Quantum Connection?
Quantum Connection? 2012-06-02
Straight talk on BlogTalk
Half hour on Head-Heart duality of creation?
Keys of the Kingdom
Liberty Radio Live - 2 hour
Spirit and other things?
Self Help hallucinations?
Harmony and impure entanglements? Ideas and other idolatry?
An in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room.
Sabbath Hour Making a quantum connections on Freedomizer Radio
Opening the door, Be still and know
Strings of the Veil??
Living next to heaven and hell
Half hour on Freedomizer explaining the invisible
Strings of the veil
It's out there. Your spiritual song may vibrate "strings" that resonate with and even help form an alternative, parallel reality. What would you rather have, knowledge or understanding?
What is better, science or revelation?
Scientists and mathematicians are only just beginning to become aware of things that have been understood by men of God for millennia.
There are realities that are seen and not seen, except by those who humble themselves before God and understand that it is futile to try and know it all, other that what God shows them. Then acting on divine revelation they become like Christ and begin more and more to see another realm and reality that is all around - the very Kingdom of God. 121103-1-2-veilstrings.mp3
Mysteries of the Universe
The universe is divided between light and darkness but darkness does not exist. It is merely the absence of light. So from one point of view there is no division and still from another there is.
But because creation, Nature and Nature's God hates a vacuum there is an undeniable effect of the presence of darkness, which is again merely the absence of light.
Light flows like wind and water and even fire. That flow constantly seeks to enter the darkness but because of choice the light may be resisted, blocked, denied but not without effect.
Darkness is associated with terms like hell and evil or chaos but also beasts and devouring of one another. These words are symbols of the conflict between light and darkness or good and evil which are the result of free choice.
There is choice.
There is free will.
But free will exists within the law of reality.
Evil is merely the absence of good as darkness is the absence of light and what we call sin is merely the evidence that darkness reigns in creation. But it only reigns where it can block out the light.
Darkness and the creatures of creation that dwell in the shadows of darkness can only create more darkness or take the light which it will accept. That light has frequencies that the dwellers in evil
The conflict between these two realms pulls on all creation in hope and manifestation. The creative nature of the choices of creation give rise to a substantive universe in which all may dwell.
The division of light and darkness is a product of choice and an element of creation which gives rise to substance (earth) and allows flow of breath (air), water and energy (fire).
You may choose to become compatible with the character or spiritual DNA of the dwellers of darkness in which case they can draw you near or even into their realm.
Choice is not made in the mind but in the Spirit and the mind is merely the surface of the intellect upon which the evidence of choice is projected and perceived.
You may choose to jump out of a plane but you may not be able to choose to jump back in once you have left the habitation of the plane.
In the darkness dwells those who will not accept the light. That habitation is a creation of and by choice when that which was created chooses to reject the light which is the only true reality. When we reject the light, the truth, we are drawn into the shadow of darkness where we are altered.
To imagine that the intellect or what some have called the tree of knowledge, and the physical DNA is all there is, causes us to live in darkness separated from the light of understanding.
This will distort our reality internally and externally. We will be torn between two worlds and become subject to those who would rule over us, devour us, consume us. If we seek to rule others, covet others and their life we will become compatible with those who dwell in darkness and they will draw us into darkness, into the real, and habitation of unrighteousness.
Mystery of the veil
What is the "veil" and how do we see what is on the other side of it?
We must humble ourselves before God and let him speak directly to us and reveal...
We must act in the name or character of Christ and take the light or revelation that is given to us to those places of darkness so that God will give us light more abundantly.
We will not be able to stop the law of God if we seek the right way of Christ.
It takes congregations gathering in his character for this opportunity to take place in a meaningful way and a network of doers and not just hearers in which Christ may dwell.
This way the kingdom within you may manifest and it will be on earth like it is in heaven. We need to get the physical to resonate with the spirit of God's way on this journey in a physical world. 121103-3-4veilmystery.mp3
Spiritual DNA and Gene Expression
DNA and Epigenetics DNA is a combination of molecules and atoms aligned in a harmony or symphony of life. Our physical DNA is a product of our inheritance from generation to generation. But we have also inherited choice. Much of our physical DNA is not "turned on" because we have turned our back on the light of creation. We have preferred the comfort of lies rather than the revelation of truth within our hearts and minds and therefore within our DNA.
Our active physical DNA is an expression of our spiritual DNA which is a product of our choices as much as our inheritance within the physical realm.
- Grassroots. Sole entity. Relationship between a man and a woman. Mutual symbiotic relationship. Made in the image of God. Human biology, cells. DNA. Health. Thoughts can change DNA. Meditation can reduce levels of pro-inflammatory genes. God's thoughts revealed by Him. Dr. Bruce Lipton, change perception. cancer. Poisons in environment, diet. Beliefs, reality. Nocebo Effect. Doctors are not God. Self-healing, Placebo Effect. Giver of life. Spiritual DNA. ribK2 and cox2 genes - histone genes. Diabetics. Subconscious thought. Epigenetic memory and inheritance. Meditation, mindfulness. Your Mind Can Keep You Well by Roy Masters. Positive thought, selfish hearts. Power of indwelling Holy Spirit over selfish subconscious mind. Evidence of indwelling Holy Spirit. control. Christlikeness, servanthood, the "God" gene. Fear. Frequencies, prayer, fasting. Real, healing, life-giving love. RNA, nucleotides. Mind of Christ
http://www.hisholychurch.net/kkvv/x3folder/140113societypaths02Epigenetic.mp3 You can find these and many more audio files at Audio2012
Now seeing heaven from earth or looking for heaven, the kingdom of God or the kingdom of light for god is light, we may see from another point of view.
What will we see?
We may see that "... from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.In this realm there is a kingdom of heaven which is the kingdom of God, or the right to be ruled by God." Matthew 11:12
He said make straight the way of the Lord.
That way was by faith, hope and charity and the perfect law of liberty where we did not covet our neighbor's goods or take a bite out of them by praying to men who exercise authority one over the other to take from our neighbor so that we may have life or comfort.
Our comforter was the power, spirit, breath of God the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of life.
We learn to live by faith when we live by love.
When we give up our life willingly we may have life more abundant because life flows through us in righteous sacrifice making us compatible with God and the realms of light and life and incompatible with the realms of darkness and destruction.
What does the kingdom of God and life look like in our world and what does it not look like?
When we seek to bring men under bondage we ourselves are drawn into the dark realms that choose to turn from the light.
When we go under the bondage of men it is evidence that we are straying from the path to life and righteousness of God and heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven
He preached it... We are to seek it...What is it?
Chapter 6. of the book The Covenants of the gods
Heaven vs Heaven
Audio http://keysofthekingdom.info/COG-06.mp3
Text http://www.hisholychurch.org/study/gods/cog6hvh.php
13. The Kingdom of Heaven from the book Thy Kingdom Comes
The State of the Nation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
Seeking the kingdom, The Law of God of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
What does the Kingdom look like? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
Assembling a congregation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
Where to start seeking the kingdom of God
Point of contact on Liberty Radio Live, 1:43 minutes http://www.hisholychurch.net/audio/KOK-111224PCM.mp3
- 1/4 5 minutes about Xmas... The "cruelty" of Christ... standing fast in the way of the liberty... loving rebuke of ambassadors and other foolish virgins. Shallow roots of Messianic Jews and modern Christianity. Fasting from your hiding place... suffering the light...18min Handling the truth that you might not be saved... balking at picking a PCM 29mi
- 2/4 Ways that expose the evil in the dark and sort the sheep from the goats... before the things to come... Scaring emperors in righteousness, The master of tough love...there is the rub,,, in the name of Christ??? The red letter doctrines.
- 3/4 Quantum spiritual reality... PCMs are connection points... living network hubbub and worker bees
- 4/4 1812 war and beyond "the-power-that-would-be" who hate you keeping records... "A PCM" This guy has go it... weather in the chat the room. Living Networks work... with team work... the gift that keeps on giving... blunt love...
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