
The golden calf was part of systems Proverbs describes as one purse created by consent nut hastened to shed blood.
Before such systems become a "snare and a net they capture the thinking of people as an ideology.
What we think we understand in our mind is limited by what we are willing to see in our hearts.
Ideology is "a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy."
A "system of ideas" is often constructed in our own minds with influences of others and bound together with our own ego. Our personal dedication to an ideology may be a form of allegiance which keeps us from seeing anything that is contradictory of what we have come to believe. In the realm of such ideas facts may no longer matter.
What we are willing to see is determined by our personal levels of pride or humility.
What is often born of our personal prejudice is called our Ideology or our acceptable "science of ideas", meaning the study of our own ideas which we are willing to accept as true. People may so completely taken with the ideology they have constructed in their own minds that they will defend that ideology religiously.
Any one who presents a contrary view whether it is true or not becomes the enemy. Even the truth itself becomes the enemy and they prefer denial of fact rather than question their ideology. That constructed ideology becomes an idol and even a point of almost religious worship or form of idolatry.