Real money
Do you think this is real money?
A Dollar was a coin of 90% pure silver (412.5 grains in weight).
The term DOLLAR was “The monetary unit or standard of value of the United States and Canada. By the term Dollar in the United States is intended the coined dollar of the United States, a certain quantity in weight and fineness of gold or silver…” The Century Dictionary, Published 1914.
A United States Silver Certificates stated: “This certifies that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States of America (denomination) Dollar(s) in silver payable to the bearer on demand.”
When United States Notes were still being issued they use to say “The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand (denomination) Dollar(s).”
Not Real Money
Of course a NOTE was not a DOLLAR. A note is at best a promise to pay.
Someone said "Money can be anything, even paper." He actually thinks that "Stocks represent the real wealth, production based on consumption by people. They are the new gold."
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Stocks are seldom valued based on assets or actual productivity. They are all valued in dollars which further clouds the issue.
A dollar use to be a measure of weight.
This is not real money.... Those are debt notes. There is interest being charged on each one in circulation. They also have no value according to the Federal Reserve website. They are the ultimate SPAM. Stuff Posing As Money.
They are not money but are legal tender. The phrase “legal tender” is found on the paper currencies of the world, including those used by the United States. Blue-sealed certificates, red-sealed United States notes, or green-sealed Federal Reserve notes all state that they are “legal tender for all debts public and private.” For decades, these notes also stated that they were “redeemable in lawful money.” If they were redeemable in lawful money then it should be clear that they are not lawful money. Gold and silver are lawful money, which is used as “payment of debt.” Black’s Law Dictionary 3rd p 1079.
Legal tender is a legal offer in place of payment of debt and does not lawfully pay a debt. Although it may legally discharge debt, the tender or offer does not pay the debt at law. According to Stanek v. White. 172 Minn. 390, 215 N. W. 784. “There is a distinction between a debt discharged and one paid. When discharged the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist…”
Where does this debt continue? In the case of US federal reserve notes the debt is placed on the shoulders of the US citizens who are bound by that debt and required to work without pay. We call that income tax. That does not go to provide services but to pay off the debt note interest...
Stanek v. White goes on to say, “…which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.”
Those notes are partly why you do not own your land, your labor or your children which are now bound in a perpetual cycle of debt.
Inflation Causes
People see inflation increasing and it will likely get worse, much worse.
It cannot be stopped without disastrous results and it is bringing disaster with it.
Many will suffer and chaos will reign. Some are trying to implement alternative money plans now and have asked me to join with them to implement those alternatives. People have lots of different ideas.
The problem goes much deeper than the money itself or what you use as money.
The money used today is more a symptom than the problem yet people do die every day from symptoms. In the days when men were free money, like gold and silver, were produced by miners and silver and gold smiths. Other commodities were produced by the people. The people produced a real and valuable money supply. These mediums of exchange consisting of things with "present value" or "intrinsic value" are called commodity money.
We should only use commodity money but that will not be practical in the modern and present running society.
As this world society continues to break down opportunity to replace it with an alternative system will occur. Most will seek worse solutions and suffer for it as they have done for centuries.
Hope is found in those few who will come together to sustain local communities with commodity money which is in essence barter. These alternatives will rise from the people to replace inflationary fiat currency now in circulation which will become as worthless in the minds of merchants as they are already today. The illusion of value is all that sustains the present market and the fear to admit that modern currency has no present value.
Without present value in currency of exchange with in a society there will be no liberty.
I encourage the use of commodities, things with present value, in exchange of goods and services when ever practical so that people could start learning the honorable skills required for liberty and art of networking in a way that would allow an alternative to become manifest during a time of economic collapse. Most people will not act or prepare or have the moral character to do what is required as a society.
Of course US Persons cannot intend to establish something that could be used for or as current money they could be sent to jail for five years and or fined.
You can see because of 18 USC § 486 - Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal
"Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes, or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money, whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under this title [1] or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."
Some people are looking for alternative currencies because the ones in circulation seem to be about to fail.
Some have tried to create liberty dollars with disastrous effects that I warned them about but they would not listen to those warnings because they wanted to believe in their solution.
Turning a blind eye to the weakness and error of their position will get you in trouble almost every time.
It was obvious they were trying to create an alternative currency which will be rejected if successful.
That is illegal if you are using similar or same terms used in or by the present currency makers of the realm of the "world".
While the currency of the world drives men into the bondage of debt many alternative currencies are not much better for other reasons.
Bitcoin is trying to create a "cryptocurrency". It will be scrutinized and possibly even sanitized by the powers that be...
So what should we consider before using this electronic currency. Questions will arise is it legal, biblical, moral?
First, Bitcoin is not a "just weight or measure" and has no intrinsic value or even substance. It is highly speculative and dependent on a "digital world".
Also many are suggesting its use as "current money". And some may use it to avoid taxes.
As I read one comment I emphasize some the text "My point...We can not depend too much on digital technology. It does not fully measure up and it can leave us weighed in the balance. I recommend getting back to just weights and measures. It's a golden opportunity."
They were playing with words but the point is Bitcoin is not dependable which puts it on the same footing as all the other digital accounts we have in the world today.
This is especially true if there is a real melt down of the economy. Bitcoin can disappear in the twinkling of the eye.
Is that a reason not to use them? All currencies are subject to failure. It is not a weight that can be measured but a market value based on digital entries that have limited available amount.
This limitation, like gold and silver in the ground, adds to its value because as more people seek to use them the demand drives the value up. Unlike gold and silver and other metals no matter how hard you work you can only produce so many.
Federal reserve notes and the digital transactions of account entries have no real value either and can loose all their "apparent" value in the twinkling of an eye.
IN FACT THE APPARENT VALUE DROPS WITH THE INCREASE OF SUPPLY such as we see with catch phrases like quantitative easing.
But there are many alternatives to money commonly used today just like during depressions, bank failures, war, even in prisons things like cigarets can become a monetized means of exchange. The first form of money was commodities, things of present value where you are. The first market was barter and trade.
There are numerous options for alternative money forms and some are better than others. Grain, whiskey, toilet paper have all substituted for coin and cash.
But how does one trade services?
And aren't there a lot of limitations?
The limitations decrease as trust grows.
Gold and silver have an intrinsic substance and weight. They are a commodity. But where is real Value come from?
They have a limited supply and are the product of labor.
Men can speculate which effects value but there are limits and they are real and can be weighed and measure.
So the real question is how does one increase trust?
But there are laws for trying to supplant or compete with existing currency and or do so to get around tax liability with alternate trading currency.
Don't forget USC 18 486... or laws concern conspiracy to defraud.
So what should we use?
For the short term our options are open if we are open to seek to learn real trust within a viable society based on mutual love and honor.
The short term may be all we have in some cases but we must walk in the long term approach. The question is what direction do we want to go.
Early Christians established a viable network that was called a "Republic" by Edward Gibbons who chronicled the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Christians formed a social network that sustained them through that Roman collapse. Although emperors feared them because of their "union and discipline" their success was dependent upon the honor and trust found in the virtuous bonds of their society and their natural ability because of their governing structure to fade underground and become mobile in a living network overnight.
Repentance is about direction and we have all gone a long way down the wrong road.
Nations have been enslaved, brought into that bondage of debt common among every nation today. Christ had a way and while he mentioned money, justice and mercy and the bible talks about unjust weights and measures the real commodity that sets you free is not regulated by commerce.
Remember Christ's command Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, but also to render "unto God the things which be God’s."
Caesars come and go and We must learn the ways of God and his natural ways of honor and trust, righteousness and law. Did not Jesus tell us to tend to the weightier matters of law?[1]
Are we told to "Owe no man any thing"? [2]
How is it love to drive one another into debt by coveting our neighbors goods in hope of personal benefit. ls it because there is no other currency or because we are bankrupt of the currency of love?
There are others who are seeking to use existing coins such as pre-1964 silver which would be existing coin. Sill any attempt to defraud the government of the world of revenue by the use of even legitimate coin has brought prosecution and ruin for many.
It is the bonds of the Network that bring real wealth and viability.
But purchasing things from afar from strangers with substance creates a problem of logistics. How do you deliver funds to someone on the other side of the country with nothing but hope they will reciprocate with sending your the comity your seek to purchase.
The truth is knowledge and skill to produce or utilize alternate currencies and coins could be critical in every declining economy but something is more important than the item to be used that must never be forgotten.
So the real problem is trust.
It is not the supply of money that is the problem. IT IS TRUST.
Who do we trust?
We have a shortage of trust in the world which is a shortage of honor.
So my recommendation is to find those who seek a moral money supply of just weights and measures and start gathering together in local groups. Start building the natural relationships of a society that build personal trust, integrity and honor.
Everyone needs to take the time to turn around step by step and do something different. Not just to save themselves but to save others today and tomorrow.
They need to start the process back ....
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Join The Living Network in your area and Connect with others.
We will share more details with local ministers of record in good standing.
Peace on your house Gregory at Go to the Outline of Site for a list of articles, audio and video, etc.
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Spiritual Economics |
Capitalism |
Socialism |
Divers lusts |
Business |
Kingdom Business |
Welfare |
Surety |
Temples |
Temple of Diana |
Temple in Jerusalem |
Seven Men |
Money Audio |
Real Money |
Money can be anything |
Debt Money |
Money as debt quotes |
Bitcoin |
Cashless |
Money |
I paid in |
Commodity money |
Value |
Mammon |
Covet |
Merchandise |
One purse |
Road Map |
Golden calf |
Temples |
Treasury |
Moneychangers |
The Bank of the Golden Calf | Study audio
Seven men |
Reserve fund |
Ephesus |
Tithe |
Sabbath |
Credit unions |
Thy first love |
HHC Money vs Mammon >
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Conversion vs Reconversion >
>Audio |
- ↑ Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ... have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
- ↑ Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.