Template:Seeking the Kingdom of God

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Seeking the Kingdom of God

The kingdom of the world or governments of the world gain their power over the people by the covetousness and sloth of people. Those governments of the world bind people by consent because the people seek the gifts, gratuities and benefits available by application through contract and debt. Additionally, things provided by borrowing money make the recipient a surety for the debt incurred. The Benefactors of benefits will then legally have a right to force the surety to comply to their will.

This is why the covetous practices of desiring benefits at the expense of your neighbors will make the people Merchandise and curse their children. By applying to the governments of the world, you effectively take something from your neighbor to gain a share for yourself. With this action you literally bite one another. This common practice of members of society "devouring" others to gain benefits for themselves is legitimatized through the power they, or their parents, have bestowed upon the governments via their covetous practices.

This whole scenario is not the way of love. It is not The Way of Christ, nor the prophets like John the Baptist who also told us to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We are called to repent of those covetous practices like the Corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect and the slothful practices that bring us under Tribute. We are instead to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, but Modern Christians are not told what that kingdom looks like, nor even what it means to repent.

The Kingdom of God or Heaven is a voluntary government operated by people freely coming together and caring about one another as much as they care about their own rights, life and liberties, those of their children, and even their neighbor's children and grandchildren. They do this in common service, one to another. They lay down their life daily and they freely give of themselves to set others free in love as Yeshua, A.K.A. Jesus the Christ, did. They take care of each other through love and charity.

This is not what the modern American or European or almost every nation is doing today, whether we call ourselves Christian or Jew, Buddhist or Muslim, Sikh or Hindu. Instead, in almost every country of the world, the people look to their government to take a portion from one class of citizen to provide for another.

Taking care of each other was the purpose of religions, and it was even part of the definition of Religion at one time in history. The Bible defines Pure Religion as the caring for the widows and orphans and needy of society without the aid from or application to the Benefactors of the world and the Fathers of the earth.

To freely congregate in faith, hope and charity by way of the perfect law of liberty is the only way to salvation. This is to be done in spirit and in truth.

The purpose of these email Networks is to create a living network of CORE groups, as was done, in the early Church established by Christ. When the unrighteous Mammon fails you will be ready for more righteous habitations. When Rome began to decline, Christians were just getting started. The failing of the Imperial Cult of Rome as a system of social welfare was supplanted by true Christians who would repent and seek that government of God and the righteousness of that God of love.

There are many tools of the Church; the people are to form a functioning network that survives, and it can serve Christ's purpose when the unrighteous Mammon and the entire banking system fails.

Everyone sees disaster coming, and Christ had the solution. That solution and the blessed strategy of God was salvation for the followers of Christ. That salvation does not come without Forgiveness and Sacrifice. This is done through repentance - changing the way you think, act and govern yourselves.

This is why Christ appointed His Apostles who organized thousands of people at the major feast of Pentecost. They let the people choose men of Good report to assist in the Daily ministration and the Church. Those appointed ministers of Christ were to be in the World but not of it. These men had to come into one accord and meet the qualifications of Christ in order to became the Benefactors who did not exercise authority but instead Fervent Charity.

The World and False religion has delivered us into Bondage in the spirit and truth of our Covetous Practices and Sloth.

The Network of the Kingdom of God allows us to begin a Repentant life of Charitable Practices which will set us free, rather than continue bondage in those Covetous Practices that have made us Merchandise and cursed our children.

By forming Congregations of Record rooted in a desire to serve in love for one another, you may begin to reverse the spiritual process that brought you into Bondage in Spirit and Truth.

A natural pattern may form by the ancient mechanics of choosing Ministers of Tens. Such gatherings of ministers and their congregations allow spiritual conduits to form in these living Altars of clay and stone.

We have been going in, and following, what can only be called wicked ways. It not only has brought us into bondage as a people, but on many levels, it is causing disturbances in the world we live. A storm is coming that will bring great destruction, but it may also stir an awakening in people; this is not to make you afraid, but to teach you to care. We have not lived by faith, but by force. We need to live by faith and love.[1] We are seeking those who will repent and step out in faith to save others, instead of seeking to save themselves first.

This is the name of Christ.

Steps to take on the network

Steps toward the Living Network.

All members of these email Network groups should follow these basic steps if they intend to honor these Network Purposes and the Network Guidelines.

If we will seek the face of God and the name of Christ and come to serve rather than be served, God will calm the storm and heal our land.[2]

If the Ministers will also begin to gather as true Congregations of Ministers in a spirit of righteous sacrifice, like Christ who demonstrated His love for us by His personal sacrifice, we will continue the formation of the pattern called the Kingdom of God. Service in love and dedication in charity is the fuel that powers society and allows the flow of God's grace and power.

If any will survive from this world to the next, they must be seeking to form together a living network of 10's, 100's, 1000's through the righteousness of God.

If you strive to do this with a repenting heart, you may continue to form a more righteous habitation. Your repentance draws the Holy Spirit, and it prepares a place for that spirit in each and all of us bound by love.

That is seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

I recommend people examine the material at His Holy Church and join or form a Congregation of record.
Ask questions and share your thoughts on the network or with your ministers so that we may all be in one accord.

  1. Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"
  2. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."