
The Golem (Hebrew: גולם meaning ‘shapeless mass’) in Jewish folklore is a clay (or out of stone) monster who has no soul but can act like a person to do its master bidding. But like Frankenstein monster or corpus of the Golem can turn on its master and destroy him.
Golem is an anthropomorphic being created from clay just like ancient contracts were written on clay tablets and baked to preserve the terms for the life of the agreement. They were sworn to by oaths to hold the parties captive to the agreement.
The word "truth", in Hebrew: Emet (אמת), written across his forehead of the Golem activates the the corpus of the Golem. By erasing the first letter aleph (א), Emet turns to Met (מת) meaning death, and the Golem is destroyed.
In Jewish legend this clay figure was brought to life by magic. Magic is not seen but like a binding oath it grants power where there was none before.

A corporation in ancient times was established by a contract written in clay and sworn to by the creators. It did not die as long as the clay contract existed and could go about as a person from generation to generation living beyond the laws of nature. The corporation can also turn on its creators and become a monster or beast wandering about wreaking havoc and destruction.
All government formed by Contracts, Covenants or Constitutions have a corporate nature to them and like the Golem may become beasts without souls turning on the next generation without mercy.

One early Golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague. There are many stories that carry the idea of a Golem type creature brought to life by ambition and greed but afterwards go out of control destroying their creator like the Beast of Revelation. The essential elements remain much the same.
Three Audio files
Taken from archive at
Golem, a creature in Hebrew folklore that created out of clay, then animated. A Frankenstein analogy of a corporation. Part of the Free Justina. Conversation with Mosheh. Resist not evil.
Part of the Contracts, Covenants & Constitutions book.
Is the US constitution is a biblical document or the ultimate imperial Golem.
Third hour in news series, emphasis on Ebola. includes a part on Genetic engineering with pots and pans. Golem; Meta-physical parable for a corporation.
Trust |
Sacred Purpose Trusts
Auxiliary |
Ex officio |
Trusting in the Kingdom
Friends_of_His_Church |
Family trusts |
Trustees Delegates and Agents
Agency vs Trust |
Unincorporated association
Corporation Sole
Tithing |
Why Congregate |
Slothful |
Study |
Kingdom Business |
== Footnotes ==
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