Freedom of Religion

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False religion tickles the ears of the people while encouraging them in covetous practices. A society's appetite for the wages of unrighteousness degrades it and paves the road to despotism. Plutarch and Polybius wrote about it. John the Baptist, Christ and the early Church preached it. The Christian conflict with Rome was their unwillingness to sign up with the Corban of the world which was making the word of God to none effect.

Freedom of Religion

Kelly Shackelford's defense of freedom of religion on PragerU was valiant and maybe in good faith but fundamentally flawed. Instead of defending freedom of religion as he may have desired to do, he has perpetuated the power and delusions of the lie that people have already come to believe which simply is not true.

Kelly Shackelford, president of First Liberty, cited Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the religious motivation of the Revolution. He defended the first amendment saying that it “wasn’t an accident” that it was the first freedom listed in the Bill of Rights — beginning with “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

In support of Shackelford, The Daily Wire references historical examples of the "suppression of religious freedom". They explain how it affects all freedoms, pointing to the closure of churches and the “control of all religious life” under Soviet rule, as well as religious limitations enforced under the Chinese communist regime."

They go on to say “The reason for such anti-religious sentiment, … is that religion “challenges the authority of the state more than any other freedom,” and that “people who adhere to a religion believe that there’s something higher than the state, and no repressive government can tolerate such a belief.”[1]

While I sympathize with his view, he has already lost the war. He should have read the argument made by David Crocket and Heratio Bunce against the rise of the welfare state. An attack on freedom of religion is not merely an attack on freedom or liberty of thought because religion is much more than thoughts and opinions. From the beginning, religion was not something you think or say but what you do and how you do it.[2]

The truth is that pure religion challenges the means by which the authority of the state expands its power and diminishes the liberty of the people. It does them by creating a dependence in the people upon the State and its welfare provided through taxation instead of charity. We were warned against such covetous practices by all the prophets and condemned by Jesus.

Writers from Polybius to Plutarch said things like, “The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” The desire for those benefits which are the wages of unrighteousness spreads a strong delusion infecting the minds of the people until they inevitably degenerate into perfect savages.

Kelly Shackelford even quotes Alexis de Tocqueville who understood that when “When…men attack religious beliefs, they are following their emotions not their interests. Tyranny may be able to do without faith, but freedom cannot.”

The first attack on religion came not from tyrants but from wordsmiths. They simply changed what was the “duty” of religion to what one thinks about God. The Holy Spirit was replaced by an emotional high of self-righteousness regarding vain rituals and rites rather than the humble self-sacrifice of the righteousness of God exemplified in the life of Christ.

The real problem is not an attack on religion by government but the abandonment of pure religion by the people. I am not talking about low attendance in what are posing as religions today. I am talking about the cognitive dissonance which came when people developed "an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force..."

Alexis de Tocqueville observed a flawed America that was far greater than what we aspire to accomplish today. In America, like the early Church, there was little dependence upon government handouts. No Christians would pray for the free bread offered men who called themselves benefactors but exercised authority one over the other. Christians provided for the welfare of their community through faith, hope and charity and a daily ministration that rightly divided that bread from house to house.[3]

If repentance is thinking differently, then people who think they are religious need to ask when did God say it was okay to covet your neighbor's goods through men who exercise authority one over the other. The quickest way to raise up a tyrant is to tell your government they have the right to take from your neighbor so you can have, supposedly, free health education and welfare at your neighbors' expense. And the only way to protect or restore liberty is to seek to provide those benefits of society through the perfect law of liberty by freewill offerings and charity like Christ commanded.

Once you understand what the word Religion meant 200 years ago in America and 2000 years ago for the first century Church, your thinking about Religion, the Church, the Bible, Politics of the world and what modern Christians should be doing and not doing will have to change. But changing the way you think is the meaning of the word repentance.

The Free Exercise Clause

(text coming)

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  2. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    Matthew 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
    Luke 6:47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:
  3. Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

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