Morals are the beliefs or prevailing standards of behavior that enable people to live cooperatively in groups such as in society, communities, or collectives, where beliefs are more the result of individul conviction and standards are the result of agreement or some form of mutual consent.
Moral often refers to what legal or civil societies sanction as right and acceptable, good or evil, legal or illegal.
What is moral is also considered to be ethical or virtuous.
Moral principles may transcend ages and cultures, such as what is considered just and fair according to Natural Law.
What is naturally Moral should be universal such Natural is not subject to the opininions of men and therefore social issues are the product of right reasoning, not the rule making of an autocratic authority created by civil law.
Social virtues suggest the interaction of members of society, such as gratitude which is the virtuous and natural reaction to the virtue of generosity.
For virtue to be real, it must be the result of choice.