Robert Burk
Comments |
While a network is a good idea, Robert's suggestion of a registered charity or a Church seems to fail short of understanding that registered institutions are highly subject to regulation and control. He also seems to lack understanding as to the unique nature of the Church as a body. |
Robert said, "we are to love our neighbour, and we are to sell all we have and give to the poor." |
Both the early Church and the Church in the wilderness were a form of anarchy because they were not supported by taxes but by freewill offerings. |
Social costs were done through private investment or Administered through the Church in the wilderness and the early Church by freewill offerings to the minister of choice. This competitive choice compelled a servant government to provide the most for the least cost. It also allowed titular representation as a pure Republic without the compromise of personal rights. |
This was not done through an invented currency which would be in violation of the warnings about the Golden calf and One purse. The monetary system of the original Common Law and the law of nature and nature's God always depends on present value or some form of Commodity money. To create an unlicensed exchange is a crime in most States. |
Understanding the error of the Golden calf of the walled in camp would be good. |
Early Israel and the early Church were also pure Republics, what Tacitus called Libera Res Publica, where the people were free from things public and the leaders were not rulers because they were titular. |
They organized themselves in a network of free assemblies by Tens which was the purpose of feast gatherings like Pentecost. |
The Temples and Altars had a purpose. |
People covet those benefits provided by the Fathers of earth and are entangled in the yoke of bondage. |
The love of The Way of Christ, Moses sets men free. |
First to do List |
Questions |
* A question was asked about a Republican form of government. |
: “Tacitus repeatedly contrasts the res publica under the emperors with the pre-Augustus libera res publica..." See Republic. |
* What did Rome have in common with the world today? |
: To learn more about the metamorphoses of governments like the United States read Contracts, covenants and constitutions. |
* What is the perfect law of liberty, and do you live by faith, hope, and charity? |
* What are the two types of government welfare? |
* Were the Levites the church in the wilderness? |
* What did the Levites and the early Church have in common? |
Guru theories |
Robert Burk's book "Human Rights versus Legal Rights: why the church must separate from the state" presents his theory and claims of a new type of biblical economy.
It took some doing to get him to back up his claim without actually buying the book. Below are some quotes from what he finally shared and some of our radio broadcasts that deal with his and others who claim to have a solution. One reason we have taken some time to address his claims is because he says he is offering a solution that is "consistent with Scripture".
Robert Burk claim that there is a "concerted effort to shut down the only workable idea for creating anarchy one that is consistent with Scripture."
While it is true Jesus appointed a kingdom without rulers there is some question as to the nature of that biblical model.
Robert also writes that he has "developed over 60 years a new economic model that enables any community to become maximally self reliant."
On the radio broadcast I show why what he was willing to tell us is not workable nor consistent with scripture. But I will promote good elements of some of his ideas and show what one would need to do to make it truly workable and fit scripture.
Overall we see Robert's book as just another ill advised or even dangerous Guru theory which we address the why in the broadcasts below and the side panel.
According to John Wycliffe's introduction "This Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People." [1] But what does that look like?
In order to understand the message of the Bible it is wise to find out what the Church in the wilderness and the early Church were doing and their context in history. But most important you need to be willing to see the whole truth and provide for it.
<mp3player width="300"></mp3player> Play #1 in new window or download
<mp3player width="300"></mp3player>
Play #2 in new window or download
The following are what Robert Burk wrote and the audio above discuss:
- In my theory legal rights are obviously the rights given by the state. In the model this includes private ownership or the private enterprise system type of ownership. Human Rights are actually rights which exist because it is logically incoherent to deprive anyone of them. The right to life is a human right simply because to say humans do not have a right to life is logically, rationally and morally incoherent. The same goes for personal property, to say no one has a right to personal property creates chaose with no benefit. The key idea behind HRVLR is that while we have a human right to what we create we have no right to what others create.... this includes natural resouces ie the natural wealth of the world. Obviously this creates a dilemma because how do you create an arrowhead and obtain the value you create, the arrownhead, without laying claim to the natural resource, the flint from which the arrow was created. It is explaining all the ramifications of the dilemma and their resolution which takes up the space of HRLR. But resolve all the surrounding issues and one is left with anarchy and a state with no unemployment, debt or social costs. I put the book on Amazon. I will put a link below. I understand some people here have a moral issue with paying for books if this includes you or you have a financial issue I can pm a PDF. I actually like the convenience of Amazon and their service is so far been flawless.
Robert Burk 2:54am Oct 4
- Jesus commands we are to do his will, we are to love our neighbour (he describes this as acts not as a fuzzy wuzzy feelling), and we are to sell all we have and give to the poor. You understand how to do this... if not may I suggest you read my books.
- ”My use of terms is defined by internal coherence of the theory. I make no apologies if at times their usage diverges from conventional or idiosyncratic preferences. “
The Anarchist Algorithm
- The Anarchist’s Dilemma is how much risk can we accept as we remove controls from a population in which there are always a sizeable number of people willing to exploit power vacuums? The Anarchist Algorithm is a summary of the steps by which they can be done in a non risk forming manner.
- 1. Form or utilize a social network. This can be a group of friends, a church, a club or other organization even a business. To start one only needs a group of persons.
- 2. Register the organization if required in your location. The best form is as a not-for profit charitable institution. The organization can also be registered or formed as a cooperative. However, there is no need to undergo formal registration if the state does not require it.
- a. Define the purpose of the organization. Purpose is based on the abilities and assets of the participants.
- 3. Create a unit of exchange or currency. This can take any one of several forms. The currency is a voucher system composed of units that are multiples of one another in the same way conventional currency is produced.
- a. If the organization is registered as a corporation that is as a registered charity each participant obtains one Common Share, this is a voting share.
- 4. Define the organizations purpose. Look at the core strengths of the group. If all members are plumbers then the group can serve to allocate work to members, if the members are ladies who quilt then they can form a quilting group, if artists the group can be used to market art.
5. Capitalize the Exchange. Capitalization is acquiring assets needed by the Exchange to exercise its function consistent with its business plan. Capitalization is done through donations. Each donation receives a charitable receipt equal to the value donated. These receipts can be used to obtain a tax refund for cashed in with the organization for Preferred Shares or which ever currency system is used. If charitable status is not acquired the donations are paid for in units of the currency used by the group.
- a. If members wish to donate cash there are several ways of handling this. It is suggested you acquire a copy of Human Rights Versus Legal Rights (HRVLR) to understand various ways an Exchange can be capitalized using cash, goods and services and combinations of these.
- 6. Set up. It is a principle of an Exchange that all work is paid for and all services are paid for. No one works for free. In the set up and operation of an Exchange a set wage rate is established in terms of a living wage. $15.00 an hour is a good ball-park figure. The amount is not really important but a rate needs to be set and it makes sense to set it at a rate consistent with a reasonable wage.
- a. Anyone can set up an Exchange. The methods used are as unique as the individual’s construction the Exchange. Businesses and churches and other social organizations can all be converted to an Exchange. Any group of people with something in common can serve as the core of an Exchange.
- 7. Maintain accounts. The key to the functionality of an Exchange is the currency system. If the set-up is based on the Charitable organization model Preferred Shares can be issued in units that are multiples of each other, or vouchers can be used. Various types of credit vehicles may also be utilized. All that is needed is a way to keep accounts.
- 8. Promotion. Each new member can be given a credit balance to start, there is no risk to this. 50 units of the currency would be a possible credit to initiate exchanges. The system works because it becomes a lower cost option with greater opportunity for building prosperity. It does not require contracts or guarantees to work.
- 9. Growth. As members join the group grows. When there is a need due to differing priorities the group splits along the line of least resistance, the line that follows the point at which the greatest issue divides. A group of quilters and plumbers would split naturally into a group of quilters and a group focused on plumbing.
- 10. Administration. Both groups have a chair person who administrates at meetings, as the number of groups grow the chairs of these groups may appoint a member to chair a committee of the chairpersons. This group would deal with intergroup issues. More on administration and macroeconomics can be found in Human Rights Versus Legal Rights
- 11. Eliminating social costs. This form of organization is capable of eliminating all social costs. Social costs are costs created by one agent downloaded onto society and future generations.
- a. debt. Exchanges use a private currency. Only where payments must be made to Babylon will units of the national currency be needed. The larger the Exchange becomes the less need for conventional currencies there will be. This permits the Exchange to use any units of fiat currency acquired to pay down member debt. (see HRVLR for details).
- b. Eliminating unemployment. There is no need for unemployment in an Exchange for unemployment does not benefit anyone. The easiest way to grasp the Exchange model is to put in on an island with about 1000 persons. In a closed economy, it does not benefit anyone to live off the largesse of others.
- c. Eliminating the state. The state does not provide services. Burger joints and gas stations provide services. The public sector provides administration. There is no room to deal with this issue fully, please see HRVLR for a more developed illustration. Imagine a population of 1000 with five administrators. The population divides into Exchanges. The transportation group needs a road so they hire the construction Exchange to build a road. The administrators have nothing to do so are put in the Construction Exchange building roads.
- d. Eliminate risk. Insurance exists because we do not trust one another. When assets are sold to the Exchange the donation is reciprocated with a charitable receipt or preferred shares issued on the equity of the Exchange. If you donate a saw the saw becomes part of the Exchange’s equity, its value increases by $100.00 and so it is able to issue $100.00 in Preferred Shares. These shares become part of the capital of the Exchange and are used in the same way money is used in a conventional economy. Thus the Exchange currency is always backed by equity. The accumulated balances in the trust account opened to accept deposits of conventional currency forms can be applied to the reduction of debt increasing the liquidity of the Exchange. (More detail on this is found in HRVLR).
(Obviously the previous was intentionally kept as brief as possible but outlines the basic steps of forming an Intentional or anarchist economy).
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- ↑ attributed to the General Prologue to the John Wycliffe Bible translation of 1384.
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