Jesus movement
The Jesus Movement
The Jesus Movement was the ongoing community of people who center their lives on an image of Jesus. Followers imagine claim that they are in a loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, each other, and creation.
The Jesus movement imagined they were a part of a restorationist of a theology that was in sink with and a return to the original life of the early Christians.
The Jesus people often viewed churches, especially those in the United States, as apostate, and took a decidedly countercultural political stance in general.
The Jesus movement was a further movement away from the simple doctrine of Jesus into emotionalism and imagination where people worshipped the creation of the latter by the employment of the former.
Some believed in the New Testament, Jesus identifies himself with the hungry, the poor, the sick, and the prisoners(Matthew 25:31–46) but used it to suggest Jesus was a socialist and that socialism was a major component of Christianity.
Both John the Baptist and Jesus and that socialism]] expressed clear doctrines which were fundamentally opposed the socialism because it required the force of an exercising authority as the covetous practices of legal charity of the welfare State.
Even the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church, promoted by Pope John Paul II, condemns socialism as an atheistic ideology.[1]
Pastor Greg Laurie stated on June 21, 1971. “We didn't call it a revolution.” He saw it as a sudden surge in young people adopting what they wanted to believe was the "Christian faith" in the '70s, first in California, then across the U.S. and around the world. “TIME magazine coined that phrase. We called it 'The Jesus Movement.
The earlier origin of the movement likely began in 1913 with R.E. McAlister. They seemed to follow the formula for baptism found in the Acts of the Apostles (2:38) rather than that in the Gospel According to Matthew which taught that water baptism in the early Church was done differently.
These differences distracted people from those clear moral doctrines of John the Baptist, Jesus and the warnings of the apostles.
Baptism got early Christians put out of the Corban of Herod and the Pharisees that was making the word of God to none effect.
Their Corban was a form of socialism like the free bread of the Imperial Cult of Rome and eventually the alimenta of the Caesars run through the government temples.
Those systems of social welfare through the state were all forms of Legal charity which are systems operating as covetous practices through men who call themselves Benefactors but exercise authority one over the other.
The early Church operated by fervent charity through the perfect law of liberty in hope of a social safety net being formed by faithful followers of Christ.
They set a table of love through the Corban of Christ.
As the earliest Jesus movement, they whould not eat at the tables provided by rulers of the world because they knew that those tables and the dainties and benefits they provided were a "snare and a trap".
All forms of public religion by their nature degenerate the social bonds of a free society and return people to the bondage of Egypt.
The new Jesus Movement would not have been so popular had the modern Church not already abandoned the practice of Pure Religion and a daily ministration according to the doctrine of Jesus and followed the old deal of Cain, Nimrod and Pharaoh posing as the new deal of FDR.

Christ directed that the Church should provide a daily ministration through the charity and love of pure Religion "unspotted" by the exercising authority of the world.
The world the Church was not to be a part of was "the constitutional order and system of government" instituted by those men who exercise authority one over the other." The Church should be separate, especially if the state becomes a socialist state like Rome under the Caesars or the US under men like FDR an his New Deal of "legal charity".
The free bread of the welfare state which includes the covetous practices which makes the people human resources because it's dainties are from a table that is a snare which curse children.
Is the United States very different from what Rome became? Rome became a Republic after their revolution throwing off the Tarquinian Kings but slowly evolved into a social democracy and then an Imperial cult after its own civil war before its decline and fall.
New Deals
The New Deal offered by the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not that new. In the short term, the New Deal programs helped improve the lives of some people suffering from the events of the economic depression created by the Federal Reserve and the sloth, avarice and ignorance of the people.
In the long run, those programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the people of a nation. Over time the masses developed an appetite for their "treats and gratuities"[2] the federal system. would continue to grow. They masses would become so accustomed to using force to take from their neighbor through the welfare state that they could no longer see them as covetous practices.
The people become so dependent on the government that the social bonds of a free society will degenerate as the power of that federal government to "take and take" grows and grows with their ever increasing appetite for benefits.
The New Deal of FDR allowed the spirit of democratic socialism to grow in the people until they become "accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others..." Now politicians pandering to the palpable greed and avarice of the people are "uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch."[3]
The real failure of the people was the acceptance of the idea that it was okay to force one class of citizens to give up what they earned or produced so that another could enjoy the fruits of another's labor. This single act of society and willingness to justify that covetousness of the people altered the soul of society. This ushered in the welfare state where people like Cloward and Piven could work their mischief of destruction of the social virtues of society among the people.
Judea had followed the political and socialist pattern of Rome enticed by the covetous favor and support of the people and gain power over the same by those workers of iniquity. Herod had created his new deal of social welfare through such government support. Membership of the Jew required baptism and the people with a registered Hebrew name to guarantee their eligibility for benefits and to keep track of their required and compelled contributions.
Old deals - Bad deals
The New Deal was the old deal that was used by Nimrod to bring the people into the bondage of Babylon.
Christ directed that the Church and State should be separate especially if the state becomes a socialist state like Rome under the Caesars and the US under men like FDR and the New Deal.
The Kingdom of God was a system to set the captive free called the way. It operated in faith, hope, and charity as John the Baptist preached with Jesus rather than the system of iniquity which use force, fear and fealty of Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, Caesar, and FDR.
Micah and all the Prophets warned us of the transgression of Jacob. There is a difference between Pure Religion and Public religion which is false religion. Jesus was not a socialist and did not want his followers praying to the fathers of the earth nor the Benefactors of the world for our daily bread. The Early Church had a daily ministration because those early Christians were doers of the word of Christ by doing what he commanded.
We need to repent of biting one another through the covetous practices of the world and live by the flesh and blood of Christ.
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- ↑ Paragraph 2425 states: "The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism.'
- ↑ "That the man who first ruined the Roman people twas he who first gave them treats and gratuities. But this mischief crept secretly and gradually in, and did not openly make it's appearance in Rome for a considerable time." Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus (c. 100 AD.)
- ↑ See Polybius and the warnings of the Apostles.