Before the people were to receive any loaves and fishes Christ commanded that His ministers make the people sit down in a network of tens, hundreds and thousands.
Anglo-Saxon 'circe', a small church, with 'circol', a circle. It is "Kirche," in England it is the word "Circe" and in most English versions as a rendering of the Greek word ekklesia. Before that Circe was a goddess of sorcery (pharmakeia) who was skilled in the magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy. And her name is derived from the Greek verb kirkoô meaning "to secure with rings" or "hoop around"--a reference to the binding power of magic.
- "the derivation of the word 'church' is uncertain. It is found in the Teutonic and Slavonic languages and answers to the derivatives of ekklesia, which are naturally found in the romance languages and by foreign importation elsewhere. The word is generally said to be derived from the Greek kyriakos, meaning the lord's house. But the derivation has been too hastily assumed. It is probably associated with the Scottish kirk, the Latin circus/circulous, the Greek klukos, because the congregations were gathered in circles."[1]
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them[2]
God has always desired to set the people free from sin like the covetous practice which makes you merchandise to the Fathers of the earth like Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Caesar.
Their offer of benefits and Free bread like food stamps, Social Security and welfare all provided through forced contributions not only makes the word of God to no effect they also are a snare and a trap.