Template:Cloths of service

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Unmooring the altars and priests from its purpose when you have unarmored the meaning of Breeches and the cloths of service from the intent of the scriptures.

With the choosing of a King or ruler which God considered a rejection of Him, David took a positionl to assure the duties of the priests.[1] This gave the king the power to fire or appoint the "porters also by their courses at every gate". The porters[2] were the moneychangers who provided a service in the operation of the temple receiving and converting the contributions of the people.

So much of what we are led to believe about priests is shrouded in allegory and metaphor. The phrase "cloths of service", like the breeches of the Levites are about relationships of service through righteousness and fellowship verses those systems which merely exercise authority. We see this phrase in the relationship to Aaron to the people where the idiom has been misleading to say the least. The word cloths[3] Why does a word ^דגב^ with the Hebrew letters BeitGimelDalet used indiscriminately to mean "treachery and deceit" or "garment and clothing"? And what do they have to do with the Holy Spirit. Then we can also ask about the word service[4] in this verse from the Hebrew letters ShinReishDalet which is supposed to mean "plaited or braided work" but translated "service". The same word is from an identical letters ShinReishDalet[5] that is supposed to mean "escape or survive", appears once in the Bible and is there translated "remained".[6] The normal word for service or more precise the word minister is sharath[7] composed of the letters ShinReishTav with the letter Tav meaning faith.

The distinctive difference between the ministers of God's government and those administers of the world governments is that the former operate by faith, hope, and charity and the latter by force, fear, and fealty exercising authority one over the other. Since the former is a voluntary society and intentional community where the government is supported by freewill contributions it is absolutely essential that every head of a family unit is filled with the Holy Spirit so that they will have the strength and the wisdom to care for one another in love according to the perfect law of liberty. Any sloth in that area or covetous practices will lead the people back into bondage and under tribute like the days of the bondage of Egypt.

  1. 2 Chronicles 8:14 And he appointed, according to the order of David his father, the courses of the priests to their service, and the Levites to their charges, to praise and minister before the priests, as the duty of every day required: the porters also by their courses at every gate: for so had David the man of God commanded.
  2. 07778 רעושׁ show‘er sho-are’ ShinVavAyinReish or רעשׁ sho‘er sho-are’ active participle of the word for Reason or "calculate" ShinAyinReish 08176 which connects them to gate 08179, measure hundredfold 08180, hair 08177, storm or tempest 08178; n m; {See TWOT on 2437 @@ "2437b" } AV-porter 35, doorkeepers 2; 37
    1) gatekeeper, porter
  3. 0899 ^דגב^ beged \@behg’- ed\@ from 0898 (to act treacherously, deceitfully,) of the same letters ^דגב^; n m; AV-garment 107, clothes 69, cloth 13, raiment 12, apparel 4, robe 4, wardrobe 2, very 2, clothing 1, lap 1, rags 1, vestures 1; 217
    1) treachery, deceit
    2) (CLBL) garment, clothing (used indiscriminately)
    • Note: Why does a word ^דגב^ with the Hebrew letters BeitGimelDeleth mean garment and deceit? See Holy Spirit.
  4. 08278 שֶׂרֶד‎ sërad [ser-awd’] from ShinReishDalet which is supposed to mean "escape or survive" 08277; n m; [BDB-975a] [{See TWOT on 2286 @@ "2286a" }] AV-service 4; 4
    1) plaited or braided work
  5. 08277 שָׂרַד‎ sarad ShinReishDalet[saw-rad’] a primitive root; see 8277; v; [BDB-974b] [{See TWOT on 2285 }] AV-remained 1; 1
    1) (Qal) to escape, survive
    • ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
    • ר Reish Process of Clarification The "head" or "beginning". Life's revelation. [Head... Person head highest] (Numeric value: 200)
    • ד Dalet Selflessness – Charity, back and forth or through a door or pathway, to enter like a fish (Numeric value: 4)
  6. Joshua 10:20 And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of Israel had made an end of slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they were consumed, that the rest [which] remained <08277> of them entered into fenced cities.
  7. 08334 שָׁרַת‎ sharath [shaw-rath’] a primitive root; v; [BDB-1058a] [{See TWOT on 2472 }] AV-minister (v) 62, minister (n) 17, serve 8, servant 5, service 3, servitor 1, waited 1; 97
    1) (Piel) to minister, serve, minister to