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Israel as a nation went into bondage. Judea also went into bondage at the time of Christ. That bondage began when the people chose a leader who could exercise authority one over the other which they called a king. The Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 8 if we do that it was a rejection of God and will only be a matter of ti and he will take and take and take.

When the people wake up to their bondage they will cry out to God but we are told that he will not hear us. This is where repentance comes in. We cannot just Withdraw consent. We must Repent‎ and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

To give you some perspective on what we are doing on the Living Network I would like to bring to mind to all on the groups that Christ did not start with "come out " but with Repent‎ and Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The Modern_Christians generally do not have a good perspective on what the Christian conflict with the World was and or it meant to Repent‎ back then. It means the same today.

Repent meant to turn around and go another way.

The Modern_Christians does not understand the difference between Pure religion is and Public religion which includes the Worship of men as gods.

The way society was going, including electing Benefactors to provide them with a Corban that makes the word of God to none effect. It also made the state your father through what was and is called Pater Patriae. This involved three steps including Birth registration and accepting benefits provided at the expense of your neighbor in a social welfare scheme based on coveting your neighbors property and labor.

It is surprising how much the modern governments of today have followed the history and patterns of Rome.

If we can come together and be the Corban of Christ the World will kick us out like they did the Israelite in Exodus and the early Church at Pentecost.

To come out before that day we must come out like the ministers of God, Christ's disciples and the Levites and for the same reasons. Few understand that process and commitment.

This is why we wrote books like The Free Church Report.

What the Israelite and early Christians were doing as a people is poorly understood today so we wrote the book Thy Kingdom Comes. We do not understand the prohibitions on oaths and contracts from the beginning so I wrote the book The Covenants of the gods and Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions.

While these books and much more is available on line there is much more work that needs to be done.

You need to come together with the spirit of Christ, the spirit of sacrifice and service to each other based in love according to the Perfect law of liberty.

Join the Network, make it a living Network by forming CORE groups, come to serve like Christ.

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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

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