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Kappa (Strong's 2504-2974)

2504 κἀγώ kago [kag-o’] or καί ἐγώ dative κἀμοί kamoi [kam-oy’,] accusative κἀμέ kame [kam-eh’] from 2532 and 1473; conj; AV-and I 34, I also 17, so I 4, I 4, even I 3, me also 3, misc 7; 72

1) and I
2) I also, I as well, I likewise, in like manner I
3) even I, this selfsame I

2508 καθαίρω kathairo [kath-ah’-ee-ro] from 2513 clean; v; TDNT-3:413,381; [{See TDNT 342 }] AV-purge 2; 2

1) to cleanse, of filth impurity, etc
1a) to prune trees and vines from useless shoots
1b) metaph. from guilt, to expiate

2513 καθαρός katharos [kath-ar-os’] of uncertain affinity; adj; TDNT-3:413,381; [{See TDNT 342 }] AV-pure 17, clean 10, clear 1; 28

1) clean, pure
1a) physically
1a1) purified by fire
1a2) in a similitude, like a vine cleansed by pruning and so fitted to bear fruit
1b) in a levitical sense
1b1) clean, the use of which is not forbidden, imparts no uncleanness
1c) ethically
1c1) free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt
1c2) free from every admixture of what is false, sincere genuine
1c3) blameless, innocent
1c4) unstained with the guilt of anything
  • For Synonyms see entry 5840 & 5896

2516. καθεζομαὶ kathezomai kath-ed’-zom-ahee; from 2596 and the base of 1476; to sit down: —  sit. ‭

2519 ~καθηγητής~ kathegetes \@kath-ayg-ay-tace’\@ from a compound of 2596 and 2233; ; n m AV-master 3; 3

1) a guide
2) a master, teacher

2520 καθήκω katheko [kath-ay’-ko] from 2596 and 2240 heko to seek an intimacy; v; TDNT-3:437,385; [{See TDNT 344 }] AV-fit 1, convenient 1; 2

1) to come down
2) to come to, reach to
2a) it is becoming
2b) it is fit
  • Kathēkonta are contrasted in Stoic ethics with katorthōma(see Acts 24:2). Kathēkon is a Greek concept, forged by the founder of Stoicism, Zeno of Citium. It may be translated as "appropriate behaviour", "befitting actions", or "convenient action for nature", or also "proper function". The term kathēkon was translated in Latin by Cicero as officium, and by Seneca as convenentia.(see Romans 1:28)
    Whatever the sages of Stoicism would do is what a human being should do as a right action (katorthōma), which is obedient to nature which is the primary sense of kathēkon. To Christianize the Stoic katorthoma, which is a duty of everyman, we must fulfill that duty with fervent charity as opposed to legal charity which feeds not the humility of the soul through daily sacrifice and love but degenerates the soul of the masses and their tyrants.

2521 ~κάθημαι~ kathemai \@kath’-ay-mahee\@ from 2596, and hemai (to sit, akin to the base of 1476); v AV-sit 82, sit down 3, sit by 2, be set down 1, dwell 1; 89

1) to sit down, seat one’s self
2) to sit, be seated, of a place occupied
2a) to have a fixed abode, to dwell

2523 ~καθίζω~ kathizo \@kath-id’-zo\@ another (active) form for 2516 sit; v AV-sit 26, sit down 14, set 2, be set 2, be set down 2, continue 1, tarry 1; 48

1) to make to sit down
1a) to set, appoint, to confer a kingdom on one
2) intransitively
2a) to sit down
2b) to sit
2b1) to have fixed one’s abode
2b2) to sojourn, to settle, settle down
  • καθίσας (kathisas) — 11 Occurrences
Mark 9:35 
..."he sat down"" to make ruling.
Mark 12:41 
Jesus sat over against the treasury[1]
[[Luke 5]):3 
 And he sat down, and taught
Luke 14:28 ... 31
 sitteth not down first, and counteth... and consulteth
Luke 16:6 
bill, and sit down quickly, and write
John 8:2 
him; and he sat down, and taught them.
Acts 12:21 
in royal apparel, sat upon his throne,
Acts 25:6 
 and the next day sitting on
[[Acts 25]):17 
 on the morrow I sat on
Ephesians 1:20 
 the dead, and set [him] at his own

2525 ~καθίστημι~ kathistemi \@kath-is’-tay-mee\@ from 2596 and 2476; v AV-make 8, make ruler 6, ordain 3, be 2, appoint 1, conduct 1, set 1; 22

1) to set, place, put
1a) to set one over a thing (in charge of it)
1b) to appoint one to administer an office
1c) to set down as, constitute, to declare, show to be
1d) to constitute, to render, make, cause to be
1e) to conduct or bring to a certain place
1f) to show or exhibit one’s self
1f1) come forward as

2532 καί kai [kahee] apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; conj; AV-and 8173, also 514, even 108, both 43, then 20, so 18, likewise 13, not tr. 350, misc 31, vr and 1; 9251

1) and, also, even, indeed, but

2540 ~καιρός~ kairos \@kahee-ros’\@ of uncertain affinity; TDNT-3:455,389; {See TDNT 348} n m AV-time 64, season 13, opportunity 2, due time 2, always + 1722 + 3956 2, not tr 1, misc 3; 87

1) due measure
2) a measure of time, a larger or smaller portion of time, hence:
2a) a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for
2b) opportune or seasonable time
2c) the right time
2d) a limited period of time
2e) to what time brings, the state of the times, the things and events of time

2549 κακία kakia kak-ee’-ah from 2556; TDNT-3:482,391; {See TDNT 351} n f AV-malice 6, maliciousness 2, evil 1, wickedness 1, naughtiness 1; 11

1) malignity, malice, ill-will, desire to injure
2) wickedness, depravity
2a) wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws
3) evil, trouble
  • For Synonyms see entry 5855

2550 ~κακοήθεια~ kakoetheia \@kak-o-ay’-thi-ah\@ from a compound of 2556 and 2239; TDNT-3:485,391; {See TDNT 351} n f AV-malignity 1; 1

1) bad character, depravity of heart and life
2) malignant subtlety, malicious craftiness

2551 κακολογέω kakologeo [kak-ol-og-eh’-o] from a compound of 2556 evil and 3056 words, thing; v; TDNT-3:468,391; [{ See TDNT 350 }] AV-curse 2, speak evil of 2; 4

1) to speak evil of, revile, abuse, one
2) to curse

2552 κακοπάθεια kakopatheia [kak-op-ath’-i-ah] from a compound of 2556 and 3806; n f; TDNT-5:936,798; [{ See TDNT 606 }] AV-suffering affliction 1; 1

1) the suffering of evil, i.e. trouble, distress, afflicted

2553 ~κακοπαθέω~ kakopatheo \@kak-op-ath-eh’-o\@ from the same as 2552; TDNT-5:936,798; {See TDNT 606} v AV-endure hardness 1, suffer trouble 1, endure affliction 1, be afflicted 1; 4

1) to suffer (endure) evils (hardships, troubles)
2) to be afflicted

2554 κακοποιέω kakopoieo [kak-op-oy-eh’-o] from 2555 kakopoios meaning "an evil doer, malefactor" from kakos meaning "evil ...destructive"; v; TDNT-3:485,391; [{See TDNT 351 }] AV-do evil 3, evil doing 1; 4

1) to do harm
2) to do evil, do wrong

2555 κακοποιός kakopoios [kak-op-oy-os’] from 2556 and 4160; adj; TDNT-3:485,391; [{See TDNT 351 }] AV-evildoer 4, malefactor 1; 5

1) an evil doer, malefactor

2556 ~κακός~ kakos \@kak-os’\@ apparently a primary word; TDNT-3:469,391; {See TDNT 351} adj AV-evil 40, evil things 3, harm 2, that which is evil + 3458 2, wicked 1, ill 1, bad 1, noisome 1; 51

1) of a bad nature
1a) not such as it ought to be
2) of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting
2a) base, wrong, wicked
3) troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful
For Synonyms see entry 5908

2557 κακοῦργος kakourgos [kak-oor’-gos] from 2556 and the base of 2041; adj; TDNT-3:484,391; [{ See TDNT 351 }] AV-malefactor 3, evil doer 1; 4

1) a malefactor

2558 κακουχέω kakoucheo [kak-oo-kheh’-o] from a presumed compound of 2556 and 2192; v; AV-torment 1, suffer adversity 1; 2

1) to treat ill, oppress, plague

2559 κακόω kakoo [kak-o’-o] from 2556; v; TDNT-3:484,391; [{See TDNT 351 }] AV-entreat evil 2, make evil affected 1, vex 1, hurt 1, harm 1; 6

1) to oppress, afflict, harm, maltreat
2) to embitter, render evil affected

2560 κακῶς kakos [kak-oce’] from 2556; TDNT-4:1091,*; adv; AV-be sick + 2192 7, be diseased + 2192 2, evil 2, grievously 1, sore 1, miserable 1, amiss 1, sick people + 2192 1; 16

1) miserable, to be ill
2) improperly, wrongly
3) to speak ill of, revile, one

2564 καλέω kaleo [kal-eh’-o] akin to the base of 2753 to command; v; TDNT-3:487,394; [{See TDNT 352 }] AV-call 125, bid 16, be so named 1, named + 3686 1, misc 3; 146

1) to call
1a) to call aloud, utter in a loud voice
1b) to invite
2) to call i.e. to name, by name
2a) to give a name to
2a1) to receive the name of, receive as a name
2a2) to give some name to one, call his name
2b) to be called i.e. to bear a name or title (among men)
2c) to salute one by name
  • For Synonyms see entry 5823

2570 καλός kalos [kal-os’] of uncertain affinity; adj; TDNT-3:536,402; [{See TDNT 353 }] AV-good 83, better 7, honest 5, meet 2, goodly 2, misc 3; 102

1) beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable
1a) beautiful to look at, shapely, magnificent
1b) good, excellent in its nature and characteristics, and therefore well adapted to its ends
1b1) genuine, approved
1b2) precious
1b3) joined to names of men designated by their office, competent, able, such as one ought to be
1b4) praiseworthy, noble
1c) beautiful by reason of purity of heart and life, and hence praiseworthy
1c1) morally good, noble
1d) honourable, conferring honour
1e) affecting the mind agreeably, comforting and confirming

For Synonyms see entry 5893

2572 καλύπτω kalupto [kal-oop’-to] akin to 2813 klepto to steal and 2928 to conceal coceal; v; TDNT-3:536,405; [{See TDNT 354 }] AV-cover 5, hide 3; 8

1) to hide, veil
1a) to hinder the knowledge of a thing

2573 καλῶς kalos [kal-oce’] from 2570; adv; AV-well 30, good 2, full well 1, misc. 3; 36

1) beautifully, finely, excellently, well
1a) rightly, so that there shall be no room for blame, well, truly
1b) excellently, nobly, commendably
1c) honourably, in honour
1c1) in a good place, comfortable
1d) to speak well of one, to do good
1e) to be well (of those recovering health)

2588 καρδία kardia [kar-dee’-ah] prolonged from a primary kar (Latin, cor, "heart"); n f; TDNT- 3:605,415; [{See TDNT 359 }] AV-heart 159, broken hearted + 4937 1; 160

1) the heart
1a) that organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation of the blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life
1b) denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life
1b1) the vigour and sense of physical life
1b2) the centre and seat of spiritual life
1b2a) the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours
1b2b) of the understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence
1b2c) of the will and character
1b2d) of the soul so far as it is affected and stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat of the sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions
1c) of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even though inanimate

2594 ~καρτερέω~ kartereo \@kar-ter-eh’-o\@ from a derivative of a word meaning dominion 2904 (transp.); TDNT-3:617,417; {See TDNT 361} v AV-endure 1; 1

1) to be steadfast

2596 ~κατά~ kata \@kat-ah’\@ a primary particle; ; prep AV-according to 107, after 61, against 58, in 36, by 27, daily + 2250 15, as 11, misc 165; 480

1) down from, through out
2) according to, toward, along

2615 ~καταδουλόω~ katadouloo \@kat-ad-oo-lo’-o\@ from 2596 and 1402 douloo "to make a slave of"; v AV-bring into bondage 2; 2

1) to bring into bondage, enslave
2) to enslave to one’s self, bring into bondage to one’s self

2621 ~κατάκειμαι~ katakeimai \@kat-ak’-i-mahee\@ from 2596 and 2749; TDNT-3:655,425; {See TDNT 378} v AV-lie 6, sit at meat 3, keep 1, sat down + 2258 1; 11

1) to have lain down, i.e. to lie prostrate
1a) of the sick
1b) of those at meals, to recline

2625 ~κατακλίνω~ kataklino \@kat-ak-lee’-no\@ from 2596 and 2827; ; v AV-sit down 1, sit at meat 1, make sit down 1; 3

1) in the NT in reference to eating, to make to recline
2) to recline (at a table)

2632 κατακρίνω katakrinō kat-ak-ree'-no from 2596 and 2919, From kata and krino; to judge against, i.e. Sentence -- condemn, damn. Verb; TDNT entry: 18:51,5

1 to give judgment against, to judge worthy of punishment, to condemn
a. by one's good example to render another's wickedness the
b. more evident and censurable
2. to judge against, that is, sentence: - condemn, damn.

2634 κατακυριεύω katakurieuo [kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo’-o] from 2596 according and 2961 "to be lord of, to rule, have dominion"; v; TDNT-3:1098,486; [{See TDNT 418 }] AV-exercise dominion over 1, overcome 1, be lord over 1, exercise lordship over 1; 4

1) to bring under one’s power, to subject one’s self, to subdue, master
2) to hold in subjection, to be master of, exercise lordship over

2637 ~κατάλαλος~ katalalos \@kat-al’-al-os\@ from 2596 and the base of 2980; TDNT-4:3,495; {See TDNT 423} adj AV-backbiter 1; 1

1) a defamer, evil speaker

2647 ~καταλύω~ kataluo \@kat-al-oo’-o\@ from 2596 and 3089; v AV-destroy 9, throw down 3, lodge 1, guest 1, come to nought 1, overthrow 1, dissolve 1; 17

1) to dissolve, disunite
1a) (what has been joined together), to destroy, demolish
1b) metaph. to overthrow i.e. render vain, deprive of success, bring to naught
1b1) to subvert, overthrow
1b1a) of institutions, forms of government, laws, etc., to deprive of force, annul, abrogate, discard
1c) of travellers, to halt on a journey, to put up, lodge (the figurative expression originating in the circumstance that, to put up for the night, the straps and packs of the beasts of burden are unbound and taken off; or, more correctly from the fact that the traveller’s garments, tied up when he is on the journey, are unloosed at it end)

2663. καταπαυσις katapausis kat-ap’-ow-sis; from 2664 katapauo from 2596 kata about and 3973 pauo cease; Pto settle down, i.e. (literally) to colonize, ; reposing down, i.e. (by Hebraism) abode: —  rest. ‭

2675 ~καταρτίζω~ katartizo \@kat-ar-tid’-zo\@ from 2596 and a derivative of 739; TDNT-1:475,80; {See TDNT 100} v AV-perfect 2, make perfect 2, mend 2, be perfect 2, fit 1, frame 1, prepare 1, restore 1, perfectly joined together 1; 13

1) to render, i.e. to fit, sound, complete
1a) to mend (what has been broken or rent), to repair
1a1) to complete
1b) to fit out, equip, put in order, arrange, adjust
1b1) to fit or frame for one’s self, prepare
1c) ethically: to strengthen, perfect, complete, make one what he ought to be

2686 κατασοφίζομαι katasophizomai [kat-as-of-id’-zom-ahee] middle voice from 2596 and 4679; v; AV-deal subtilly with 1; 1

1) to circumvent by artifice or fraud, conquer by subtle devices (sophistry)
2) to outwit
3) overreach
4) to deal craftily with

2690 καταστρέφω katastrepho [kat-as-tref’-o] from 2596 and 4762; v; TDNT-7:715,1093; [{See TDNT 752 }] AV-overthrow 2; 2

1) to turn over, turn under
1a) the soil with a plough
2) to overturn, overthrow, throw down

2698 ~κατατίθημι~ katatithemi \@kat-at-ith’-ay-mee\@ from 2596 and 5087; ; v AV-lay 1, show 1, do 1; 3

1) to lay down, deposit, lay up
2) to lay by or up for one’s self, for future use
3) to lay up favour for one’s self with any one, to gain favour with (to do something for one which may win favour)

2699 ~κατατομή~ katatome \@kat-at-om-ay’\@ from a compound of 2596 and temno (to cut); n f AV-concision 1; 1

1) to cut up, mutilation, spoiling

2729 κατισχύω katischuo [kat-is-khoo’-o] from 2596 and 2480; v; TDNT-3:397,378; [{See TDNT 338 }] AV-prevail against 1, prevail 1; 2

1) to be strong to another’s detriment, to prevail against
2) to be superior in strength
3) to overcome
4) to prevail

2735 κατόρθωμα katorthoma [kat-or’-tho-mah] from a compound of 2596 kata and a derivative of 3717 orthos upright [cf 1357]; n n; AV-very worthy deed 1; 1

1) a right action, a successful achievement
1a) of wholesome public measures or institutions
  • Kathēkonta are contrasted in Stoic ethics with katorthōma(see Acts 24:2). Kathēkon is a Greek concept, forged by the founder of Stoicism, Zeno of Citium. It may be translated as "appropriate behaviour", "befitting actions", or "convenient action for nature", or also "proper function". The term kathēkon was translated in Latin by Cicero as officium, and by Seneca as convenentia.(see Romans 1:28)
    Whatever the sages of Stoicism would do is what a human being should do as a right action (katorthōma), which is obedient to nature which is the primary sense of kathēkon. To Christianize the Stoic katorthoma, which is a duty of everyman, we must fulfill that duty with fervent charity as opposed to legal charity which feeds not the humility of the soul through daily sacrifice and love but degenerates the soul of the masses and their tyrants.

2744 ~καυχάομαι~ kauchaomai \@kow-khah’-om-ahee\@ from some (obsolete) base akin to that of aucheo (to boast) and 2172; TDNT-3:645,423; {See TDNT 377} v AV-glory 23, boast 8, rejoice 4, make boast 2, joy 1; 38

1) to glory (whether with reason or without)
2) to glory on account of a thing
3) to glory in a thing
  • The antitheses of humility.

2745 καύχημα kauchema [kow’-khay-mah] from 2744; n n; TDNT-3:645,423; [{See TDNT 377 }] AV-rejoicing 4, to glory 3, glorying 2, boasting 1, rejoice 1; 11

1) that of which one glories or can glory, matter or ground of glorying2) a glorying or boasting

2749 ~κεῖμαι~ keimai \@ki’-mahee\@ middle voice of a primary verb; TDNT-3:654,425; {See TDNT 378} v AV-lie 9, be laid 6, be set 6, be appointed 1, be 1, be made 1, laid up 1, there 1; 26

1) to lie
1a) of an infant
1b) of one buried
1c) of things that quietly cover some spot
1c1) of a city situated on a hill
1d) of things put or set in any place, in ref. to which we often use "to stand"
1d1) of vessels, of a throne, of the site of a city, of grain and other things laid up together, of a foundation
2) metaph.
2a) to be (by God’s intent) set, i.e. destined, appointed
2b) of laws, to be made, laid down
2c) lies in the power of the evil one, i.e. is held in subjection by the devil

2753 ~κελεύω~ keleuo \@kel-yoo’-o\@ from a primary kello (to urge on); ; v AV-command 24, at (one’s) command 1, give commandment 1, bid 1; 27

1) to command, to order

2756 ~κενός~ kenos \@ken-os’\@ apparently a primary word; TDNT-3:659,426; {See TDNT 380} adj AV-vain 9, in vain 4, empty 4, vain things 1; 18

1) empty, vain, devoid of truth
1a) of places, vessels, etc. which contain nothing
1b) of men
1b1) empty handed
1b2) without a gift
1c) metaph. destitute of spiritual wealth, of one who boasts of his faith as a transcendent possession, yet is without the fruits of faith
1d) metaph. of endeavours, labours, acts, which result in nothing, vain, fruitless, without effect
1d1) vain of no purpose

2760 ~κεντυρίων~ kenturion \@ken-too-ree’-ohn\@ of Latin origin; ; n m AV-centurion 3; 3

1) centurion, an officer in the Roman army
  • Mark 15:39 And when the centurion <2760>, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.
  • Mark 15:44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion <2760>, he asked him whether he had been any while dead.
  • Mark 15:45 And when he knew it of the centurion <2760>, he gave the body to Joseph.

2770 κερδαίνω kerdaino [ker-dah’-ee-no] from 2771 lucre ; v; TDNT-3:672,428; [{See TDNT 383 }] AV-gain 13, win 2, get gain 1, vr gain 1; 17

1) to gain, acquire, to get gain
2) metaph.
2a) of gain arising from shunning or escaping from evil (where we say "to spare one’s self," "be spared")
2b) to gain any one i.e. to win him over to the kingdom of God, to gain one to faith in Christ
2c) to gain Christ’s favour and fellowship

2771 κέρδος kerdos [ker’-dos] of uncertain affinity; n n; TDNT-3:672,428; [{See TDNT 383 }] AV-gain 2, lucre 1; 3

1) gain, advantage

2776 κεφαλή kephale [kef-al-ay’] from the primary kapto (in the sense of seizing); n f; TDNT- 3:673,136,429; [{See TDNT 168 }] [{See TDNT 382 }] AV-head 76; 76

1) the head, both of men and often of animals. Since the loss of the head destroys life, this word is used in the phrases relating to capital and extreme punishment.
2) metaph. anything supreme, chief, prominent
2a) of persons, master lord: of a husband in relation to his wife
2b) of Christ: the Lord of the husband and of the Church
2c) of things: the corner stone

2778 ~κῆνσος~ kensos \@kane’-sos\@ of Latin origin; ; n m AV-tribute 4; 4

1) census (among the Romans, denoting a register and valuation of property in accordance with which taxes were paid), in the NT the tax or tribute levied on individuals and to be paid yearly. (our capitation or poll tax)
2) the coin with which the tax is paid, tribute money
  • Other words translated tribute in the New Testament include 5411 and 1323.

2784 ~κηρύσσω~ kerusso \@kay-roos’-so\@ of uncertain affinity; TDNT-3:697,430; {See TDNT 385} v AV-preach 51, publish 5, proclaim 2, preached + 2258 2, preacher 1; 61

1) to be a herald, to officiate as a herald
1a) to proclaim after the manner of a herald
1b) always with the suggestion of formality, gravity and an authority which must be listened to and obeyed
2) to publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done
3) used of the public proclamation of the gospel and matters pertaining to it, made by John the Baptist, by Jesus, by the apostles and other Christian teachers

2801 κλάσμα klasma [klas’-mah] from 2806 klao break; n n; TDNT-3:726,437; [{See TDNT 389 }] AV-fragment 7, broken meat 2; 9

1) a fragment, broken piece
1a) remnants of food

2805 κλαυθμός klauthmos [klowth-mos’] from 2799 klaio to mourn; n m; TDNT-3:725,436; [{See TDNT 388 }] AV-weeping 6, wailing 2, weep 1; 9

1) weeping, lamentation

2807 κλείς kleis [klice] from 2808 kleio v shut metaph. to shut up compassion; n f; TDNT-3:744,439; [{See TDNT 390 }] AV-key 6; 6

1) a key
1a) since the keeper of the keys has the power to open and to shut
1b) metaph. in the NT to denote power and authority of various kinds

2808 κλείω kleio [kli’-o] a primary verb, see 2807; v; AV-shut 12, shut up 4; 16

1) to shut, shut up
2) metaph.
2a) to cause the heavens to withhold rain
2b) to shut up compassion so that it is like a thing inaccessible to one, to be devoid of pity towards one
2c) to obstruct the entrance into the kingdom of heaven

2812 ~κλέπτης~ kleptes \@klep’-tace\@ from 2813 klepto v. to steal; TDNT-3:754,441; {See TDNT 391} n m AV-thief 16; 16

1) an embezzler, pilferer
1a) the name is transferred to false teachers, who do not care to instruct men, but abuse their confidence for their own gain

2816 ~κληρονομέω~ kleronomeo \@klay-ron-om-eh’-o\@ from 2818; TDNT-3:767,442; {See TDNT 393} v AV-inherit 15, be heir 2, obtain by inheritance 1; 18

1) to receive a lot, receive by lot
1a) esp. to receive a part of an inheritance, receive as an inheritance, obtain by right of inheritance
1b) to be an heir, to inherit
2) to receive the portion assigned to one, receive an allotted portion, receive as one’s own or as a possession
3) to become partaker of, to obtain

2819 ~κλῆρος~ kleros \@klay’-ros\@ probably from 2806 (through the idea of using bits of wood, etc., for the purpose); n m AV-lot 8, part 2, inheritance 2, heritage 1; 13

1) an object used in casting or drawing lots, which was either a pebble, or a potsherd, or a bit of wood
1a) the lots of several persons concerned, inscribed with their names, were thrown together into a vase, which was then shaken, and he whose lot fell out first upon the ground was the one chosen
2) what is obtained by lot, allotted portion
2a) a portion of the ministry common to the apostles
2b) used of the part which one will have in eternal salvation
2b1) of salvation itself
2b2) the eternal salvation which God has assigned to the saints
2c) of persons
2c1) those whose care and oversight has been assigned to one [allotted charge], used of Christian churches, the administration of which falls to the lot of presbyters

lot Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, John 19:24, Acts 1:26, Acts 8:21
part Acts 1:17, Acts 1:25
inheritance Acts 26:18, Colossians 1:12, 1 Peter 5:3 heritage

2821 κλῆσις klesis [klay’-sis] from a shorter form of 2564; n f; TDNT-3:491,394; [{See TDNT 352 }] AV-calling 10, vocation 1; 11

1) a calling, calling to
2) a call, invitation
2a) to a feast
2b) of the divine invitation to embrace salvation of God

2825 κλίνη kline [klee’-nay] from 2827 incline; n n; AV-bed 9, table 1; 10

1) a small bed, a couch
2) a couch to recline on at meals
3) a couch on which a sick man is carried

2827 ~κλίνω~ klino \@klee’-no\@ a root word; ; v AV-lay 2, bow 1, bow down 1, be far spent 1, turn to fight 1, wear away 1; 7

1) transitively
1a) to incline, bow
1b) to cause to fall back
1c) to recline
1c1) in a place for repose
2) intransitively
2a) to incline one’s self
2a1) of the declining of the day

2828 κλισία klisia [klee-see’-ah] from a derivative of 2827 klino to lay or fall; n f; AV-company 1; 1

1) a hut erected to pass the night in
2) a tent
3) anything to recline on
3a) a chair in which to lean back the head
3b) a reclining chair
4) a company reclining
4a) a row or party of persons reclining at meal

2835 ~κοδράντης~ kodrantes \@kod-ran’-tace\@ of Latin origin; ; n m AV-farthing 2; 2

1) a quadrans (about the fourth part of an "as"); in the NT a coin equal to one half the Attic chalcus worth about 3/8 of a cent
  • Matthew 5:26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing <2835>.
  • Mark 12:42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing <2835>.

2837 κοιμάω koimao [koy-mah’-o] from 2749 to lie, or set, metaphor "in the power of the evil one, i.e. is held in subjection by the devil"; v; AV-sleep 10, fall asleep 4, be asleep 2, fall on sleep 1, be dead 1; 18

1) to cause to sleep, put to sleep
2) metaph.
2a) to still, calm, quiet
2b) to fall asleep, to sleep
2c) to die

2839 ~κοινός~ koinos \@koy-nos’\@ probably from 4862; TDNT-3:789,447; {See TDNT 395} adj AV-common 7, unclean 3, defiled 1, unholy 1; 12

1) common
2) common i.e. ordinary, belonging to generality
2a) by the Jews, unhallowed, profane, Levitically unclean

It primarily meant "common, mutual, shared, joint".

2840 κοινόω koinoo [koy-no’-o] from 2839 adj. koinos common; v; TDNT-3:809,447; [{See TDNT 395 }] AV-defile 11, call common 2, pollute 1, unclean 1; 15

1) to make common
1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane
1b) to declare or count unclean

2842 ~κοινωνία~ koinonia \@koy-nohn-ee’-ah\@ from 2844 partaker ; TDNT-3:797,447; {See TDNT 395} n f AV-fellowship 12, communion 4, communication 1, distribution 1, contribution 1, to communicate 1; 20

1) fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse
1a) the share which one has in anything, participation
1b) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy
1b1) the right hand as a sign and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office)
1c) a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of fellowship

2844 ~κοινωνός~ koinonos \@koy-no-nos’\@ from 2839; TDNT-3:797,447; {See TDNT 395} n m AV-partaker 5, partner 3, fellowship 1, companion 1; 10

1) a partner, associate, comrade, companion
2) a partner, sharer, in anything
2a) of the altar in Jerusalem on which the sacrifices are offered
2a1) sharing in the worship of the Jews
2b) partakers of (or with) demons
2b1) brought into fellowship with them, because they are the authors of heathen worship

2849 κολάζω kolazo [kol-ad’-zo] from kolos (dwarf); v; TDNT-3:814,451; [{See TDNT 397 }] AV-punish 2; 2

1) to lop or prune, as trees and wings
2) to curb, check, restrain
3) to chastise, correct, punishment
4) to cause to be punished

2850. κολακεια kolakeia kol-ak-i’-ah; from a derivative of κολαξ kolax (a fawner); flattery: —  X flattering.

2853 ~κολλάω~ kollao \@kol-lah’-o\@ from kolla ("glue"); TDNT-3:822,452; {See TDNT 400} v AV-join (one’s) self 4, cleave 3, be joined 2, keep company 1, vr reach 1; 11

1) to glue, to glue together, cement, fasten together
2) to join or fasten firmly together
3) to join one’s self to, cleave to

2856 κολοβόω koloboo [kol-ob-o’-o] from a derivative of the base of 2849; v; TDNT-3:823,452; [{ See TDNT 401 }] AV-shorten 4; 4

1) to mutilate
2) in NT: to shorten, abridge, curtail

2865 ~κομίζω~ komizo \@kom-id’-zo\@ from a primary komeo (to tend, i.e. take care of); ; v AV-receive 10, bring 1; 11

1) to care for, take care of, provide for
2) to take up or carry away in order to care for and preserve
3) to carry away, bear off
4) to carry, bear, bring to, to carry away for one’s self, to carry off what is one’s own, to bring back
4a) to receive, obtain: the promised blessing
4b) to receive what was previously one’s own, to get back, receive back, recover

2875 κόπτω kopto [kop’-to] a root word; v; TDNT-3:830,453; [{See TDNT 405 }] AV-bewail 2, lament 2, cut down 2, wail 1, mourn 1; 8

1) to cut, strike, smite
2) to cut from, cut off
3) to beat one’s breast for grief
  • For Synonyms see entry 5932

2878 ~κορβᾶν~ korban \@kor-ban’\@ and ~κορβανάς~ korbanas \@kor-ban-as’\@ of Hebrew and Aramaic origin respectively 07133 ^ןברק^; TDNT-3:860,459; {See TDNT 406} n m AV-treasury 1, corban 1; 2

1) a gift offered (or to be offered) to God
2) the sacred treasury
  • Matthew 27:6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury <2878>, because it is the price of blood.
  • Mark 7:11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban <2878>, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.

2886 ~κοσμικός~ kosmikos \@kos-mee-kos’\@ from 2889 (in its secondary sense); TDNT-3:897,459; {See TDNT 407} adj AV-worldly 2; 2

1) of or belonging to the world
1a) relating to the universe
1b) earthly
1c) worldly, i.e. having the character of this present corrupt kosmizo

2888 ~κοσμοκράτωρ~ kosmokrator \@kos-mok-rat’-ore\@ from 2889 and 2902; n m AV-ruler 1; 1

1) lord of the world, prince of this age
1a) the devil and his demons

2889 ~κόσμος~ kosmos \@kos’-mos\@ probably from the base of 2865; TDNT-3:868,459; {See TDNT 407} n m AV-world 186, adorning 1; 187

1) an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government
2) ornament, decoration, adornment, i.e. the arrangement of the stars, ‘the heavenly hosts’, as the ornament of the heavens. #1Pe 3:3
3) the world, the universe
4) the circle of the earth, the earth
5) the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
6) the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ
7) world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly
7a) the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting,stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ
8) any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort
8a) the Gentiles as contrasted to the Jews {#Ro 11:12 etc}
8b) of believers only, {#Joh 1:29; 3:16; 3:17; 6:33; 12:47 1Co 4:9; 2Co 5:19} {See Pink_Sovereignity Appendix D, John 3:16 21}
  • For Synonyms see entry 5921

2891 κοῦμι koumi [koo’-mee] of Aramaic origin 06966 קוּמִי‎; v; AV-cumi 1; 1

1) arise

2902. κρατεω krateo krat-eh’-o; from kratos 2904 power, dominion; to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): —  hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, retain, take (by).

2904 ~κράτος~ kratos \@krat’-os\@ perhaps a primary word; TDNT-3:905,466; {See TDNT 410} n n AV-power 6, dominion 4, strength 1, mighty + 2596 1; 12

1) force, strength
2) power, might: mighty with great power
2a) a mighty deed, a work of power
3) dominion
For Synonyms see entry 5820

2907 ~κρέας~ kreas \@kreh’-as\@ perhaps a primary word; ; n n AV-flesh 2; 2

1) (the) flesh (of a sacrificed animal)

2908 ~κρεῖσσον~ kreisson \@krice’-son\@ neuter of an alternate form of 2909; ; adv AV-better 2; 2

1) better, i.e. greater advantage

2909 ~κρείττων~ kreitton \@krite’-tohn\@ comparative of a derivative of 2904; ; adj AV-better 17, best 1; 18

1) more useful, more serviceable, more advantageous
2) more excellent

2917 ~κρίμα~ krima \@kree’-mah\@ from 2919 krino judge to separate; n n AV-judgment 13, damnation 7, condemnation 5, be condemned 1, go to law + 2192 1, avenge + 2919 1; 28

1) a decree, judgments
2) judgment
2a) condemnation of wrong, the decision (whether severe or mild) which one passes on the faults of others
2b) in a forensic sense
2b1) the sentence of a judge
2b2) the punishment with which one is sentenced
2b3) condemnatory sentence, penal judgment, sentence
3) a matter to be judicially decided, a lawsuit, a case in court

2919 ~κρίνω~ krino \@kree’-no\@ perhaps a primitive word; TDNT-3:921,469; {See TDNT 412} v AV-judge 88, determine 7, condemn 5, go to law 2, call in question 2, esteem 2, misc 8; 114

1) to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose
2) to approve, esteem, to prefer
3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion
4) to determine, resolve, decree
5) to judge
5a) to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong
5a1) to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one’s case may be examined and judgment passed upon it
5b) to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure
5b1) of those who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of others
6) to rule, govern
6a) to preside over with the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and rulers to passjudgment
7) to contend together, of warriors and combatants
7a) to dispute
7b) in a forensic sense
7b1) to go to law, have suit at law

2922 ~κριτήριον~ kriterion \@kree-tay’-ree-on\@ from a presumed derivative of 2923; TDNT-3:943,469; {See TDNT 412} n n AV-to judge 1, judgment 1, judgment seat 1; 3

1) the instrument or means of trying or judging anything
1a) the rule by which one judges
2) the place where judgment is given
2a) the tribunal of a judge
2b) a bench of judges
3) the matter judged, thing to be decided, suit, case
1 Corinthians 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge <2922> the smallest matters?
1 Corinthians 6:4 If then ye have judgments <2922> of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
James 2:6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats <2922>?

2923 ~κριτής~ krites \@kree-tace’\@ from 2919; TDNT-3:942,469; {See TDNT 412} n m AV-judge 15, Judge 2; 17

1) one who passes or arrogates to himself, judgment on anything
1a) an arbiter
1b) of a Roman procurator administering justice
1c) of God passing judgment on men
1d) of the leaders or rulers of the Israelites

2927 κρυπτός kruptos [kroop-tos’] or κρυφαίος kruphaios [kroof-ay’-os] from 2928 krupto to conceal (that it may not become known); adj; TDNT-3:957,476; [{See TDNT 414 }] AV-secret 12, hid 3, hidden 3, inwardly 1; 19

1) hidden, concealed, secret

2932 ~κτάομαι~ ktaomai \@ktah’-om-ahee\@ a primary verb; ; v AV-possess 3, purchase 2, provide 1, obtain 1; 7 1) to acquire, get, or procure a thing for one’s self, to possess 1a) to marry a wife

2933 ~κτῆμα~ ktema \@ktay’-mah\@ from 2932; ; n n AV-possession 4; 4

1) a possession
1a) of property, lands, estates
Matthew 19:22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions <2933>.
Mark 10:22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions <2933>.
Acts 2:45 And sold their possessions <2933> and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
Acts 5:1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession <2933>,

2936 ~κτίζω~ ktizo \@ktid’-zo\@ probably akin to 2932 (through the idea of proprietor-ship of the manufacturer); v AV-create 12, Creator 1, make 1; 14

1) to make habitable, to people, a place, region, island
1a) to found a city, colony, state
2) to create
2a) of God creating the worlds
2b) to form, shape, i.e. to completely change or transform

2937 ~κτίσις~ ktisis \@ktis’-is\@ from 2936; n f AV-creature 11, creation 6, building 1, ordinance 1; 19

1) the act of founding, establishing, building etc
1a) the act of creating, creation
1b) creation i.e. thing created
1b1) of individual things, beings, a creature, a creation
1b1a) anything created
1b1b) after a rabbinical usage (by which a man converted from idolatry to Judaism was called)
1b1c) the sum or aggregate of things created
1c) institution, ordinance</Ref> which is also translated creature 11 times

2938 ~κτίσμα~ ktisma \@ktis’-mah\@ from 2936; n n AV-creature 4; 4

1) thing founded
2) created thing

2941 ~κυβέρνησις~ kubernesis \@koo-ber’-nay-sis\@ from kubernao (of Latin origin, to steer); TDNT-3:1035,486; {See TDNT 416} n f AV-government 1; 1 see also 2942

1) a governing, government
  • 1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

2942 ~κυβερνήτης~ kubernetes \@koo-ber-nay’-tace\@ from the same as 2941; ; n m AV-master 1, shipmaster 1; 2

1) steersman, helmsman, sailing master

2961 ~κυριεύω~ kurieuo \@ko-ree-yoo’-o\@ from 2962; TDNT-3:1097,486; {See TDNT 418} v AV-have dominion over 4, exercise lordship over 1, be Lord of 1, lords 1; 7

1) to be lord of, to rule, have dominion over
2) of things and forces
2a) to exercise influence upon, to have power over

2962 ~κύριος~ kurios \@koo’-ree-os\@ from kuros (supremacy); TDNT-3:1039,486; {See TDNT 418} n m AV-Lord 667, lord 54, master 11, sir 6, Sir 6, misc 4; 748

1) he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord
1a) the possessor and disposer of a thing
1a1) the owner; one who has control of the person, the master
1a2) in the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor
1b) is a title of honour expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master
1c) this title is given to: God, the Messiah
  • For Synonyms see entry 5830

2963 ~κυριότης~ kuriotes \@koo-ree-ot’-ace\@ from 2962; TDNT-3:1096,486; {See TDNT 418} n f AV-dominion 3, government 1; 4

1) dominion, power, lordship
2) in the NT: one who possesses dominion

2964 ~κυρόω~ kuroo \@koo-ro’-o\@ from the same as 2962; v AV-confirm 2; 2 1) to make valid 2) to confirm publicly or solemnly, to ratify

2965 ~κύων~ kuon \@koo’-ohn\@ a root word related to 420; n m AV-dog 5; 5

1) a dog
2) metaph. a man of impure mind, an impudent man. ... scavenging canine; (figuratively) a spiritual predator who feeds off others. [A loose dog was disdained in ancient times – viewed as a "mooch pooch" that ran about as a scavenger.]

2970 ~κῶμος~ komos \@ko’-mos\@ from 2749; ; n m AV-revelling 2, rioting 1; 3

1) a revel, carousal
1a) a nocturnal and riotous procession of half drunken and frolicsome fellows who after supper parade through the streets with torches and music in honour of Bacchus or some other deity, and sing and play before houses of male and female friends; hence used generally of feasts and drinking parties that are protracted till late at night and indulge in revelry
  • For Synonyms see entry 5937
  1. 1049 ~γαζοφυλάκιον~ gazophulakion \@gad-zof-oo-lak’-ee-on\@ from 1047 and 5438; ; n n AV-treasury 5; 5
    1) a repository of treasure, especially of public treasure, a treasury
    It is used to describe the apartments constructed in the courts of the temple, in which the not only the sacred offerings and things needful for the service were kept, but in which the priests, etc, dwelt: #Ne 13:7; of the sacred treasury in which not only treasure but also public records were stored, and the property of widows and orphans was deposited. Josephus speaks of treasuries in the women’s court of Herod’s temple. In the N.T. near the treasury seems to used of that receptacle mentioned by the rabbis to which were fitted thirteen chests or boxes, i.e. trumpets, so called from their shape, and into which were put the contributions made voluntarily or paid yearly by the Jews for the service of the temple and the support of the poor.