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The single biggest threat to liberty in America is the acceptance of legal charity through the power of civil authority as a moral practice. It is clearly a covetous practice forbidden by Christ and all the prophets but not the unrepentant Uniparty of modern politics. Br>The free "Bread and circuses" or panem et circenses of the Roman Empire was a part of the Public religion of the state which provided common social welfare for the masses.
Those government benefits from the Fathers of Rome who called themselves benefactors but exercised authority to provide those wages of unrighteousness through force rather than charity conflicted with the teachings of Jesus and the message of Christ who provide His Flesh and blood through a daily ministration of righteousness and love through the clergy of Christ and the love for one another through a network of charity and hope.


Today, in America, the country is divided by two extreme party ideologies that passionately separates the people but others see these two political institutions as the "Uniparty".

The term "Uniparty" suggest that these ostensibly separate political parties are actually able to function as a single body.

They are evidently united by a common corruption because they are both greedy for gain in the form of power and wealth.

They are only successful in this corruption because they appeal to a similar corruption in hearts and minds of the people.

The reason the "Uni-Party" and even the media is so corrupt is the people are also as corrupt and blind to it.

It has long been known, even before the ministry of Jesus Christ, that if "The masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force and violence. [Then] The people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others... [Will] institute the rule of [legal] violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch."

That "violence" comes in the form of "legal charity" where that now accepted appetite for benefits blinds the "masses" to the inevitable consequences of those "covetous practices".

The degeneration of conscience which justifies these "covetous practices" as moral also degenerates the "social bonds" need for a free society through the "perfect law of liberty".

moral strength

The New Testament tells us these practices will make the people human resources, literally "merchandise", and "curse children" as a collateral for debt.

A nation of people who "bite one another" through the "exercising authority" of governments will soon be "devoured" by those whom they empower.

When the rulers of the world of free bread served on the tables of the social welfare state take and take and take becomes so burdensome that the people cry out they may discover they neither have the strength to both throw off their oppressors and be the free government needed to replace it.

To regain the moral strength needed to become a free society they must rekindle those "social bonds" by replacing the civil tables of men who exercise authority withe the tables of Christ who exercised faith, hope, and charity, which is love.