it. Just pay the $400,000 you owe.
No you can't really change the government until you pay your bill and anyone you elect will find that they do not run things.
And it wouldn't make any difference because you would be back in the same situation if you do not change.
We have to stop trying to create systems of power so that we can force our neighbor to contribute to our welfare. That is the essence of coveting and it always makes us merchandise, human resources. It did in Cain's city State, Nimrod's Babylon, Pharaoh's Egypt, Caesar's Rome and FDR's New Deal.
Now you know it was not new but the same old deal that brings men into bondage age after age.
It was the plan all along and it worked rather well. What you need now is to learn the plan that might set you free.
The Bible mentions religion 5 times but it talks about government almost a thousand times.
- Mosheh said: "This issue of Social Security... and benefits from the government like Medicare...can be seen as perfectly acceptable tasks our government is forced to provide to the people based on a simple investment curve in taxation and payouts which could also include a means test and other factors which make it perfectly good math to allow for this social service.."
- Gregory's reply to him As of February 2014 each American with a Social security number owes $54,818.72. But if you take all composite debt the figure is more like $193,000 for each man, woman and child, if we accept the U.S. total debt at $60,000,000,000,000.
But unfunded future debt liabilities are currently conservatively estimated to be $125 trillion — although Harvard Economist Professor Niall Ferguson estimates it at $238 trillion which you and everyone else owes $256,000 to $758,203 each but you can round that off to $400,000 if you feel lucky.
"So where did all of that money go?" you ask. It was spent, squandered wasted.
Evidently you elected guys who were not good at math. The truth is as I have already shown the government is not an insurance company. Even if you passed an Amendment, which was unnecessary, it required the people to voluntarily sign up. And they did. They did because they did not read the instruction.
If the Churches were doing what they use to do they would not have needed to sign up which I already explained in the articles on Corban.
"CREATE MONEY OUT OF DEBT." That is what got you in this mess. If the Debt money you create "... does not have to be repaid." then no one would want it.
Debt money and desiring benefits by taking from your neighbor had brought this all about just like hundreds of times in history. Mosheh said "if our government should be corrupted.... we can replace it" but it was not the government that was corrupted as much as it was us. We coveted our neighbors goods through social schemes of wantonness.
- Mosheh states: Actually.. social security should be completely funded... right now... but the Congress borrowed the money.... which is why it is now in the red.... it was a cash cow... and they drained it of all its milk... and now they tell the people that it should die.... but its all a lie... they used social security to rob us of freedom in 1933.... so now that our freedom is lost... now.. they play games to deny us the benefit also... besides... the only reason it can go belly up.... is because there is no means test.... i.e.. rich people are getting checks... big ones.... and they do not need it.... it is meant to be a security blanket to prevent homelessness and starvation.... period... and if you don;t need it... then you do not need it... and christian love... should say its ok to help those who need it...
- And Jim says: Christian love is a person's choice and must NEVER be compelled by the government.
- If a person pays for it then they must receive the benefits they have PAID FOR regardless of income or wealth.
- Social Security started out as a Ponzi scheme which turned into a cash cow when the Baby Boomers entered the job market. The Baby boom generation put enough money into Social Security to pay the benefits for their parents, children and their grandchildren.
- The question now is how do we meet the obligation past administrations and Congress has stolen? My plan will work because it replaces the lost funds while protecting Social Security and Medicare against any future ravaging by the Congress and future Presidents.
- Gregory tells the hard truth:
Socialist Security was meant to enslave you and make you dependent upon the government. It was never a real Ponzi scheme. It seems to have worked better than they expected. They knew that to maintain control over the masses they needed to lower their sense of morality until the people believed that it is okay to covet their neighbor's goods as long as they did it through the power of government. This addiction to taking from their neighbor through the benefaction of an authoritarian government would weaken community spirit and eventually undermine the very foundation of society, the family. That worked very well too. People are completely incapable of actually functioning in or operating a free society like America use to be when it was a republic.
In order to pull this off they would also need people to change their thinking until they thought public schools were for everyone and not really a socialist scheme. There they could slowly indoctrinate the children. Gradually molding their children until the parents would not even notice the subtle changes in their understanding of history and the meaning of words.
They would of course need to rely upon the vanity of the people who would not be willing to admit that they have comply been enslaved through their own covetous hearts and slothful practices.
Polybius believed all democracies fail.
'The masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force and violence. The people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others... institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch.”
Greed has brought the nation down, and pride has gone before the fall. While standing on the graves of their neighbor buried in the debt of their own making they are puzzled why the ground does shake beneath their feet.
You never paid for any benefit for yourself. You signed on to a system of Corban. The money was to go to help those in need at the time. This use to be done by communities and churches but you decided it would be better to have "men who exercised authority one over the other to be your Benefactors" even though Jesus said it was "not to be that way with you."
- Jim continues with what he has imagined. This is common if you do not look at the whole picture: "Like I keep pointing out Gregory Social Security backfired on the Democrats. What you are saying is true. However in order to save Social Security and Medicare besides converting those 'Special' Treasury Bonds into usable e-Dollars we will move them from under the control of the government and protect them by placing them under a board of trustees elected from those people who have PAID into them."
- "Social Security was originally sold as a retirement insurance policy and it was set up like a Ponzi scheme. Take from the young and healthy to pay for the elderly and sickly. Today however the Democrats have received more than enough money to pay for our benefits and services. The only reason why OUR MONEY is not available for us to use for our retirement is the Democrats have stolen OUR RETIREMENT MONEY and spent it on everything other than for our retirement."
- "We need to stop blaming and looking at what has happened. It is time to look for solutions and work towards accomplishing those goals."
- "I strongly believe I have a solid plan to save OUR Social Security and Medicare. If you agree with my plan than PLEASE jump on board and help me reach over 60 million voting Americans to SAVE our Social Security and Medicare."
- (Jim imagines there was surplus when the debt of the treasury rose but there is only one treasury, no separation) Gregory that was the original intent however everything changed in the 70s when Social Security saw it's first surplus. I'm talking trillions of dollars of surplus. That was when we started putting money aside for our own retirement.
- One thing you keep saying that is not true. When we entered the work force we were not given a choice. Every person paid into Social Security and Medicare. It was automatically deducted from our pay every payday.
- However this is not what I have been talking about. I am talking about how we can SAVE Social Security and Medicare. We can continue along this line and never get anywhere OR we can look at my plan to SAVE Social Security and Medicare and either support it or ignore it.
- Gregory tells the hard truth again: "No. There is no division of fund. That is the law of nations and Natural law. One treasury. If you have 10,000 in the bank and 50 dollars in debt, how much are you worth. All you have been doing is paying the interest and going deeper into debt. This is basic economics but people do not want to see the truth. There is a cognitive disconnect because people want to think it is someone else's fault.
You said it yourself."Every person paid". A person is a member. I know generations who have never gotten a Social Security number because they had an idea of what it was. Their parents warned them back in the thirties. There were others who spoke against it knowing the nature of this system but some were not heard and some sold out, making deals.
You were an Employee with a Federal Employee Identification Number. You had taken the number and your parents before you. You were bound in the system. If you will not read the articles I am sharing so you can see how the common law and natural law and the law of contract works then watch the video.
You are bound as surety now and they do not even have to provide the benefit. The government is not in debt, you are.
Many top lawyers talk about the 861 argument that income tax is only for Federal Employees. But if you have the number then you are a person and when you work you owe the payment. This is how you enslave a whole nation. Chapter 4. of the book The Covenants of the gods.
Employ vs Enslave Text
It was written that Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Not so Secure Socialism
Same old promise, Same old lie!
Appeared first on NewsWithViews 8-1-10
Cling to a bad plan
- Jim clings to the hope of getting 60 million voters to end the problem but they are all under contract and in debt. Those who want the benefits will not go quietly into the night and the debt cannot be legislated away. Jim says: "Gregory I totally agree with everything you are saying. I have known all of this for years. What do you think about my plan to SAVE Social Security and Medicare. Along with privatizing both?"
"You can continue to educate me to things I already know about. Now how about addressing the real issue here."
"Can you see it yet? The end of the Fed and the current unconstitutional system?"
- Gregory tries to bring focus: "The system is contractual. The constitution created the entity with the help of the people has contracted everything away. It is doomed and its system is doomed. There is no saving Social Security and Medicare. You cannot put new wine in old wine skins. The dept has eaten out all substance. The answer is to do what Christ actually said to do. Repent. Which means turn around and go back to the ancient ways."
- Mosheh presses forward with this delusion that he can rally everyone under his banner of force and control congress: So then... all we need do... is force congress to pay back what it borrowed.... legalize the illegal alien workforce so as to tax them.... properly... and apply a means test so that rick people, who do not need it, do not get it..... but... if those rich people ever need it... it will be there to save them from the gutter... thats what it is for... to save people from the gutter.... and its a good thing.... and while some say... the rich should get it also.... I say no... they should get nothing... because they do not need it, and they should be very happy about that, and not be so greedy as to demand payment of security blanket funds so they can live with even more excess wealth.... its dumb... if they need it... they can get it... but only people who need it should get it.... this solves the problem.
- Mosheh comments on Jim's plan: The plan to give control of it... to trustees... is fine... but first we must get Congress to pay back all they borrowed... and apply a means test.... and.. most importantly.. make those trustee appointments for life, so that elections and bribes and corruption cannot be introduced over time... and allow the finances of said trustees to be public record so that if they get big bribes they can get caught on it... and replaced.... how they get replaced would be an issue, as elections would allow for big money interests to rig elections... so you would have to mandate a zero money campaign ... with equal time for each candidate on public TV for example... to prevent the use of commercials and ad's to buy any election of a trustee.
My reply "This of course is absurd. You can elect the government to do things but they must be funded. You can tell it to make money out of nothing but no one would want that money in other countries so they would have no value."
"The government does not fund anything. It takes funds from people and use those funds. Even when it borrows treasury notes or does things on credit it uses its taxing power as collateral for debt. Before 1933 that did not include the labor of Americans. They could tax interest and fiduciaries of Corporations but not the individuals labor. You had to sign up for that."
"They actually did not make you sign up. It is not really "forced contracting ". They just require you to sign up if you want to work for them now or at least if you want the benefit of work. You cannot hardly survive without that number but you do not have to get it. You could probably get rid of it. Just pay the $400,000 you owe."
"No you can't really change the government until you pay your bill and anyone you elect will find that they do not run things."
Sold our selves
After this last comment
I went off to do other work and let Jim and Mosheh quibble and strut for awhile.... But I made a response to another post of Jim's which in turn invoked another response from Mosheh.
Here is what I told Jim:
Originally you said "The Democrats sold us all a bill of goods that none of us are going to be able to receive the benefits we have paid for. " You are right that you bought a bill of goods. Mosheh is wrong when he says "all Americans are members... of SS...".
They are not all a member only those who chose to buy a "Bill" of goods. Anyone who honestly looked at the program knew it was destined to failure and never was an investment for your future but was meant to by a way to compel members to contribute to those in need at the time. Greece city states, Rome the Empire, Judea under Herod the great all attempted to use such systems of social welfare.
They always fail in bankruptcy. The United States coupled that foolishness of the Federal Reserve, also tried by Greece city states, Rome the Empire, Judea... among others is doomed. The answer is to repent. Stop trying to create social insurance by compelled offerings of the people.
They are all common purses in hope of gain.
Social Security is a welfare scheme and therefore religious in nature since I have shown that when the constitution was written "religion" was how you performed your 'duty to your fellowman'. Your SS system does operate by force once you sign up.
It is the antitheses of what Moses, John the Baptist and Christ, as political leaders taught.
Your SSN number is by law your "Federal Employee Identification Number". You, now in this force and fear based society you have created, are all but guaranteed that you will not get a job if you do not get one of those numbers. Although it is perfectly legal not to have one if you never got one. It is legal to be hired without it.
The federal governments power was limited by the constitution but you have been able to expand its power at the expense of liberty, by contracting away your rights for benefits or just the promise of benefits so much so that now you cannot get a job without the number of the beast which you have created through coveting your neighbors goods through systems like Social Security.
You cannot save the Titanic. Save the passengers... repent and star doing that which made America great.
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